Saturday, June 29, 2013

Your Exhaustive Guide to Allergy Treatment

Allergy is something that causes irritating effects on the body and has got to do mainly with a disorder of the immune system which prevents the attack of any external factor on the body which causes discomfort. An allergy is something that affects just about anybody, if your body is not suitable to a certain otherwise harmless environmental factor. Allergies are generally classified as mild allergies and severe allergies; both these are the same except in case of the intensity. Are you suffering from any kind of allergy? There are specific symptoms and also specific treatment techniques for all kinds of allergies; here you guide to complete allergy treatment.

Treatment of allergy generally includes two main stages; first of all it is the stage of avoidance and then the stage of medication and that of using allergy shots. Let us now check out the stage of avoidance.

- Stay away from dust in any form, be it within the house while cleaning, or even outside the house on a windy day. This also includes keeping windows and doors closed during a day when the pollination is high. Yes, of course, this also means you can keep the air conditioner turned on at homes and even in the cars.
- The next important cause of allergy is food. So you have got to read and understand food labels to check if you would be allergic to any specific food item.
- Another important consideration is to see if all the feather pillows, mattresses, etc are dusted and kept clean. You could also wash sheets, change pillows and also further dust carpets and upholstery to keep away from allergy causing dust.

Allergy can also be treated with sufficient intake of medications. Medications are available for the cure of allergy and are of a varied kind. There are highly effective over the counter drugs and also prescribed drugs that will sure control the allergy to a large extent. Allergy is one very common phenomenon that can be easily cured using drugs and medications.

Allergy shots are another way to treat such allergies. Simply put, they are a sort of vaccine that is administered to see to it that your immune system is able to tolerate any external allergic substance. Also called immunotherapy, it sort of improves the immune system to simply improve tolerance against such allergens. It is mostly given to people who have severe allergies, or those who suffer from some allergies over more than quarter a year. This does not prevent allergies, but enables insensitivity towards it.

Can Children With Asthma Outgrow the Condition?

One half or more of children with asthma outgrow the condition. Those with more severe disease are more likely to have asthma as adults. Asthma flare-ups can often be prevented by avoiding whatever triggers a particular child's attacks. Parents of children with allergies usually are advised to remove feather pillows, carpets, drapes, upholstered furniture, stuffed toys, and other potential sources of dust and allergens from the child's room. Secondhand tobacco smoke often worsens symptoms in children with asthma. If a particular allergen cannot be avoided, a doctor may try to desensitize the child using allergy shots, although the benefits of allergy shots for asthma are not well known. Doctors usually do not recommend that a child should avoid exercise, but rather use an asthma drug immediately before exercising if needed.

Older children or adolescents known to have asthma often use a peak flow meter-a small device that records how fast a person can blow out air-to measure the degree of airway obstruction. This measurement can be used as an objective assessment of the child's condition.

Treatment of an acute asthma attack consists of opening me airways (bronchodilation) and stopping inflammation, A variety of inhaled drugs open the airways like bronchodilators. Typical examples are Albuterol and ipratropiuin. Older children and adolescents usually can take these drugs using a metered-dose inhaler. Children younger than 8 years or so often find it easier to use an inhaler with a spacer or holding chamber attached. Infants and very young children sometimes can use an inhaler and spacer if an infant-sized mask is attached. Those who cannot use inhalers may receive inhaled drugs at home through a mask connected to a nebulizer, a small device that creates a mist of drug using compressed air.

Inhalers and nebulizers are equally effective at delivering the drug. Albuterol also can be taken by mouth, although this route is less effective than inhalation and is usually used only in infants who do not have a nebulilizer. Children with moderately severe attacks a may be given corticosteroids by mouth.

Children with very severe asthma attack are treated in the hospital with bronchodilators given in a nebulizer at least every 15 minutes initially. Sometimes doctors' use injections of epinephrine ( a bronchodilator) in children with very severe attacks, if they are not able to heal enough of the nebulized mist. Doctors usually give corticosteroids intravenously to children having a severe attack.

The NRG Immune Enhancement System Brings Relief for Allergy Related Conditions

Allergies due to pets, foods and environmental stressors affect a high percentage of people. Allergies can be a direct cause of migraine headaches, Fibromyalgia, IBS, acid reflux and other digestive issues, ADD or ADHD, recurring colds, skin irritations like eczema, respiratory ailments like asthma, insomnia, fatigue, lack of energy and so much more. People think they have to learn to live with these symptoms, or stay on medications for the rest of their lives. These medications have harmful side effects and the costs build up.

Other alternative treatments people seek for relief of symptoms include: acupuncture, massage, and diet modification. None of these options are long lasting, nor find the cause of the symptoms. Plus, in the case of acupuncture, many don't like the thought of needles being stuck into their body.

There is now a healthy, non-invasive alternative with no drugs to relieve your symptoms: The NRG Immune Enhancement System!

Think of your immune body's immune system as the tires on your vehicle. Certain elements on the road may cause damage to the tread on your tires leading to misalignment, bumpy rides, skidding and even accidents. Your tires are able to handle some elements better than others.

The NRG Immune Enhancement System provides us with the data we can use to identify what elements are placing the greatest amount of stress on your body and what adjustments, if any, may be needed to your tires (immune system) to provide the highest level of performance.

A person is only as healthy as their immune system allows. If our immune system is clogged up, we need to restore the system so that we do not become susceptible to illness and disease. The immune system becomes worn down through constant exposure to stressors that occur in everyday life. From the psychological stresses of work, relationships and lack of sleep to the environmental stresses such as chemicals and pollutants, these stressors often lead to symptoms and illness.

Just like a car needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly, so do our bodies. The NRG immune enhancement system provides a 100-point inspection that provides a person with a complete scan of their immune system and how their body reacts to over 100 different stressors. A maintenance plan helps re-calibrate the immune system so that they no longer experience any symptoms and can maintain optimal health. The NRG program is very effective in creating and maintaining long-term patient care as patients return for regular checkups.

The NRG System is comprised of two main components that have been engineered to properly assess, balance and service the body so that the immune system can maintain optimal capacity.

The first component is the Digital Conductance Meter (DCM) which provides us with the feedback necessary to properly analyze the body's energy levels. This FDA cleared biofeedback device provides us with our body's baseline energy measurement in addition to measurements taken when the body is exposed to various elements.

The NRG Immune Enhancement System includes an FDA-cleared biofeedback device that provides the feedback necessary to properly analyze the body's energy levels when exposed to various elements. Measurement parameters have been established through scientific research to determine normal energy levels during exposure to each element. Any measurement readings that fall outside of these parameters may indicate a possible hazard or stress to the immune system. The proprietary NRG database contains over 100,000 items which can be tested.

Once these measurements are recorded, the second component of the NRG Immune Enhancement System is used to "service the chassis". The NRG Corrective Laser transfers energy impulses through points on the head, hands and feet acting as a direct stimulus to the central nervous system. Effectively, the corrective laser introduces a "file" to the body that acts much like a computer anti-virus and defragmentation program, correcting any errors in the immune system function.

With a newly enhanced immune system, people can be back on the road to being SYMPTOM-FREE!

Patients have reported relief from all types of ailments including allergies, IBS, acid reflux, insomnia, recurring colds, depression, migraines, Fibromyalgia and even more serious conditions. An increase in energy has been reported as the only side effect to date. The NRG Immune Enhancement System is completely non-invasive, without the need for shots or medication, and is safe for adults and children of all ages.

Animal Allergies

Allergy symptoms like itchy eyes or difficulty breathing can be cause bay an animal especially if it is a pet. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 60 million people suffer from allergies. Up to 30% of these people suffer from reactions to cats and dogs.

An allergic reaction is caused by protein particles generally found in pollen, food and dander. These particles are ingested, injected or absorbed through the skin. Although many allergies are inherited, some can be developed through repeated exposure to a substance.

Allergic reactions are commonly a stuffy nose, red, itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties and rashes and swelling. A more serious reaction is anaphylactic shock causing dizziness and unconsciousness which can result in heart failure and death.

Animal allergies are usually caused by saliva, urine and skin secretions. A dog produces a substance which helps maintain a healthy coat. When this substance dries, it causes dander. A cat is constantly licking and cleaning itself. Its saliva contains Fel D1, a protein that can cause an allergic reaction. Other animals have allergy producing substances.

There are several options to minimize or eliminate the effect of allergies created by animals especially pets. Do not allow a pet in the bedroom. Use HEPA air filters and purifiers to maintain a clean air environment. Frequent bathing an brushing of the animal to minimize the allergen. The hypoallergenic breed of cat which has lowers levels of Fel D1 has been helpful in reducing cat allergies.

Medications such as nose sprays and pills are also available to treat allergy symptoms. Antihistamines such as Allergra and Claritin suppresses the immune system chemical that is activated in an allergic reaction. Cortiosteroids such as Nasonex is a nose spray that reduces inflammation. Decongestants shrink swollen nasal passages. Cromolyn sodium and leukotriene modifiers prevent the release of the immune system chemical. Rinsing the nasal passages with salt water can also be very effective. When these treatments do not work, immunotherapy, a series of shots containing small doses of the allergen, can be used to eliminate the allergic reaction. A doctor can best determine the appropriate treatment.

