Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Should Toddlers Have Allergy Shots?

There has always been fear connected with allergy shots for a toddler or infant. This fear has its roots in the occasional but rare severe reaction to the allergy shot. So what are the benefits and what are alternatives

If the cause of an allergy can be detected at the outset then this of course gives the best means of defense by training the toddler to avoid contact. There are some difficulties when toddlers are outside in the open air where pollens are airborne.

With the indoor allergy causes such as molds and dust mites etc the obvious solution is to clean the house and rid the area of these causes. Yet even here there are exceptions because cleaning wont do the whole job when the smallest particle of the allergy substance will do harm to the super sensitive toddlers skin or airways. There is the further issue of insect bites and bee stings which cant always be anticipated. In such cases there needs to be planning ahead to know exactly what to do especially with any life threatening bite or sting. Added to all this is the whole matter of allergy to foods and that's a whole other matter.

Medications for allergies are common these days and are very effective in reducing allergic reactions. Scripts containing Claritin and Singular are widely used in prescriptions these days and with the toddler must of course be administered in the correct proportions according to a doctor's direction.

Having prescribed shots administered for a toddler are universally accepted as safe and can even have the effect of helping the young child develop immunity over time. These shots are generally most effective when given over a period of several years, which enables the Childs body to slowly develop immunity with risk.

There are two phases in the administering of allergy shots. The 'buildup stage" where small but increasing doses of allergen are given so that the toddlers system adapts to the allergen without a reaction. These shots may be three times a week up to seven months and it has the same effect as a vaccination program

There is a time of maintenance now that follows this is to complete the immunizing process and give an close to permanent benefit. When the body has developed a high immunity to allergen then this is to be followed up with monthly shots over three years

If there are any side effects these will be minimal and can range from a mild irritation at the place of the shot to at worst colds or skin hives. There are however some rare but very serious reactions such as anaphylaxis and if this occurs which is indicated by shallow restricted breathing you need to get emergency help from doctor or hospital. If there is any history of anaphylaxis in the family or any previous testing for it then the antidote injection needle can be supplied to have on hand. The substance is simply adrenalin, which immediately relieves the symptoms

To give a toddler the allergy shots is a serious commitment and a visit to local doctor before application for some advice will be well worth your peace of mind. However to ignore the issue is to possibly leave your toddler at risk as in the case of bee stings and other insect stings, which can give strong reactions. To have a life long benefit for the toddler into his or her adult years is the benefit gained.

Copyright Leonard Greenhall

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