Saturday, August 24, 2013

Biomedical and Nutritional Intervention For Autism Spectrum Disorders

Biomedical research suggests that food and supplements may affect a child with autism, sensory issues, learning disabilities, attention issues, social withdrawal, eye-contact avoidance and perseverative behaviors. In particular, it may be attributable to an inability to break down certain food proteins to the detriment of a child's developing brain. The foods that appear to cause the most harm are gluten (the protein in wheat, oats, rye and barley) and casein (the protein in milk).

Many parents, doctors and nutritionists have reported improvement in behavior, attention and relatedness after eliminating foods containing these proteins from a child's diet.

GF/CF diet helps 85% of the children out there in improving overall well being. This includes speech, better bowel movements, better sleep patterns, less cranky behaviors, less stimmy behaviors, less in a fog / daze look and more ready to attend.

SCD diet - The Specific Carbohydrate diet allows the intestines to heal. Only carbohydrates that are easily digested are allowed. No grains or potatoes. Fruits and vegetables are to be peeled. Nuts are allowed but peanuts, can be moldy. A child might also have an allergy to a particular nut. Additionally, most nuts are too high in linoleic fatty acids to be healthy in large quantities.

Low Oxalate Diet - Oxalate is a highly reactive molecule that is abundant in many plant foods. In human cells found in excessive quantity, can lead to oxidative damage, depletion of glutathione, and the igniting of the immune system's inflammatory cascade.

Soy - Soy is too closely related to casein and the phytoestrogens in soy will put an additional load on the PST enzyme.

MSG (monosodium glutamate) - Modified Food Starch and hydrolyzed vegetable protein. These are very hard on a person who has been subjected to yeast overgrowth.

Low Sugar Diet - Many children have a problem with yeast overgrowth. Sugar feeds yeast and needs to be monitored or eliminated in one's diet.

Food Chemistry Issues: Phenols, Salicylates, Amines are chemicals found in basically all foods. For some children have difficulty processing these natural food chemicals into useful, non-harmful substances. This condition is called PST deficiency.

Some typical symptoms indicating your child may have a problem are [not all of these need be present]: dark circles under the eyes, red face/ears, diarrhea, hyperactivity, aggression, headache, head banging or other self-injury, inappropriate laughter, difficulty falling asleep at night, and night waking for several hours.

Supplements that may be beneficial: Probiotics are beneficial living microorganisms that support healthy gastrointestinal and immune systems.

Digestive enzymes assist with food intolerances - poor digestion. An enzyme test can reveal what the child has trouble digesting, absorbing or assimilating, such as protein, sugars or fats plus certain nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin C and calcium.

Minerals, Vitamins for Proper Methyl Metabolism, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, Herbs, and Epsom Salt Baths are other very important natural supplemental regimes to explore.

Chelation is the process of removing toxic metals from the body. Toxic metals are said to come from many sources including; our environment, fish, and vaccines. There are natural chelators found in supplements and there are medically prescribed chelators available as options.

Cleaning up the Environment Check for hidden toxins in Carpet, Paint, Bedding, Household Chemicals and Mold.

Helpful lab tests from Great Plains Laboratory:

Organic Acid Test helps identify yeast and bacteria overgrowth, vitamin deficiencies and many other problems often found in people with autism. The Yeast Culture with Sensitivity Test should be done in conjunction with the Organic Acids Test to get the most accurate reading, and identify which antifungal agents are most effective for the detected yeast strain.

Metals - hair - Hair is most useful for the detection of toxic metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury, and cadmium extremely harmful for the development and neurological functioning. With increasing levels of pollution, toxic metals are constantly becoming more significant factors in disease and developmental disorders. Mercury has in the past been used as an additive in children's vaccines and is still an additive in flu shots. Mercury has also been found to be high in fish such as tuna and swordfish and may also be high in persons with many mercury dental fillings. Treatment of heavy metal exposure usually involves the removal of the heavy metal source and/or treatment with chelating agents. Children with autism as a group also have low values of essential elements like calcium, potassium, zinc, and magnesium, which can also be assessed in the hair test.

The Gluten/Casein Peptide Test helps evaluate problems with digesting wheat and dairy products, common in people with autism and certain other conditions.

Helpful hints:

a) It is important to keep a food and behaviors journal. Track all intake and outake (BM).

b) Do not introduce things all at once, Go slow! It is easier to track down a problem when they are introduced slowly - one at a time.

c) Read all food labels. When in doubt - make it your self. Any unquestionable ingredients are probably not good for them.

d) Watch for withdrawal reactions, rashes, positive progress.

How To Get Rid of Hay Fever

Hay fever is an allergic reaction most commonly experienced through the months of May to June, which is the haying time, hence the name hay fever. During this season, pollens from trees, grass, weeds and other plants; airborne dirt and dust particles are all around, and once inhaled, may cause allergic rhinitis to the person allergic to it. However, all these foreign materials are around all year so anyone having allergic reactions to these things may experience hay fever anytime of the year.

This allergic reaction may cause a person to experience runny nose and sneezing, sometimes accompanied by colorless mucus, skin itching and watery, red eyes. Other symptoms may also be experienced by the person having allergic reaction. Whatever the symptom is, hay fever is definitely not a good condition so it must be prevented as much as you can. But if the allergic reaction has already happened, there are some things that one can do in order to get rid of hay fever.

The treatment associated with hay fever depends on how bad the allergic reaction is and what is the most prevalent symptom. If the reactions bring runny nose or sneezing, you might as well use something that is for nasal treatment. If you have red, watery eyes, use treatment for your eyes and the same principle goes for other affected body parts.

Allergic reactions can range from mild and barely noticeable to serious and disastrous one. If you are only experiencing a simple reaction, home remedies like honey, onion, garlic, ginger, aroma therapy can be done. If the reaction is not too bad but also not too simple, you can consider using a nasal spray or antihistamine. You can visit the local drugstore and ask for antihistamine prescription or a nasal spray that you can readily consume. If you're allergic reaction persists, you better consult a doctor before it can get worse.

If you are highly sensitive to airborne materials, you must at least avoid or prevent doing things that can expose you to these foreign materials. When hay season is coming and you know that you are prone to this fever, stock your house with home remedies and medicines so that when hay fever attacks, you can easily get rid of your hay fever.

You will find that most of these fevers are going to require a Doctor's attention. Be sure to consult with a Doctor when you're ready to approach the issue.

Should You Get A Dog? Questions Pondered If Its The Right Time

Should I Get a Dog?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They have enjoyed this status for a very long time, probably from the time 10,000 to 15,000 years ago when Stone Age cave dwellers lived and hunted with dogs.

If you think you want a dog, you're following a well-established tradition.

Why You Might Want a Dog

There are a number of reasons that people think they might want a dog for a pet. The most universal is the desire for the companionship of an animal who will be a loyal friend for many years. Others think it would be nice to have a watchdog to guard the house, and some people are interested in participating in dog shows, agility trials or other organized activities.

If you're thinking about getting a dog, it's important to determine if you can care for him properly. Dogs need several things from a pet parent:




For your dog to stay healthy, he will need to be fed correctly, exercised sufficiently, groomed regularly and taken to the vet for regular checkups and shots. If you want your dog to be well-mannered and a pleasure to be around, you will have to make sure he is thoroughly socialized and trained, which requires spending many hours with him. Dogs also need set schedules so they know when they'll be fed and when they'll be let out.

If you're a very busy person who works long hours and travels a lot, dog ownership may not be for you.

Things to Consider Before You Buy a Dog

Owning a dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have, but before you even begin to think about what kind of dog you might want, you need to ask yourself some serious questions about how well your lifestyle will suit any dog.

Many people fall in love with a cute puppy at a pet store and bring it home only to face a brutal truth. That cute puppy will have to be taken out to relieve himself first thing in the morning. Every single morning. Even weekend mornings. Even if it's raining or snowing or 100 degrees in the shade. And he'll have to go out more than once a day, sometimes several times more than once, especially when he's young.

That's just the start. Here are some other things to seriously consider before plunging into dog ownership:


A bad allergic reaction to dogs in a member of your family can result in your having to find a new home for the dog--a sad experience for everyone. Some individuals are severely allergic and can't even live in a house where a dog has lived. Others are much less bothered and can make adjustments so that they can live comfortably with a pet. An allergy may be to the dog's saliva, hair or dander. Not all dogs cause the same allergic reaction. Certain breeds are known to be less allergenic because they shed very little or not at all. These include the Chinese crested, which has no hair, and breeds, which can range in size, such as a Basenji, Bichon Frise, and a Standard Poodle.

What Do You Want in a Dog?

Is your main concern to have a house pet who will be a good companion? Do you want an athletic dog who can go with you when you run? Will you take your dog on camping trips and will he have to be big enough to carry his own food? Do you want a dog that can be a credible watchdog and guardian? Do you want to show the dog? Do you want to participate in agility, obedience or field trials? You will want to study the different breeds and then talk to breeders and members of local dog clubs to find out what characteristics will best fit your expectations.

Can Your Children Adjust?

Children love puppies, but both children and puppies need supervision. Kids can play too rough with a puppy, and a young child will not understand that the puppy is tired and needs to rest. A puppy who is hurt or tired of playing is likely to growl and snap, and sometimes bite, to get the child to leave him alone. An older dog can be a serious threat if he is not used to children. There is one rule NEVER to be broken: Babies and toddlers should never be left unsupervised with a dog, no matter how much you trust the dog.

Can Your Other Pets Adjust?

If you already have pets, you will need to consider how the dog will adjust to them and they to him. If you have cats that have never been around a dog, you may have a long period of adjustment or the combination may not work at all. Puppies will usually learn to live with cats if care is taken that the initial meeting is not too traumatic. If you are considering an older dog, try to find out how he has previously reacted to other pets.