Help Living With A Cat And A Cat Allergy

Has your doctor diagnosed you with an allergy to cats? Do you own cats? Do you consider them your babies? Can you not live without them? Just because you have an allergy to cats, it doesn't mean you necessarily have to give them away. There are some things you can do to help you and your beloved feline live together despite your cat allergy.

First, most people who say they are allergic to cats are really not allergic to cats at all but instead to their saliva. Because cats groom themselves regularly, their fur is covered with this dried saliva, or dander as it is called.

Since cats also shed regularly, their fur, which is coated in dander, is left where ever they may go in your home. It may settle in the carpet, on couches and drapes. Every time you clean this fur and dander is stirred up in the air, making your allergy symptoms worse.

If you find discover you have a cat allergy, the best idea is to keep your cat outside. If this is not possible because the animal is declawed, there are a few things you can do to make your life less miserable because of allergies.

First, you might want to limit your cat's roaming to only one or two rooms of your house. After petting or playing with your feline, wash your hands thoroughly, especially before touching your face or nose. Also, never allow the cats to sleep in your bed with you.

Next, there are several ways you can help reduce the amount of cat dander that stays in your home. You might think about replacing cloth curtains or drapes with plastic or wooden blinds.

It will also help if you remove the carpet from your house and replace it with linoleum, hardwood or tile floors. These changes mean you can clean your home better and get rid of more cat dander. While these actions may be costly, they are worth the effort for those who really love their cats.

If you can't replace your carpets because you rent your home or apartment, there are still several ways to clean more cat dander out of the existing carpet. First, there are new vacuums with extra powerful suction made specifically for removing pet hair from carpet, rugs and upholstery. Certain air filters and air cleaners can also help to cut down on the amount of dander floating in your air.

Another suggestion is to try is bathing your cat, or having him bathed, on a weekly basis. Although your cat won't like this idea that much, the weekly bath may help to cut down on some of the dander on the fur. Another option is to have your cat shaved.

While this may sound strange, many veterinarians' offices offer this service for less than $50. Cats with less hair will understandably have less dander. An added bonus is that they will also shed less and have fewer hairballs.

Finally, you might consult with your doctor to see if he can suggest an allergy medication that might with your cat allergy. He may suggest allergy shots, a prescription strength allergy medication or even an over-the-counter allergy treatment. You and your doctor can work together to find the best solution for your particular cat allergy.

For those who love cats, finding out that they have a cat allergy may be the worst news they can receive. While it may seem the only option is to give away their beloved pet, there are some things they can try in order to get allergy relief, but still keep their cat.

The Awful Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

The signs and symptoms of pollen allergy can be mainly sneezing. Other than this major symptom, certain other people have a runny or clogged nose. The eyes may get irritated and pruritic along with the nose and the throat.

Allergic shiners are one of the common pollen allergy symptoms seen. Due to the decreased blood flow to the eyes dark circles occur. Persistent rubbing of the nose in an upward manner can lead to pleat mark on the nose, which is called the allergic salute

Continuously watery eyes and conjunctivitis can also occur due to pollen allergy. In a normal person, the pollen is either sneezed or coughed out so easily. The patients who are allergic to pollen usually release a hormone called histamine that dilates the nose blood vessels. Thus, swelling occurs with the fluid escaping through vessels resulting in nasal congestion.

Histamine leads to itching, eye irritation, and overflow of mucus. Prostaglandins and leukotrienes can evadingly cause allergic symptoms. A major respiratory illness like asthma can be caused. Asthma can be a serious problem during the pollen season.

Dyspnea, paroxysmal dyspnea or dry cough may occur due to the narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Asthma can be fatal if not treated. Wheezing together with shortness of breath tend to occur at times that may cause serious health hazards.

Pollen allergy may not be detected initially, as many people tend to feel it is a summer cold. When the cold moves on without any change, the patient gets medical advice. In order to know what type of pollen the patient is allergic to, a skin test is done. If the skin test is positive, the area on the skin might show sudden reaction.

There are also blood tests that can be done. With the help of allergy shots, the allergen can be easily suppressed. The person will not be affected by allergy any time when exposed to the allergen. Allergy shots can help reduce the risk of developing asthma and can reduce the further chance of allergy to any other pollen allergen in the future.

At certain times of the year, pollen allergy symptoms can be similar to latex allergy symptoms. Anti-allergens can help to a certain extent. There are also air-purifiers that can help in eliminating the pollen from the air.

Pets should be avoided as the pollen can get easily get deposited in animal fur which can directly get into the lungs and cause dyspnea. Once the fur along with the pollen is entered though the mouth to the lungs, it can cause serious problems.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Allergy Effects on The Pancreas and Small Intestine


The pancreas is a long, narrow gland which stretches from the spleen to about the middle of the duodenum. It has three main functions. Firstly, to provide digestive juices for everything that goes through the duodenum. These digestive juices contain pancreatic enzymes in an alkaline solution to provide the right conditions for the digestive process to be completed in the small intestine. Secondly, the pancreas produces insulin, the hormone which controls blood sugar by the metabolism of sugar and other carbohydrates. Thirdly, it produces sodium bicarbonate to neutralize acids coming from the stomach and so provide the right environment for the pancreatic enzymes to be effective.

Many people with food and chemical allergy problems have an inability, either to produce a certain enzyme, or to produce enough enzymes for the digestive process to work effectively. In conjunction with this is an inability to produce enough sodium bicarbonate essential for the pancreatic enzymes to function properly. As a result, partially digested peptides (protein particles) are absorbed into the bloodstream and attach themselves to other proteins, thereby inducing further allergic reactions. The inflammation in the system, resulting from continuing allergic reactions, can focus on a 'target' organ, causing injury and, finally, serious disease. This can often happen to the pancreas, thus the initial malfunction may, not only accentuate an allergic response, but may also lead to further inflammation of the pancreas itself.

Clinical ecologists have discovered that production of insulin by the pancreas is directly related, not only to the intake of carbohydrates, but also to the ingestion of all types of food. They have also noticed that insulin production is altered by allergenic foods. Accordingly, this abnormal insulin reaction can be used to identify the offending allergen, by giving a person a standard dose of the suspected food, or chemical, and observing his blood sugar level after a measured time.
The pancreas therefore is an important organ in the mediation of both addiction and allergy. Very often it is the first organ in the body to be significantly affected by any allergen.

Small Intestine:

The small intestine is a narrow tube, about six meters long, which empties into the large intestine or colon. It is a vital organ of the body as it carries out most of the digestive processes.

After being mixed with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, food passes through the duodenum into the small intestine. Here, enzymes secreted by the intestinal wall set about the biochemical process of breaking down the food into its various chemical components. Absorption of these components then takes place through the villi, which are tiny finger-like projections in the intestinal wall. In this way the body receives its essential nutrients of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.

Food allergy problems usually cause some damage to the small intestine. In the case of grain allergies, this can be serious and even result in death, through intestinal cancer. At best, damage to the villi and intestinal wall will cause malabsorption: a reduction in absorption of essential nutrients. This leads to exacerbation of the allergy problem with further food intolerance developing. The intestinal wall becomes porous and allows undigested food particles to enter the blood stream, causing further havoc to a floundering immune system. Eventually, a complete breakdown in health can occur.

Common Allergy Symptoms and Treatment Options

Allergies affect a huge percentage of adults and children in the United States. They are considered the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in this country. The symptoms can lead to productivity loss and extended sick time taken from work or school.

If you struggle from an allergy, you may find symptoms getting in the way of your daily schedule. This causes you to miss doing things you enjoy.

Fear not! There is some good news. Many options are now available for you and with your doctor's help; your life can become more symptom-free.

Allergies occur when the body's immune system perceives a harmless substance as one that is harmful. When the body contacts with this substance, it will produce a large number of immunoglobulin E. These antibodies make the body release chemicals such as histamine that result in itching, swelling, and tightening of airways.

Symptoms that you encounter due to this biological process can include: watery eyes, runny nose, hives, and coughing. In severe cases, the symptoms can produce difficulty breathing and dizziness. In some cases, if the symptoms can be life-threatening and this rare reaction is called anaphylaxis, which requires immediate emergency medical care.

There are various items that a person can have an allergic reaction to. Hay fever is caused by a reaction to pollen, and can be either seasonal or year-round. This will depend on what you are allergic to. Another common source is dust mites, which live in household dust and other fibers in common household objects.

Mold, latex, and food are some other sources of allergies. Most people suffer form one or two allergens, while yet others have many symptoms from a number of culprits.

An individual has a greater chance of having an allergy, if either parent or both suffered from allergies. If you have another chronic condition such as eczema or asthma, the greater your chances. When your immune system is weakened you also stand a greater chance of develop an allergy.

Although many complain of allergies, there are various numbers of treatments readily available. Among the treatments available to sufferers, antihistamines, decongestants, or nasal sprays may be just the thing to relieve your symptoms. However, sometimes, these are not quite the thing you may need. Oftentimes, you may need something stronger to help you. Your doctor may have to place you on a regime of immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots. With this treatment, you may experience more symptom-free days. Speak to your doctor about the course of treatment right for you.

How To Stop Sinusitis

The presence of stuffy nose for more than a week or two may signal the occurrence of a more serious medical condition than a simple cold such as sinusitis, which is the inflammation or infection of the sinuses, the hollow spaces in the bones near the nose.

