Saturday, August 10, 2013

Asthma Affects Millions of People

Each year asthma gets more and more common among people, asthma rates in children is sky rocketing, 17 million Americans have asthma, and nearly 5 million of those, are children. A Harvard university study states that every year, thousands of people in the U.S. die prematurely from heart and lung disease from causes traced to particulate air pollution.

Asthma is a common condition that has several different patterns, and affects many people around the world. There are many factors to this, one, is your family history, did someone in your family tree suffer from asthma? Some can be triggered by dust allergens, pollens, pet dander, exercise and even environmental pollution. Desensitization through the use of allergy shots may lessen or even prevent attacks. Air barriers and filters can also help reduce or avoid an asthma attack all together.

Attacks can be avoided quite often by knowing the signs and symptoms. As we grow older, asthma attacks seem to lesson, but tend to return later on when you grow old. But in some cases, people in their older years can become burdened with asthma, and even start having severe attacks. Asthma conditions in older people as opposed to younger people can be quite different. In older adults, respiratory diseases such as a cold, flu and airborne allergens like dusts, smoke and pollen are the most common triggers in asthma sufferers.

Older people are likely to have other health related issues like diabetes, heart problems and even high blood pressure. Regular medications may be missed or not taken, which can lead to sudden flare ups, they may forget to take the right doses, or may not be able to diagnose they symptoms of an asthma attack soon enough. Warning signs can be difficult for older people to recognize. Old patients need to be treated with less aggressive remedies than the ones that are actually needed.

How many millions of people suffer from asthma? It is estimated that three hundred million people worldwide suffer from some type of Asthma, it has also been estimated that by the year 2025 there will be at least one hundred million more people that suffer from asthma, so the true answer to this question would be, way to many. Asthma can strike anyone, at any time, especially children. Like we have said, children can outgrow this condition, but more than likely have it flare up in their elderly years.

The truth is, asthma can hit people, no matter what age they are, or whether they are female, or male, in any country all over the world, we cannot hide from it. There are so many people with asthma around the world that are unaware that they even suffer from asthma, cause they haven't gone to be diagnosed by a doctor. There are signs and symptoms you should look out for, breathing problems, tightness in the chest when you exercise, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

It would be in your best interest for you to be checked, otherwise, you could well end up being one of those people who live among us day by day and are not aware that they suffer from such a dangerous debilitating illness. Be aware of your body, we only have one, so do your best to carefully watch, and diagnose all types of health conditions, could help you live a long life free of illness and disease.

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