How Much Space Do You Have for a Dog?

This is an important consideration. A large, active dog, such as a retriever or German shepherd can run and play in a large, fenced-in yard. Often, though, the dog doesn't do much playing if you aren't available to be with him, and he will simply lounge around on the grass just as he would if he were inside on his dog bed. Large dogs can be happy even in an apartment if they get a long walk or two every day.


Unless you live in the country and spend a great deal of time outside with your dog, he will not be happy as a strictly outdoor dog. Outside should be for playing and exercising. A dog should never be left outdoors in hot weather without shade and water or in cold weather without well-insulated shelter. If your dog spends much time outside, he will need a fenced-in yard or a large kennel.

Can You Afford a Dog?

Your dog will have to be fed and groomed and provided with toys and treats. You may want to take him to obedience classes. If you travel occasionally on business or you're going on trips and can't take your dog, you will need to arrange to board him or to hire a dog sitter who will take care of him in your home.

Veterinary Care

Your dog will need regular veterinary checkups, which will include vaccinations, worming and flea and tick prevention. A medical emergency can cost several hundred dollars. As your dog ages, he may develop chronic health conditions that require regular visits to the vet. Veterinary charges vary from city to city. If you have not owned a pet before, you might want to call to see what the rates are in your area.


If you don't have time to groom your dog, don't have the facilities to give him a bath conveniently, or if he requires special grooming, you will need to pay for a professional groomer. You will also need brushes and combs for maintenance.


Dogs are required to be licensed. Fees are set by the county or the city and vary widely. To find out about licensing, call your county animal control office. Your vet and the local animal shelter will also know where you should go to purchase a license.

Exercise and Companionship - Do You Have Time?

Some dogs need only a short walk once or twice a day, while others are built to run all day. Be honest when you consider what level of regular exercise will be comfortable for you. If you have a heavy work schedule, taking the dog for a walk in the evening may be a burden rather than a pleasure. An active dog who only gets real exercise on weekends and holidays is likely to be unhappy, not to mention bored and destructive. In addition to exercise, your dog needs time with you. If you have a full work schedule and a busy social life, your dog is likely to be lonely, bored and destructive.

Size and Energy Level of the Dog

Before you even think about getting a young, highly energetic dog, such as a golden retriever, you need to ask yourself if you are strong enough to control and exercise a dog that will want to run and play and that could easily knock you down by accident. Don't buy a puppy that will turn into a 150-pound athlete if your energy level is more attuned to a stroll with a toy poodle.

Is Your Lifestyle Stable?

One common reason that dogs are given up to animal shelters is that the owner has had to move, and the new living quarters don't allow pets. Or the owner has married, and the new spouse doesn't like dogs. Are you likely to move frequently? Is your family life stable? Does your job require you to travel often or for long periods of time?

Puppy or Older Dog?

Most people automatically think about puppies when they think about getting a dog. While puppies are cute and fun, there are benefits in getting an older dog. It's much easier to housetrain an older dog. Puppies don't physically have the capacity for holding their urine for long period of time and must be taken out frequently. You will not have to wait for an older dog to grow up to see what size he will be or what kind of temperament he will have, and if you get your dog from an animal shelter or a rescue organization, you will probably be saving his life.

The First Steps

If after having read all this, you still want a dog, congratulations! You're probably eager to take the first step, and you want to dash out to the pet store, or the breeder, or the shelter, or the rescue organization, but don't rush out and pick up a dog just yet. It's important that you take the time to read as much as you can about selecting, introducing and keeping a dog. Browse through the other articles on our web site. Check books out of the public library or visit a bookstore.

Consider what kind of dog you want. Do you want a purebred dog or a mix? Do you want a male or a female? Do you want a puppy or an older dog? Talk to other dog owners that you know. Where did they get their dogs and what was their experience? Where do you want to look for the perfect choice?

Once you decide to get a dog, choose an occasion to bring him home when you and your family will have time to give him plenty of attention; bringing him home at the start of a long weekend or a vacation, when you will have more time to spend at home with him, will definitely make the transition to his new home easier for him as well as his new family. Prepare for his arrival. You'll need to know what to expect and how to care for him when he first comes into your life.

If you have carefully chosen your new canine friend and properly prepared for him, bringing him home can be one of the most joyful experiences of your life. He will become part of your family and will love you without reservation. Return his love, and he will really be your best friend.

shared by Bullie Pups R Us

How Sinus Surgery Can Give You Lasting Comfort

Do you often suffer from allergies? The incidence of sinusitis and allergic rhinitis is high in areas of high pollution and smog. Sinusitis results in constant headache, facial pain, nose drips, and inflammation. Between 24 and 31 million Americans suffer from sinusitis every year. Acute sinusitis requires medication and sometimes nasal spray. Acute conditions may be a result of fungal infection or as a result of poor immune systems caused by viral infections. Medication for chronic sinusitis may include allergy shots, antibiotics, nasal corticosteroid sprays, antihistamines or even surgery. Over-the-counter treatments like nasal decongestant sprays may work initially, but over longer period of usage may actually worsen the condition and should not be taken without proper medical advice. The way to counter such condition is to undergo a sinus surgery.

If you are allergic to pollen that triggers allergic rhinitis you know how the attack can weaken you and ruin your schedule. Antihistamines are commonly used to ease the condition. Some medication for rhinitis makes you drowsy. Sometimes vasomotor rhinitis contributes to chronic sinusitis. Deviated septum is another factor for aggravating chronic conditions. If the sinus cavities are abnormally small they do not facilitate drainage from the cavities causing their inflammation. If the patient is sensitive to allergens regular bouts of sinusitis may cause the patient to develop even more serious conditions like abscess, bone infection, meningitis, and skin infection around the eyes. Chronic conditions are accompanied by heavy thick nasal discharge. The nasal discharge may be greenish and have pus or blood in it. The patient will experience localized headache that may increase if the patient lies down or bends over and sometimes a toothache accompanies a dull headache. The patient might also experience some fever and halitosis.

Diagnosis of sinusitis is done usually by an ENT specialist using a nasal endoscopy (rhinoscopy) device. The doctor may use other methods including viewing the nose for polyps and using CT scan or MRI. Presence of polyps or having other structural defects like a deviated nasal septum may make a patient prone to chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. After assessing the condition of the patient, the ENT specialist might advise sinus surgery. When optimal medication fails to improve the condition of the patient, surgery may be advised. Recent methods of surgery like Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and balloon sinuplasty are useful for alleviating symptoms. An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specialize in performing sinus surgery. Such delicate procedures should always be performed by experienced professionals specializing in the field.

Do You Have Allergies? - 7 Important Things To Know About Getting Relief

If you suffer with allergies, it's important to know how to manage them since there is no cure. Here are 7 pieces of information that will help you minimize the effect allergies have in your life.

Acupuncture Is An Option---This is fairly new on the radar for allergies in the Western world, but this tradition has been practiced in Asia and other Eastern civilizations for thousands of years.

Incredibly small needles are used to puncture the skin at various control centers of the body to stimulate lung, liver and other organs to improve health and desensitize the body's reaction to triggers that often induce symptoms and flare-ups.

This is not a quick fix (not very much in life is), and has not been proven to work for everyone. But it's certainly worth looking into because some insurance companies are now willing to cover the cost.

Consult your physician first. Do a little research online about anyone you are considering for the procedure. And make sure that the acupuncturist is certified by your state board of health.

Allergy Shots Can Work---This is a process where you are injected with tiny amounts of allergens. If your skin reacts it's a pretty good indication that more of that allergen would cause discomfort and symptoms.

Once your triggers are identified, those allergens are injected in increasing doses over a long period of time in hopes of decreasing your body's reaction to them. This takes years sometimes, but the results can be satisfying, particularly if your allergies are severe.

Avoiding The Trigger Still Works---This is still the most effective yet non-invasive way to deal with this condition. Stay informed about the air quality in your area. Stay indoors during peak seasons, and during the times of day that the spore count is heaviest---usually early morning and late evenings.

Medicine Is Available---Fortunately, there are numerous medications available, both over-the-counter and prescribed, that can alleviate acute symptoms. These occur once histamines have been released into the body and often present as sneezing, coughing, and watering eyes. All of these are an attempt by the body to flush what it perceives as a harmful substance from the body.

There is also medication that works to minimize the body's reaction to allergens by reducing the production of histamines. A board-certified allergist should become one of your best friends.

Masks Are Affordable---Sometimes it's the wrong time to be outdoors, but you either have to go or want to go. When those days happen, wear a mask that can help filter the particulates.

These are fairly inexpensive and are available in a wide variety of colors and a price range that varies greatly depending on features. You can also find them in many drug stores.

Lifestyle---Anything you can do to strengthen the immune system will help. Eating foods that are high in antioxidants and magnesium have proven to be beneficial to many. At least 8 ounces of yogurt daily has been shown to help reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms for some.

Exercising daily and/or being active as well as getting the proper amount of sleep can drastically improve not only physical well-being but your emotional health as well.

Filtration Is Essential---Controlling the number of airborne irritants in your air can only be done with continuous filtration. It is most effectively done with a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter that can remove particles as small as.3 microns in size.

This means it is able to continually eliminate pollen, and mildew spores as well as indoor triggers such as dust, dust mites, and pet dander.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Canvas Bag For Epipen is Perfect!

Spring time is amazing! The buds are bursting off the branches, flowers are peeping up among the dead leaves and everywhere you look are a multitude of different colored greens. Spring is also the time of year we mothers often go into an over vigilance with our children and their allergies. There are many environmental allergies as well as various insect allergies that are prevalent during the warmer months. With this beautiful warm weather and vitality of the earth comes a constant possession of the epipen which is an easy to use method of administering life-saving epinephrine.