Normally, sinuses have among other duties, the function of warming and humidifying the air on its way from the nostrils to the lungs. A lining of mucus keeps the sinuses moist, and tiny hairs called cilia sweep mucus from the sinuses down into the nose.

When a person gets a cold or an allergy attack the passages connecting the nose and the sinuses get congested; as a result, the sinuses may fail to drain. Bacteria and/or fungi multiply in the trapped mucus, causing infection.

Sinusitis can lead to persistent cough or bronchitis - and can exacerbate existing cases of asthma. In rare cases, it can result in a life threatening infection of the eyes or brain.


The symptoms of Sinusitis can vary from person to person depending on severity and pre-existent conditions and factors like asthma, smoking, etc. the most common presentation is marked by severe congestion, headache, mild fever, pain in the face or teeth and a thick yellowish-green nasal discharge that continues all day and night. Some sinusitis sufferers are sensitive to shifts in barometric pressure - for example, on plane flights or during changes in the weather.

The common cold, in contrast, is characterized by watery white or yellow mucus that clears up as the day goes on. Allergies are often accompanied by itching and watering eyes. Keep in mind that a simple cold when not properly managed can turn into sinusitis.

Most cases of sinusitis occur during or shortly after a cold. Other cases are caused by allergies, tobacco smoke or other respiratory irritants, mouth infections, or anatomical problems, such as nasal polyps or a deviated septum, that obstruct sinus drainage.

Forty percent of cold-related sinus attacks heal spontaneously without treatment as sinuses begin to drain again. But sinusitis often becomes chronic, creating long-term changes in the delicate lining of the sinus (the mucosa).

Chronic sinusitis may damage the cilia or acidify the mucus, leading to further irritation and inflammation. Over time, repeated bouts of sinusitis can permanently narrow the opening of the sinuses into the nose.


The standard treatment for acute sinusitis is a course of antibiotics lasting 10 to 14 days, plus oral decongestants and nasal spray. Very important to complete the full course of antibiotics even though you start feeling much better; otherwise, you can promote drug-resistant bacteria. Antihistamines are not recommended because they can be too drying making the mucus too thick and therefore more difficult to drain.

Caution: Using over-the-counter decongestant nasal sprays for more than five days can produce a "rebound" effect, in which the sprays themselves cause the nose to clog up.

Another good treatment for acute sinusitis is saline irrigation. When done under a doctor's supervision, it can be highly effective at reducing nasal and sinus congestion.

What to do: Each morning, fill a clean, narrow-tipped plastic squeeze bottle with a mixture comprised of one teaspoon salt to one pint lukewarm water. As you lean over a sink, squirt the solution into your nose until it's all gone. The solution will drain out. Be sure to clean the container and tip after each use. You can also find a "nasal irrigation kit" over the counter, with premixed solution packets.


Chronic sinusitis is the result of recurrent sinusitis attacks (poorly managed) or when there is subjacent anatomical obstruction such as nasal polyps. It is harder to treat and In addition to decongestant sprays and pills, needs at least three-week course of antibiotics. If there's still no improvement at that point, see an allergist or otolaryngologist.

To pinpoint the source of your sinus trouble, this doctor may recommend an X ray or CT scan or perform endoscopy. Via this simple procedure - done in the doctor's office - the doctor can determine whether you have nasal polyps or another anatomical obstruction. If so, surgery to remove polyps or to widen the sinus opening slightly may be helpful.

If your sinusitis is diagnosed as allergy-related, it may be necessary to avoid, animal dander and other allergens. Nasal medications such as steroid inhalers may also provide some relief.

If you've had sinus trouble in the past and want to avoid recurrence, take precautions whenever you have a cold - to keep it from turning into a sinus attack.
Use decongestants and nasal irrigation and avoid antihistamines, flying, scuba diving and other activities that involve rapid changes in air pressure.

Are You Allergic to Allergy Shots?

Allergy shots, otherwise called immunotherapy are a treatment used by allergy doctors for patients whose symptoms have not been dealt with adequately by standard allergy medication.

Most people with allergies have their symptoms of inflammation, swelling, wheezing etc under control with over the counter remedies.Sometimes these are natural remedies like vitamin C and other times brand name pharmaceuticals.

Sometimes however, these don't seem to give enough protection. If you are often kept in bed or at home, off work, when your allergies flare up or you have symptoms which are increasing in severity you must take action because ignoring an allergic reaction can be dangerous.

Allergy shots are injections. They are injections of small amounts of the substances you are allergic to and the emphasis is on the word, "small" there. Preceding the allergy shot you will need a thorough and extensive series of allergy tests to find out what you are allergic to.

A mix or cocktail of allergens is then prepared specially for the individual patient and used in a very dilute form.

Providing you tolerate the initial dose, subsequent injections have the allergen mix at a higher concentration and gradually over several months, the shots get stronger and it is hoped that the body gets used to the allergens and does not flare up in a dangerous allergic reaction.

You may need to attend an allergy clinic weekly for several months as the dose is slowly increased. When your maintenance dose is found, the schedule may alter to attending once a month. And this may go on for 3 to 5 years. So although an injection is a quick treatment, immunotherapy as an allergy treatment is a long term treatment option.

There is an alternative way of using this kind of "challenge" treatment. Instead of injecting the allergen mix into the bloodstream, some physicians use a sublingual treatment. Here the allergen mix is put under the tongue. This seems to be better tolerated by some patients. Whether that is due to chemicals present in the injectable allergen mix not being in the sublingual dose is not clear.

The literal answer to the question posed at the beginning of this article is, "Yes, you are allergic to your allergy shots". However if you get good results by using them, then that fact may not matter.

Severe allergies can ruin you life so it is important to check all reasonable treatment options. And for some that may include immunotherapy.

Finding Lasting Solution to HIV/AIDS by Medicinal Treatment: Its History and Recent Developments

1. Introduction:
It is reported that India is the AIDS capital of the world and is retaining the number one position for the past several years, as per a joint report on the Global AIDS scenario by UNAIDS and WHO. Likewise it is reported by U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that every year about 50,000 U.S adults and adolescents are diagnosed with HIV infection.

Hence there is an imperative need for finding a lasting solution to totally eradicate this menace.

Attack on AIDS is three pronged as follows:

a) Social approach.
b) Psychological approach and
c) Clinical approach.

In all the pandemics, the above three approaches need attention. Especially in AIDS intervention, the three are inter-related and are equally important. The Indian Government, with the aid of International organisations like US AIDS is spending huge amount in AIDS awareness. Today in India, even a rickshaw puller is aware of the basic precautions like condom usage, blood tests like ELISA etc.

But medicinal applications belong to different category. Medicines should be administered only on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. Yet, a social worker should be aware of the latest developments in medicinal treatment and vice-versa.

It is with that idea in mind, the undersigned author, though a psychological counsellor kept a close watch on developments in anti-HIV drugs. The article given below is coverage of AIDS drugs from 1987. The sources are from various medical bulletins, Press releases and discussions with medical practitioners in various seminars. Reference is given where ever possible. It is hoped that the readers will be benefited by knowing the latest developments in anti HIV drugs.

2. The Discovery in 1987:
The first weapon to fight against spread of HIV inside a human body was discovered in 1987. Its name is AOP-RANTES which inhibited HIV entry not only into lymphocytes but also into macrophages. They interfere with white blood cells which protect the body against viruses and bacteria. AOP-RANTES blocks HIV entry blood cells. (Based on a study by Glaxo Wellcome collaboration) Scientists believe that by attacking HIV in early stage, they can delay or stop progression to disease. That was a new approach targeting host cells i.e. CD4 (white blood cells) to prevent HIV entry.

This is the beginning of the new sophisticated fight against HIV. We shall see here below further advances starting from 1987 up-to-date with the latest developments in the medical History in man's fight against HIV/AIDS.

3. First Ten Years of Battle 1987-1997:

On 03.3.87, Retrovir, the first drug licensed for the treatment of HIV/AIDS was launched in the UK. Till then, doctors were powerless to fight against advancement of HIV to AIDS leading to death. In 1995, new data revealed that taking a combination of Retrovir with one of the most powerful drugs Epivir TM, (3TCTM, lamivudine), reduces the amount of HIV in the blood by 99% Since then, other studies have shown that addition of a third drug, a member of a new class of drugs called protease inhibitors which attack the virus in a different way, reduces the amount of virus even further to undetectable levels in some patients.

Since Retrovir was launched and in less time than it normally takes to bring just one drug from laboratory to the patient, another 8 drugs have been licensed to treat HIV and there are dozens of potential new drugs in the pipeline.

In 1997, Professor Joep Lange, Director, National AIDS Therapy Evaluation Centre at the Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam declared that:

"Even if we cannot eradicate the virus, we will continue to develop treatment strategies that suppress the infection and prevent disease progression for longer and longer until HIV becomes a manageable non-life-threatening condition".

So this is the situation in 1997. ART on one side and progress in research on the other side marked the developments from 1987 to 1997

4. A New Combination of Drugs to Cure AIDS in 1999:

In a major development in the area of AIDS treatment Prof. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute for Allergy and infectious diseases in US announced a new combination of drugs that promised of a cure for AIDS. Prof Fauci, who is an internationally renowned AIDS expert, made the above announcement at the tenth International Conference on immunology.

The new combination held out the hope for a potential cure for the disease as it had been found to clear out the AIDS virus completely from the blood stream. Specifically, it was found to remove the virus from specific cells of the immune system (CD4 cells).

