Saturday, August 10, 2013

Asthma Affects Millions of People

Each year asthma gets more and more common among people, asthma rates in children is sky rocketing, 17 million Americans have asthma, and nearly 5 million of those, are children. A Harvard university study states that every year, thousands of people in the U.S. die prematurely from heart and lung disease from causes traced to particulate air pollution.

Asthma is a common condition that has several different patterns, and affects many people around the world. There are many factors to this, one, is your family history, did someone in your family tree suffer from asthma? Some can be triggered by dust allergens, pollens, pet dander, exercise and even environmental pollution. Desensitization through the use of allergy shots may lessen or even prevent attacks. Air barriers and filters can also help reduce or avoid an asthma attack all together.

Attacks can be avoided quite often by knowing the signs and symptoms. As we grow older, asthma attacks seem to lesson, but tend to return later on when you grow old. But in some cases, people in their older years can become burdened with asthma, and even start having severe attacks. Asthma conditions in older people as opposed to younger people can be quite different. In older adults, respiratory diseases such as a cold, flu and airborne allergens like dusts, smoke and pollen are the most common triggers in asthma sufferers.

Older people are likely to have other health related issues like diabetes, heart problems and even high blood pressure. Regular medications may be missed or not taken, which can lead to sudden flare ups, they may forget to take the right doses, or may not be able to diagnose they symptoms of an asthma attack soon enough. Warning signs can be difficult for older people to recognize. Old patients need to be treated with less aggressive remedies than the ones that are actually needed.

How many millions of people suffer from asthma? It is estimated that three hundred million people worldwide suffer from some type of Asthma, it has also been estimated that by the year 2025 there will be at least one hundred million more people that suffer from asthma, so the true answer to this question would be, way to many. Asthma can strike anyone, at any time, especially children. Like we have said, children can outgrow this condition, but more than likely have it flare up in their elderly years.

The truth is, asthma can hit people, no matter what age they are, or whether they are female, or male, in any country all over the world, we cannot hide from it. There are so many people with asthma around the world that are unaware that they even suffer from asthma, cause they haven't gone to be diagnosed by a doctor. There are signs and symptoms you should look out for, breathing problems, tightness in the chest when you exercise, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

It would be in your best interest for you to be checked, otherwise, you could well end up being one of those people who live among us day by day and are not aware that they suffer from such a dangerous debilitating illness. Be aware of your body, we only have one, so do your best to carefully watch, and diagnose all types of health conditions, could help you live a long life free of illness and disease.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Treat Pollen Allergies

Pollen allergies may result in several symptoms that may include general malaise, coughing, runny eyes, sneezing, and sniffling. This type of allergy is also commonly referred to as hay fever. The individuals prone to these allergies usually suffer during the fall and spring months. Following is a step-by-step guide that will help you get rid of all the problems related to this type of allergies.

One of the best ways to treat pollen allergies is to eat local honey. FDA has not yet recognized it, but numerous anecdotal evidences are there to prove its effectiveness. Based on various researches and studies, it has been found that honey collected by local bees can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of these allergies. Eating honey can be very useful in building up your immunity to the allergen. Honey can also act as a vaccine of sorts because it naturally contains pollen by-products. Before the allergy season begins, you are strongly recommended to take one teaspoon of local raw honey at least two times a day.

Chiropractic And Acupuncture Therapy
When it comes to treating pollen allergies, chiropractic and acupuncture therapies can also prove to be very useful. However, the results will depend upon the qualification and experience of the practitioner you have chosen. The best therapists in this regard are the ones who are highly experienced with the ASERT techniques. ASERT stands for Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique. Many patients have taken advantage of these therapies. The best thing about these therapies is that they don't have harmful side effects. Besides that, these therapies don't even require you to take medications. You can start noticing the positive results within just a couple of days. In fact, all your allergy symptoms may disappear completely within just a few weeks.

In order to treat pollen allergies, you may also like to try immunotherapy, which requires you to visit an allergist for allergy shots. In this process, first of all, an allergy test will be conducted in order to find out the actual allergens that are triggering the specific symptoms you are suffering from. The allergist will then inject you with some allergy shots. These injections carry substances (in very small amount) that you are allergic to. The objective is to make your body used to those triggers. If you carry on with this therapy for a couple of months, your symptoms will start disappearing fast.

If you cannot eliminate the exposure to allergens completely, you should at least try to reduce the amount of exposure. For example, avoiding contact with pollen is the best way to reduce the symptoms of pollen allergies. In order to prevent pollen from getting spread to your pillowcase, you should always wash your hair thoroughly before you sleep. There are several others things as well that you can do in this regard. For example, when you come home from outside, you must take a shower immediately and change your cloths.

Why Do I Get Toothaches If I Have Sinusitis?

A sinus infection can cause your teeth to ache - especially in the upper teeth, which are close to the sinuses. This is fairly common. If you have a persistent toothache, it is always better to see your dentist first for an exam. If your dentist rules out a dental cause for your toothache, your symptoms may be caused by a sinus infection or other underlying medical condition.

So, why do my teeth ache?
Toothaches caused by sinus infection can occur when the maxillary molars, the roots of the upper back teeth, extend into the maxillary sinus cavity. To see if this is the case, your dentist can take a periapical x-ray that shows the sinus area above the tooth roots.

How will I know if my toothache is caused by a sinus infection?
The first thing most dentists perform is a percussion test. The dentist gently taps on the tops of the teeth to see which teeth hurt. In most cases, when there is a dental problem, only one tooth will hurt when tapped. All your teeth will hurt if it is a sinus problem.

When you have sinusitis, your nasal passages or sinuses fill up with liquid and cause the sinus cavity to appear white and murky in a periapical x-ray. A normal sinus looks black in an x-ray.

What do I need to do to treat the infection?
In most cases, prescribing antibiotics for 10 - 14 days will eliminate the infection. If the pain does not resolve after the round of antibiotics, you should see an experienced ear, nose and throat physician to determine why the problem persists.

My teeth still ache. What is happening?
Your condition may be chronic and a repeating sinus infection toothache is one of the symptoms.

What should I do for the pain?
There are some home techniques that can be helpful with the pain you are experiencing. Nasal sea salt sprays and washes can be bought from most pharmacies. Using these sprays or washes several times a day will keep your nasal tissues moist and this will allow the sinus to easily drain into the nose. Relieving the pressure in the nasal passages will also help relieve the pain in your teeth.

What can I do to treat my chronic sinusitis?
Chronic sinusitis can be bacterial or non infectious. Both have different medical treatment options. Many people with non infectious cases respond to topical or oral steroids or nasal wash systems.

Depending on the severity of your infection, there are different treatment options your doctor may consider. Generally, antibiotics will be involved for bacterial cases. In worst case scenarios, sinus surgery can be done.

Chronic sinusitis can be difficult to treat because treatment may require the coordinated efforts of several specialists to treat all of the aspects of the disease. If antibiotic treatment fails, allergy testing, desensitization, and/or surgery may be recommended as the effective means for treating chronic sinusitis. A vast majority of people who undergo surgery have fewer symptoms and a better quality of life.

Sinus Infection Treatment

You need to know that allergic rhinitis treatment actually consists of staying away from the specific "allergens" that is responsible for your symptoms. There is no doubt that a sinus infection can be very annoying. Thankfully, effective and safe sinus infection treatment is available to help you get some relief from sinus pain, pressure and infections. You can make use of medicines in order to control the symptoms, and in serious cases, going over to your doctor to get allergy shots (also known as "immunotherapy"). If you have a sinus infection during certain times of the season, then you will only require a sinus infection treatment during that period of time.

Because allergic rhinitis is something that does not actually have a cure, and can be quite frustrating to treat; a lot of people may use alternative allergic rhinitis treatment. However, many of the alternative allergic rhinitis treatment solutions either have not be properly researched or have not been proven to work. Some of the treatments may also be outrageously expensive, and some can actually be a health risk.

Sinus Infection Treatment

Home care can actually help to open up the sinuses and help relieve their dryness.

Encourage Drainage:

You can encourage drainage by drinking a lot of water and consuming beverages that are hydrating like hot tea.

Inhale steam 2 - 4 times each day by simply putting your face over a bowl of really hot water (the water should not be on the stove) or making use of a steam vaporizer. You should inhale the steam for a period of ten minutes. Taking a steamy hot shower can also be of great help. Mentholated preparations can be added to the hot water or vaporizer in order to help in opening up clogged up sinus.

Thin out the Mucus:

This is one sinus infection treatment that can provide a wonderful relief for sinus infection sufferers. Expectorants are medications that can help get rid of mucus from the respiratory passages and lungs. They also help to thin the mucous secretions, thus encouraging drainage from the sinuses.

Relieve Pain:

Pain and inflammation can be relived with pain medication like naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen. These drugs help to open the airways by simply helping to reduce swelling.

Nasal Saline Irrigation:

This is one well known part of sinus infection treatment. There are different ways to conduct nasal irrigation, the most common remedy is the use of the "Neti-pot" - this is a ceramic pot that looks pretty much like a cross between Aladdin's magic lamp and a small teapot.

A couple of Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) doctors highly recommend nasal irrigation with Neti-pot in order to help with clearing the crusting in the nasal passage. A lot of people that suffer from sinus infection make use of this pot in order to relieve nasal congestion, facial pressure and pain and reduce the dependence for nasal sprays and antibiotics. Consult with your doctor prior to making use of nasal saline irrigation.

Is There Any Way to Reduce Ear Infection Tinnitus?

Most people know what an ear infection is and they do not want to have one. Add in tinnitus which is basically ringing or a noise in the ear and that equals misery for the patient. Many physicians feel ringing in the ears can be caused by a basic infection. There are ways to reduce ear infection tinnitus.