I first found out my child was allergic to bees, when at the age of three she found a crispy dead one and almost died of an allergic reaction. It took about eight minutes for her face to puff, a white ring to form around her mouth and for her to need oxygen and epinephrine shots. Unfortunately, I was unprepared and not knowing she was allergic to anything made for a stressful six hour emergency room visit that turned into an overnight stay in the intensive care unit. Thankfully, she received the right treatment in time and now I am equipped for any future bee stings by the required transport of her epipen.

At first, I thought we could keep it in the car- so we would always have it with us on our weekend trips. The epipen needs to stay about room temperature however and we have had to replace those that have reached near boiling point because they were left in the car or forgotten in the direct sun. Therefore, in the car would be too hot or too cold much of the time it is needed. A cooler or ice pack can be too cool and anywhere in the direct sun can be too warm. For 3 years I have searched and I think I have finally found a bag worthy of carrying this liquid life saver - the canvas disc golf bag!

Made of 100% canvas and American made, the NutSac disc golf bag was designed to hold your discs while out playing. On a hot spring day I was playing disc golf in the backyard and the epipen was safely resting at the bottom of my bag. I left the bag outside in the direct sun accidentally when we went inside for lunch. The canvas acted as natural insulation and after a couple of hours in the direct sun (in which we suffered our first sunburn of the season), the epipen lay cool as a cucumber.

The NutSac canvas bag was designed by disc golfers, for disc golfers, but this bag is also perfect for outdoor enthusiasts that need to carry epinephrine, and works as a small tote for the beach or pool, hiking through the woods and much more! Because of its durable duck canvas material which offers an extra insulation to the sun's hot and powerful ultraviolet rays, the canvas bag is the best for carrying my child's liquid life saver- epinephrine. Spring through Fall is stressful enough without worrying about the epipen becoming too hot to be a life saver. As a Mother, I am content knowing the epipen will stay within the proper temperature inside my American made canvas bag!

Yorkshire Terrier Health Problems

I want to talk about a more serious issue here, Yorkie health problems. There are a lot of preventable health problems that your Yorkshire terrier can be hit with. The consequences can be emotionally painful for both you and your Yorkie, as well as very expensive as you probably know that trips to the vet are not cheap, especially for smaller breeds of dogs such as a Yorkie. The solution is to be pro-active and take charge of your Yorkie's health ahead of time to prevent any health issues that might crop up later on. Understanding and learning what you need to do to keep your Yorkie in top condition health-wise is key.

Potential Yorkie Health Problems

Yorkshire terrier dogs, as well as other dogs for that matter, are susceptible to a wide range of health issues, similar to us humans. The only problem is that your dog can't speak and tell you what's wrong with it when it has a health issue such as a stomach ache. If you can't tell what's wrong with them, the poor thing will suffer in silence until a very serious pain is detected. Let's take a moment to understand what symptoms can crop up and what you can do to prevent these health issues from being a problem in the first place.

Dog Obesity

This is one ailment that is probably the most common in dogs across all breeds, terriers included. While small terriers tend to be very energetic, they may tend to gain weight due to other causes. Dog obesity is usually a direct cause of eating more than they're supposed to and lack of exercise. Left unchecked, obesity can lead to serious consequences including heart failure, tumors, disease of the liver, and problems with their skin. Luckily, this one can be prevented easily by watching your dog's diet and ensuring they get plenty of exercise. Terrier breeds are known for being energetic so getting them to walk, run and play shouldn't be too hard to do. Ensuring your Yorkie has a healthy diet will ensure your doggie will continue being energetic and lengthen their life span.

Arthritis and Dysplasia

There are some dogs which can be suspect to problems of their bones and joints. In order to prevent joint and bone problems, make sure they get the right vitamins and minerals each day to support healthy growth. Unfortunately, dogs that are pure bred are the most susceptible to joint problems due to their selectively bred physical qualities such as being narrower and longer. I advise going to the vet at least once a year to check for joint health.

Dog Allergies

Yorkies can have a variety of different allergies. Flea allergies are probably the most common. If your Yorkie has flea allergies, you'll notice hot spots in your dog which can lead to infections. In order to prevent this, ensure your Yorkie gets the right flea medication each month and have your vet examine them for health. Another kind of allergy is food allergy. If skin issues start to crop up to the ears, nose or other hot spots, it may be time to take them to a vet to understand what they can't eat as tissue issues can be very damaging.

Dog Diabetes

Many new pet owners are surprised that dogs can acquire diabetes but it's true, this issue is not just a human related on. The cause of diabetes in dogs is usually eating foods that contain too much fat and sugar. Eating too many rich foods can trigger pancreatic problems which often leads to diabetes. To help prevent these issues, ensure your terrier is kept on a strict dog food diet and minimal to no table scraps or extra meals. If your beloved Yorkie acquires diabetes, it's time to have your pet see the vet regularly. Be prepared that your pet may need to have shots administered regularly.

Dog Infections

Infections can crop up in your Yorkie's eyes, teeth, ears and skin. Be sure to clean your Yorkie's eyes, brush their hair and teeth regularly to prevent build ups which can lead to bacterial infections. Ear infections are probably the most frequent and common form of infection for dogs. It's usually caused by bacteria, dirt or simply a foreign body getting in that space. Luckily, infections are also a problem that is easily preventable with good doggie maintenance.

Dog Health Problem Wrap-up

Most, if not all of these issues can be prevented if your Yorkie is on a good diet, plays and runs often, and you keep it clean and well groomed. In any case, I urge all my visitors to visit their vet once a year to check for any issues you might miss. The sooner a health problem, infection or disease is detected and handled, the better and quicker it can be treated and less trips to the vet will be needed in the future. I hope you've found my article on Yorkshire terrier health problems insightful.

Using Setbacks and Obstacles to Win

"Winners never quit and quitters never win" Vincent Thomas "Vince" Lombardi Named "Coach of the Century" by ESPN

Everyone on the planet will have to go through set-backs and obstacles in their lives. Some people will have more severe challenges than others. However, the one who can go grow from and use their set-backs and obstacles, will always succeed. Obstacles can come in many forms; losing a game, failing a test, getting ill, or losing people we love.

Here are a few stories of great athletes who overcame their set-backs and obstacles:

Lance Armstrong

World re-known cyclist Lance Armstrong has won the hearts of millions overcoming his setbacks. When he was at the top of his game he won the USPRO Championship title, stage victories in the Tour de France, A World Championship, multiple victories at the Tour du Pont, and a spot on the U.S. Olympic team..

In 1996 he entered as the No.1 ranked cyclist in the world, and competed as a member of the U.S. Cycling Team in the Atlanta Summer Olympic Games. Lance had just signed a contract with the French-based Cofidis racing team when he received devastating news that would make many people to not only quit racing, but quit life. One day while cycling Lance was literally forced off his bike in excruciating pain.

Doctors gave him the devastating news that he had cancer. It was advanced testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and his brain. He had less than 50-50 chance of surviving. Over time he was able to undergo treatment that worked, but while he was going through the pain and shock of cancer, it left him scarred physically and emotionally.

Lance says now, " was the best thing that ever happened to me." He knew he couldn't feel sorry for himself. He had to get back on his bike. This new way of looking at his set back helped him to see beyond cycling. He formed the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help others with cancer. Lance finally recovered and returned to racing but he no longer had a contract with the Cofidis. He found himself without a team until the United States Postal Service took a leap in faith and signed him. He had to prove himself. But Lance was devastated again when he physically couldn't go on, and had to quit in the middle of race.

People thought his career was definitely over. It took time, but he learned to love the bike again and build up the courage to try again. "Through my illness I learned rejection. I was written off," says Lance. "That was the moment I thought, Okay, game on. No prisoners. Everybody's going down." Lance was determined not to give up. His new belief in himself and training, helped Lance finish in the top-five in the Tour of Spain and World Championships. In 1999 he set a goal for himself. The Tour de France.

With strong determination, he won amazing victories, the 1999-2005 Tours de France. How could Lance miraculously win over the odds? He believed he could beat the disease and win. "Pain is temporary," says Lance. "It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."

Jeanette Bolden

Jeanette Bolden knows all too well about overcoming roadblocks. She won a Gold Medal for the 4x100 relay in the 1984 Olympics with an asthmatic condition. Today Jeanette is the 2008 Olympic coach of the U.S. Women's Track and Field team and the UCLA women's track and field head coach.

"I've had asthma all my life," says Jeanette. "Unfortunately, when I was young my mom used the Emergency Department as the primary source of treatment for my asthma. So I was in and out of the emergency rooms all the time and my asthma was really out of control. Things got so bad that I was actually sent to a home for asthmatic children, where I had to live for 9 months - away from my family. I did learn how to manage my asthma with the help of the people at the home, and learned to be much less afraid of it."

Not only did this extraordinary lady have to overcome her physical limitations, she had to deal with opposition from others as well. "I had problems with other kids picking on me because of my illness," says Jeanette. "I used to carry my inhaler in my sock and one time it fell out and a boy picked it up and started spraying it all over the place and shouting "asthma face" and "spasma girl" and he would tell others not to play with "asthma girl. When Jeanette returned from the home for asthmatic children, she resumed her life as a normal kid running and playing outdoors.

One day she was with her younger sister at a park and they met a local track and field coach. Jeanette refusing to let her asthmatic condition hold her back, she boldly asked the coach if she could join the team and explained that she had asthma. This was a gamble. She worried that he wouldn't want her on the team. But she was surprised when the coach simply said, "If it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me."

