Monday, June 24, 2013

Comparison Of Conventional And Homeopathic Asthma Treatment

Many options exist if you need an asthma treatment. To find one that is right for you, it is necessary to consider the severity and type of asthma from which you suffer, as well as the kind of relief that you wish to receive. If you go with a conventional treatment, you'll find options that focus on preventing or controlling symptoms. Homeopathic treatments, on the other hand, often attempt to actually provide a cure.

At best, conventional medicine can offer long-term control. This generally means taking some kind of medication, usually by using an inhaler or taking a pill, on a daily basis. It's not a cure because if the medication stops being taken, then its effects wear off and symptoms immediately return. It may suppress the disease, but the disease still exists.

For asthma that is triggered by an allergy, conventional medicine offers the option of treating the allergy. If an allergy that triggers attacks is under control, then the attacks will stop. This can be done with nasal sprays, pills, and shots. If the allergy stops being treated, then attacks will probably start happening again, so this is not a cure either.

The third main conventional option is quick-relief medication that alleviates symptoms. It is a short-term solution, usually only used during an actual attack. It comes mainly in the form of an inhaler but can also be taken orally in some cases. Obviously, this is not meant as a cure.

Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, offers a bit more hope. The practice of homeopathy encompasses a variety of treatments from independent sources. Many of these types of treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA, though this does not necessarily mean that they won't be effective.

There are homeopathic options that are meant to have effects similar to conventional ones, only controlling or preventing symptoms. The more common approach of homeopathy, however, is to attempt treatment of the underlying cause. Correcting the root cause of a disease essentially cures the disease itself.

Benefits and risks both exist when trying homeopathic options. Benefits include the fact that they tend to be all-natural, and they are mostly considered to be very safe. Obviously, the chance for a real cure instead of a temporary solution is a definite benefit. The biggest risk involved is that the effectiveness of homeopathy isn't always supported by scientific and clinical evidence. This certainly does not mean that it can't be effective. Still, it is a good idea to exercise caution, especially if you completely give up conventional asthma treatment in favor of trying a homeopathic option. You'll want to find a reputable source of homeopathic medicine. You may also want to at least consult a conventional doctor who has familiarity with your case.

The best and only current hope of a cure for asthmatics probably comes from homeopathy. Conventional asthma treatment only aims to prevent or offer relief of symptoms. Choosing to go only with conventional options means giving up on the idea of ever being cured.

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