There are many forms of tinnitus but one that deals with ear infections is basically called Chronic Sinusitis Tinnitus. This is caused by thickened mucus becoming stuck in the middle ear and being unable to drain out. This action builds up pressure and is thought to cause the noise.

The best way to prevent the ear infection tinnitus is to not have it begin. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, then the best way to fight it is to visit your primary care physician. Discuss the issue. If you feel that the allergy issue is beyond the general physician, ask for a referral to an allergy specialist. They may recommend allergy testing to find out the nature of the allergy as well as recommend a regimen of allergy shots.

There are ways to fight these symptoms. Besides the allergy shots, a physician may recommend medications to alleviate the symptoms. There are also alternative therapies for this problem. Sound therapy is one such alternative method. The ear is basically retrained. This therapy improves the quality of sleep as well as reduces the patient's stress.

There are ways to reduce ear infection tinnitus. A patient can have hope. Controlling their allergies is one main suggestion that will help them. Regular communication with a physician is a great way to get the ball rolling. Allergy medications or alternative therapies may help also. A patient will have to take the time and experiment to find the program that works best for them.

Wrist Joint Pain

There are several symptoms that will inform you of wrist joint pain and condition. You will start to experience a lot of burning in the wrist. Also, you will start to feel numb and eventually develop a tingling feel that is pretty uncomfortable. The causes of wrist joint pain are very many and are sometimes very complex. You will not be in a position to grasp objects. You will experience some swelling and you need to get help fast.

There is a common syndrome that is known to affect the wrist and cause wrist joint pain. The condition is caused by typing on the computer for a very long time without a break. It can also come as a result of using a vibrating tool. People who play handball and tennis will also suffer from the condition. This condition is known as the carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition does not discriminate and it will affect people of all ages.

Chronic wrist joint pain will be triggered by other diseases and, they may be arthritis or rheumatism. You will also suffer from this kind of pain when you suffer an injury. Such physical trauma may leave some bruising on you it is a sign of the injury. You can never be too sure of the extent of the injury. This is the reason why it is important to see a doctor.

The doctor will determine whether the wrist joint pain is caused by a bone fracture or whether it is a sprain. Other conditions that can be a possibility are tendinitis and bursitis. When the problem is established, you can now focus on getting better. This is because the symptoms will be dealt with as well as the underlying cause. There are very many remedies available to treat the wrist joint. You can either use ice cubes or relaxing gels for quick action.

The doctor will prescribe anti inflammatory drugs and ointments to remedy the condition. The treatments will not only reduce swelling but, they will also alleviate pain. In very bad cases, a hormone base called cortisone will be administered. It is admixture in shots which can be very painful. However, the treatment is very effective.

The doctor will expect information on when you started experiencing the problem and what the symptoms were. They will then judge whether your condition is chronic or acute. Tests like x ray will help determine all these. The examination will be done in various angles of the wrist to determine the problem.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dangers Of Self-Medication

Pill-popping has become a common practice today. The stressful conditions under which we live, the competition at work or business, the struggle to keep up with the Joneses, has taken a toll on human health. About 50% of the general population suffers from headaches several times during the month. Dyspepsia, heartburn and peptic ulcers are other common complaints. As depression, insomnia, allergies and various other problems increase, pharmaceutical companies flood the market with new drugs. There are pills available even to combat laziness or shyness. Ingenious advertising and aggressive marketing have turned us into a generation of pill-poppers.

Self-medication is the use of drugs without a doctor's advice. Medicines may be recommended by a family member or a friend or a pharmacist.

Reasons for Self-medication:

• Lack of time to see a doctor. Inability to get a quick appointment. The battery of unnecessary tests ordered for a simple illness is both expensive and time-consuming.
• Illness may be too mild to warrant a visit to the doctor.
• A similar complaint may have been treated successfully through a previous prescription. So the medication is repeated.
• Too much information culled from the internet or magazines makes people confident about treating their own illness.
• Non-availability of a doctor in the vicinity. The hospital or clinic may be a long distance away.
• Poverty. A doctor's fees may be unaffordable.
• Easy availability of over-the-counter drugs.
• Home remedies that have been used in the family with success.
• Elderly people are suspicious of allopathic medicines. So alternative therapies are commonly used in developing countries.

The Dangers of Self-medication are many

1. Habituation. Many become addicted to prescription drugs such as cough syrups, anti-allergic drugs, antacids, pain relievers or tonics. Newspapers often report about Hollywood actors checking into rehabilitation facilities for addiction to prescription drugs.
2. Allergic reactions that may be severe or even fatal. Antibiotics like Penicillin or Sulpha drugs can cause very severe reactions.
3. Irrational drug combinations are available in the market. Some of them may be dangerous especially if taken with alcohol or other substances. Even food supplements and tonics can sometimes be harmful.
4. Under-dosage may not cure the symptom. Over-dosage can produce collateral damage to heart, kidneys or other organs. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics through wrong dosage or insufficient duration may lead to resistance or a sudden allergic reactions. As a result, when there is need for an antibiotic, it may be ineffective.
5. Even an overdose of vitamins may have an adverse effect, especially fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.
6. Cheap and substandard drugs are of no use.
7. Addiction to psychotropic drugs such as LSD, Ketamine, cocaine, marijuana is on the increase.
8. A symptom like headache or nausea may be common to many medical diseases. By masking the symptom temporarily, it will be difficult for a doctor to arrive at a correct diagnosis.

Drugs most commonly used are painkillers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like brufen or ibuprofen increase the risk of stroke by four times in a person suffering from high blood pressure. They also cause gastric problems. COX2 inhibitors affect the heart. Paracetamol, aspirin, anti-allergic pills, anabolic steroids - any of these can produce side- effects detrimental to health.

How to discourage self-medication:
Sir William Osler said "One of the first duties of a physician is to educate the masses when not to take medicines."
So the most important thing is to educate the general public on the dangers of self-medication. Health talks can be given in schools or colleges or even at the grass root level through talks, slide shows or videos. Every drug must be regarded as potentially dangerous if taken indiscriminately. Medication should be taken on the advice of a doctor or a trained health professional.

Proper drug control is very important. Drugs should not be dispensed without prescriptions. There should be proper maintenance of records of dangerous drugs, by shops selling medicines. Drug inspectors should be more vigilant in checking these pharmacies. Many patients rely on the pharmacist to recommend drugs for their ailments. Sometimes antibiotics are given only for a day or two. There should be some restrictions on over-the-counter drugs.

Slack implementation of drug control is the reason why pharmacists feel free to prescribe at will. People vary greatly in their sensitivity to drugs. One person's dosage may be a little too much for the next person, resulting in toxic reactions.

Doctors too should be conversant with the properties of the drugs they prescribe. There are patients who demand antibiotics for the slightest indisposition such as a common cold. They should be discouraged. When an antibiotic is prescribed they should insist on the patient taking the entire course. They should also create awareness about the dangers of mixing drugs.

Self-medication is dangerous. Only the ignorant and the ill-advised will subject themselves to medication for every minor complaint. Pregnant women should be doubly cautioned as it can have adverse effects on the unborn child.

The next time you are tempted to pop a pill just stop and think!

The Medical Clinic - What To Expect From It

Most clinics nowadays have their own specialization; meaning, they can be classified according to the specialty of the doctor practicing his profession in it. For instance, clinics ran by clinical psychologist are called psychology clinics; clinics ran by physiotherapists are physiotherapy clinics; clinics that focus on treatments of women who want to get pregnant are called fertility clinics; clinics that provide skin care treatments are dermatological clinics; and so on and so forth. They are called specialty clinics. More often than not, however, when we speak of a medical clinic, most likely we are referring to a general practice that is run by one or several practitioners of general medicine. But what could the general public expect from a medical clinic if, unlike the specialty clinics, its area of specialization is not specified?

It is natural for people who find that they may be suffering a health condition to seek consultation. They would then proceed to a clinic to have some examinations conducted and, if necessary, treatments done. The conditions treated in a clinic range from acute minor illnesses such as back pain, headaches, allergies, sprains or broken bones, respiratory infections and minor lacerations, to chronic conditions which include asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even immunotherapy, or providing allergy injections, is performed in a medical clinic.

But medical clinics are not all about treating health problems. It also offers preventive care to patients. As more and more people become health conscious, they are often found making their way to a clinic to have their cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels screened. You can also go to these clinics if you are in need of immunization services. Flu shots, tetanus shots, HPV vaccines, and others, can now be made more accessible to patients via these clinics. Did you know that travel vaccines are also available to those who are frequently flying or traveling from one place to another?

Physicals and general check-ups need not be done in large hospitals. But a medical clinic is also fully equipped to accommodate these regular checks. Prior to a major surgery, the patient to be operated on would have to be subjected to some preoperative physical checks. These checks can be done at a medical clinic.

We mentioned specialty clinics earlier; their existence does not preclude the offering of their services in a general medical clinic. In fact, you will find many medical clinics these days that also offer services on men's and women's health. The presence of gynecology clinics does not mean gynecology exams are no longer performed in medical clinics. The same is true for fertility conditions and also issues on sexually transmitted diseases. While it is true that eating disorders often fall under a psychologist's care, people who suffer from them can also approach the practitioners in a medical clinic.

Have you ever wondered about the human resources powering a medical clinic? You will be welcomed by nursing and assistants and be taken care of by nurses and physician assistants. Of course, the ones who would mainly look into your condition and lead the treatment would be the doctors themselves. You can count on these medical professionals to provide topnotch service since they are representing the clinic they work in, just as the professionals in larger facilities or hospitals are also serious in doing their jobs.

Can You Treat Trichotillomania With Holistic Medicine?

