Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Allergy Season Is Just Around the Corner

For some in the Chicago area, allergy season means a trip to one the various hospitals in Illinois for shots and more. The three recommended treatments include avoidance, immunotherapy and medication. The first of these, avoidance, is up to the patient. The experts recommend the following suggestions to avoid some allergens. During the pollen season when the pollen count is high, stay indoors as much as possible. This is especially important during windy days, which can happen frequently for those in the Chicago area.

Another way to avoid some allergens is to dust proof your home. Since you spend so much time in the bedroom sleeping, it is especially important to dust proof that area. If possible eliminate wall-to-wall carpeting, Venetian blinds, down-filled blankets or pillows and clean out closets filled with clothes. Another way to help eliminate allergens is to wash bedding, curtains and clothing often in hot water to eliminate dust mites. Also, keep the bedding in dust covers when possible.

During the windy days it is recommended to use air conditioning rather than opening the windows and letting the allergens in. If possible consider use a dehumidifier in the damp areas of the home and keep it clean. Use good filters with your heating and air conditioning units and change or clean them often. If you are going to work in the yard during pollen season you may consider wearing a mask over your mouth and nose. And the number one avoidance option is to get out of town and head to the ocean during the heaviest part of the allergy season.

If these still don't keep you out of one of the hospitals in Chicago area you will probably then be provided the other two treatments for allergies. The first of these is immunotherapy, more commonly known as allergy shots. This is most commonly used for patients with hay fever and/or asthma. Some of these are provided in centers for home health care in Illinois also.

The shots include a mixture of the various pollens, mold spores, animal danders and dust mites to which the patient is allergic. The mixture in the shot is a vaccine called an allergy extract. What it often does is build up the immune system in the patient to fight off the allergens by itself. Even though these often work, it is important to remember that you need to keep taking your medication until your immune system is built up and you should continue to eliminate the allergens in your home.

The third treatment provided by Chicago south west suburbs physicians for allergies is medication. There are many effective medications that your physician can prescribe to help you during the allergy season. Antihistamines are used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever and other allergies. Decongestants also are used to treat allergic reactions such as nasal congestion.

For those who need stronger medications based on the severity of their allergic reactions there are bronchodilators to help open the narrowed lungs and relieve the symptoms. There are also anti-inflammatory medications to decrease the inflammation that occurs with asthma. The newest kid on the block are anti-leukotrienes that help decrease the narrowing of the lung. Be sure to consult your physician for more information before taking any allergy medication.

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