Saturday, July 13, 2013

The NRG Immune Enhancement System Brings Relief for Allergy Related Conditions

Allergies due to pets, foods and environmental stressors affect a high percentage of people. Allergies can be a direct cause of migraine headaches, Fibromyalgia, IBS, acid reflux and other digestive issues, ADD or ADHD, recurring colds, skin irritations like eczema, respiratory ailments like asthma, insomnia, fatigue, lack of energy and so much more. People think they have to learn to live with these symptoms, or stay on medications for the rest of their lives. These medications have harmful side effects and the costs build up.

Other alternative treatments people seek for relief of symptoms include: acupuncture, massage, and diet modification. None of these options are long lasting, nor find the cause of the symptoms. Plus, in the case of acupuncture, many don't like the thought of needles being stuck into their body.

There is now a healthy, non-invasive alternative with no drugs to relieve your symptoms: The NRG Immune Enhancement System!

Think of your immune body's immune system as the tires on your vehicle. Certain elements on the road may cause damage to the tread on your tires leading to misalignment, bumpy rides, skidding and even accidents. Your tires are able to handle some elements better than others.

The NRG Immune Enhancement System provides us with the data we can use to identify what elements are placing the greatest amount of stress on your body and what adjustments, if any, may be needed to your tires (immune system) to provide the highest level of performance.

A person is only as healthy as their immune system allows. If our immune system is clogged up, we need to restore the system so that we do not become susceptible to illness and disease. The immune system becomes worn down through constant exposure to stressors that occur in everyday life. From the psychological stresses of work, relationships and lack of sleep to the environmental stresses such as chemicals and pollutants, these stressors often lead to symptoms and illness.

Just like a car needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly, so do our bodies. The NRG immune enhancement system provides a 100-point inspection that provides a person with a complete scan of their immune system and how their body reacts to over 100 different stressors. A maintenance plan helps re-calibrate the immune system so that they no longer experience any symptoms and can maintain optimal health. The NRG program is very effective in creating and maintaining long-term patient care as patients return for regular checkups.

The NRG System is comprised of two main components that have been engineered to properly assess, balance and service the body so that the immune system can maintain optimal capacity.

The first component is the Digital Conductance Meter (DCM) which provides us with the feedback necessary to properly analyze the body's energy levels. This FDA cleared biofeedback device provides us with our body's baseline energy measurement in addition to measurements taken when the body is exposed to various elements.

The NRG Immune Enhancement System includes an FDA-cleared biofeedback device that provides the feedback necessary to properly analyze the body's energy levels when exposed to various elements. Measurement parameters have been established through scientific research to determine normal energy levels during exposure to each element. Any measurement readings that fall outside of these parameters may indicate a possible hazard or stress to the immune system. The proprietary NRG database contains over 100,000 items which can be tested.

Once these measurements are recorded, the second component of the NRG Immune Enhancement System is used to "service the chassis". The NRG Corrective Laser transfers energy impulses through points on the head, hands and feet acting as a direct stimulus to the central nervous system. Effectively, the corrective laser introduces a "file" to the body that acts much like a computer anti-virus and defragmentation program, correcting any errors in the immune system function.

With a newly enhanced immune system, people can be back on the road to being SYMPTOM-FREE!

Patients have reported relief from all types of ailments including allergies, IBS, acid reflux, insomnia, recurring colds, depression, migraines, Fibromyalgia and even more serious conditions. An increase in energy has been reported as the only side effect to date. The NRG Immune Enhancement System is completely non-invasive, without the need for shots or medication, and is safe for adults and children of all ages.

Allergies and Your Eyes

The Problem With Allergies

Allergies can be triggered by many substances.
Seasonal allergies (also called hayfever) are often caused by the grass,
tree, and weed pollens that are abundant in spring and late summer.
Other types of allergies can affect your eyes year-round. Allergy symptoms include
sneezing, congestion, and red, watery, itchy eyes.

Why Allergies Occur

Your body's immune system protects you against illness by staying alert for harmful agents entering the body. If this occurs, the immune system protects you by neutralizing, removing, or destroying the harmful agent.

Allergies occur when the immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance, such as pollen or mold, as a harmful agent. The body responds by producing more of certain chemicals to neutralize the substance. These chemicals, called histamines, are what caused the itchy, redness, swelling, and irritation you experience.

Many substances can trigger an allergic reaction. Most allergens that cause eye symptoms are airborne. Plant pollen, mold, dust, and animal dander (skin particles) are the allergens that most often affect the eyes.