Trichotillomania is an impulse control or brain disease similar to OCD or addiction where the person pulls out their own hair. The hair can be located anywhere. Trichotillamania may be caused by trauma, rape, physical violence, torture, child abuse, and very severe emotional abuse. It may be minor and easily managed or severe. This disease can overwhelm the person. It is very important for the person with this disease to eliminate or minimize exposure to any severely negative people in their life that are abusive or exploitative. It is an emotional disorder that usually needs several therapies in order to be managed successfully. There are many alternative therapies which are untried for this illness, but these may successful due to the large emotional component of the illness. Trichotillomania seems similar to addiction, OCD, and a bad habit. Quieting the mind should be one of the goals of any therapy. Alternative therapies that quiet the mind include Yoga, scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), botanical extracts, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS),and orthomolecular medicine.

This person must be evaluated by a medical professional. A full physical and diagnostic testing of hormones and neurotransmitters must occur. This patient must be evaluated for AIDS and a brain tumor. There are several diseases that are severe enough to result in very irregular symptoms. It is extremely important to be very aggressive in treating this disease. Amino acids therapy for this may be useful and could include 5-HTP, theanine, GABA, and phenylalanine. Chinese herbal patent formulas may be considered along with Chinese liquid herbal extracts. Scalp acupuncture may be very successful in treating this type of illness. It should be done with larger needles for this type of disease. Scalp acupuncture treatments last about thirty minutes to one hour. It may take nine treatments in order to see results. Laser therapy using a cold medical grade laser may work well on this patient. You may need several sessions of cold medical grade laser therapy before you see a significant change.

It is important for this person to sleep well and eat a well balanced diet without nitrates, amines, and food dyes. This person should avoid genetically modified foods, food additives, MSG, tumeric, and drink plenty of pure water to stay fully hydrated. The diet should allow Swiss method decaffeinated coffee or organic coffee and tea. This person should consider trying the Rotation Diet where each food may be eaten once during a four-day period. It is also a good idea to identify and reduce exposure to all allergens. You may want to consider some form of allergy treatment. Convention allergy treatments with shots is one alternative. NAET is a non-painful alternative that incorporates chiropractic and acupuncture with a special diet to treat allergens. This person needs consider a form of regular exercise like the walking, gym, biking, Bikram yoga, hiking, and dancing.

穢Dr R Stone, MD-India

American Bulldog and Dog Allergies

Different Types and Causes of Dog Allergies

There are many different kinds of dog allergies. The classifications are based on the underlying cause of the allergy. Dog allergies differ based on the allergens, or whatever it is that caused the allergic reaction from your dog's system.

* Allergies to inhalants

Your dog may get irritated by factors that can be found in its surrounding environment. This can be a pretty challenging type of allergy to manage. If your dog is allergic to dust, it would be a bit hard to make sure your dog is safe from inhaling dust. This is also the hardest type of allergy to diagnose.

* Allergies to food

Your dog's system may not be readily compatible with some dog foods. Since dog foods contain a variety of ingredients, your dog may have an allergic reaction to one or a number of ingredients in the dog food that you give it. Mostly, the ingredients of dog food include beef, chicken, pork, milk, wheat, and many others. Also, if you serve other kinds of food to your dog aside from dog food, be careful about the ingredients as well.

* Allergies to fleas

Flea allergies are pretty easy to diagnose. Aside from excessive scratching, flea allergies are usually characterized by scabs and sore spots. If your dog has fleas, then there is a pretty high chance that it also has flea allergies.

* Allergies to bacteria

Most dogs are exposed to bacteria. However, if your dog is highly sensitive, it can have allergic reactions to bacteria. This can also lead to more serious infections, so it should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed.

How to Know If Your Dog is Allergic to Something

Dog allergies are very much like human allergies. Both allergies show the same set of symptoms. The top symptom of dog allergies is scratching, which is a very common symptom of human allergies as well. If your dog is constantly scratching itself such that it already causes concern, it might already be an allergy. Your dog may also react to the itchy feeling by licking the infected area. Be sensitive enough to know when your dog's scratching and licking are out of the ordinary. You can also detect dog allergies through other symptoms such as sneezing and any abnormality pertaining to its eating habit, bowel movement or breathing. Some types of dog allergies can also cause hair loss. Another telltale sign is when your dog becomes teary-eyed or suffers from a runny nose for no reason at all.

Treating Your Dog's Allergies

To treat allergies in dogs, identifying the main cause of the allergy is very important. Food allergies can be treated by identifying which ingredient is the main cause of the allergy. Atopy or allergies caused by inhalants can be treated in several ways. If it is not possible to avoid the main cause of the allergy, antihistamine medications, allergy vaccines, and cold baths can relieve the allergy. Flea allergies, on the other hand, should not just be relieved. This is a pretty irritating type of allergy, so it is better to completely remove the cause - fleas. Consult your veterinarian for medications that can help eliminate fleas. Bacterial allergies can also be treated in the same way - by eliminating the main cause. Antibiotics are your best bet against bacterial allergies.

The Pros and Cons of Cortisone Shots For Tendonitis and RSI's

Cortisone shots are one of the most common treatments that doctors prescribe for tendonitis conditions like tennis elbow and RSIs such as carpal tunnel syndrome. But do they really work?

I'll address that question below, but to begin with, what is cortisone anyway? Cortisone is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It is technically a cortico-steroid (not to be confused with the anabolic steroids that bodybuilders often use), and it is essential to maintain proper function of your body. Aside from certain people who suffer from Addison's Disease, it is naturally produced by every human being, so no one is allergic to it.

If you get a cortisone shot, you probably won't be injected with the pure stuff. Instead, cortisone derivatives such as Kenalog or Celastone, which last longer and produce fewer side effects, are more commonly used. Also, there is usually a pain reliever included in the shot. People who suffer allergic reactions to the shots are generally allergic to the pain reliever rather than the cortisone derivative itself.

Cortisone can be effective in suppressing inflammation for short periods of time. This will provide some pain relief, but without addressing the underlying cause of the condition, the pain will return after the effects of the shot have worn off. Also, there is a limit to the number of shots that can be performed within a given time period, since animal studies have shown that cortisone can weaken tendons and cartilage in joints when over-administered via local injections. (This is not a problem with oral cortisone doses, which are absorbed by the body gradually over a period of time.) This possible adverse effect is more worrisome in younger people, as their joints and tendons are still healthy, so patients below the age of 25 especially are encouraged to exhaust all other forms of treatment before getting cortisone injections. With older patients, whose joints generally have already experienced significant damage, it is not as much of a concern. Also, certain tendons - the Achilles tendon in particular - are prone to rupture even when the injections are performed with the utmost care.

Inflammation, while often a useful physiological reaction, can actually hinder healing when it is present in excess. The idea behind a cortisone shot is that by helping to suppress unnecessary inflammation, it will thereby aid in healing. However, the most recent medical studies are increasingly showing that tendonitis, RSIs (tennis elbow and runner's knee; carpal tunnel syndrome and related conditions suffered by data entry professionals) and the like are not actually caused by inflammation, but by some other mechanism -- the most likely culprit being direct damage to, and/or fraying of, the tendon. This, of course, calls into question the entire rationale for the shots in the first place.

So why do patients report a decrease in pain? For starters, not all do - cortisone shots are reported as being effective in only about 50% of the people who receive them. For those that do experience relief, the most likely explanation is that the analgesic included in the shots has a temporary deadening effect on the pain. Also, placebo effects are powerful and can never be discounted.

While cortisone shots are a very effective treatment for certain conditions such as arthritis in older patients, there are serious questions as to their effectiveness when it comes to conditions like RSIs, tendonitis, tendonosis and the like. In younger patients and runners suffering from Achilles tendonitis in particular, it seems that there are more effective tendonitis treatments available, with a better cost/benefit ratio and far better success rates. Admittedly, cortisone shots are relatively inexpensive, easy to administer, and don't take a lot of time. Further, they fit very well into the usual medical paradigm of addressing a condition rather than the cause of the condition. And, of course, doctors can monitor their use. But when you consider the discomfort of receiving an injection directly into damaged tissue, the questionable mechanism by which it is supposed to work, the coin-toss percentage of patients who report even temporary pain relief, and the possibility of potentially severe side effects, it makes sense to try other treatments first.

If you're looking for a tendonitis treatment that will address the underlying cause of your condition, doesn't require a physician's supervision, is extremely safe and that you can control in your own home, simply click on the link.

Cockroach Allergies - An Allergen on the Rise

There's nothing more unsavory than the thought of sharing your home with a metropolis of cockroaches. Yet, no matter where you travel-from the jungles of Brazil to the streets of New York City-there are few places that cockroaches will not follow. Notable figures in history were not spared from the grotesque plague of roaches-apparently Thomas Edison applied his know-how to construct a cockroach zapping device out of tinfoil and a large battery.

Though the idea of living with cockroaches is cause enough for dismay, if you also have a sensitivity to cockroach allergen, the situation could be life threatening. Cockroach allergy is associated with dangerously acute asthma attacks.

Roach allergies were first recorded in the early 1940's, when tests showed that after a cockroach crawled across the arm of patients with the allergy, a rash appeared on the skin minutes later. Since then, the number of allergic individuals has risen substantially. Statistics show that more children are allergic to cockroaches (37%) than to dust mites (35%) or cats (23%). The cause of the increase in sensitization is this:

  • The number of asthmatics has risen in general. In the past 30 years, the occurrence of asthma has become so common, that it is now considered one of the most prevalent chronic disease of childhood

  • More people are living in cities and urban environments, where the cockroaches thrive and spread. This increased contact causes sensitization. Inner city children have a higher rate of hospitalization for asthma-most believe that this number corresponds with cockroach allergies

  • More time is spent playing inside by children-video games, TV and other popular entertainments are indoors. For inner city children, physical safety can also be a reason for more time spent inside than out. Yet, being indoors increases the chances of coming in contact with cockroach allergen

The Effects of Roach Allergen:

The effects of roach allergies The allergen produced by roaches is a protein found on their bodies and in their saliva and droppings. An allergic reaction can occur when sensitized individuals inhale, swallow or touch traces of this protein. Continued exposure can cause asthma symptoms-and attacks triggered from cockroaches are characterized by their severity. Inhaling a small amount of the allergen can cause attacks that last for hours.