This was the beginning of her extraordinary life as a super-star athlete. She got on the team, and never looked back even though she competed against healthy athletes with her condition. "My mom always encouraged me to do my best and not let it (asthma) hinder me," says Jeanette. "Once I started winning races, my asthma became more acceptable. I don't think I would have accomplished as much in my career if I didn't have asthma - because it drove me to strive harder to prove myself to others and to show those kids who picked on me that nothing would stop me from excelling."

Not only has Jeanette refused to let asthma hold her back, she has embraced it and overcome the odds, and helps others to do the same. Today when she is not coaching, she helps others live a better quality of life with asthma as the founder and director of the Jeanette Bolden Asthma and Allergy Track Clinic. She is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. Jeanette is the perfect example of the old adage, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

Oscar De La Hoya

He has defeated more than a dozen world champions and won six world titles as well as an Olympic gold metal and has been named in the 2008 United States Olympic Hall of Fame. But Oscar De La Hoya would have never achieved his greatness if he gave up like he wanted to do when his beloved mother he was so close to died of cancer.

"My mother went to all of my fights even when she had breast cancer," remembers Oscar. "Sometimes she even missed her radiation treatments to support me. She didn't tell us she had cancer. She didn't want her kids to suffer. "Her last words was for me to go to the Olympics and get the gold," says Oscar who remembers it was a lot of pressure on him because he desperately wanted to fulfill his mother's wishes...and at the same time, he wanted to quit boxing.

"That pressure was incredible. I had to do it," says Oscar. "I learned I can go through fire in any situation in or out of the ring."

Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez, a 12-time All-Star Baseball Player, says his high school experience was complicated. When he arrived in New York from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic he was never relaxed in class. He had no friends and Manny struggled learning English and fitting into a different culture. "I was trying to learn to speak a different language... I always like to do things correctly, and it was difficult learning correct English, so I lost interest," says Manny. "This got me even deeper into baseball... When I played, I felt good about myself, because I could do my best. I could work hard and help our team to win."

Manny turned to his high school coach and talked for hours to talk about what he needed to do to become an outstanding baseball player. Then he would turn the advice into practice. Manny would wake up at the crack of dawn to run before going to school, and after dinner he went to a friend's house to lift weights. He was a very hard worker. He never missed or arrived late to practice. He was the star of the high school team In 2008 Manny became a Los Angeles Dodger.

He ranks 23rd on baseball's all-time home run list, and is one of only 11 players in baseball history with at least 11 seasons with 30 or more homers (1995-96, 1998-2006). He has also hit at least 20 home runs in 14 straight seasons, including a career-high 45 in 1998 with Cleveland and 2005 with Boston. Manny won two World Series championships with Boston in 2004 and 2007, and was named the World Series Most Valuable Player in 2004.

Michael Jordan

Widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan suffered a devastating loss when his father was murdered in 1993. After three consecutive NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls, Michael quit basketball to pursue a lifelong dream to play baseball. Many fans felt the real reason he retired from basketball was his father's death. Michael has led the N.B.A. in scoring a record 10 times (1987-93, 1996-98), earned the M.V.P. award five times (1988, 1991-92, 1996, 1998), and won six championships with the Chicago Bulls (1991-93, 1996-98).

Michael is called "Air Jordan" for his remarkable leaping ability thrilling spectators with his acrobatic dunks and game-winning shots. Off the court, Jordan became a celebrity and one of the most sought after commercial spokesmen in the world.

"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career," says Michael. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is precisely why I succeed."

Michael Phelps Michael Phelps, who won the U.S. eight Gold Medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic for swimming, has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Symptoms of this condition include; not able to pay attention, makes careless mistakes, doesn't listen, doesn't finish tasks, does not follow directions, and is easily distracted. However, Michael broke through the odds with his laser attention that was so intense that some reporters called it "other-worldly."

The swimmer used Hyper-focusing to bring home the Gold. This is a characteristic that ADHD people have, but usually they hyper-focus on everything that are distractions from the task at hand. Michael believes he developed the ability to use what others consider an obstacle, ADHD hyper-focusing, because of the upstream battle he had to overcome as a kid being bullied. "I always had a baseball cap on riding the school bus, and some kids would take the hat, or throw it out the window, or my ears were flicked," said Michael in an NBC interview with Bob Costas, host of the Olympics for NBC. "There was always something that I was picked on for, and I guess it made me stronger. All the stuff I had growing up, and all the making fun of (me), made me work harder to get to where I am now.

Today Michael uses people's pettiness to fuel his sport. "If there is trash-talking, it's extra fuel," says the Olympian. "Makes you want to prove that person wrong who says you can't do something." Not too many people can trash talk Michael today. The 23-year-old is now considered one of world's greatest athletes.


When we are going through pain and suffering, we often feel that no one else is living with the set-backs and are going through the obstacles that face us. This is not true. We may not know them, but everyone has their problems. The key is that some people choose to change their attitudes and simply deal with their challenges like the athletes in this chapter. It's important to acknowledge your feelings, take time to grieve over a situation, then move on. Start by asking yourself, "How can I make the best out of this situation?" The answer will come to you.


* * * Set-backs and obstacles can make you stronger.

* * * No matter what challenge you face, big or small, you can still win.

* * * Inside each of us is greatness.

* * * Never say never.

* * * There is always someone going through more pain and suffering than you

* * * Your set-backs and obstacles can make you a better person.

* * * Choose to learn from these challenges.

* * * Ask yourself how you can move on.

* * * Never, ever give up.


Today, I will make the best of this situation.

Today, I am learning from these challenges.

Today, I am becoming stronger and better.

Today, I am being led to solutions to my challenges.

Get Rid of Sinus Infection Naturally - No Doctor Bills, No Shots, No Prescriptions

Get rid of sinus infection naturally and quickly when you use an herbal cure that has zero side effects, and boosts your overall immune system. A natural cure for allergies acts in as little as one week, and costs less than a bottle of pills that make you feel dried out and zombie-like! And a natural cure treats all sinus infection symptoms, regardless of the severity.

Usually, you would call your doctor and schedule an appointment. This means waiting to treat your ailment. Then there is the driving back and forth to and from the doctor, possibly taking time off from work.

Your doctor would prescribe some typical, seasonal cure of the month. You would fill your prescription, pay the doctor and pharmacist, and wait while the full 30 day cycle is run. If that does not work, you go back to the doctor, and start all over!

There has to be a better and more effective, less costly, less frustrating, time-saving alternative! Well, many former allergy sufferers have been using a little known natural, herbal remedy that provides instant relief without "zoning you out" and making you feel like a shell of yourself.

Imagine clear eyes, clean, trouble-free breathing and congestion-free lungs and throat. When you get rid of sinus infection naturally, these rewards will be yours, as well as more money in your pocketbook.

Maintaining healthy histamine levels is the number one effect homeopathic, natural remedies have on sinus infections. Promoting healthy, long-term respiratory function and comfort, as well as providing skin integrity for healthy skin, they also give an overall boost to your immune system.

A natural remedy is easy to take. Coming in tablet form, and available to be purchased online, there are no appointments, no hanging around in waiting rooms with other sick people, and no costly doctor's bills.

Delivered to your door, in as little as one day, you have access to instant relief. And since you are using a natural cure, there are zero negative side effects. This is not always true with prescriptions. Sometimes a doctor's treatment becomes worse than the sickness it is treating!

But maybe the best thing about curing your sinuses naturally is the positive side effect. Your entire immune system is boosted, so you whole health increases, not just sinus health. And the healing is a natural, holistic, pure feeling. You don't feel that "drugged out" feeling that chemicals give you.

Get rid of sinus infection naturally today, and you will breathe clearly tomorrow. Your sinuses and pocketbook will thank you.

Different Kinds of Dog Allergies - Essential Facts That You Must Know About Them

Dogs are great companions, friends and partners with whom you can really enjoy some great activities. They are just like a child that is why it is greatly essential for you to take care of all their needs and requirements. Some dogs are prone to various dog allergies that are mostly caused due environmental changes. If your dog is suffering from any allergy then he might suffer from itching, hair loss, skin irritation and redness.

Some dog allergies are mild while other can be medically grave. If your dog is facing a serious problem then you must immediately take them to your vet. In this article, I would mainly like to tell you about some common dog allergies from which your dog might suffer.

1. Allergies that are caused via food
Food allergies are the most common and your four legged friend might suffer from then at some stage of his or her life. This allergy is mainly caused due to dog food which includes beef, corn, dairy products, soy, chicken and eggs. If your beloved friend is suffering from this allergy then the symptoms would include excessive itching, redness of the skin, hot spots and hair loss. To cure your dog you must take them to your veterinarian and you must also change their dog food.

2. Inhalant or atopic allergy
This is the most severe allergy that can be caused due to dust mite, pollen grains, molds, dust, feather and grains. The symptoms include face rubbing, hair loss, itching, pimple like lesions, pustules, red bumps, papules and biting. If the cause of the allergy is not possible to remove completely from the environment then you must use dog care products like shampoos, corticosteroids and allergy shots.

3. Bacteria allergy
Only some breeds of dogs tend to suffer from bacteria allergies. The symptoms of this allergy include hair loss, pus pockets, crusts on skin and red blotches. You must give your dog anti-biotic to cure them from this allergy.

4. Flea allergies
This allergy is just like the food allergy and it is mainly caused due to flea saliva. Your dog might suffer from sore formation, itching, redness of the skin and hair loss. The fleas suck your dog's blood that is why in order to save them you must use medicated shampoos and you must give them a bath in cold water.

5. Contact allergies
Dogs who are very sensitive mostly suffer from this allergy. It may be caused by pet sweaters, wool bedding, plants, trees, collars, fleas and chemicals. The symptoms include hair loss, redress and itching.