The new combination he announced was ART drugs, AZT (Azidothymidine) and an enzyme protease (three drug therapy), along with the inclusion another new drug by adding interluekins, a class of proteins secreted by immune cells completely eliminated the virus from CD$ cells that circulated in blood.

The new drug, though might be successful, it may not be of much use to developing countries, as the therapy would be costlier than the existing one, which itself was beyond the reach of most of them.

5. TRUVADA: the 21st Century Drug:

Truvada is known chemically as a fixed-dose, daily in-take combination of emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Since 2004, it has been marketed as a treatment to those already affected with HIV. However, beginning 2010, clinical studies demonstrated that the drug could prevent people from contracting the infection. Truvada could be a preventive measure for high-risk individuals such as those with HIV positive partners provided the users counsel sexual health counsellors and use condoms.

A three year study showed that the daily in-take of Truvada reduced the risk of infection in healthy gay and bisexual men by 42%, who belong to high risk group.
A recent study in 2011 found that Truvada reduced infection by 75% in heterosexual couples in which one partner was infected.

A recent Press-Release by FDA informs that they have since given their first ever nod for this anti-HIV drug to the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences. (Source: The Hindu-July 18, 2012)


S brief and simple treatment of anti HIV drugs was given in the above paragraphs. Attending to the needs of HIV/Aids affected and infected people requires talents in various fields. A highly qualified doctor should have a bent of social service and also should be a psychologist. Likewise, a social worker should not only be a good psychologist, but also should have a fundamental knowledge of AIDS medication. Also a psychologist should have the knowledge of both social service and medicine.

That is with that idea that this article is submitted. Days are not far off when an ordinary person in India will talk of TRUVADA like a layman knows ELISA today.

Let all of us, who belong to various disciplines of knowledge join together to fight against this dreaded 20th century monster.

Get Rid of Sinusitis Mucus

Nasal blockage can make your life awful. The pressure from sinusitis mucus can cause more congestion in the lungs and make your body and head ache.

If you ignore the problem, the mucus doesn't simply disappear, but thickens and blocks not only your nose but also the surrounding areas. Eventually the thick mucus is a Petri dish in your head and an ideal breeding ground for both bacteria and fungi.

Stopping the problem before it becomes one is the best idea. You need to thin and loosen the mucus so it leaves your head and eliminates the potential infestation. You can clear thinner mucus by simply coughing. On excellent way to thin sinusitis mucus is with a vaporizer. You simply put it in a room and it increases the room's humidity. It also calms the bronchial passages.

Inhaling steam or water vapor is another way of thinning the mucus. A hot shower can help a sinus problem tremendously. Herbs such as eucalyptus, mint or ginger are great for clearing the sinuses. You simply drink a cup of tea to alleviate the sinusitis mucus. Hot soup with garlic and ginger is another helpful way to loosen the mucus.

If you find that the mucus makes its way to your chest, you develop congestion of the chest. It can lead to complications such as pneumonia. A heating pad is a good remedy for chest congestion. If you don't have one or simply don't wish to purchase one of the many types available, you can make your own homemade version. Fill an old sock with rice, tie a knot in the end and stick it in the microwave for five minutes. The rice holds the heat and you have a quick homemade heating pad.

You might find that sinusitis mucus irritates your throat. One quick remedy for that is a salt-water gargle. The salt has a healing effect on the throat and also relieves the pain. Simply fill a cup with warm water and add a tablespoon of salt. You can use the same recipe to thin the mucus in the nose and help heal the nasal passages. Pour a little in the palm of your hand and sniff it into the nose. It burns but you'll soon find it loosens the mucus dramatically.

Spicy foods can be a natural remedy. Capsicum, also known as pepper or chili pepper, helps thin the mucus so you can expectorate with a cough. Spicy chicken soup or even enchilada sauce is another potential food to help loosen sinusitis mucus. While these are just a few of the well-known remedies, if the condition persists, it's best to see a doctor for his recommendation to thin and relieve you of sinusitis mucus.

Asthma Complications

Asthma is a serious disease resulting as a permanent disorder in once health. It gives a lifelong suffering that one has to endure and it affects one lifestyle for life. There are lots of remedies to treat asthma both herbal and medical as well as prevention plans that you should consider in order to control the symptoms of the disease. If you have asthma, you shouldn't just take it for granted for an asthma that is not properly controlled and prevented can have an undesirable impact on your life quality. Here are some conditions that may result without proper treatment:

• Fatigue;
• Underperformance, absence, or termination from work;
• and psychological problems such as anxiety, stress, and depression.

As time goes by and you still don't put on remedies and do some care plans for your asthma, it will be serious and continuously persists. If you feel that your lifestyle is already greatly affected by asthma, you should contact your doctor or an asthma clinic.

Other complications of asthma include the respiratory complications which lead to a number of serious lung diseases, like:

• pneumonia (lung infection);
• respiratory failure;
• status asthmaticus or severe asthma attacks;
• COPD like acute bronchitis and emphysema;
• and dyspnea.

All of the complications mentioned above are life-threatening and will require medical treatment.


The worst scenario could be if it is totally incurable or you didn't act quickly and see a doctor for your sickness. The highest risk will be death. You must remember that during an episode (asthma attack), there is a tightness of the chest and difficulty in breathing, If you do not have the medicine to quickly remove the pain (such as inhalers and nebulizers), there is a big tendency for you to pass out and lose your breath.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Understanding Immunotherapy Or Allergy Shots

Immunotherapy, also called "allergy shots" is a treatment given to increase your tolerance to substances that provoke allergy symptoms in you. Immunotherapy is used in people with severe allergies, allergies that do not improve with medications or allergic reaction more than 3 months out of the year. It cannot help with allergies to foods. Immunotherapy does not cure allergies but it does reduce your sensitivity to certain substances so that the immune system can focus on the real things it should be fighting, like viruses.

Allergy shots are given in the upper arm in gradually increasing doses over for a certain period of time to start you off and then after that to maintain the effects of the shot treatment. The allergy shots inject a little bit of what you are allergic to into the body each time to train your body not to react to this allergen anymore. If the initial shots are effective, you will continue to visit the clinic for allergy shots every 2 to 4 weeks for 2 to 5 years. You will be tested at regular intervals to see how your body reacts to those original allergens.

Your doctor will prep you for the immunotherapy but here are some general guidelines you should do:

繚 Get a full night's rest the night before

繚 For two hours before and after your appointment, do not exercise or over-exert yourself (this increases blood flow to the tissues and will cause the allergens to spread faster throughout your body

繚 If told by your doctor, pre-treat with an antihistamine (this is usually done in rush immunotherapy treatments)

繚 Tell your doctor about any and all medications you are taking

繚 Do not take any over the counter medications or prescriptions that belong to someone else or herbal supplements without first consulting with your doctor

When you receive immunotherapy, you will need to remain in the doctor's office for about 30 minutes afterwards so that you can be monitored for severe reaction. Symptoms that you need to be on the lookout for would be shortness of breath, wheezing, itchy eyes, tight throat, tightness in the chest and similar feelings. These could be signs of a more serious reaction to the allergy shots and will require emergency medical treatment.

There are some other new approaches to immunotherapy besides traditional allergy shots. Rush immunotherapy is a rushed, build-up response to traditional shot treatments and there is also oral immunotherapy and intranasal immunotherapy. Your doctor can talk with you about whether or not you are eligible and which treatment options are best for your needs.

Do Common Ways To Prevent Asian Flush Really Work?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for alcohol flush reaction. One can only hope to prevent Asian flush. To do so, there are a few common as well as unorthodox methods. The reason you can't cure it is because it is not a disease, it is not an allergy, and it's not a temporary condition. It is something that you are born with and cannot be changed. It stems from the lack of or insufficient amount of the ALDH2 enzyme, responsible for breaking down the toxic chemical acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a byproduct of the metabolism of alcohol. In a simpler explanation, after you drink alcohol and your body begins to digest it, acetaldehyde (something like ethanol) is created. Usually, the enzyme ALDH2 takes care of it by further breaking it down into vinegar. Lacking this enzyme means that an excess of toxins are created, thus the uncomfortable symptoms associated with alcohol flush reaction such as red and puffy skin, hives, dizziness, and nausea come forth. To cure it, we would have to completely change the way our bodies digest alcohol, so for the time being there are only temporary ways to prevent Asian flush.

The most common way to prevent Asian flush is to take antacids before drinking. Among the various home remedies and trial-and-error methods, this seems to be the most reliable way to prevent Asian flush. However, that doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to work. There are many things to consider if choosing this method of prevention. Because this is not a standard way to prevent Asian flush, there is no official research or statistics available on how many and what strength of antacids to take. There is also very little information available on what the long-term effects may be. Some people who report success with antacids may favour one brand or another. Some may take as little as half a normal strength tablet or as much as four extra strength. Much of the success related to antacids is personal trials posted on internet forums - by no means an official cure.

There are several other way to prevent Asian flush, including eating carbohydrates before, taking glucose or fructose supplements, tonics or pills that can be purchased on the internet, splashing water on your face, and the list goes on. Most of these other methods seem to work only for a few individuals, and at a variable frequency of effectiveness.