Cockroaches are often thought of as an indicator of a dirty environment-but this is not necessarily the case. Apartments, condominiums, row homes and duplexes can spread cockroaches from one living quarter to another, regardless of the cleanliness of occupants. Buying a piece of furniture from a yard sale can import the bugs into your home, yet even a new piece of furniture stored in a warehouse or kept with older pieces can be a vehicle for spreading roaches. Cockroaches are perhaps the most invasive allergen:

  • Studies have revealed that 78 to 98% of urban homes have cockroaches

  • Each home with cockroaches roughly has from 900 to 330,000 of the insects

  • Private, well insulated homes are just as susceptible to cockroach infestation as apartment buildings

  • Once you have seen one cockroach, you can estimate that there are already 800 hidden in your walls

How to Manage Roach Allergies:

  1. Remove cockroaches from your home. It is suggested that you contract a professional pest exterminator

  2. You can also use poison baits, boric acid and traps to keep new populations of roaches from moving in. It is advisable to avoid most chemical treatments as they can irritate the delicate airways of asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

  3. Store all food in air tight containers

  4. Do not leave food waste trash exposed-if need be, place it all in a separate bag and tie it off between filling it. Put food waste in outdoor garbage cans at the end of the day. Make sure that all garbage cans have tight fitting lids on them

  5. After your pets are finished eating, remove excess food and wash the dishes. Often the dog bowl doubles as the cockroach bowl

  6. To manage nasal and sinus symptoms, use antihistamines, decongestants and anti-inflammatory medications. Your doctor will also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications and bronchodilators if you have asthma

  7. If you symptoms persist or are severe, you should consider visiting an allergist and getting allergy shots. Over time this will reduce your sensitivity to the cockroach allergen.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Allergy Medication And Other Treatment Options

Being dependent on allergy medication can be difficult for anyone, as it would be great to just wake up without sneezing, itching and watery eyes, and general all around misery. It would probably also be nice to be able to go outdoors or smell some flowers without the same symptoms! But in truth we are very fortunate to live in a world where we have access to allergy medication so that we don't need to suffer these symptoms, but of course some other treatment options are advisable as well.

Remember how allergy medication works when choosing your treatment method. Allergies are a sign that you immune system is not working properly; when you come into contact with something that you're allergic to, your body responds the same way it does when fighting off an illness or germs. The immune system goes into overdrive and sends out what is called histamines, which react to the irritant. Antihistamines then stop this process and block these histamines so you don't have this reaction. An allergy medication then stops your body from the reaction that causes your sensitivity to an allergy; it doesn't cause your body to not be allergic anymore.

Most allergy medication is harmless and the process it creates is actually much healthier than suffering through allergy symptoms. Those histamines, since they are reacting to something that is not really a danger, become the irritant to a patient. Decongestants are different; long-term use can actually make symptoms worse and should not be used for chronic allergies. Some allergy medication is available as shots, and these usually help your body to adjust to its own reactions to allergies so that you no longer have the symptoms.

There are other options for those who don't want to use just allergy medication. Usually treating your symptoms can be done with natural options. If you have skin allergies, warm baths and showers can help to ease your symptoms. Natural skin creams with oils such as aloe, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, and other organic ingredients can work better than harsh chemicals in most skin lotions. Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. Aloe Vera is a naturally cooling gel and the botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

For allergies of outdoor things such as pollen and ragweed, insulating the home with double-paned windows can help to keep these elements out of the house. Gargling with warm salt water can help to ease a closed throat. Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies' immune system. Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Of course, if you've been prescribed allergy medication or have severe allergies, it's imperative that you take your meds and call emergency services if you have an allergy attack that keeps you from breathing. Allergies are very serious and can lead to anaphylactic shock and death, so it's important that you pay attention to any and all symptoms of a severe allergic reaction.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Animal Allergies

Allergy symptoms like itchy eyes or difficulty breathing can be cause bay an animal especially if it is a pet. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 60 million people suffer from allergies. Up to 30% of these people suffer from reactions to cats and dogs.

An allergic reaction is caused by protein particles generally found in pollen, food and dander. These particles are ingested, injected or absorbed through the skin. Although many allergies are inherited, some can be developed through repeated exposure to a substance.

Allergic reactions are commonly a stuffy nose, red, itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties and rashes and swelling. A more serious reaction is anaphylactic shock causing dizziness and unconsciousness which can result in heart failure and death.

Animal allergies are usually caused by saliva, urine and skin secretions. A dog produces a substance which helps maintain a healthy coat. When this substance dries, it causes dander. A cat is constantly licking and cleaning itself. Its saliva contains Fel D1, a protein that can cause an allergic reaction. Other animals have allergy producing substances.

There are several options to minimize or eliminate the effect of allergies created by animals especially pets. Do not allow a pet in the bedroom. Use HEPA air filters and purifiers to maintain a clean air environment. Frequent bathing an brushing of the animal to minimize the allergen. The hypoallergenic breed of cat which has lowers levels of Fel D1 has been helpful in reducing cat allergies.

Medications such as nose sprays and pills are also available to treat allergy symptoms. Antihistamines such as Allergra and Claritin suppresses the immune system chemical that is activated in an allergic reaction. Cortiosteroids such as Nasonex is a nose spray that reduces inflammation. Decongestants shrink swollen nasal passages. Cromolyn sodium and leukotriene modifiers prevent the release of the immune system chemical. Rinsing the nasal passages with salt water can also be very effective. When these treatments do not work, immunotherapy, a series of shots containing small doses of the allergen, can be used to eliminate the allergic reaction. A doctor can best determine the appropriate treatment.

The Steps To Becoming Well Endowed With Natural Methods - What To Expect - I Went From 5.5 to HUNG

The way I went from having a below average penis size to being very well endowed was by following a very simple and straightforward natural penis enlargement program where I used nothing except my own two hands (and a hot wet wash cloth to warm up) to enlarge my penis. This is the method I recommend for any guy wanting to get bigger, because the bottom line is it works, it works quickly, and it works permanently. You will not see results even close to what I achieved naturally by using pills, pumps, extender devices, or even surgery. If you take action with natural penis enlargement methods like I did, the following is what you should expect as you progress toward your target size.

1. Your penis will start feeling "fuller" when flaccid (within two weeks). Even before you start seeing your first erect size gains, you'll notice within the first couple weeks of exercising your penis with your hands that it feels more full and plump in the flaccid state. You may even start to gain the confidence to let the towel drop in the gym locker room before you get your boxers pulled up! The reason your penis will feel like this in the flaccid state is because one of the benefits of penis exercises is to improve the health of the blood vessels in that region and to promote better blood flow. Blood will flow better to your penis throughout the day which will result in a more meaty flaccid hang rather than a shriveled up turtle head!

2. Your erections will become stronger and more frequent (within two weeks). Even before you see a discernible increase on the ruler, your erections will feel fuller and stronger and you will get them more often. This is also due to improved blood flow and improved penis health in general. You'll also find that doing penis exercises with your hands keeps you more "in touch" with your penis and you'll start feeling more confident about it even before it is noticeably bigger. Therefore, your libido will increase and you will see more spontaneous erections. I especially noticed this effect of natural penis enlargement after only a day or two of working out!

3. Your penis will start feeling thicker when you masturbate (within three to four weeks). The way I noticed that I was truly gaining in girth was that when I gripped my penis during masturbation, there was less overlap between my thumb and fingers. When I pulled out the tape measure to confirm, lo and behold, I was actually developing a thicker penis! I remember that moment because it provided huge motivation to keep going. It was a, "yes, I really am making my penis bigger!" moment. The majority of guys are like me and noticed girth gains before length gains, but that isn't always the case -- your mileage my vary.

4. You see your first length gains (within four weeks). I noticed my length change on the ruler for the first time after four weeks of exercising. This is why I recommend that once you start a natural penis enlargement routine, you don't measure again until you've completed four solid weeks of workouts. Even if you're a fast gainer, you're not going to notice the small incremental changes that take place on a day-to-day basis, so why measure every day or even every week? Once every four weeks is enough to gauge your progress, and your gains will be big enough to give you big monthly shots of motivation! Even more motivating is the knowledge that everything you gain... is permanent!

Lamictal Rash Lawyer

Lamictal, or lamotrigine, is an anti-seizure medication that has been prescribed to treat epileptic seizures for about 10 years. In addition to its mood stabilizing effects, Lamictal has antidepressant effects as well that have been prescribed for bipolar or manic depressive patients. Some researchers have suggested that Lamictal be the first-prescribed medication for bipolar patients suffering from more depressed versions of the disorder. Often antidepressants prescribed for bipolar disorder will trigger manic phases, increasing the rate of unhealthy mood swings, but Lamictal does not appear to have this same effect.

As an anti-epileptic drug, Lamictal is considered broad spectrum. This means that it effectively treats both partial-onset and generalized-onset epilepsy. It is thought to do this by inhibiting sodium channels and reducing glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter) release. Lamictal is available in tablets of many sizes and doses, with tiny pills available for children.

Lamictal does have a very serious side effect that takes the form of an allergy. The medication can cause a very serious skin rash that, in its worst forms, results in death. When Lamictal was first prescribed about 10% of all patients was getting this life-threatening rash, which is a terrible rate of negative reaction. However, doctors soon found that the likelihood of suffering this allergic reaction decreases the longer the medication is in use. By beginning with a very low dosage of Lamictal and progressively increasing the dosage to an effective level, patients can grow acclimated to the drug and in doing so avoid the rash.