Well these are the different types of dog allergies from which your beloved dog might suffer.

Allergy Testing: Helping You Avoid Your Allergy Triggers

An allergy occurs when an individual's immune system has a negative reaction to normally harmless substances (dust, fish, nuts or pollen) in their surroundings. An allergen is what causes the allergic reaction and the reactions are usually rapid, predictable, and acquired. An allergy is classified into 4 kinds of hypersensitivity, and formally referred to as type I hypersensitivity (immediate).

If you or a family member is suffering with the reactions of an allergen, you can call a professional allergy clinic and schedule an appointment. Here, an immunologist/allergist who is specially trained to diagnose, treat, and manage your allergies, will customize a treatment plan that is right for you.

In order to determine which allergens you are sensitive to, your allergist will conduct allergy testing on you. These tests can be performed using blood serum or on the skin. The skin tests are the most common and involve potential allergens being placed on the surface of the skin where the doctor will observe the reaction. If you receive positive reactions from any of your tests, this can narrow down what is causing your allergy reaction. When you are aware of what allergens trigger your allergic reaction, you can avoid or eliminate that substance from your life. Allergy testing is also done on individuals that have skin rashes, eczema, or asthma that is difficult to manage to determine if an allergy is responsible for making the condition worse, or for even causing the condition.

Your allergist may recommend allergy shots to treat your allergy problems. More than 85 percent of patients on allergy shots have a positive response to this treatment. These shots can be effective in reducing your need for allergy medication. An allergist/immunologist usually recommends allergy shots for patients that have severe allergy symptoms that may not respond well to medication, or for individuals that may not be able to tolerate allergy medicines. Another effective treatment to help control allergy reactions is taking allergy medication. Many medications can help manage your allergy conditions such as antihistamines that treat hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and conditions like hives.

If you have been suffering with a condition that you do not know quite what it is but you have symptoms such as constant coughing and sneezing, hives, rashes and more, it might be time to see an allergist for allergy testing. A board certified physician will do an assessment of your situation and will help find the right treatment to manage your condition.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Allergy Drops and Sublingual Immunotherapy

Many people who find their allergy symptoms are starting to control their life often look to immunotherapy for a solution the their allergy problems. The problem is once they find out the length of time and the number of doctor visits required for immunotherapy, not to mention the shots they do not stick with it. Fortunately there is a alternative to immunotherapy.

Allergy drops work the same way and are known as sublingual immunotherapy. The drops are placed under the tongue and held there for a short time before swallowing. Using this method allows them to enter the blood stream very quickly. Allergy drops are popular with parents of children who suffer from allergies because they are a relatively pain free solution. Sublingual immunotherapy can also be less expensive than traditional allergy shots because they require fewer trips to the doctors office. One draw back is that the drops can sometimes take longer to work than shots but people who use drops tend to stay on schedule with them more than shots because of ease of use and the fact they are less time consuming.

Allergy drops have been used for many years successfully in Europe but are yet to be approved by the FDA. Studies are under way and approval is expected in a few years. With a proven track record most research being done is on the amount and frequency of use required. If your interested in allergy drops you might want to ask your doctor about them during your next visit. Just like immunotherapy, sublingual therapy will not work for everyone and it is not for people who suffer short term or minor allergy symptoms.

Preparing For Allergy Season - 4 Ways to Minimize the Effects of Airborne Allergies

Depending on the type of allergy and where you live, the season of dread can start as early as January or begin as late as September. But regardless of which season of the year sends your allergies in to overdrive, here are 4 things you can do to minimize their effect on your life.

Plan Ahead---Regardless of the kind of pollen---trees in the spring, grass in the summer, or weeds in the fall, it's best to make plans ahead of time that will get you through it in good physical and emotional health.

Plan outdoor activities on days and times of day that have the least amount of pollen and mold and mildew spores in the air. Keep abreast of the outdoor air quality by tuning in to local news, or going online to get up to the minute information that give you the most control over the number of irritants to which you will be exposed.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) has state-of-the-art pollen counting stations set up around the country. By going to their website, you can get up to the minute information amount the amount of pollen in the air where you live.

On days when the count is too high to be comfortable outside, make sure you have a Plan B. Plan to take a class,join a book club, workout at the gym, or volunteer during the peak of your allergy season so that you remain engaged and stimulated.

There are over 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies. Network with those in your area, and you'll find that are a lot of people in the same boat with you. Make it work for you.

Be Prepared----Consult with an allergist and ask for medications that can control symptoms once they start, and for those that can reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergens. An EpiPen for extreme emergencies is a good ace in the hole to have.

This device delivers a pre-measured dose of adrenalin that can literally save the life of someone whose allergic reaction is so severe that they are headed towards anaphylactic shock.

Allergy shots can also help to desensitize your body to the allergens to which your body has the trouble. This is not a quick or easy fix, and can sometimes take years to realize an effect. But if your allergies are severe, this is certainly a solution that is worth exploring.

Avoid, Avoid, Avoid---The best way to manage any allergy is to avoid whatever triggers it. With airborne irritants this is way easier said than done. Pollen and spore counts are lowest on days when there is little wind, and after it rains. Best times of day to avoid high pollen counts are between 10:00 am and 5 pm. Once you know the safest times to be out and about, your life will become easier because your symptoms will most likely be less.

Control Indoor Air Quality---For many people allergies are triggered by a combination of outdoor seasonal irritants as well as the ever-present indoor allergens such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander. Having to fight off seasonal triggers outside and continue to battle with chronic indoor pollutants makes it incredibly hard on your body.

By filtering the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier, you can eliminate the indoor triggers that are always there, and remove the seasonal irritants that are impossible to keep out.

There is no known cure for allergies. But using these 4 techniques together will greatly reduce the disruption that allergies can have on your life.

What Is An Allergy And What Can I Do?

Normally your immune system's lymphocytes (white blood cells) travel to all parts of the body scanning the outside of proteins for chemical signatures. If it finds an invading protein, then the white blood cell returns to a lymph node where it becomes a plasma cell and generates antibodies to destroy that specific protein.

An allergy sufferer has a genetic defect that causes the white blood cells to misidentify protein and overreact to a foreign substance. If a person with a seafood allergy eats seafood, the white blood cells mistakenly think that the body is being invaded and produces many times more antibodies than are needed to fight the invaders.

Since there isn't a real threat (and therefore nothing to attach to), over the next 7 to 10 days, the antibodies attach themselves to mast cells that store histamine. This is known as sensitizing to an allergen.

The next time your body is exposed to that allergen, a cascading allergic reaction occurs. During a cascading reaction all the antibodies are triggered and destroy all the mast cells they are attached to, thus releasing an abnormally large about of histamine causing runny nose, itchy skin and other symptoms.

What Happens During An Allergic Reaction?

The reaction is caused by excess amounts of histamine being released rapidly. Here are typical effects:
Histamine tries to protect the body by isolating the area with the allergen. Blood vessels shrink to reduce blood flow. This can cause drowsiness, unclear thinking and even organ failure.

As the cells and blood vessels shrink, the gaps they leave fill with fluid causing puffiness and soreness. This swelling can become severe enough to prevent sight, hearing, and breathing and make movement uncomfortable or impossible.

Skin contact with an allergen usually causes hives, itchiness and localized swelling.

Airborne allergen contact often makes breathing difficult as the throat and lungs contract. The lack of oxygen may cause drowsiness, make walking impossible, and can result in death.

The introduction of an allergen by way of blood often is the most severe. This can happen by a sting or food being digested. Blood can circulate throughout the body within 6 minutes, allowing the allergen to come in contact with all organs.

What Can You Do To Avoid A Reaction?

There are three things to help prevent an allergic reaction:

1. Avoidance. The first and most important step is avoidance of the allergen. The more exposure you have, the more likely you are to be sensitized and then have a more severe reaction. While it may be easy to avoid seafood, it isn't for things like pollen. The following environmental things may help.

a. Air filtering. A good air filter will reduce the amount of airborne allergens.

b. If it is an airborne problem, wear a surgical mask while it is at its peak. The mask will filter out the majority of the pollen that would have been breathed in, thus reducing the effects of the allergen.

c. Remove carpets, keep furniture slightly away from walls and increase airflow. Carpets catch all sorts of allergens that can get stirred up each time you walk around. Moving furniture away from the walls allows air to move through the home. If air does not move freely, pockets of pollutants can build up in unused areas.

d. Make sure your vacuum and furnace have good filters. Vacuums pull up a lot of pollutants from the carpet, so be sure that they are all captured. The furnace is the primary defense against airborne allergens, since it is responsible for circulating air throughout the home.

2. Medication can greatly reduce the risk of allergic reaction as well as containing them. Antihistamines, decongestants, cromolyn sodium, corticosteroids and epinephrine are examples of things that may help. Many people find taking an antihistamine once a day during pollen season is enough to relieve their symptoms, if avoidance doesn't work.

3. Immunotherapy is the clinical introduction of the allergen on a regular basis and in increasing larger doses. Immunotherapy is the closet thing there is to a cure for allergies. It must be done regularly, is possibly risky and expensive, but it might work.

Suffer From Allergies? Learn More About the Types, Causes and Symptoms of Various Allergies Here

Many Americans suffer from allergies on a daily basis. Yet, when someone says allergies, that can mean many different things. Various people respond to allergens in different ways and there are many types of allergies. Three commonly seen allergies are insect sting allergies, food allergies and skin allergies. Each will produce its own symptoms and each will require its own treatment. A consultation with your doctor will determine how best to handle your condition.

