Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Allergy Prevention - Guard Yourself From Allergies

Allergies are considered as one of the most common ailments affecting young and old alike. They are characterized by an inflammation of the nasal passages caused by irritants like pollutants, chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, and other substances that contain allergens. The good news is, they can be avoided, let's take a look at some allergy prevention.

When we talk about allergies, they are usually linked to allergens or factors that cause them. You can have allergies from airborne substances, foods that you eat, and even from your surroundings. Pets like cats and dogs, down pillows, and medications can also cause allergies. In some cases, they occur when you're allergic to the products you use like cosmetics, hair sprays, and the like.

If you want to guard yourself from allergies, your best option is to prevent them in the first place. You can do this by staying from allergens, the culprits behind your allergy. Start by staying away from foods that you're allergic to. Be cautious especially when you're eating out. Make sure you know the ingredients behind ever dish you wish to order just to be on the safe side.

Another effective preventive measure is to keep your home clean at all times. Wipe away dusts by wiping your windows and furniture and vacuuming your floor regularly. Avoid using home cleaning products rich in chemicals especially those that give off strong odor. Keep your house well ventilated, keep those windows open and take away those thick curtains.

Allergy shots became very popular in combating allergies. However, they're only recommended for those with severe allergies since they are expensive with no assurance of totally eradicating your allergies. Meanwhile, you may still opt for natural treatments like eating garlic, onion and spicy foods which are proven to thin out mucus.

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