Aside from this rash, the medication seems to have very few negative side effects. A few patients have complained of ankle swelling, and for some the medication simply did not work. No weight gain problems have been described, which is unique among anti-depressant medication. The effects of Lamictal during pregnancy have not been studied, and it the drug is transmitted through breast milk. Nobody knows the damage to infants who are exposed to the medication, so Lamictal should not be used during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. Patients on Lamictal should never breast feed.

If you or a loved one have suffered negative side effects to Lamictal and feel that you were not properly warned about these dangers, contact a lawyer today to discuss your options and possibly engage in a lawsuit to improve the packaging and warnings about Lamictal side effects.

The Insider's Guide To Antihistamine Clarinex

Clarinex is a medication which can be taken year-round by those who suffer from allergies. It is also effective at treating those who suffer from hives or rashes. The active ingredient in this medication is desloratadine, which is an antihistamine. This blocks the immune system's production of the natural chemical histamine, which is produced when the body becomes sensitive to something.

Clarinex is effective at treating allergy symptoms produced from contact to both indoor allergens and outdoor ones. Anything from dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores, to pollen, grass or weeds can cause allergies.

Clarinex is widely used and popular because of its non-drowsy characteristic. Many antihistamines tell users to avoid machinery or driving while taking it, but Clarinex does not. This drug was also the first to boast that grapefruit juice did not affect its absorption.

It is also safe for most people who suffer form asthma to use this medication, although it is recommended that one contacts their doctor before mixing medications of any kind. Reported side effects include dry mouth, fatigue and a sore throat.

This medication comes in many forms which are taken according to age group, severity of symptoms, and other factors. The regular Clarinex tablets relieve symptoms for up to 24 hours and are safe for ages 12 and up. Clarinex 24-hour combines the power of antihistamine and decongestant for people with seasonal rhinitis and congestion. Children as young as 6 months of age can receive relief from indoor allergies, while children 2 and over can experience relief from outdoor ones, with the bubblegum flavored Clarinex syrup.

The syrup formula can also reduce the appearance of hives in children. Because many people are unable to easily take pills or tablets, Clarinex has provided a solution. For those who need another method, Clarinex Redi-tabs melt easily in the mouth. These also provide 24-hour relief and come in a fruit flavor.

The makers of Clarinex, Shering-Plough, claim that taking this medication in the morning will relieve symptoms all the way into the next morning when one awakes. This is a benefit, since many 24-hour solutions seem to wear off while one is sleeping.
Clarinex-D is a stronger formula which does require a prescription.

This also claims to have 24-hour relief all the way through to the next day. This member of the Clarinex family is for moderate to severe allergy sufferers.

Quick Tips for Dealing With Pet Allergies

Americans love their pets, no question about it. We've got gerbils, we've got snakes, we've got ferrets, rabbits, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, and of course, dogs and cats. Although we care deeply for our furry friends, they often cause us some grief in the way of allergies. Can pets be a part of an allergy sufferer's world? In this article, we will tell you the truth about pets and allergies and we'll give you helpful advice just in case you're making the tough decision to give away your pet in order to save your health. Let's get started with some basic information about pet allergies.

About 40% of American households are home to "Fido," and a large percentage of those pet owners test positive for dog allergy; almost 30%. With regard to cats, almost 10 million people in the U.S. have allergic reactions to cats. Allergies to pets can occur at any age, thus they affect children and adults alike. Pet allergen is physically very tiny and light. Originating in your pet's saliva and skin, this allergen floats about within your home and attaches itself to everything, especially carpeting and furniture.

Pet allergy can cause nasal symptoms, respiratory symptoms, as well as symptoms in the eyes and skin. When the symptoms of pet allergy are respiratory, they can occur relatively quickly; with forty minutes after being exposed to a given animal and they can involve wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and hoarseness of the throat. Frequent bouts of bronchitis are often common.

Allergy medications as well as allergy shots (immunotherapy) may help control pet allergy symptoms. If an owner does not want to find a new home for their pet, here are a few ways to decrease exposure to pet allergen:

  • For dogs, bathe the animal as frequently as you can

  • Wipe your pet with a damp cloth or wet towel every day

  • Do not let your pet the bedroom sleep in the bedroom

  • Close the bedroom door and shut the air vents to your bedroom

  • Keep your pet outside as much as possible

  • Vacuum frequently and invest in a HEPA quality machine

  • Purchase a HEPA air cleaner for use in the bedroom and additional areas of your home

  • Improve your home's ventilation. Remember, pet allergen floats about in the air, so try to have a source of fresh air whenever possible

  • Make sure your pet is not infected with fleas as this would cause scratching and a consequent spreading of allergen

Regarding canines, while all dogs have the capability of carrying allergens, there are 10 breeds that are known to cause the fewest allergic reactions. They are as follows: Poodles, schnauzers, Portuguese water dog, soft-coated wheaten terrier, Lhasa apso, Yorkshire terrier, shih tzu, Irish water spaniel, and the Kerry blue terrier.

With regard to felines, the allergen that causes symptoms in pet owners is called Fel D 1, and it is found in the cat's saliva. Since all cats have saliva, there is no such thing as an allergy free cat, but there are some breeds that are best tolerated by allergy sufferers, and they include: Balinese or the long-haired Siamese, the oriental short hair, the Javanese, the Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex, the hairless sphinx, and the Siberian.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Food Allergies - Recognizing Which Food Products Aren't For You

Allergic reactions occur in most people in one form or another. But among the most common types are food allergies, which cause adverse immune system reactions when you ingest a certain food protein. It can be as simple as peanuts, or even shrimp, but the basic principle of reactions is the same.

How The Body Reacts To Allergens In Food

How much the body will react when exposed to a food allergen ranges from mild irritation to anaphylaxis, which has the whole body reacting to the allergen and even possibly causing death.

Depending on the severity of your allergy, reaction to food allergens can occur from a few hours to even just a few seconds after ingestion of the food containing the allergen.

In some types of reactions, it may be that there is just some mild tissue swelling, being itchy and irritating at the most. Of course, the swelling varies, so it can also cause obstruction in the air tract and causing difficulty breathing.

Common Food Allergens

At over ninety percent of all causes of allergic reactions, the most common food allergens have the bulk of the attention given to food allergies.

They are divided into eight materials, and individually they are common enough that a person having an allergic reaction to these food materials better stay away from them to avoid having to undergo treatment.

Being allergic to milk is pretty common, and so are peanuts, eggs, soy, and wheat to name some. These are found in everyday food products that a person allergic to them will have to pay careful attention to what he or she is eating to avoid having an allergic reaction.

Seafood and shellfish are also quite common, though of course, it's easier to spot these among the many food products out in everyday surroundings.

Diagnosis, Testing, And Treatment

If you suspect that you're allergic to a certain food product, it would be best to consult an expert allergist. Your physician will be able to guide you in this area, and recommend someone you can go to. They can conduct tests to see what kind of material you're allergic to.

One common testing method is the skin prick test to see if a person is allergic from the media being exposed below the skin. Another would be the blood test diagnosis for another type of allergen.

The final test type would be to have a blindfold test to see if the patient is allergic to the actual allergen or a placebo. This is usually conducted in the hospital setting where patients may be treated quickly if their reaction becomes severe.

Once a patient has been identified as having an allergic reaction to food products, several treatment options can be taken at this point.

There is no cure if you're allergic to a certain food protein, and most doctors agree that injections or allergy shots don't work for food allergies.

The surest method for treatment of food allergies is avoidance, and with this you'll just have to learn which food your allergen is present in, and avoid it.

For accidental ingestions, epinephrine can be given to stabilize the patient's system. Before you find yourself in this situation though, it would be best to make sure that you know just what to do before a severe reaction occurs.

Angioedema - The Skin Disorder That Welts

Angioedema is a skin condition that involves swelling in both the tissue and mucous membranes. It occurs in much the same way as hives except not on the skin surface. Rather, the welts develop underneath the top layer of skin in the soft tissues. This skin condition typically shows up in the face, feet, hands and genital areas.

Allergies are the leading cause for angioedema. When an allergic reaction occurs certain histamines mix with the blood and then the welts begin to develop. It is not uncommon for the cause of angioedema to not be identified. Many different types of allergic reactions can cause it to occur.

Things that have been known to cause angioedema are allergy shots, cold, sunlight, stress, PMS and pregnancy. It is also possible to inherit this disorder. The type of angioedema that is inherited is a problem in the genes that cause proteins in the blood to function abnormally. Without these proteins working right the immune system is not regulated properly.

The doctor will need to know if your family has a history of skin rash or allergies. A series of skin tests are often called for, as well. Make sure you let your doctor know if you are taking any prescription medications because they commonly cause angioedema.

Angioedema is often mild and will go away by itself, without medical intervention. If you are experiencing a more severe or long lasting case of angioedema then there are several things you can do to help yourself. If your angioedema makes it hard to breathe or swallow then do not wait around. Talk to your doctor immediately.

The two major conventional medicines for treating angioedema are diphenhydramine and loratadine. These are both anti-histamines that cause several side effects like diarrhea, drowsiness and dizziness. They are not a great option for long term treatment because your body can build up a tolerance to them. If you are having a severe reaction you might have to take an adrenaline shot to stop the symptoms from becoming life threatening.

Quercitin is a great natural alternative for dealing with the symptoms of angioedema. It works right at the source by acting as a blockade against histamines. Urtica urens has been used for hundreds of years to fight against allergies and inflammation. Plantago lanceolata and allium cepa are great choices if you are trying to get rid of the itch and swelling that angioedema causes. Going with one, or several, of these natural medicines can save you a bunch of side effects. Make sure you let your doctor know which ones you are using so that he can make other recommendations based upon them.

The Liver Cleanse

Why cleanse the liver?