One product perhaps comes close to actually curing, not just preventing Asian flush. The No Red Face Formula guarantees that their e-book, they can teach you certain techniques to control your alcohol flush reaction, and there are no pills, shots, supplements, or products to re-order. The information is copyrighted so it is difficult to speak about the effectiveness of their product, but they have a money back guarantee and 10,000 or more satisfied customers supporting them.

ABCs of Female Infertility


Age: As a woman gets older her fertility diminishes.
Alcohol used in excess can cause problems in ovulation and overall health.
Anorexia is an eating disorder that can cause ovulation problems.
Autoimmune factors: Anti-thyroid antibodies, anti-sperm antibodies, and activated natural killer cells may contribute to infertility.


Blood Clotting Disorders: A family history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, or heart attack can indicate blood clotting disorders. This, in turn, can cause a number of problems if a woman does become pregnant.
Bulimia is an eating disorder that can also cause ovulation problems.


Cancer and its treatments: Certain cancers such as the female reproductive cancers can significantly impair fertility. Cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy are likely to affect a woman's ability to reproduce.
Caffeine: Excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with delayed conception in women trying to get pregnant.
Celiac Sprue is a disorder that affects men and women and causes an inability to tolerate gluten, a common food chemical. It can affect nutrition, immune factors, and hormones. However, if put on a strict diet, infertility can be reversed.
Cervix Damage which can include: poor cervical mucous, narrowing of the cervix, infections of the cervix or even immune response to sperm known as "sperm allergy".
Cushing's Disease is an endocrine or hormonal disorder which can cause infertility.
Cysts can cause ovulation problems.


Diabetes: Many women with type 2 diabetes also have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and may have a harder time with conception than women without diabetes.


Ectopic Pregnancy: Certain treatments or surgeries for any previous ectopic pregnancy may make it more difficult to get pregnant.
Endometriosis: Endometriosis can interfere with ovulation, embryo implantation and in severe cases, scar tissue can develop causing a distortion in the pelvic anatomy.
Environmental toxins, like lead, pesticides, paraben and phthalates cause health and reproductive problems in people who are continuously exposed to these strong chemicals.
Extreme Exercise that causes a significant loss of body fat.


Fallopian Tubes which are damaged or blocked.
Fibroids may cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes.


Genital tract: Obstruction in the genital tract can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.


Harsh Chemical Solvents: Work environments with an excess of harsh chemical solvents, like hair salons, dry cleaners and spas, have been linked to an increased rate of miscarriage among their female employees.
HIV/AIDS and related treatments cause abnormalities with a woman's menstruation.
Hormone Imbalance creates anovulation. (an inability to ovulate)


Illicit Drug Use: Drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy have all been shown to have dramatic affects on male and female fertility. If these drugs are used long-term, it can lead to permanent reproductive problems which will prevent conception.
Infection does not only physically block ovulation but can also cause hormonal imbalance leading to anovulation.
Iron Deficiency: Women who take extra iron dramatically reduce their risk of becoming anovulatory.


Jumpstart Fertility by acquiring healthy habits. Eat healthy. Exercise moderately. Practice good personal hygiene and abstain from heavy substance abuse.


Kidney Disease


Lifestyle Balance: By keeping your lifestyle in balance will ensure that many causes of infertility are under your own control.


Malfunction of the hypothalamus: The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland must function correctly in order for ovulation to take place.
Medications: Drugs such as antidepressants, steroid shots, and high blood pressure medication can all affect the reproductive system in a negative way.
Menopause: Early menopause is the absence of menstruation and early exhaustion of ovarian follicles before the age of 35.
Menstrual Cycle Absence or Irregularity: Some signs that a woman is not ovulating normally include absent or irregular menstrual periods.
Metabolic Syndrome is a pre-diabetic condition that is greatly associated with heart disease. This condition is diagnosed when at least three of the following are present: Abdominal obesity; Insulin resistance; High triglyceride levels; High blood pressure; and Low HDL (good) cholesterol levels.


Number of Eggs that a woman has is important. As a woman ages she produces less eggs.


Ovulatory Dysfunction is abnormal, irregular, or absent ovulation.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is known to be a long-term consequence of many sexually transmitted diseases as well as of bacterial vaginosis (BV), pelvic surgery, and other gynecologic procedures that cross the cervix. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an inflammation of a woman's upper reproductive tract, including the structures of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Poor Diet can affect a woman's hormonal balance.


Quality of Eggs: Egg quality affects your fertility in a big way. Poor quality eggs will cause you to have a difficult time getting pregnant and staying pregnant.


Recurrent Miscarriages: While experiencing one previous miscarriage won't increase your risk of recurrent miscarriage, women who have experienced two pregnancy losses are more likely to undergo recurrent pregnancy loss.


Scar tissue formation of the fallopian tubes may impair fertility by pinning the tubes down and preventing movement designed to find and catch drifting eggs.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which stems from the same bacteria and causes infertility.
Sickle Cell Disease: There is no evidence that female fertility is affected by Sickle Cell Disease, but pregnancy can cause many serious problems such as higher miscarriage and stillborn rates; preeclampsia, infections and more.
Steroid Use: Anabolic steroids are derived from the male hormone, testosterone. Therefore, steroid use can have a dramatic affect on both the male and female reproductive system affecting fertility permanently.
Stress can affect a woman's hormonal balance.


Thyroid dysfunction can stop ovulation by upsetting the balance of the body's natural reproductive hormones.
Tobacco Smoking: Women who smoke are 60% more likely than nonsmokers to be infertile.
Tumors do not only physically block ovulation but can also cause hormonal imbalance leading to anovulation.


Unruptured Follicle Syndrome happens to women who produce a normal follicle, with an egg inside of it every month but the follicle fails to rupture, preventing ovulation.
Unexplained Infertility: The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples can not always be determined.
Uterus: Polyps and other problems with the uterus can cause infertility.


Various Gland Defects: Problems with glands such as pituitary, adrenal and thyroid can delay or prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg.


Weight: Women who are considerably heavier or lighter than their ideal body weight are more likely to be anovulatory, and thus, infertile, than women who are within their normal body weight range.


X Chromosome Abnormality: A woman needs two functioning X chromosomes for normal reproduction. When one is abnormal, ovarian function fails.


Your Chances of being infertile decrease if you live a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


Zinc helps your system to synthesize and use the hormones you need to get and stay pregnant.

Allergies in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Helpful Treatments

We don't always think about dogs being allergic to anything because so many humans are allergic to dogs! However, it is common for dogs to have allergies to certain substances, and it is important to keep a look out for symptoms. The most common symptoms of allergies in dogs are:

• Scratching the ears

• Licks or chewing his own feet or body

• Reddish discoloration of the hair, paws or between toes

• Rubbing head against things

• Rash, bumps, pimples, open sores on skin

• Red or watery eyes

• Reoccurring ear infections

• Consistent sneezing or runny nose

• Vomiting or diarrhea

• Coughing or wheezing

Allergy causes:

Out of all of these symptoms of allergies in dogs, scratching is the most common. Dogs may have airborne, flea, food or contact allergies. If they have airborne allergies, they may be sensitive to tree, grass and weed pollens as well as molds, mildew and house dust mites. Just like in humans, these may occur seasonally or year-round. Flea allergies may cause severe reactions, leading the dog to bite its own skin. The dog becomes sensitive to even just one flea, so it is important to control. Common food allergies in dogs include beef, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, soy, corn and wheat. They can occur at any age and may cause itching as well as increased bowel movements. Contact allergies are the least common type and are caused by something the dog comes in contact with, such as carpet, bedding, plastic, cleaners, detergents, lawn chemicals, grasses, etc...

Treatment is going to be different for each type of allergy. For all of them, limited or no exposure to the allergen will help.

Airborne allergies:

When it comes to airborne allergies, veterinarians may recommend allergy shots if the specific allergen has been identified.

Flea allergies:

As for flea allergies, treatment includes strict flea control. You must make sure that your dog is not exposed to fleas by using medicine and home treatments.

Food allergies:

Dogs with food allergies should have a diet absent of the food they are allergic to. Seameal supports the immune system and can help prevent chewing at the feet and base of the tail, which are two of the first signs of allergies.

Contact allergies:

If he has a contact allergy, the only treatment is to remove the allergen from the home.

Other treatments for a dog with allergies include shampoo, anti-inflammatory allergy medication and antibiotics. The treatment will vary depending on the type and severity of your dog's allergies.

The diagnosis of allergies in dogs can be difficult. First off, the veterinarian will most likely make a preliminary diagnosis based on the time of the year when your dog has the most symptoms, what locations are the itchiest and response of the itch to medications. However, if the allergies do not subside and become worse, the vet may have to do more specific allergy testing. This may include a blood test or performing intradermal skin testing. Remember not to self-diagnose your pet if they are having the symptoms mentioned above-you should definitely take them to the veterinarian because they could indicate a different condition other than allergies.

Could You Be Suffering From Allergic Tension-Fatigue Syndrome?

As early as the 1930's it was theorized that constant or repeated exposure to an allergen put exhaustive stress on the body, including the immune system. Ultimately this exposure has a negative effect on the body's defenses and leaves it open to illness and other medical complications. In addition, these allergens can have a degenerative effect on energy levels which results in chronic fatigue and other more serious health problems. Under the Allergic Tension-Fatigue Syndrome theory if you remove the allergen you will relieve the not only the allergy symptoms but also the underlying medical conditions caused by the drain on energy levels.