Being stung by an insect means pain and discomfort for most people. Yet, for others, it may be a matter of life and death. This is due to the allergic reaction of some to the sting. When someone allergic to insects is stung, their immune system reacts strongly to the venom. They may itch, break out in hives, or have difficulty breathing. Allergic reactions to insect venom are most commonly caused by fire ants, hornets, honeybees, paper wasps and yellow jackets. The most extreme allergic reaction results in anaphylaxis. Symptoms include swelling of the tongue and throat, dizziness, difficulty breathing, stomach cramps, nausea and/or diarrhea, and itching or hives over a large part of the body. An allergist will need to work with you to control your reaction to the allergen. This may be done through allergy shots and carrying autoinjectable epinephrine.

Skin allergies often display themselves as dry, flaky skin; inflamed or blistered skin; swelling; a strange rash; or red, scaly or itchy skin. They are more familiarly known as conditions such as eczema, allergic contact dermatitis or hives. These are often unpleasant, but rarely life-threatening. One skin allergy, though, has been shown to cause anaphylaxis. This is a latex allergy and something that your doctor will need to evaluate. Treatment is available for skin allergies, but often you will find that you can prevent symptoms by avoiding the allergens as much as possible.

Food allergies occur when a person's immune system reacts negatively to proteins in a particular food. Many people suffer from food intolerance, yet food allergies are rarer than people imagine. Foods that are commonly seen as allergens include peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, eggs, soy, fish, wheat and cow's milk. Symptoms include vomiting, stomach cramps, or diarrhea; a rash or red, itchy skin; angioedema or swelling; or a stuffy or itchy nose, sneezing or itchy and teary eyes. Treatments are available, yet prevention is often the best course of action. With any allergy, consult with your doctor who may refer you to a specialist depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Yeast Allergy - The Ultimate Low Carb Diet

Grain based food products are the staple of most all of Europe and North America. They love their regional breads and rolls. All these carbohydrates coupled with a sedate lifestyle leads to an undesired weight gain. Carbs are found in many of the processed foods that are so popular in United States. Most people don't realize how much carbohydrate related foods they eat each day. What if you were diagnosed with an allergy to yeast?

That is right. There are people with a yeast allergy. They cannot drink or eat anything that has yeast as an ingredient. Many people do not realize the extent of the number of foods and baked goods that have yeast as an ingredient. Most all of the baked goods contain yeast, like breads and bagels. All alcoholic drinks are made with yeast. There goes having a glass of Champaign to celebrate the New Year with. Although there are non alcoholic alternatives available.

A yeast allergy can be a good thing

Having a yeast allergy can be a blessing in disguise. Use your yeast allergy to your advantage and go on a low carbohydrate diet. You will keep your yeast allergy under control and take off some of the unwanted pounds.

A yeast allergy for carb lovers can be devastating. What is worse is there are those who do not know they have a yeast allergy. They keep wondering why they are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms.

* Fatigue or lethargy

* Feeling of being drained

* Headaches

* Muscle Aches

* Irritability

* Psoriasis

* Chronic hives (urticaria)

* High sugar foods drastically increase symptoms

* Feeling of being intoxicated which leads to a "hangover feeling". This is due to fermentation and alcohol production by yeast.

You keep on feeling discomfort at certain times of the day. You have no idea why or what is causing it. The only way to find out is to schedule an appointment with an allergy doctor and have an allergy test performed.

If your allergy doctor performs an allergy test and determines that, in fact, you have a yeast allergy, he will inform you of the severity of it. Your allergy doctor will provide you with a collection of information about yeast allergies and what can be done to control them. Unfortunately, they are not curable; however, they are controllable. Most likely the allergy doctor will also recommend that you see a dietician that will help you develop a yeast free eating plan.

Depending on the severity of your yeast allergy you may be required to drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. It will be a good idea to consult with a registered dietician to develop a strategy and meal plan for you to follow. A side benefit of a low carb diet is it will help you reduce weight and the risk of adult onset diabetes.

You'd be surprised exactly how many foods out there have yeast in them. It's by being cautious and seeing the bright side of things, that will get you through your yeast allergy so that you can live a normal life once more without the discomfort of yeast allergy attacks.

Beat Hay Fever With These Tested Methods

It is allergy time again. The pollen is in the air and the sniffing and sneezing has started. Once again millions of people, like you and I, begin looking for ways to deal with our allergies. Some people start stocking up on medicine. Some began allergy shots. Me, I try to prevent them.

There is no cure so the best we can do is to control our allergies. After trying allergy shots and taking more kinds of medicine than I can count, I found ways to prevent my allergies. This makes the most difference in how bad my allergies are.

I use the following 5 methods all the time. The more of these I do, the fewer problems I have with allergies. I also have reduced the amount of medicine I have to take. In fact, I rarely have to take medicine at all.

So here are the 5 steps I follow. I hope that you will also follow these steps.

1. Keep the doors and windows closed.

I try to minimize the amount of time my doors and windows are open. The pollen count is very high in the morning, so I'm sure to not open windows and doors at this time. I check the pollen count on TV. If it's very high, the windows stay closed. I can air my house out on another day.

2. Limit time outside

I enjoy my time outside as much as you do. I like to take walks with my family. However, when there is a lot of pollen in the air, we stay home. We play games and I consider it extra family time. I also know that it is impossible to never go outside. I mean we have to go to work and school.

3. Shower when you come inside

It is not possible to never go outside. In addition to school and work, the grass must be cut, the garden must be weeded, and the yard must be cleaned. After spending a long time outside, your clothing and hair will be covered in pollen. As soon as you go inside take a shower, wash your hair, and change clothes. Try to spend as little time as possible walking around your house. The more time you walk around before showering, the more chance pollen has to get on your furniture and all around your house. You really should not go into your bedroom or sit on your bed.

4. Clean regularly

It should go without saying, and I hope that you already do this, but I'll say it anyway. Clean your house regularly. Every time you open a door or a window, go outside, or come back inside, pollen gets into your house. It settles on the floor, tables, and furniture. Normal traffic in your house causes it to get back into the air so you breathe it again. You need to get rid of it. Cleaning regularly will remove the pollen.

I try to vacuum my entire house everyday. If I am pressed for time, I just vacuum the bedrooms and the living room. I use a HEPA filter and I never change the bags inside the house.

I dust with a damp cloth. I never use a feather duster. A damp cloth will remove pollen. A feather duster will just send it into the air again. I try to dust one room a day. It takes me a little more than a week to dust every room.

I wash sheets, blankets, and curtains each week.

This takes a lot of time, but in my opinion it is time well spent. I have fewer allergic reactions to pollen. I enjoy my days and nights more.

5. Use an air purifier

The last thing I do is to use an air purifier. I only use an air purifier with a HEPA filter. A HEPA filter will remove 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger from the air. Pollen is larger than this. An air cleaner will remove the pollen from all the air that passes through it. One thing to remember is that a HEPA filter can only remove particles from the air that passes through it so it needs a powerful fan. And a powerful fan is noisy.

I use a programmable purifier. I set it to run on high when I am not in the room and on low when I am in the room. It works well for me. I get a full night's sleep now and almost never take medicine.

There is no cure for hay fever. If you have it, you will have to find ways to manage it. You don't have to become a recluse to survive hay fever. Follow these five steps and you too, can reduce your hay fever symptoms.

Psoriasis - Natural Treatment That Works

Of all of the skin problems people experience, psoriasis can be one of the most frustrating. It often starts with a terrible itchy scalp that keeps you awake try many skin products, only to find it can come right back with a vengeance. What starts out as being very itchy, turns into red bumps, then larger thicker 'plaques' of it, often with a white silvery scale. Needless to say, it can be quite embarrassing at work when you get an uncontrollable itch, or in public when you go swimming and people wonder if the red patches on your knees and elbows are contagious (it's not). It is especially hard on kids at school where they can be teased about it. In this article I will discuss a few new ways of understanding the problem and its causes, and some fundamental and effective naturopathic treatment strategies.

Skin Cell Growth
In normal skin, there is a balance of skin cells that form and skin cells that die - it takes about 28 days for skin cells to fully form. However, when the skin is damaged, there are more skin cells formed, which also draws more blood into the area causing redness and swelling (inflammation). Similarly, in psoriasis, this process also occurs, although the process of skin cell development is accelerated to take only 4 days, with thirty times more new skin cells. What causes this rapid piling up of skin cells in people with psoriasis?

Triggers and Causes of Psoriasis
About one-third of people with psoriasis have other family members with it as well. Despite the genetic predisposition, there must be a specific trigger to start the process. Recent research has found that the problem is not in the skin cells themselves, but is a reaction of the immune system. Some of the immune-related triggers of psoriasis include any infection, such as from strep throat, viruses, or yeast; physical injury (even a cut or scrape); pregnancy; an emotional crisis or stress; and medications (eg: lithium, blood pressure drugs). From a naturopathic perspective, we also know that our immunity is dramatically affected by nutritional deficiencies, a liver overwhelmed with toxins, and by what is happening in the digestive tract - with psoriasis what happens on the inside can have profound effects to the outside. Other factors that are associated with psoriasis include obesity, type 2 diabetes, alcohol consumption, smoking, and excessive animal fats in the diet. Most underlying factors tend to fall in four categories - nutrition, toxicity, digestion, and stress. In my experience, these are the basic components to address in all patients with psoriasis.

Conventional Treatment
The conventional treatment of the most common forms of psoriasis include topical skin treatments like coal tar, corticosteroids, synthetic vitamin A and D ointments, and ultraviolet phototherapy. For moderate to severe cases, immunosuppressive medications may be used such as methotrexate or cyclosporine. Newer 'biological agents' have been developed that block specific parts of the immune system. Most of these treatments have significant adverse effects, and can be costly, it's no wonder that more psoriasis sufferers are looking to natural solutions.