Supporting your liver may just be the missing key to your optimum health! Your body has an amazing filter--the liver. How often do you change the oil in your car? Every 3,000 miles. How often do you change the filter in your liver? Never. The liver is responsible for over 300 different things; one of them is filtering the blood. The blood comes up into the liver. The liver has two blood supplies, one comes from the lungs and heart and the other from the stomach and intestines. The blood comes in and goes through the filtering process and gets all the impurities out of the blood. It gets oxygen from the lungs, it gets nutrients from the small intestines and stomach, and the red blood cell comes out the other end of the liver and it's all clean and happy and strong and it has oxygen and nutrients. Now it's heading down to feed your body. When the liver gets plugged up the blood comes and it has the oxygen attached to it, it has the nutrients attached to it, but all the toxins have not been removed. So now it has food colorings, preservatives, nitrates, carbon dioxide, you name it, it's stuck onto the red blood cell. Now it goes down to feed your body and it gets pulled into a cell. Because a cell has respiration, it needs to get rid of carbon dioxide and bring the oxygen in, take in nutrients and push the toxins out. So it pulls this in and uses the oxygen, the foods and nutrients, and creates ATP, which is the energy to the cell. All of sudden there is a food coloring, that's a toxin; it's foreign to your body. The cell says, uh oh, someone's moving into the neighborhood and I don't like it. It literally builds a place in the cell where it puts the toxins. Over time and distance, one year, five years, whatever, that shed becomes larger than the brains of the cell. When that happens, the cell says, "The neighborhood's gone to pot." It sends a chemical message to the brain and tells the brain to come down clean up the neighborhood. The brain sends down the cells that kill foreign objects in your body. They get down there and start looking around and say, "Man, the whole neighborhood's shot." So they jump in there and take it all out. A lot of that neighborhood is you. Those are cells you need; this is the birth of an autoimmune disease (i.e.: cancer, lupus, Fibromyalgia, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma, allergies, etc).

The liver secretes vital digestive juices that help properly digest food and cleanse the blood. Pesticides, polluted air, water and soil are inhaled or absorbed daily. Our exposure to toxins is increased by our use of steroids, medications, smoking, over-indulgence of alcohol, poor food choices, and not drinking enough fresh clean water.   There have been over 3,000 synthetic chemicals identified in our (those of us in the USA) food chain. Many of these are cancer causing! With the prevalence of synthetic foods, nutrient deficient foods, and the environmental pollution of our air and water, our liver is working harder than ever to detoxify our body and regulate healthy metabolic activity. Our livers are also in charge of helping regulate and balance hormones, the proper functioning of our neurological system, and getting rid of the normal by-products and toxins that occur just because our body is functioning regularly (in addition to the toxins that we take in from our polluted environment).
Why is the liver important?
The liver is the second largest organ of our bodies. The adult liver weighs 1200-1500 grams (1.2-1.5 kg) and comprises 1/5 of the total adult body weight. It filters 1.4 liters or 3 pints of blood per minute. The liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself. It takes up a lot of space but is not there for padding. 
The liver has over 300 functions, among them are:

  • The supreme organ of metabolism

  • Causes all things to happen in your body the way they should happen

  • Is the main organ for detoxification of pollutants and chemicals in the body

  • Part of the digestive system

  • Responsible for metabolism of fat, proteins, and carbs

  • Creates bile

  • Stores blood and energy reserves in the form of glycogen

  • Stores fat soluble vitamins

  • Helps maintain electrolyte and fluid balance

  • Breaks down excess hormones (like estrogen)

  • Stores certain unresolved emotions, mostly anger, rage, and resentment or bitterness

  • Major detoxification organ through its various enzyme systems

  • A blood purifier

  • Transforms fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances so that they are more easily eliminated

  • When the liver is in failure it is the underlying cause of basically everything that goes wrong with our bodies.

The liver does all of the above and more AND it is one of the most often ignored organs. In the 25 years Dana Clay Young (the formulator of the Be Young brand of essential oils) has been studying the human body and essential oils he has yet to find a single disease that he cannot trace back to the liver.
What are signs I need to cleanse my liver?
Symptoms of a mild liver dysfunction may occur even though blood tests show the liver is normal. Blood tests won't show the liver is in trouble until it is really bad.
Common symptoms due to poor liver function:

  • Abdominal bloating and swelling

  • Allergies (especially sudden or later in life onset)

  • Anxiety, frustration, inability to function harmoniously with those around you

  • Asthma

  • Bad breath in the morning and tongue is coated

  • Cellulite

  • Chemical and environmental sensitivities

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Colds and flues (the liver is responsible for immune function)

  • Concentration and memory problems

  • Constipation

  • Depression

  • Difficulty losing weight

  • Digestive problems

  • Dizziness

  • Drowsiness after eating

  • Elevated cholesterol

  • Fatigue

  • Feeling tired after eating

  • Flatulence

  • Foggy brain

  • Gall stones

  • Gallbladder disease

  • Headaches

  • Heart palpitations

  • High blood pressure

  • Hives, rashes

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Hyperglycemia (low blood sugar), also indicates a yeast or Candida problem

  • If the liver has to work harder than normal you will experience an increase in body temperature.

  • Immune system dysfunction or disorders

  • Inability to handle fats without feeling nauseated or belching

  • Indigestion

  • Irritability

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (where the bowel actions are irregular varying from diarrhea to constipation during a 24 hour period)

  • Jaundice

  • Kidney stones

  • Lack of harmonious flow of vital energies in your body--one minute you're bouncing off the walls, the next you're depressed and lethargic

  • Mood swings-especially involving depression and anger

  • Nausea (esp. after eating fatty foods)

  • Night sweats (not hot flashes, night sweats)

  • Obesity

  • PMS as well as excessive menstrual flow containing many clots of blood

  • Poor concentration and memory

  • Poor digestion

  • Rapid pulse

  • Weak tendons, ligaments, and muscles

  • Weight gain especially around the abdomen

  • And more

As you do the liver cleanse you will experience gradual improvements. You will begin to notice:

  • You will see many cravings go away as you do the liver cleanse.

  • You will feel calmer and have fewer emotional swings.

  • You will discover you have more energy.

  • It will increase your metabolism.

  • Your immune system will be rebuilt.

  • Make sure you have plenty of lemon and peppermint and lemon juice on hand so you don't run out because your family will want to do it too!

  • Make it as ritualistic as brushing your teeth--everyone in the home should do it.

  • You will see amazing changes within your body and your overall health as you embrace health instead of fighting disease.

The liver cleanse is the missing link to optimal health.
It is exciting to see how people feel like they've been freed from the shackles that they've been living in for so long when you explain to them what cleaning the liver can do. 
How hard is it?
Most people think they'd rather die than do another liver cleanse because other liver cleanses are so harsh. This Liver Cleanse is simple, easy, and painless. You can cleanse without hunger, headache, fatigue, boredom, or cravings. That is something that you won't find anywhere out there in the cleanses that are going on--they will require starvation or long-term fasting that is going to produce headaches, fatigue, boredom or cravings like crazy. In fact, it's almost too easy. Many people won't do it because they don't think it's hard enough.
What is the recipe?
Always make sure your essential oils are 100% pure, therapeutic grade, and EOBBD tested for purity before taking them internally! (Like Be Young essential oils.) Other oils can cause challenges ranging from a burned throat to a trip to the emergency room.

The basic liver cleanse recipe:
1 drop Lemon essential oil
1 drop Peppermint essential oil
1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon (or more) freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
Each morning as you rise before you eat or drink anything, 20 minutes before eating.
You can use more than one drop of oil, but when first starting try to get just one drop of each. Some people do it twice a day, depending upon the severity of their challenge. Usually only once a day--if you have a more severe challenge don't overdue it, you can put yourself in a cleansing detox. If you have some severe health challenges we recommend that you consult with a health coach (like us) or that you start slowly. The slowest way to start is to apply the essential oils to the bottom of your feet and add the lemon juice to a glass of water. Some people notice a stomachache upon starting, that means that you are dumping some toxins fast! Back off, slow down, and drink plenty of water.
Depending upon the severity of your condition this cleanse may need to be as long as a year or more before you start seeing some pleasing results. For every year you have seen the effects of a weakened body and congested liver you need one month of cleansing to take place. Optimal cleansing results are seen if you are decreasing the amount of toxins you are putting in your body while doing the cleansing.
If you have high blood pressure that increases with the use of peppermint essential oil modify the liver cleanse this way: Apply Lavender over the heart and at pulse points before consuming the liver cleanse. (What is a pulse point? Where you take your pulse on your wrists.) You can also opt to use Spearmint essential oil, it does many of the same things as Peppermint, but does not elevate blood pressure (note: as you do the liver cleanse you should see blood pressure diminish, be sure to keep an eye on it if you take medications--do NOT go off any medications without consulting your doctor!)
How long should I do this?
Taken upon rising for 28 days, then take 7 days off. After about the 3rd day of being off you will notice a change, allergies may be coming back, energy levels down. Yes, you do need to take the week off.
Some want to know why their liver isn't being "cured" because their symptoms will come back after 7 days. The problem is that we live in a toxic environment, so we have to do the liver cleanse forever.
Why? Because it's so subtle you'll think nothing is happening. After about the 3rd day all your symptoms will begin to return because we live in a toxic environment. The time off also allows your body to "reset" and rest. It's kind of like eating, you should always take time out every now and then to fast, it allows your body to rest and renew.
Why lemon juice?
Lemon juice is phenomenal. Lemon juice will cleanse 12 different things out of your blood. 
It also:

  • Acts as a motor stimulant

  • Alkalizes the pH level of your blood to a healthy level

  • Anti-scorbutic (prevents disease and assists in removing impurities)

  • Antiseptic (prevents sepsis and putrefaction of the body's tissue)

  • Benefits bile formation, which is essential for optimal fat metabolism

  • Calcium builds bones and makes healthy teeth and strengthens and builds the lungs