While there can always be many potential causes for various illnesses or conditions, one of those causes may be undetected allergies. One of the most common causes for fatigue problems is allergies yet awareness of them may remain hidden for years. Removing the allergen may sound like a simple solution but what if you can't get away from the allergens? What if you can't even identify them?

To most people an allergic reaction implies you have breathed, eaten, or touched something that causes your body to sneeze, cough, itch, swell, make your eyes water and/or your nose run. But allergies can also be the root cause for a wide range of ailments including but not limited to:

>Gastrointestinal ailments such as indigestion, constipation, ulcers, etc.

>Headaches & migraines


>Arthritis, joint pain, restless leg syndrome, etc.

>Brain symptoms such as brain fog, depression & attention-deficit disorders

>Skin problems including rashes, boils, slow healing wounds, etc.

>Heart irregularities

Modern life assaults our bodies from without as well as within. We are exposed to chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

Consider this. At the turn of the century bread making required only whole grains, water, butter, baker's yeast, and a little sweetener to help the yeast rise. Today a modern loaf of bread may contain more than 100 different ingredients, including preservatives, coloring agents, insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides, as well as chemical residue from various packaging and cleaning procedures. These can sensitize an immune system and cause us to react negatively to many other substances.

Our bodies are still biologically programmed to reside in a much simpler environment. Is it any wonder that the number of people complaining of allergic reactions has increased dramatically? At the same time traditional Western style medical schools and journals are broadening their definitions of allergies and recognizing that the immune system, when under a perceived attack, will respond in many different ways leading to the ailments mentioned above.

In the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Sept. 19, 2002 there was an article about findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine that counter decades of conventional thought regarding dust and allergies. Where it was always thought that dust causes allergies and therefore should be avoided, a European study has shown that household dust actually helps protect children from developing hay fever or asthma. The same has been found for children exposed to pets at an early age.

Conventional diagnosis has been to expose the body to small, concentrated doses of potential allergens by injecting the substance under the skin. The areas that show swelling and itching indicate an allergic reaction. Treatment usually consists of a long series of "allergy shots" over an extended period of time. Each shot contains minute amounts of the allergen and the theory is that the body will slowly build up a resistance.

Just as conventional thoughts about the cause and effects of allergies are being challenged and changed, so are treatments for allergies. Today there are several non-invasive, drug and needle free options for diagnosing and treating allergies that have provided relief for 10s of 1,000's of people. These techniques typically use a type of bio feedback mechanism to identify the allergen and then, in very simple, general terms, use a form of pressure point and breathing to reset the body so it does not react to the allergen. The most well known of these is NAET but there are numerous other non-invasive methods available.

If you suffer with chronic fatigue without a known cause you may want to explore the possibility that you are suffering from Allergic Tension-Fatigue Syndrome and work to discover whether or not you have "hidden" allergies.

French Bulldog Information on Socialization Training

It's easy to get uncomfortable after your dog demonstrates undesirable tendencies, which generally comes about when there are other individuals or dogs around. Imagine this, your in the park, your taking your dog for a walk, your dog all of a sudden jerks on the lead, and then runs off chasing other dogs, or maybe even worse, other folks, and even perhaps in fact taking a nip or two. This can certainly become worse in the event you don't teach your dog to be able to socialize, understanding the correct time to become aggressive also to be passive.

Luckily, to French bulldog owners, this is a less arduous process. Easier in comparison with other canines, however definitely not a walk in the park. French bulldogs are still dogs so it might require some time to train these animals, however, due to the fact French bulldogs are innately sociable as compared to other varieties, you might interestingly discover that this does not really take a lot of time and effort.

To help you do so, here are a few guidelines that may be able to assist you with achieving this goal. Start your socialization training in your own home. This means that your dog ought to be able to take in the instruction step by step, completing this task from a place where they are comfortable, like your house. When the pup is totally new in the home, never crowd your pet just yet. Approach him one on one until he gets to know all the members of your family. Try this slowly and gradually, do not just jump at the animal or he might consider this as a possible act of aggression.

Any time friends arrive for a visit, carry out exactly the same process, remember to not rush and close in on its space. Eventually, once you consider your dog is ready to meet new people, he or she may now socialize with other dogs. Let your buddies as well as family members bring their dogs to your house. Permit your pet to visit a variety of sites and locations. It will allow your pet to become calm at various other sites other than your home. Bring your French bulldog out and about for a walk making sure you've got a effective grip on his leash.

Take your pet initially into a less populated place, eventually subjecting him to populous places once he is completely ready for it. Keep in mind not to shock your pet by taking him to busy streets since this could traumatize the dog and would eventually cause him to give up heading out and socializing, a pleasant peaceful park may do just as well.

As a reminder although, be sure that your French bulldog puppy has had its shots, French bulldogs are generally prone to allergy symptoms along with other health issues which he or she may possibly pick up in other areas or other dogs.At all times provide rewards, for example, different dog treats to strengthen a good behavior.

In the event that he begins barking or behaving aggressively, remind your pet that it's not really good and implement it with a strict as well as strong tone of voice. Eventually, your puppy is certain to get into the routine because he is a creature of habit and will see that socializing is simple. A word of caution though, French bulldogs are usually vulnerable to heat, so don't overexpose him to the sun.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Eating Raw Foods For More Energy

The best decision you can ever make in your life is, to start eating raw foods for more energy! We have all heard about the celebrities, who are spicing up their health with uncooked foods. If you feel like, you are tired all the time, then please read this whole article.

I decided one day to do a fun experiment and that was to test how I felt after eating raw foods compared to cooked foods. I had no idea how dramatic the results would be and that they would change my life forever. I grew up with really bad allergies and had to receive allergy shots until I was 16 years old.

The allergies basically made me feel like I had chronic fatigue syndrome and I was always tired for no reason. I have grown up around a vegetable garden all my life, but I hardly consumed raw fruits and vegetables. At the time, this did not appeal to me because all I wanted was cooked food.

When I started eating raw cucumbers and jalapeno peppers, I started noticing my energy levels increasing. I noticed the mental brain fog I had, just disappeared like magic. Amazingly, I was able to sleep less and work longer, now does that sound normal? I felt like I had found and solved the mystery of my tiredness once and for all!

It is very important that when you choose to start eating raw foods for more energy, that you read a good guide on the subject. It's vital that you learn which vegetables and fruits to start out with and make it fun. The hardest part of eating raw is, battling those memories of desiring cooked food. You will be tempted to fall back into your old eating patterns and this is why I advise buying a raw food guide, that gives you detailed information on how to be a successful raw food eater.

There are many different websites online, that are now supporting the concept of achieving optimal health, through eating raw foods. If you live in an area that grows organic vegetables, I would encourage you to start supporting them today. The changes that we make to start eating organic foods, will help to improve our lives and our environment.

If you have a hard time concentrating or focusing, you will receive the raw living properties of the fruits and vegetables, which will make your mind do what seemed to be impossible. I could never put my finger on what was making me tired as a teenager, but later in life I found that it was from a weakened immune system, I had a weakened immune system as a result of my allergies, but the allergy shots that I took back then, did not improve my energy levels.

I begin feeling better and thinking better as a result of eating raw fruits and vegetables. As obvious and logical as this may sound, it took a while for me to completely grasp the concept. Only after experiencing a rush of energy and being able to complete hard tasks with ease, did I realize the true power of eating healthy.

You have a choice to make today and that choice will help you enjoy every facet of your life. I know as your reading this, you want to think better and you want to feel good again. Maybe, you don't know what it's like to feel good everyday, I want you to know that there is hope and it's in eating raw uncooked foods.

Keys To Allergy Elimination

If you suffer from allergies such as hay fever, no doubt you would like a way to achieve complete allergy elimination. This is especially true during hay fever season, when everything from dandelions to ragweed to high pollen levels can make you sneeze and sniffle, have red, itchy and watery eyes, and just in general be miserable.

If your allergies have been severe enough, you've probably tried antihistamines, as well as other drugs and perhaps even gotten allergy shots. In very severe cases, maybe you've even used steroids. Using allergy shots to desensitize you can work as well, but it might take years to actually see results and have your allergy symptoms lessen or disappear.

There are many allergy supplements that can help, including natural cures such as homeopathy and herbal remedies. Other methods such as acupuncture also work to provide at least temporary relief from allergies for many people. However, what if there was a way to have complete allergy elimination without allergy shots, without taking medications, and without having to go through just plain being miserable during allergy season? There is actually a way to do this, using what are called "energy medicine" techniques.

One of the most widely practiced of these natural methods is called NAET, or Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique. Dr. Nambudripad is an acupuncturist and chiropractor that lives in California. He accidentally discovered that if he stimulated specific acupressure medians while he exposed patients to allergens, he could in effect render patients allergy-free.

Dr. Nambudripad first developed his technique in the 1980s, and other similar techniques have since been developed that are more streamlined. However, Dr. Nambudripad's technique is still the most popular. In fact, one of the more streamlined versions of NAET, called Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique or ASERT, is very effective even for those who chronically suffer from allergies.

Best of all, with these techniques, results occur very quickly and work even for those who are skeptical. With seasonal allergies such as hay fever, symptoms can be severe for weeks or even months at a time. This means that for most allergy sufferers, they need relief now, not at some point in the future. Energy-based allergy elimination techniques work very quickly, within a day or two. Another benefit is that there are no side effects.