Allergies can lead to a condition called allergic conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eye). It may occur at about the same time each year, when the allergen is most abundant

Relief for Irritated Eyes

Short of completely avoiding the allergens that cause your symptoms, it's impossible to escape your allergies. However, you can take steps to relieve your symptoms:

1. Try over-the-counter products such as antihistamine eyedrops to reduce redness, itchiness, and other symptoms. Artificial tears can also help by flushing allergens out of the eyes these products are available at drugstores.

2. When possible, limit your exposure to allergens. Stay inside when pollen or mold counts are especially high.

3. For cleaner indoor air, use air-conditioner filters that are designed to reduce allergens in the air.

4. Ask your health-care provider about other options. For example allergy shots may reduce symptoms and the need for other medication. Prescription medications may also be available.

This article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Only your health-care professional can diagnose and treat a medical problem.

Just throwing in a little bit of a disclaimer there.
This article is just to give you a bit of an overview in regards to allergies, if you think you may have allergies than please consult your physician.

Well as always....Thanks for stopping by, hope this has been helpful to you,
And feel free to leave comments, or ask me questions.

Seasonal Allergies

Has anybody noticed that the days are getting longer, and the sun seems a little stronger than usual? I know it's only March, but could it be that spring is on its way in Canada? For many of us the idea of spring brings thoughts of being outside, enjoying life, and letting go of the old winter doldrums. But wait a minute! Not everybody enjoys the spring - what about those with allergies? I mean allergies to grasses, pollens, trees, ragweed, and other common allergens, that bother us between the melting snow and the frost of October. Allergy season is the season that literally millions of people dread. Actually you can get seasonal allergies at any time of the year -- it just depends to what you are allergic. If it's dust or mold, then you are more likely to first experience symptoms in the Fall when the furnace is turned on and you close the windows, and to find them easing in the Spring, when you do the opposite.

Most people think of allergies as starting in the spring and often going through until the first frost. This is when people who are allergic to grasses and pollens have a really bad time. The symptoms of nasal congestion (rhinitis), and itchy, watery eyes (conjunctivitis), are more than some can bear. Perhaps the worst symptom of all is the extreme fatigue that accompanies these symptoms. Some are luckier than others -- they get a short season of pollen allergy in the first part of spring and then they are free. Others have allergy symptoms all summer long with symptoms of reactivity to grasses in the mid-summer months, and then finally ragweed beginning around August 15th. However long you have symptoms, they are always miserable although never serious, unless you have asthma as well.

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance. Your body is trying to defend itself against a foreign invader, much as it would against a bacteria or virus that could cause you an infection. Thus it mounts an immune response - rallying the forces against this intruder. Since you are continually breathing in the substance, your loyal body continually tries to defend against it. What a mistake -- grasses and pollens are actually harmless!

When allergies occur the body releases histamine, causing increased secretions and inflammation which cause the symptoms that make you feel so miserable. Drugs that prevent histamine release are called anti-histamines, and there are many on the market. They can reduce symptoms, but they do not cure the problem. They can also produce nasty side-effects such as drowsiness and more of the fatigue you already have. The newer anti-histamines such as Claritin and Reactine are less apt to cause these side effects, but still seem to in some people. You certainly can't go running through those green fields as the advertisements on television would suggest!

There are more 'natural' approaches you might want to try. Anything that can reduce histamine release may help. Here are some natural supplements that may help, and certainly won't hurt to try:

  • Vitamin C -- 1000 mg. 3-5 times daily taken through the day with meals. Do not use the timed release variety for this purpose. Vitamin C is an anti-histamine in large doses

  • Pantothenic Acid -- one of the B complex vitamins -- in a dose of 250 mg twice daily with meals. This is often sold as Calcium Pantothenate.

  • Citrus Bioflavinoids in a dose of 500 mg. three times a day with meals. All of the above tend to stabilize the mast cells -- those cells that react when the allergen is inhaled and produce histamine. You will need to take all of these through the whole season in which you usually manifest symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies can also be helpful. They are very dilute samples of what you are allergic to, and must be taken beforethe season starts. Pollens 30CH (Borion) are a homeopathic mixture of Canadian pollens and grasses (including Ragweed), obtainable from most health food stores and some pharmacies in Canada. They come in packs of 6 doses, each dose being in one small tube. You place the whole tube of granules under the tongue, and let them dissolve, once a week through the season. Homeopathic remedies should be taken in a clean mouth - between, or one hour before meals, and without the interference of toothpaste or mouthwash, that may inactivate them.
If you know exactly what you are allergic to you can take individual homeopathic remedies such as mixtures of Grasses or Pollens or even Dust Mix. They should be taken in gradually increasing doses following the directions on the bottle -- and often come in liquids, in a glycerin or alcohol base. All homeopathic remedies can be taken in addition to the vitamin supplements mentioned above. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects, and have been shown to be superior to placebo in properly conducted clinical trials. For Ragweed sufferers, there is an antigen called Pollinex R This is a prescription medication of modified ragweed that can be injected once a week by your doctor for four weeks beforethe onset of the Ragweed season which begins like clockwork on or about the 15th August. Ask your family doctor to give this to you. None of the above will cause the nasty side-effects of some of the anti-histamines, and are often as, or even more, effective. Regular allergy shots can also be given by your family doctor, but they often have to be given for many years before they work.