  • Chelates the blood

  • Contains chemicals that help prevent against the development of kidney stones

  • Dissolves uric acid and other poisons

  • Fixes oxygen and calcium in the liver to regulate blood carbohydrate levels and oxygen levels

  • Helps dissolve and eliminate mucoid plaque from the digestive system

  • Hydrogen activates the central nervous system (oxygen and hydrogen = energy)

  • Iron builds the red corpuscles, cleans the blood plasma, aids in thyroid for deeper breathing

  • Its calcium strengthens and builds the lungs

  • Its sodium encourages tissue building

  • Oxygen within the lemon juice builds vitality

  • Phosphorus knits bones and stimulates brain for clearer thinking

  • Potassium helps nourish the brain and nerve cells

  • Potassium stimulates and builds the heart, kidneys, and adrenals

  • Prevents hardening of the arteries by controlling calcium use

  • Promotes peristalsis (eliminates waste from body via the digestive tract)

  • Relieves symptoms of indigestion (heartburn, bloating, belching)

  • Stimulates the liver

  • The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element

  • The richest source of vitamins and minerals, on land, known to man

If you have stomach ulcers, take lemon juice in small quantities and diluted in water to ease the burn. If you continue the lemon juice will provide the body with the nutrients it needs to deal with the ulcer. You may also want to take 1-2 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel before taking the lemon water. Taking 500 mg of Bromelain (a digestive enzyme) has also proven to be helpful.
Why peppermint essential oil?
Peppermint oil releases drugs that are stored in your liver. Drugs that are stored in your liver block enzymes that are used to keep the liver functioning correctly. When the enzymes are blocked many people will experience weight gain or have allergies. When your liver begins clearing out these drugs you may experience stomach upset or heart burn, especially if you've been taking antacids for a long time. It will help clear prescription drugs and street drugs. It may help allergies, hay fever, gastritis, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, common cold, bronchitis, sinusitis, fever, and morning sickness. It energizes a sluggish body and promotes mental acuity.
Why lemon essential oil?
Lemon oil helps bile function from the liver to the gall bladder so it turns out bile salts that go into your intestines so that it can break down the proteins that you're going to eat that day. It helps carry the sex hormones. (Having your gall bladder removed generally lowers your libido.) It helps boost metabolism, reduces toxic build-up in fat cells, and aids liver function.
Can I take it in water?
If you want to take it in water, that's okay because water helps eliminate toxic body waste, empty stubborn fat stores from liver and hydrate cells so they are used as energy instead of fat molecules.
How long will a bottle last?
A bottle will last you about a month if you have a big family. Your investment is pennies on the dollar. If you go to the doctor for a flu or cold you have an office visit, a prescription(s), if you have insurance it might cost you as little as $35.00, if not then you're looking at $100.00. The liver cleanse is so much cheaper and it has no negative side affects, no time off work.

Can I do the Liver Cleanse even while I am doing chemo?
Absolutely! In fact, it's recommended! Just leave a 2-hour window between any cancer treatments and taking your liver cleanse.
Can I do the Liver Cleanse and still take my prescriptions?
Yes! Just leave a 2-hour window between taking a prescription and taking your liver cleanse (otherwise they'll fight with each other).
Do I have to take a week off? I feel so miserable when I do.
It is best if you can. Some people feel so miserable when they do that taking a break can create quite the challenge for them. If you are one of those people continue moving forward, taking a day off here and there (generally do six days on the liver cleanse and one day off). Eventually your health will improve enough that you can do 28 days on and 7 days off.
Do I have to use Be Young brand of Lemon and Peppermint?
There are no other essential oils on the market - that we're aware of - that will garner the same benefits. Every other essential oil line that we have researched and studied has been compromised in one way or another by:

  • Being extracted with hexane, or other toxins

  • Being steam distilled with chemicals in the steam to enhance the amount of oil that is extracted.

  • Being extended with synthetic oils, synthetic extenders and other potentially health-compromising synthetic ingredients.

  • Being extended--they're "in a base of . . ." various kinds of fatty oils (almond, sunflower, etc), thus diluting the therapeutic value of the essential oils!

If the essential oil you are using is not 100% therapeutic grade and approved for internal consumption (EOBBD guaranteed) you are risking your health--you may not notice any immediate side effects, or you may burn your throat as soon as you swallow your liver cleanse, you may even need to visit the emergency room due to complications. Don't toy with your health; make sure the essential oils you are using are good for you!

What Is A Yeast Infection And How Do You Deal With It?

What are the causes and cures for yeast infection?

Yeast infection is a common problem in women where 75 percent have reported infection.

Yeast infections occur in the vagina caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. A normal vagina includes bacteria and a number of yeast cells. The Vagina environment is acidic by nature so it does not allow this infection to take place. But a change in the the acid nature of vagina becomes less allowing it to grow at a rapid rate and leads to infection. Common symptoms for these infections are irritations, itching, burning and swelling of the vagina along with abnormal vaginal discharge. Infected persons may experience pain while urinating due to inflammation of the urinary opening. Sexual intercourse can also lead to pain because of dryness and swelling. Itching persists for more than three days, doesn't respond to home remedies or is getting progressively worse.

What Your Symptom Is Telling You

Your private parts are often covered in three or four layers of material such as a pantiliner, panties, or a pair of snug-fitting pantyhose. So what is that warm, moist part of you doing under all those layers? It's itching and driving you mad.
Vaginal itching can come from something as simple as trapping bacteria for too long under too many layers of too-tight clothes. All that warmth and moisture provide perfect conditions for incubating infections. In fact, itching can be the unwelcome calling card of a wide variety of infections, ranging from bacterial vaginitis to yeast (also called Candida albicans or monilia) and trichomoniasis. The itching can also signal an allergy to a chemical in soap, deodorant or dye, or may simply be a sign of thinning vaginal tissues in women approaching menopause.

Let's take a look at how to banish that itching.

Sitz in some salt.

Several forms of vaginitis will often respond to a simple home remedy?

The saline sitz bath.

Here's the recipe from Gideon Panter, M.D., a gynecologist in New York City.

Dissolve a half-cup table salt in a shallow tub of warm water. In the tub, insert your finger into your vagina to let the warm salt water in, then remove your finger and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Two or three consecutive nights of sitz baths should ease the itch, if yours is home treatable, Dr. Panter says.

Don't have sexual intercourse until your itching has cleared up, Dr. Panter says. If the organism set up in your vagina was transmitted by your partner, there's no sense in re-exposing yourself to trouble. Take a few days to show love in other ways, he suggests.

Consider the condom. Condoms provide wonderful protection against both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. If condom use always seems to be followed by a bout of vaginal itching, however, it's possible that an allergy to the condom's latex rubber, powder coating or lubricant could be the problem.

If you need medical advise then you should+ask your doctor.

You'll need your doctor's help to determine which type of infection is causing your itching. If you've been diagnosed with yeast infections in the past, and are very familiar with the specific symptoms, call your doctor for a prescription of antifungal medications such as Vagistat, Nystatin or Monistat.

Trichomoniasis is treated with the prescription antibiotic Flagyl. Bacterial infections call for antibacterial agents?either sulfa drugs or, if you're allergic to sulfa, with Betadine antiseptic, an over-the-counter product.

"And be sure to have your doctor test you for the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus, which causes genital warts, is an important and frequently overlooked cause of vaginal itching.

Get help for menopause symptoms.

If you're approaching menopause, ask your doctor about treatments for itching caused by changes that are taking place in the vagina. Hormone replacement therapy is an option, but you should also ask about prescription hormonal creams for the vagina. Bag the douche and powder. Douching not only won't help to relieve itching or vaginitis, it may be dangerous. Douching may drive infectious material up through the cervix and cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

Defeating the Yeast Beast

Fortunately for women who suffer from recurrent yeast infections, these infections respond well to treatment. And there's plenty of prevention available, too. Cut down on sugar. Sugar feeds yeast, so cut back on high-sugar foods.

See what Vitamin C can do for

Take 500 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day. Vitamin C increases the acidity of the vagina, creating a yeast-unfriendly environment.

After a shower or bath, blow-dry the vaginal area. Yeast needs moisture to survive. Set your blow dryer on cool, and position the dryer six to eight inches from the vaginal area.

A sitz bath works well to fend off yeast infections.
Once a month after your menstrual cycle, add three tablespoons of boric acid to six inches of water in a pan large enough to sit in. While you're roosting in your roaster for five to ten minutes, the yeast is in retreat.

Lay on the lactobacillus.

A cup-a-day habit of yogurt with active Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures will reduce your likelihood of yeast infections. Health food stores are your best bet for "live" natural yogurt. Lactobacillus is also available in powder and capsule forms at health food stores.

Take the scratch test.

If your yeast infections persist, you may be allergic to Candida, and allergy shots of Candida extract can help prevent further problems. Ask your doctor to refer you to a board-certified allergist for skin testing.
Remove yeast from your diet.

If you test positive, avoid allergic reactions to Candida by avoiding foods and beverages containing yeast and molds, at least until you have received the allergy shots for about six months. Look out for the following yeast and mold troublemakers: bread, pizza, English muffins, bagels, croissants, raised doughnuts, beer, wine, liquor, apple cider, moldy cheeses, cider or wine vinegar, pickles, grapes, berries, cantaloupe, fruit juices, brown sugar, sprouts, mushrooms, yeast extract, vitamins derived from yeast, smoked meats and fish and leftovers.

Prime your prescription.

If you know you get frequent yeast infections, then ask for anti-yeast medication whenever your doctor puts you on antibiotics. (Antibiotics taken for other infections kill off both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the vagina, clearing the way for an overgrowth of yeast.)

Plan your prevention.

Any vaginal irritation can pave the way for yeast infection. That's why it helps to avoid any vagina/chemical contact, including perfumes, colored toilet paper, dyed underpants, deodorants and commercial sexual lubricants.

