Thursday, July 18, 2013

Get Ready For Allergy Season

Well its almost that time of year again. The ice begins to melt, the flowers will start to bloom and allergy sufferers will be sneezing and sniffling. You don't need to be caught off guard by the spring allergy season, and can take steps to prepare for it. According to the farmers almanac this spring should be very wet which is bad for allergy sufferers.

Check The Levels Most major newspapers and news channels on television report daily allergen figures. Keep yourself informed everyday and make a effort to stay indoors when the levels are really high. You should also remember to keep your car windows rolled up during high level days. The best natural allergy cure isn't a miracle herb but avoiding exposure in the first place.

Stock Up Make sure you have a good supply of whatever medicine or supplement you use to control your allergies. If you get allergy shots make sure that you have kept them up and schedule a doctors appointment. Do research on any natural allergy cures you might want to try and find a local naturopath who will help you and suggest some natural allergy cures if you want to try that route.

Stay Clean You have to make a strong effort to keep clean during the allergy season. When you come in from the outside take a shower if you can and wash away those allergens. If you do not have time for a quick shower you should at least change your clothes. Keep your pets clean as well, remember pets are a major source of bringing allergens into your house. Dogs love to roll around in the grass and find all sorts of ways to get allergens attached to them. Try and keep your dog inside during peak levels or at least limit their exposure.

There might not be any cure for your allergies but you can reduce the impact they have on you but first you need to become informed and know what allergens you need to avoid.

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