Friday, August 2, 2013

Irritable Male Syndrome

As men advance towards middle age, they undergo some hormonal changes. Though these changes are not as dramatic as women undergo during menopause, the effects can be felt sharply over the years. Men begin losing testosterone at about 10%  a decade after the age of 30 and by the time they reach 40, they can feel the effects. This decline is often an underlying reason behind Irritable Male Syndrome. In other words, men become highly irritable and experience mood swings due to low testosterone levels.

This decline in testosterone not only affects their moods and state of mind but is also responsible for loss of lean muscle, weight gain, decline in libido and erectile dysfunction, decline in bone density and strength etc. There is hardly any part of the body that is left untouched as a result of dipping testosterone levels.

Though there are methods such as testosterone replacement therapy wherein it is injected through shots, it is not considered to be a very safe proposition since it can lead to various sort of complications and side effects. Testosterone replacement therapy can even lead to testicular cancer.

Nonetheless, there are methods that can help enhance your testosterone levels naturally through simple changes in your diet and lifestyle. Your diet should comprise of adequate proteins, moderate amount of fats and essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and restricted in carbohydrates.

Moreover, intense physical workouts in the gym are also known to increase your testosterone levels. Reducing stress also plays a very crucial role in enhancing testosterone production. Just like the above factors, adequate sleep is important to keep your testosterone at an optimum level, Lack of sleep increases stress and leads to the production of stress hormone or Cortisol which inhibits and diminishes production. Over and above, there are some natural supplements that can help boost your testosterone levels and elevate mood.

Check out more on Irritable Male Syndrome and how to overcome it naturally.

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