Some practitioners who use these methods say their effects are permanent. Although this may be true in some cases, allergies can redevelop, especially after someone has been ill or has had some kind of trauma. In these cases, the techniques may need to be redone to reestablish allergy elimination.

Regardless of skepticism, this type of allergy relief is very real and truly works. It's fast, effective and natural, without the expense or side effects of drug use. In addition, it does not take more than a day or two for allergy relief to occur, unlike some other methods such as homeopathy. It can also work not just for pollen or other airborne allergies, but for foods and skin contact allergies as well.

How to Live a Long Life

To learn how to live a long life, we should take a look at the major causes of death and then try to avoid or negate those causes. Here are the major causes of death and what we can do about it:

1. Heart Disease

Almost one third of all deaths are from heart disease, often from a fatal heart attack. We can't move to Japan and eat fish and rice for a long life.

Well, maybe some of us can, but that is not a solutions for most of us.

We can't move to Italy and live on a healthy Mediterranean Sea diet either, at least not most of us. But we can look at what folks eat to live longer.

During the Korean War, the advance of heart disease was evident. While WW II servicemen had clean arteries, Korean War servicemen (I was one of them) had partially occluded arteries. However, those who were prisoners of war, had their arteries nice and open again. Starving on a fish, vegetable and rice diet is good for the heart.

But before we talk about diet, let's look at heredity.

I have heart disease, had a heart attack and I've had heart surgery twice. I have the aortic valve of a very kind pig. Yet, I'm 76 years old and still kicking.

When I was a boy, my Uncle Ben died at age 50 of a heart attack at his desk. His children suffered from heart disease.

My older brother, a very healthy eater, has had bypass surgery, but he had it at a much older age than I did.

My sister died from heart disease but at an older age.

We should look at our family history and see if heart disease is a major cause of death. We should look at that history at a young age.

Once you know that heart disease is prevalent in your family, you should inform your doctor of this fact so that you can take action to diminish the threat to your life.

If heart disease is prevalent in your family, you should be monitored for heart function. You should change your life style to prevent heart disease. That means exercise, eating more fish than meat, eating fruits and vegetables and nuts and grains.

I suggest that you go to the American Heart Association site to learn more about heart disease. Change your diet, stop using tobacco, lower your alcohol content and engage in daily exercise.

Changing your eating and exercise patterns can reverse heart disease. Remember those Korean War prisoners of war.

Your doctor can describe effective drugs to lower cholesterol levels generated by your own body.

2. Cancer:

Cancer is another cause of death.

Many families have a history of cancer.

We have some families like that where we live. Cancer can bring death rapidly in young people, people in their thirties, even younger.

As with heart disease, if your family has a cancer history, then your doctor needs to know this.

Cancer must be detected by medical scanning. Except for skin cancers, most cancers are not obvious until it is too late. As a person should know the signs of heart disease, we all should know the signs of cancer.

I go to a dermatologist every few months. He sometimes takes a biopsy of my skin and usually finds a basal cell carcinoma. He sees pre-cancer indications and uses his can of liquid nitrogen to burn them away.

Over the years, I have had many surgeries to remove basal cells. So have a number of my friends in this area.

The main skin cancer threat is melanoma, a deadly form of cancer that can be sniffed out by some dogs.

Colon cancer can be detected by screening. So can prostate cancer tendencies. As you get older, you need more screening.

Go to the American Cancer Society site to learn more about cancer detection, avoidance and treatment.

3. Stroke

I remember the death snore of my grandmother after she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. She died the next day.

My father had multiple strokes in his mid-eighties and he died of a stroke at age eighty-eight.

So I do have a family history here and my oldest son who is a neurosurgeon keeps his eye on me.

Here is the governments information on Stroke Prevention (

Stroke Prevention

All people can take steps to lower their risk for stroke, whether they have had a stroke or not. Things you can do to lower the risk of stroke include steps to prevent and control high blood pressure, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

Prevent and control high blood pressure: High blood pressure is easily checked. It can be controlled with lifestyle changes and with medicines when needed. You can work with your doctor to treat high blood pressure and bring it down. Lifestyle actions such as healthy diet, regular physical activity, not smoking, and healthy weight will also help you to keep normal blood pressure levels. All adults should have their blood pressure checked on a regular basis. See our high blood pressure fact sheet.

Prevent and control diabetes: People with diabetes have a higher risk of stroke, but they can also work to reduce their risk. Further, recent studies suggest that all people can take steps to reduce their risk for diabetes. These include weight loss and regular physical activity. For more information about diabetes, see CDC's diabetes program Web site.

No tobacco: Smoking can affect a number of things that relate to risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Not smoking is one of the best things a person can do to lower their risk of stroke. Quitting smoking will also help to lower a person's risk of stroke. The risk of stroke decreases a few years after quitting smoking. Your doctor can suggest programs to help you quit smoking. For more information about tobacco use and quitting, see CDC's tobacco intervention and prevention source Web site.

Treat atrial fibrillation: Atrial fibrillation is an irregular beating of the heart. It can cause clots that can lead to stroke. A doctor can prescribe medicines to help reduce the chance of clots. See our fact sheet on this condition.

Prevent and control high blood cholesterol: High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, which can increase the risk for stroke. Preventing and treating high blood cholesterol includes eating a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in fiber, keeping a healthy weight, and getting regular exercise. A lipoprotein profile can be done to measure several kinds of cholesterol as well as triglycerides (another kind of fat found in the blood). All adults should have their cholesterol levels checked once every five years, and more often if it is found to be high. If it is high, your doctor may prescribe medicines to help lower it. See our cholesterol fact sheet.

Moderate alcohol use: Excessive alcohol use can increase the risk of high blood pressure. People who drink should do so in moderation. More information on alcohol can be found at CDC's alcohol and public health Web site.

Maintain a healthy weight: Healthy weight status in adults is usually assessed by using weight and height to compute a number called the "body mass index" (BMI). BMI is used because it relates to the amount of body fat for most people. An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Overweight is a BMI between 25 and 29.9. Normal weight is a BMI of 18 to 24.9. Proper diet and regular physical activity can help to maintain a healthy weight. You can compute your BMI at CDC's nutrition and physical activity program Web site.

Regular Physical Activity: The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in moderate level physical activities for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. For more information, see CDC's nutrition and physical activity program Web site.

Diet and nutrition: Along with healthy weight and regular physical activity, an overall healthy diet can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This includes eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lowering or cutting out salt or sodium, and eating less saturated fat and cholesterol to lower the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease which can lead to stroke. For more information, see CDC's nutrition and physical activity program Web site.

Genetic Risk Factors

Stroke can run in families. Genes play a role in stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and vascular conditions. It is also possible that an increased risk for stroke within a family is due to factors such as a common sedentary lifestyle or poor eating habits, rather than hereditary factors."

You can see that if you are watching out for stroke you are helping your heart too.

4. Respiratory Disease

My grandfather who died at age ninety-seven when I was in Korea told me to always take a walk first thing in the morning and to fill my lungs with fresh air. He had been a coal miner but the black lung disease did not kill him.

Exposure to dangerous chemicals can be detrimental to your respiratory health.

I have been exposed to many dangerous chemical in my work career. Fortunately I was monitored and given training to prevent exposure. However, some of my friends and coworkers have suffered, even died from exposure to heat, asbestos and beryllium oxide.

Many workers in I my industry have suffered from silica exposure. Silica is very fine sand.

Some have suffered and eventually died from breathing excessively hot air while repairing industrial kilns and furnaces. There is no excuse for the later. Kilns should be cooled before workers are allowed to enter them despite that loss of revenue.

The most dangerous chemical to most of us is tobacco. Second-hand smoke is suspect but the main culprit is plain old smoking. So don't smoke!

Our air is polluted. Even in Idaho, we get the smoke from farmers burning weeds and from forest fire in our state and neighboring states. We just don't have as much industrial pollution in most of the state.

Pollutants can cause cancer.

Asthma is a major health risk. It requires medical monitoring.

Some consider Sleep Apnea a respiratory disease. It is very hereditary; just ask my kids and grandkids.

This is a horrible ailment and I learned that I had it some years ago while watching a television program. I had a terrible time in college as did my third son. I would fall asleep in lectures and when I tried to study. In graduate school when I was older, it was awful and I don't know how I got through it.

Sleep apnea kills your short term memory so it is good I was an engineer/scientist where I could calculate my way through college instead of memorize my way through.

When I was tested for sleep apnea, my blood oxygen dropped to near-zero. Instead of waiting for a later test to fit a CPAP unit, I was given one in the hospital. I slept for two and one-half hours and woke up at 5:30 a.m. and left the hospital.

I could never remember sleeping that long.

I didn't need any sleep the next couple of days.

Finally, I called my oldest son and told him that I was up all night studying quantum mechanics and Russian. He told me to stay in bed for at least five hours until my system adjusted to having oxygen while sleeping.

Sleep apnea can lead to heart disease and stroke. Get help!

5. Accident Injuries

Many folks are killed in accidents on the highway, in the home and in the workplace. Do the best you can do is follow the rules of safety. Highway deaths are often caused by drunk drivers.

Also, the use of cell phones and radio transmitters while driving can cause accidents.

