Sunday, June 2, 2013

Asthma And Allergies - 3 Solutions That Can Work For Both

Asthma and allergies are common respiratory conditions that continue to affect millions each year. And even with all of the latest technologies and advances in science and medicine, there is still no definitive cure for either. However, here are three very effective steps you can take to minimize the disruption that these conditions can cause.

Life Style---Any change that you can make in a natural way should always be one of the first avenues to explore. And since reducing contact with offending triggers is often the best solution, there are many changes you can make in your life.

Here are suggestions for things that you can control. If you're already in love with a warm-blooded pet, never mind this. But consider having fish, or cold-blooded pets rather than warm-blooded pets (dogs, cats, birds, ferrets) that shed dander.

Let friends and family who are smokers know that your home is a smoke-free environment and ask that they respect your wishes when they are in your presence. Use household and personal products that are fragrance-free.

The changes needed in your habits and choices you make might be slightly more challenging. But here they are anyway. Get a good night's sleep every night. A well-rested body yields an immune system that is stronger and better able to help your body remain healthy. Eat well, meaning fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats. Stay hydrated with water. Avoid large amounts of sweets, caffeine, fatty foods, and salty snacks.

And finally, exercise in a way that encourages you to be active. If going to the gym feels you with dread, then get creative and find a physical activity that you look forward to---dancing, biking, gardening, hiking, walking are just a few to explore.

Medication---Even though there are no definitive cures, there are lots of different types of medicines that can keep these conditions from dictating your life and the things you do. Both allergies and asthma there are 2 types of medicines. One type is designed to handle acute reactions. The inhaler for asthma and Epi-pen for allergies are both fast acting and are designed to prevent flare-ups from becoming life-threatening.

There are allergy shots that can be administered over the course of months or sometimes years. These are designed to desensitize the body to known allergens, and make the body more able to tolerate contact with these substances.

Filtration---Since flare-ups of both conditions are literally triggered by contact with allergens that the body views as a threat, the best defense is still a good offense. Avoiding particles and gases that cause the body to go into overdrive is still the best solution. But exposure to them can be difficult to control.

Dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollen, pet dander, smoke, fragrances and airborne chemicals are all around. But with 24 hour filtration with a HEPA air cleaner, you can drastically reduce the number of allergens to which you are exposed.

This can allow you to really relax at home giving your body time to rejuvenate. Knowing that your air is as clean as it can be also gives you and those who love you emotional security about your health and continued well-being.

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