Friday, August 23, 2013

Different Kinds of Dog Allergies - Essential Facts That You Must Know About Them

Dogs are great companions, friends and partners with whom you can really enjoy some great activities. They are just like a child that is why it is greatly essential for you to take care of all their needs and requirements. Some dogs are prone to various dog allergies that are mostly caused due environmental changes. If your dog is suffering from any allergy then he might suffer from itching, hair loss, skin irritation and redness.

Some dog allergies are mild while other can be medically grave. If your dog is facing a serious problem then you must immediately take them to your vet. In this article, I would mainly like to tell you about some common dog allergies from which your dog might suffer.

1. Allergies that are caused via food
Food allergies are the most common and your four legged friend might suffer from then at some stage of his or her life. This allergy is mainly caused due to dog food which includes beef, corn, dairy products, soy, chicken and eggs. If your beloved friend is suffering from this allergy then the symptoms would include excessive itching, redness of the skin, hot spots and hair loss. To cure your dog you must take them to your veterinarian and you must also change their dog food.

2. Inhalant or atopic allergy
This is the most severe allergy that can be caused due to dust mite, pollen grains, molds, dust, feather and grains. The symptoms include face rubbing, hair loss, itching, pimple like lesions, pustules, red bumps, papules and biting. If the cause of the allergy is not possible to remove completely from the environment then you must use dog care products like shampoos, corticosteroids and allergy shots.

3. Bacteria allergy
Only some breeds of dogs tend to suffer from bacteria allergies. The symptoms of this allergy include hair loss, pus pockets, crusts on skin and red blotches. You must give your dog anti-biotic to cure them from this allergy.

4. Flea allergies
This allergy is just like the food allergy and it is mainly caused due to flea saliva. Your dog might suffer from sore formation, itching, redness of the skin and hair loss. The fleas suck your dog's blood that is why in order to save them you must use medicated shampoos and you must give them a bath in cold water.

5. Contact allergies
Dogs who are very sensitive mostly suffer from this allergy. It may be caused by pet sweaters, wool bedding, plants, trees, collars, fleas and chemicals. The symptoms include hair loss, redress and itching.

Well these are the different types of dog allergies from which your beloved dog might suffer.

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