Monday, July 22, 2013

Bladder Infection - Make It Go Away

What Is It?

Cystitis or urinary tract infection, also known as a bladder infection, is a condition in which irritation ensues anywhere in the urinary tract, including the urethra all the way to the end of the bladder lining. This occurs mostly in women, and it is most common in women who are sexually active or who have begun menopause. A bladder infection can be chronic or just a single episode and when treated properly it should not reoccur.

The Symptoms of a Bladder Infection include burning during urination and often an increased need to urinate though out the day and night. Also it can also come with pain in the pubic region and lower back area.

This can become very serious and affect the kidneys if left untreated. If this happens the symptoms will become more intense and include blood in the urine, vomiting, fever, chills, back pain, and pain in the lions.

Word of Caution: If you have any of the above symptoms, i.e., blood in the urine, seek prompt medical attention. You can still use natural methods, but find out what's going on, and how advanced it may be. Traditional medicine may not be perfect, by a long shot, but it will give you a diagnosis and allow you the time to treat naturally.

The primary causeof a bladder infection is bacteria that has not been, or the body has been unable to eliminate it from the urinary tract.

There is an increased risk of bladder infections during menopause. This is because levels of the hormone estrogen diminish in the body, which allows the bacteria to stick to the lining of the urinary tract much easier.

To Prevent bladder infections women should:

Avoid urinating immediately after intercourse, put it off as long as possible. It is the full urination that allows the body to more effectively remove the bacteria from the urinary tract.

Your contraceptive choice may need further consideration. Avoid the large fitted diaphragms as they prevent effective voiding of the bladder, specifically after intercourse. And contraceptive sponges can create the same or similar problems. Better contraceptive options would be to have your partner use a condom or use a cervical cap.

Some Natural Remedies

Aromatherapy: Take a bath using one or more of these essential oils: chamomile, juniper, bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, and sandalwood. Using these oils with massage around the low back will also help relieve the lower back pain.

Your diet is also paramount. Change from processed foods to organic, and/or natural. Increase your vegetables, fruits, and complex whole grains. Eat only free-range meats, poultry and wild-caught fish.

Eliminate all processed, and commercial food, as well as sugars, artificial sweeteners, coffee, milk, dairy products, wheat products, food dyes, and refined carbohydrates. Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils and fats, and no saturated or trans - fats either. Replace them with virgin coconut butter or oil, virgin olive oil, unrefined hemp seed, sunflower oils, walnut and extra virgin olive oil and high lignin flax seed oil.

Also avoid the amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and tyramine and any foods containing them. These particular amino acids can cause irritation in the urinary tract. Foods containing these are citrus fruits, yogurt, bananas, chocolate, avocados, figs, dried fruits, mushrooms, leavened bread, pasta, pizza and commercial vegetable and fruit juices. All of these can aggravate the condition.

Drink 16 ounces of either organic, unsweetened cranberry or blueberry juice, both are high in natural sugar called mannose, and this will help to prevent bacteria from sticking to the cells of the urinary tract. Also, drink plenty of pure, filtered water during the day.

And in addition to all this also have yourself screened for potential food allergies, and avoid those foods for which you tested positive.

Herbs that will help include fresh parsley, eaten raw or as a tea, corn silk, goldenseal, uva ursi, marshmallow leaf, buchu, and crouch grass. These can all be taken as infusions or as teas.

Homeopathic remedies that are useful include Apis, Belladonna, Arsenicum, Berberis, cantharis, Calcarea, Causticum, Conium, Mercurius, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, sepia, and Pulsatilla. A trained homeopath can help you select the appropriate remedies for your specific needs.

Juice combinations that will help to relieve symptoms are: carrot and apple; cranberry; carrot, parsley, celery and spinach; beet, cucumber and carrot, and you can also add garlic or onion juice, and also watermelon juice.

The nutritional supplements that will help is beta carotene, zinc, vitamin A, and acidophilus.

And for a faster recovery add a 翻 teaspoon of mannose powder to pure filtered water and drink it every 1 to 2 hours.

For a topical treatment use a 翻 teaspoon of plain, organic yogurt and apply it to the opening of the vagina after intercourse.

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