To prevent yeast flare-ups wash your clothes with unscented detergent, avoiding fabric softeners and wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing, white cotton underwear and no pantyhose.

Natural Allergy Relief For Oak Pollen

Oak pollen allergy sufferers are quite familiar with the huge amounts of pollen that oak trees produce and the allergy symptoms that occur when oak pollen is high. The oak pollen pods resemble little worms and they release their pollen to be carried by the wind, while the pods fall and accumulate on the ground, almost like orangish-brown fuzzy snow.

During the oak pollen season, the effects of the pollen are everywhere, with cars and windows covered with the orange-brown film the pollen creates. Even pavement where the spent pollen pods accumulate will get stained brown. Those suffering from oak pollen allergies can experience severe reactions. Massive sinus drainage, watery eyes, sneezing, and/or coughing will develop that can defy almost any allergy treatment available, at least until the oak pollen subsides.

Severe oak allergy reactions can motivate sufferers to turn to every remedy they can think of, including drastic measures like steroid injections. Some will decide to handle the situation once and for all by starting allergy shots, even though the needles are less than pleasant, without realizing that it often takes years to finally get results.

Many oak allergy sufferers will seek out natural relief from treatments like nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, homeopathy and/or acupuncture, and all of these forms of treatment will provide some degree of temporary relief for the majority of people. But what if there was a way to do more than just suppress allergy symptoms?

But what if there was another way to deal with allergies that gets rid of the problem long-term as seen with allergy shots, but gets results in days and doesn't require getting stuck with needles repeatedly? Well, there actually is a way to do this, using "energy medicine" techniques.

The most widely-practiced of these natural allergy relief methods is NAET, which stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique. Dr. Devi Nambudripad is a chiropractor and acupuncturist from California who accidentally discovered how stimulating specific acupuncture meridians while being exposed to the allergens one reacts to can reset the body so that it no longer reacts to those allergens.

Since NAET was first developed in the 1980's, other similar techniques have been developed that are more streamlined, but NAET is still the most popular. All energy-based allergy elimination techniques are definitely strange and can seem like they are too good to be true, but in eight years of practicing Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique (ASERT), a newer, more efficient version of allergy elimination based on the underlying principles of NAET, I have found it to be extremely effective on even the most severe and chronic of allergy sufferers.

Because these techniques are so strange and because I practice in San Antonio, an area where a high percentage of the population is still extremely skeptical of alternative medicine, I do the allergy desensitization on people and let them experience the results before they pay me. I use the honor system with regards to the allergy elimination procedure I use in my office - I do the full allergy elimination procedure and patients pay me after the fact when they are satisfied that the treatment was effective for them. The vast majority send me checks or call me with a credit card number, which I think is a dramatic testament to the effectiveness of this technique.

The great part about these techniques is that the results occur quickly. In the case of seasonal allergies like those to oak pollen, symptoms may be severe for weeks at a time, so allergy sufferers seek out some form of natural allergy relief that takes effect quickly, rather than a treatment approach like allergy shots that can take years to be effective, and rather than treatments that have potentially serious side-effects such as steroid drugs. Energy-based allergy elimination provides relief within a day or two and does so without the risk of side-effects.

Better yet, the effects of energy-based allergy elimination last for several months to several years because these techniques actually get rid of the allergies, not just suppress allergy symptoms and inflammation. So, oak allergy sufferers can usually go through multiple oak seasons without any problems without ongoing treatment after going through the allergy desensitization.

Although NAET practitioners often claim that the effects of NAET are permanent, which they may be in some cases, it has been my experience that allergies can re-develop, particularly after somone is sick with a cold or flu, or suffers a major trauma during a high pollen season. It appears that the body may develop allergies in a "guilt by association" manner in which an activation of the body's immune system and inflammatory response from something other than pollen may become associated with the presence of a given allergen, thus triggering a reaction to the allergen. In other words, if you catch the flu during a time when oak pollen is high, it is not unusual to develop oak allergies.

In any case, energy-based allergy desensitization is very much for real, and it offers fast, effective natural allergy relief for oak pollen allergies, as well as any other type of allergy (including airborne allergens, foods, and skin-contact allergies).

Pet Allergies - Dogs And Cats Constantly Itching And Scratching?

Is your dog or cat constantly itching and scratching? Do you see flaky skin or pet dander lying about their bedding and in the house? Is there an unpleasant odor? Does your pet have thinning hair or leaving hair on the floor and the carpet? Does your dog constantly lick his paws?

Your dog or cat has allergies. I would also add sneezing to the questioning list. My dog sneezes.

It does not matter what state you live in as every state produces irritants which will cause allergy symptoms in our pets. The allergy causing agents may be from the soil, plants and grasses, air, food, and water.

If you can control or eliminate the causes for the allergies from these sources your pets will bless you.

Allergy relief suggestions:

Change the types of foods and log how your pet reacts until you solve the food allergy. Food allergies could be caused by wheat, rice, corn, additives, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavoring, by-products and many more.

Bathe your pet two or three times a week with colloidal oatmeal and cool water to ease itching skin. I have always been told not to bathe a dog too often because of the need for oils in their skin and on their coat. An exception will need to be made in order to bring relief to your pet.

There are topical anti-itching agents or other allergy products which can be bought over the counter or allergy medicines purchased from your veterinarian. Sometimes allergy shots may be necessary. But again, note pet reactions and check for side effects. You will need to measure the choice of treatment against negative side effects.

Supplements can be mixed with their foods. Once again note changes. For instance, fish oil is one of the natural recommendations; however, I found my dog, Brandy, did not tolerate the fish oil. It was recommended that I try flaxseed. I will give Brandy flaxseed and note the results.

Groom your pet. Brush or comb their coat. Pet your dog or cat to bring comfort to their irritated feelings.

Having seen how natural foods and natural treatments have helped my dog to solve his skin and respiratory allergy conditions I am all for this type of pet care. If you are having allergy problems with your pets and wish to lower the vet bills, you may want to consider the natural road to better and less costly pet care.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Deciding If Sinus Surgery is the Right Option For You

You know what they feel like: those gripping, throbbing pains above your eyebrows, on top of your head, the aching of your teeth, blinding lights and blaring sounds. Sinus pressure! Sinus surgery should be the last measure taken in your attempts to lessen the grips of those terrible sinus headaches. Surgery cannot be undone, and while severe complications and side effects could happen, there is very little chance of getting back what is "cut out."

Before sinus surgery is even considered, there are a number of steps that have to be taken. If you are truly concerned about your health, your well being, and your family and friends, you must cherish your body and health enough to thoroughly understand what is happening to your body, what is causing your sinus suffering, and what steps you should take to get it under control.

Patience and communication are very important as you make your way through this web of physical symptoms. It may take years before you come to the end of prevention and treatments, and move into the final phase of surgery.

Gathering information

The first step is to gather as much information as you can

Talk and communicate with your family and relatives and document:

  1. allergies,

  2. genetic and normal physical conditions,

  3. possible remedies that work.

Talk and communicate with your neighbors or local health officials

  1. allergies,

  2. genetic and normal physical conditions (if needed or possible)

  3. possible remedies that work

Talk with your Dentist to see if it may be related to your teeth, jaw, gums, or root nerves.Download a Home Allergy Checklist sheet and complete it

  1. This will help you understand if there is something in your home that may be causing your suffering: plants, animals, mold, lack of humidity, outside or inside environmental contagion, etc.

Keep a running record of the weather in your area.

  1. Write down when fronts come through,

  2. Excessive times of rain, snow, fog, sun, wind,

  3. Jumps in temperature,

  4. Humidity levels inside and out.

Keep a running record of symptoms and note:

  1. what they are,

  2. how long they last,

  3. what the dates were,

  4. what you were doing in the hours and days before they began,

  5. what medicines you took and your body's response to them.

Keep a running record of OTC and prescribed drugs and note:

  1. The exact name and dosage,

  2. how long you took it,

  3. what the dates were,

  4. and your body's response to them.

Keep a running record of the pollen and mold counts in your area.

  1. Check out: and have emails sent to you on a regular basis,

  2. Write down dates of high counts,

  3. Write down dates when you start sneezing, itching, and getting congested.

Throw your records onto the computer and place the file on your desktop, or, pick up a small notebook and keep it somewhere obvious at home so that you can enter the information on a regular basis. It takes at least a year of data and seasonal shifts of weather and environment before you will have enough data to analyze and take with you to your doctor.

Decision making

The chances are you have already been to your doctor off and on about this, or you have jumped into the prevention and treatment stage. There is nothing wrong with that because you have been trying to stop your horrible sinus headaches. But now, with all of your data, it is time to get serious and set up an appointment with your primary care physician. Take your time during the appointment. Explain what you did, provide a copy of the notes, and summarize your findings. There are a number of interconnecting issues, preventions, and treatments that may be broached upon concurrently or separately. Remember, this is your well-being and your life, take the time to do it right. Your doctor may not be aware or interested in certain preventative measures or treatments. It is your right, and responsibility to yourself and family, to push forward anyways.

1. Allergy medicines may be prescribed to you based on this data. Educate yourself on the different medicines available (OTC, antihistamines, nasal sprays). This may take years as you find the best one for you, and sometimes, a combination of medications is needed. Take your time.
2. Allergy testing at a special clinic or laboratory. Blood samples and panels of skin tests will be taken. Educate yourself. Find out what your insurance covers and what you need.
3. Treatments: Chiropractic, allergy shots, medicines, food choices, etc.
4. Prevention: Getting rid of animals, installing and changing furnace and air filters regularly, installing allergy bedding, closing off your home from outside allergens and contaminates, washing thoroughly after being outside or working with certain chemicals, moving to a different climate, etc.
5. CT scan of your head and sinus cavities.
6. Referral to an ENT-Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist
7. Research, research, Research!