Basic Naturopathic Treatment
From the naturopathic perspective, some of the important basics to ensure positive results are to improve the diet, detoxify, improve digestive health, and balance stress. Note that topical treatment can help, but full resolution will only come from the inside out. From the dietary perspective, it is fundamental to eliminate the foods that trigger the immune system. I recommend doing an elimination diet where suspect foods are cut out for 3 weeks to see if symptoms improve - common culprits are wheat, dairy, eggs, and soy. An alternative to this is a blood test checking for immune system antibodies to common foods. It is interesting to note that 16% of psoriasis sufferers have an immune reaction to the gluten protein found in grains (wheat, barley, kamut, spelt, oats, rye, triticale). For these people, eliminating gluten in the diet usually solves the psoriasis, amazing!

We are all biochemically unique, with slightly different nutritional needs. Some common nutritional deficiencies amongst people with psoriasis include vitamins A, D, E, B12 and folic acid; selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fats. Patients with widespread psoriasis were found to have very low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D is not just for strong bones; it also helps control cell replication in the skin and even has antimicrobial effects there too. It's no wonder that there are much fewer cases of psoriasis in the tropics, where lots of sun allows the body to produce its own vitamin D. For us Canadians, I usually recommend 2000 I.U. of supplemental vitamin D3 per day, and more based on blood tests. I have also found that vitamin B12 injections have been helpful for my patients with psoriasis since it has immune antibody regulating benefits. Another essential nutrient for psoriasis patients is omega-3 fat. These are the 'good fats' and they help strengthen cell membranes and regulate immune functions. Numerous studies have shown the benefit of fish oils in helping reduce the skin thickness, itching, redness, and scaling of psoriasis. I recommend 5-10grams of fish or flax oil per day, or 3-5 servings of cold water fish each week.

Toxicity of various sorts can overwhelm the body - clogging up the liver and slowing down its detoxification processes. Ultimately, if the liver is backed up, then unprocessed toxins spill into the circulation, affecting the immune balance in the skin. Signs of toxicity include headaches, fatigue, aches, digestive problems, skin rashes, allergy symptoms, and being uncomfortable with scents such as perfumes and cleaning chemicals. Also realize that when we do not exercise regularly, we allow these toxins to just sit around, increasing the chance of triggering the skin's immune cells. Simple approaches to detoxification include an organic diet, 4-6 glasses of water and 25-35grams of fiber per day, and using liver-assisting herbs and spices such as milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, and turmeric. In regards to promoting effective skin circulation, I have found that my patients with psoriasis who used the far-infrared sauna received the best resolution of their psoriasis symptoms, since it penetrates the skin so well, drawing out the toxins.

Digestive factors are extremely important to investigate. Do you have imbalanced intestinal bacteria and yeast from antibiotics? Are you digesting well - any bloating, constipation, heartburn or excess gas? It is important to resolve these symptoms, and to ensure regular, daily, easy bowel movements. Consider if there is enough stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and healthy bacteria in the intestines. If you're not digesting and absorbing your food, then something else will! If there is poor protein digestion and absorption, then bacteria will digest this 'second helping' and overproduce their toxic byproducts which have been shown to actually increase skin cell growth.

Identifying and reducing your sources and perceptions of stress are crucial. Regular meditation, deep belly breathing, and other stress management techniques promote body-mind-immunity balance. By addressing the above factors, and putting it all together with consistency and patience, I have found that psoriasis can be resolved with a naturopathic approach.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting Out From Under Your Allergy's Thumb

Did you know that bee pollen and asthma are not necessarily mutually exclusive topics? In fact, they may be more closely related than most people realize for there is actually a way to treat asthma through the use of bee pollen. That's right, not only can you take bee pollen for hay fever, but asthma symptoms can be treated by taking regular doses of this natural product as well.

A Little About Asthma

If you suffer from asthma you will know how miserable you can be, especially when your asthma symptoms are triggered. But what is it that triggers asthma symptoms? In most asthma cases the symptoms are triggered by an allergen or a combination of allergens that lead to the lungs closing up and the inability to expel the breath that is already within the lungs.

It is specifically due to the concept of allergen-triggered asthma that the concept of using bee pollen, also known as bee bread, to counter the symptoms of asthma is such a revolutionary one.

How Bee Pollen can Help

It may sound silly to suggest that a person take bee bread to counter the effects of allergies, but it has been proven that by taking pollen on a regular basis you can reduce if not altogether eliminate your reaction to certain allergens.

It's quite simple really. In order to get the full benefit of bee pollen as it regards asthma and allergies, you simply have to adapt yourself to using it much as you would if you take allergy shots as a form of immunotherapy to help build your tolerance to those things you are allergic to.

Being that bee bread granules contain the collected pollen of a great number of plants, by taking it on a regular basis you build up immunity to the pollens and can therefore reduce your allergy symptoms and can significantly decrease your bouts of allergy-induced asthma.

How to Treat Allergies with Bee Pollen

If you begin taking bee bread regularly at least 2-3 months before your main allergy season you will see a significant decrease in your allergy (and hence your asthma) symptoms. But don't just start in taking a full dose of it every day!

In order to get the maximum effects of this product in your diet you will need to be taking bee bread regularly for at least 2-3 months in order to see results, but in order to ensure that you will not have any unanticipated allergic reactions to the Bee bread if you've never taken this product before you are going to want to start at least a month earlier.

The key, of course, is to start small, just one granule the first day. If you tuck it under your tongue and it dissolves and you have no reaction, then the next day you can add another granule, building up until you are ingesting approximately 1 Tbs. full of granules.

The reason you are going to want to start slowly is because there is always the chance that you will be allergic or simply just sensitive to bee pollen. Not everyone is, but if you already suffer from allergies and/or asthma you may be sensitive to it, so it is always a good idea to check.

Once you have determined that you are not allergic or sensitive to bee pollen you can add it as a regular part of your diet and you can start reaping the rewards of less allergy and asthma symptoms.

How to Treat Crohn's Disease and Allergies With a Little Known Powerful Antioxidant

Many people who have Crohn's also suffer from another autoimmune related condition, which are allergies. I have personally suffered from both conditions for most of my 59 years. Over that time, the only treatments available to me were either routine allergy shots or various antihistamines, either prescriptive or the over-the-counter.

Allergy shots were effective for a while, until the doses were increased to the point where a bad reaction was experienced, landing me in the emergency ward. This is a very logical result however, because you have to receive allergy shots in increasing doses with the very thing that you are allergic to in order to build up an immunity. The reaction was severe and scary enough to convince me that I could no longer continue the shots. In addition, it became increasing inconvenient to schedule the costly office visits around my work schedule, and dealing with the unpleasant side effects of a sore and itchy arm after each shot.

The antihistamine drugs prescribed to me were effective in controlling my allergy symptoms, but left me drousy and lethargic after taking them. Often it was hard to concentrate at work and difficult to resist the urge to fall asleep, both situations I could ill afford.

I have found the natural antioxidant OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin), consisting of wine, grape seed extract and pine bark, to be surprisingly as effective as allergy shots and drugs but without the harsh side effects. Why, because of the way OPC handles the histamine problem characteristic in autoimmune diseases. When allergic reactions occur in the body, there is a release of inflammatory chemicals, namely histamine. It is the histamine that triggers the allergic symptoms; the runny nose, wheezing, watery and itchy eyes. Also with Crohn's Disease, it is the histamines that do damage to the body, causing inflammation, pain and other symptoms. The powerful antioxidant OPC significantly reduces the formation of histamine naturally, which means none of the side effects to contend with mentioned earlier.

Many people who have taken OPC products, often not only experience relief from allergies but report, feeling delightfully energetic at the same time. This is because of the high content of free radical scavenging properties found in OPC.

Chronic Sinus Problem - The Things You Should Know

Over 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sinus problems. Common prescription and over the counter drugs to address this problem include Claritin, Flonase, Sudafed, and many others. People spent many hours and a lot of money searching for sinus busters and no longer suffer from sinus infections or acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis and other sinus problems. If you suffer from sinus infections, sinus headaches, sinus congestion or other chronic sinus problem you know how miserable it makes you feel and affects your life every day. Sinus infections are systemic meaning they affect the whole body as you probably know.

Chronic (long term) sinusitis is usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. These infections may be difficult to treat. But with sinus infection, if it is not properly treated, it will lead to more chronic sinus problem. Since the nose is the entryway to the sinuses and upper respiratory tract, maintenance of a healthy nasal environment is essential to overall sinus infection and respiratory health. Some wonder if they tolerate "water" going up to the nose.

Victims of chronic sinus problem may have the following symptoms for 12 weeks or more: facial pain, facial congestion, nasal obstruction, discolored post-nasal drainage, pus in the nasal cavity, and at times, fever. They may also have headache, bad breath and fatigue.

However, antibiotics don't help chronic sinus problem because they target bacteria that are rarely the cause of chronic sinusitis. Anti-histamines can be helpful when sinusitis is caused by an allergy, but at best, it provides temporary relief, and it tends to create various uncomfortable side effects. The researchers are fairly unanimous in their conclusion that fungus is a likely cause of all cases of chronic sinusitis. As a rule, physicians will prescribe antibiotics for treating sinus.

Sinus infections can be both acute and chronic. Usually, the infection starts with a cold due to factors such as weather changes or an allergy episode that causes swelling of the mucous membranes and increased production of watery mucus. Some sinus infections take ten days to four weeks to get better. Chronic sinus problem can last for weeks or months.