Ladders and electrical circuits are waiting to catch you unawares. Gravity and high-voltage are there to snag you day and night, even on Christmas. Be careful. At work, follow the rules.

Children love to get into trouble. Are those dangerous chemical locked up?

6. Diabetes

To learn about diabetes, go to:

This is a disease I dread. I know that as you get older and heavier you become more at risk. I see it in my old friends and relatives, it is close to home.

There are two types of diabetes (form our source above):

"Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar (glucose), starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.

"Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy. When you eat food, the body breaks down all of the sugars and starches into glucose, which is the basic fuel for the cells in the body. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems:

* Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.

* Over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys,
nerves or heart.

'Finding out you have diabetes is scary. But don't panic. Type 2 diabetes is serious, but people with diabetes can live long, healthy, happy lives.

"While diabetes occurs in people of all ages and races, some groups have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes than others. Type 2 diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, as well as the aged population."

Diabetes can cause other problems. Go to the reference to learn more and see your doctor if you need help in this area. Eat right and avoid obesity.

7. Influenza and Pneumonia

When the flu bug goes around, we all are exposed to it. During the great world-wide flu epidemic of 1918, even hermits in the pine barrens of New Jersey were found dead. So, get your flu shots to lessen the risk. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. It is sort of a guessing game with the scientist as to which strain to protect you from. Sometimes, they guess wrong. But you still may get some protection even then.

We old folks get pneumonia in the hospital, often after surgery. Then some of us die. But youngsters can die too. Ask your doctor if you need a pneumonia shot.

8. Alzheimer's Disease

This horrible disease can not be stopped. It is a killer of the aged. It can come on rapidly. It brings tremendous sorrows to many families. My neighbor's wife thought he was her mean brother. It broke the kind old man's heart.

Medical treatments for this disease can treat some of the symptoms. For a very informative tutorial on Alzheimer's Disease go to:

9. Kidney Disease

According to Kidney Foundation facts

Millions of Americans have kidney disease (CKD) and another millions more are at increased risk. Early detection can help prevent the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure. Heart disease is the major cause of death for all people with CKD.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best estimate of kidney function.

Hypertension causes CKD and CKD causes hypertension.

High risk groups include those with diabetes, hypertension and family history of kidney disease. African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and Seniors are at increased risk.

Three simple tests can detect CKD: blood pressure, urine albumin and serum creatinine.

10. Systemic Infection

HIV/AIDS is such a disease. There are many others and a major cause of death throughout the world. Vaccines and treatments are needed throughout the world and many organizations are helping to provide for that need. Bacteria, virus and fungus are agents. Parasites too are a problem.

Staff infections are prevalent in hospitals. Stay home if possible.

11. Suicide

Too many young people die of this cause. It is a higher risk in my state of Idaho. Too often, a person commits suicide with no apparent reason. The family is stunned and devastated. Some veterans are suicidal. (I did not see this in Korea but we had one guy in our company shoot himself in the foot with an M-1 hoping that would send him home. It sent him to the hospital and then to a court martial. The company commander was furious.)

My friend's dad killed himself during the depression. His dad was pilfering money from the coal company where he was accountant. It devastated his family, my father who was his best friend, and me.

If you suffer from depression, get help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

You will be routed to the closest possible crisis center in your area. With more than 130 crisis centers across the country, our mission is to provide immediate assistance to anyone seeking mental health services. Call for yourself, or someone you care about. Your call is free and confidential.

Para obtener asistencia en español durante las 24 horas, llame al 1-888-628-9454.

Lock up those guns!

12. Liver Disease

Alcohol and drugs are two causes of liver disease. A major cause is malnutrition. Go to: for symptoms and treatment.

13. High Blood Pressure

This killer can be controlled by medication.

As we get older, we have to watch our blood pressure but even teens can have high blood pressure. Get tested! It doesn't hurt and any nurse can do it. You probably can get a test by machine at your pharmacy. If you get such a reading and it is high, have your doctor check it out. The machines are not all that accurate form my experience.

14. Homicide

Move to the suburbs, make that the country. We live in a dangerous age. Stay out of those dark alleys.

In Idaho, drinking or drugs or both are factors in homicide. I suggest that you stay out of places where drugs are present and alcohol alone is served.

15. Other Causes

They say that there are other causes of death. I can think of the major wars and the minor wars. I can think of that killer, Osama bin Laden. The Taliban killed thousands before our invasion. There are so many terrorist organization to help that killing machine along.

And then we have the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, and all that.

Duck your head!

God bless you to a great old age.

Good Health to You!

Now keep happy and avoid stress. Read the comics and watch cartoons. How about those I Love Lucy VCR tapes you got laying around? One guy dying in a hospital watched the Three Stooges and Red Skelton movies. He got better!

Do you know more now on how to live a long life? What do you do, Grandma?

Fly Old Glory

Seasonal Allergies

Has anybody noticed that the days are getting longer, and the sun seems a little stronger than usual? I know it's only March, but could it be that spring is on its way in Canada? For many of us the idea of spring brings thoughts of being outside, enjoying life, and letting go of the old winter doldrums. But wait a minute! Not everybody enjoys the spring - what about those with allergies? I mean allergies to grasses, pollens, trees, ragweed, and other common allergens, that bother us between the melting snow and the frost of October. Allergy season is the season that literally millions of people dread. Actually you can get seasonal allergies at any time of the year -- it just depends to what you are allergic. If it's dust or mold, then you are more likely to first experience symptoms in the Fall when the furnace is turned on and you close the windows, and to find them easing in the Spring, when you do the opposite.

Most people think of allergies as starting in the spring and often going through until the first frost. This is when people who are allergic to grasses and pollens have a really bad time. The symptoms of nasal congestion (rhinitis), and itchy, watery eyes (conjunctivitis), are more than some can bear. Perhaps the worst symptom of all is the extreme fatigue that accompanies these symptoms. Some are luckier than others -- they get a short season of pollen allergy in the first part of spring and then they are free. Others have allergy symptoms all summer long with symptoms of reactivity to grasses in the mid-summer months, and then finally ragweed beginning around August 15th. However long you have symptoms, they are always miserable although never serious, unless you have asthma as well.

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance. Your body is trying to defend itself against a foreign invader, much as it would against a bacteria or virus that could cause you an infection. Thus it mounts an immune response - rallying the forces against this intruder. Since you are continually breathing in the substance, your loyal body continually tries to defend against it. What a mistake -- grasses and pollens are actually harmless!

When allergies occur the body releases histamine, causing increased secretions and inflammation which cause the symptoms that make you feel so miserable. Drugs that prevent histamine release are called anti-histamines, and there are many on the market. They can reduce symptoms, but they do not cure the problem. They can also produce nasty side-effects such as drowsiness and more of the fatigue you already have. The newer anti-histamines such as Claritin and Reactine are less apt to cause these side effects, but still seem to in some people. You certainly can't go running through those green fields as the advertisements on television would suggest!

There are more 'natural' approaches you might want to try. Anything that can reduce histamine release may help. Here are some natural supplements that may help, and certainly won't hurt to try:

  • Vitamin C -- 1000 mg. 3-5 times daily taken through the day with meals. Do not use the timed release variety for this purpose. Vitamin C is an anti-histamine in large doses

  • Pantothenic Acid -- one of the B complex vitamins -- in a dose of 250 mg twice daily with meals. This is often sold as Calcium Pantothenate.

  • Citrus Bioflavinoids in a dose of 500 mg. three times a day with meals. All of the above tend to stabilize the mast cells -- those cells that react when the allergen is inhaled and produce histamine. You will need to take all of these through the whole season in which you usually manifest symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies can also be helpful. They are very dilute samples of what you are allergic to, and must be taken beforethe season starts. Pollens 30CH (Borion) are a homeopathic mixture of Canadian pollens and grasses (including Ragweed), obtainable from most health food stores and some pharmacies in Canada. They come in packs of 6 doses, each dose being in one small tube. You place the whole tube of granules under the tongue, and let them dissolve, once a week through the season. Homeopathic remedies should be taken in a clean mouth - between, or one hour before meals, and without the interference of toothpaste or mouthwash, that may inactivate them.
If you know exactly what you are allergic to you can take individual homeopathic remedies such as mixtures of Grasses or Pollens or even Dust Mix. They should be taken in gradually increasing doses following the directions on the bottle -- and often come in liquids, in a glycerin or alcohol base. All homeopathic remedies can be taken in addition to the vitamin supplements mentioned above. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects, and have been shown to be superior to placebo in properly conducted clinical trials. For Ragweed sufferers, there is an antigen called Pollinex R This is a prescription medication of modified ragweed that can be injected once a week by your doctor for four weeks beforethe onset of the Ragweed season which begins like clockwork on or about the 15th August. Ask your family doctor to give this to you. None of the above will cause the nasty side-effects of some of the anti-histamines, and are often as, or even more, effective. Regular allergy shots can also be given by your family doctor, but they often have to be given for many years before they work.

Make sure you have a proper diagnosis before you self-treat any health condition. That is, if you have a dust allergy through the year, but minor or absent symptoms, you have allergies to pollens and grasses, then it helps to reduce the total load of allergies by reducing your exposure to dust as much as possible. So first reduce exposure as much as possible to any allergen; then take the vitamin supplements listed, and then add the homeopathic remedies. The positive effects of all of the above suggestions are, of course, enhanced by a healthy diet and good stress management.