Typical Rashes

Rash in short: is an acute and widespread temporary reddish eruption on the skin. A rash can develop in individuals that are sensitive to a particular drug, prescription or nonprescription. The rashes are characterized by itching of an intensity that can interfere with sleep or normal activities. The rash results from the entire body reacting to the drug itself and usually develops early in treatment rather than after the drug has been taken for a period of time.

Rash is a change in the skin which affects its appearance and or texture. Most often a rash is localised to one part of the body, but other times it can have an affect on the entire body. Rashes can cause the skin to change color, become bumpy, dry, itchy, swell among other things that can result in a lot of pain. Because of the wide array of rash symptoms treatments also vary widely. A proper diagnosis should look at all of the visual and physical symptoms of the rash, and also what the possible cause of the rash was. Often times the area in which the rash exists can tell a lot about it's condition, and where it is going. Rashes are often times associated and a result of diseases. For example, measles with cause a rash, that begins a few days after the fever begins.

The most common causes of rashes today are: allergies, (ex. allerfic reaction to: foods, animeals, dyes, medicines, insect stings,etc), skin contact with an irritant, infection or reaction to a vaccine, skin diseases such as eczema or acne, autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, cancer or other disease, pregnancy and, exposure to sun or heat.

Why Intermittent Fasting Is My Choice For Health, Fat Loss And Muscle Gain

First of all, intermittent fasting (or IF) is a lifestyle choice. It's not a fad diet, and it's nothing that was just invented by me or anyone in the last....ohhhh....thousand years? Fasting has been a natural way to heal since back to the 10,000 BC dates. Animals fast when they are sick, babies fast when they are sick....the body just doesn't want food when it knows it has other work to do in repairing and healing itself. So knowing that fasting is only a natural part of being healthy, I have made it my lifestyle choice to do....whether once a week...or in some daily manner. Below are some other reasons I choose to make IF my lifestyle.

* No more worrying about food all day - I did the 6 meals a day, cooking all weekend, packaging up meals to carry with me....and then I asked myself, is this any way to live? That and it wasn't realistic that this was something I would do or enjoy for the rest of my life, there had to be a better way to be healthy.

* I can enjoy food out with friends when I choose - So I go out and have some wings and beer on the weekends, for the most part I am never eating sugar, eat plenty of veggies and meat and only drink water. The occasional night out does not ruin my "figure" by any means.

* It's cheaper - Even though I still eat alot, I eat less overall. That and most people are usually not cooking at home so they go buy their meals. I still eat 3x a day, it's not about starving myself. But I also require less calories when I IF, so less lbs of meat to buy. All in all, saves me money!

* No bars or shakes needed - Again, saves me money. All the people out there pushing you to eat 6x a day are probably people who either sell prepackaged meals, bars or shakes (ever notice that?). Don't get me wrong, eating 6x a day can work in weight loss because the daily total cal intake is still low! There's no metabolic advantage to eating 6x vs 3x a day. Eat whole foods 3x a day and make them healthy and you will lose weight too! Plus all those bars are loaded with sugar, so how does that help insulin resistance?

* More mental clarity and concentration - This is what I notice all day long! Amazing that now just one small Americano in the AM(2 shots expresso in hot water, less caffeine than coffee) will do me fine all day. There's a reason that people who eat a huge breakfast or lunch are falling asleep hours later, because digestion takes a ton of energy.

* Performance levels are still high (if not higher) - I wouldn't have kept doing IF if I saw that the things I loved to do were negatively affected. Hence I can still play sports and lift weights, and feel great doing it.

* I want to stay healthy and live longer - Studies all over the place (you can read as many as you like on the resources page . Thanks also goes over to Chris over at Conditioning Research for helping to provide more links to studies) point to how fasting has been shown to improve insulin resistance, decrease risks for heart disease, help to prevent many other diseases, and just make the body more resistant to negative stimulus (the protective effect of fasting). Also CR studies have shown to increase lifespan, while IF is not about chronic low calories it does have the nice side benefit of being about to eat less than usual and still maintain muscle and performance (so it is CR when compared to your avg daily intake normally required).

* I can gain muscle and lose fat on less calories - Again going back to the longevity of CR in some way, the less you eat the longer you will live. Now I still want to keep my muscle or gain some more from time to time. So I have personally found that I can do this on IF, while needing way less calories than in the past. Nothing is sickening as shoving in 5000cal a day and feeling lethargic and tired all just to get bigger muscles. Not the way I want to live my life.

* I believe the only real cure is Prevention - I am not waiting around for science to say they have cured all diseases, as I don't think they will even find a cure to any in my lifetime. So it's my responsibility to take care of my own health, as health is a personal choice! Fasting is a natural way of the body to increase it's own health and reduce many risks of diseases (if not most all). There are no guarantees in life we will never get sick, but we can only take preventative measures.

* It just feels right - Back in my days of eating all day long I felt tired alot, had increasing joint pain (esp in my knees), found it harder to recover from ice hockey games, had more days of depression, look and felt more bloated. After a couple years of playing around with IF I now feel 1000x better, no longer have knee pain, can recover quicker from hockey, lost weight, have more clarity, enjoy life more....and am probably much healthier at 36 than I was at 30! This just feels natural to give my body time off from eating to take care of itself, as I don't believe we were built to just live our lives around eating.

Stop Cat Sneezing Symptoms the Natural Way - No Shots, No Vets

To stop cat sneezing naturally, and safely, try a homeopathic cure. Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. It is quite simply based on the Law of Similars: "like cures like." The word homeopathy is derived in Latin, and means "like disease".

The whole idea behind using homeopathic medicine to stop cat sneezing, or any other cat sneezing symptoms, is based on the amazing power of an animal's immune system to repel disease. Natural substances that cause ill effects in healthy people or pets are given in very small doses to the sick, thus jump-starting or boosting their immune system. This stimulates the body's natural healing process, and pushes out any disease that it locates.

Homeopathic remedies created from substances which occur in nature work to stop cat sneezing by stimulating your cat's own internal healing process. Your cat is a product of nature, so is the cure. Once unregulated, it used to be hard to know who to trust.

The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States now strictly regulates homeopathic medicines. They may be made from naturally occurring plants and minerals that are non-toxic. They contain no preservatives or artificial chemicals. These minerals are diluted until a tiny bit remains. This remaining cure is then vigorously shaken in a process called succession.

This prolonged shaking releases the healing energy of the substance, and this is what will stop cat sneezing. A study conducted by doctors at Glasgow University showed that patients with hay-fever like symptoms were tested.

Half were given homeopathic doses based on various allergy-causing natural substances, and half were given a placebo. The homeopathic test group improved 10 TIMES better than the second test group! The great thing about homeopathy remedies for cat sneezing symptoms is that there are zero side effects.

Natural, homeopathic cures used to stop cat sneezing symptoms also generally work much faster than typical commercial antibiotics and medicines. This is because the product is natural, and your cat is also a product of nature.

Especially when dealing with kittens, pregnant cats or elderly felines, you must take care of their weakened immune system. A soft boost from a homeopathic, natural cure will do no damage to your cat while he is in this weakened state. However, side effects do occur with some normal veterinarian cures. No such side effects exist with natural treatments.

All natural remedies to stop cat sneezing symptoms are a safe, healthy, non-intrusive way to administer relief to your sneezing feline friend. They also cost a fraction of the amount a vet will charge you, and have no possibly dangerous side-effects. They can stop cat sneezing before it becomes something more serious and moves into the lungs, causing a much more dangerous problem.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Celiac And The Gluten Gut-Brain Connection Seen In Reversible Abnormal SPECT Brain Scans

SPECT brain imaging of the majority of the few celiac disease patients studied reveals abnormalities that are usually most severe in the frontal areas of the brain. Improvement of these abnormalities are seen on a gluten-free diet. The frontal area of the brain is important in brain function that controls attention, impulse control, organization, and problem solving. Problems in this area of the brain result in short attention span, disorganization, procrastination, short-term memory problems, anxiety and depression.

Not surprisingly these are common symptoms reported by Sprue patients and in non-celiac gluten sensitivity that improve with a GFD. ADD, schizophrenia, alcohol and drug addiction problems and depression, all associated with gluten in some studies, are also associated with functional disturbances in the frontal area of the brain seen on SPECT scans. Though the reports of SPECT imaging in celiac disease are limited there have been some very interesting findings that make sense to those of us familiar with the effect of gluten on the brain.

The most dramatic report I have found comes from a 1997 report of a newly diagnosed celiac diease patient with established schizophrenia whose symptoms and abnormal SPECT scan reversed on a gluten-free diet. He presented with an established diagnosis of schizophrenia, diarrhea and weight loss. Endomysial antibody was positive and villous atrophy was present on intestinal biopsy. SPECT scan was performed before and after gluten free diet. Before GFD, the scan confirmed abnormal decreased blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain. With a GFD schizophrenia symptoms resolved, the intestinal lesion resolved and the SPECT scan became normal. More recently in 2004, Usai et al. reported 34 celiac patients in whom 70% had abnormal SPECT scans. Again the abnormalities were most pronounced in the frontal areas of the brain and were less severe on a gluten free diet.

SPECT is single photon emission computerized tomography. It is a combined nuclear medicine CAT scan of the head performed by injecting a radioisotope material that is taken up by the brain according to blood flow and metabolism. A scan is produced that is a color-coded 3-D representation of brain metabolism or activity. Daniel Amen MD is one of the countries foremost experts on SPECT brain imaging. You can take a free online brain system quiz at that may be helpful. His detailed and well-researched recommendations for nutritional interventions for the brain are also worth reviewing. More collaboration with neuroscientists and gastroenterologists is definitely needed to look further into the association of poor brain function and gluten. SPECT imaging technology appears to be one exciting tool available to us if we can get the research funded. We will continue to explore the gut-brain connection further.