Make sure you have a proper diagnosis before you self-treat any health condition. That is, if you have a dust allergy through the year, but minor or absent symptoms, you have allergies to pollens and grasses, then it helps to reduce the total load of allergies by reducing your exposure to dust as much as possible. So first reduce exposure as much as possible to any allergen; then take the vitamin supplements listed, and then add the homeopathic remedies. The positive effects of all of the above suggestions are, of course, enhanced by a healthy diet and good stress management.

Understanding ELISA Kits

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a biochemical procedure in immunology that is primarily used for determining the presence of an antigen or an antibody in a sample. For years, ELISA has been utilized as a diagnostic tool in plant pathology and medicine. It has test kits that are used for cancer, autoimmune diseases, fertility, thyroid, steroid, infectious diseases and parasitology, allergy, and diabetes assays.

One of the ELISA test kits for cancer is Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP), which is used for measuring the prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) in the serum and plasma of a human. The components of the kit are designed for use as an integral unit only. Therefore, the components from various lots must be separated. The Diagnostic Automation PSA Enzyme Immunoassay is also a test kit for cancer. It is especially designed for quantitative detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the human serum.

Another example of test kit is the Human Allergen Specific IgE ELISA Assay, which is used to quantitate and qualitate the allergen specific human Immunoglobulin E. The total IgE of the specimen is determined before performing allergen specific IgE assays. The Human Growth Hormone (HGH), another type of test kit is used for testing the fertility of a woman. It determines the human growth hormone concentration within the human serum.

There are also test kits for infectious diseases and one of these is the Bordetella pertussis IgA, which is intended to be used for determining the specific IgA antibodies against the Bordetella pertussis in the plasma and serum. The assay is designed for in-vitro diagnostic test only. Therefore, further tests need to be taken into account.

There are several manufacturers of ELISA kits and one of these is Shanghai PZ Bio-tech Co., Ltd. in China. Another ELISA Kit Manufacturer is Taiwan Advance Bio-Pharm Inc., which is based in Taiwan. Other manufacturers of ELISA kits is the Wuhan Boster Biological Technology, Ltd. (China), Green House Pharm Pte Ltd (Singapore), and Biocare Diagnostics Limited (China).

Automated Random-Access Immunoassay Systems

Automated random-access immunoassay systems are specifically designed to efficiently carry out the advanced analytical requirements of contemporary clinical laboratories and hospital facilities. These systems ensure stable performance and superior accuracy.

High-end Models from Well-known Manufacturers

Automated random-access immunoassay systems are used to perform tests for thyroid hormones, infectious diseases, bone metabolism, reproductive hormones, anemia, assays for cancer markers, allergy, therapeutic drug monitoring, cardiac analysis, tumor markers and other additional assays. High-end models of automated immunoassay systems, integrated with random-access capabilities, are available from well-known manufacturers including Tosoh Bioscience, J&J and Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics. Major models offered include Tosoh 360, ADVIA Centaur, Tosoh 600 II, J & J Vitros ECI and Immulite 2500.

Online Shops for Easy Purchase

To purchase the model of automated random-access immunoassay system that suits your research needs, it is essential to approach established suppliers as they ensure branded products, competitive prices, dedicated customer support and proper service contracts. A web search would help you get the necessary information. Most dealers offer online shopping facilities and attractive prices.

Immunoassay System with Extensive Features

The important advantage of automated random-access immunoassay systems are that they offer flexible operation, precision for successful workload management and optimal productivity. Further, these analyzers are simple and easy-to-use, and enable researchers to obtain accurate diagnostic results within a short time.

The various models of immunoassay analyzers come with advanced capabilities to facilitate efficient performance of research tasks. The core features of the Tosoh 600 II analyzer model include:

• Primary tube sampling
• Dual clot detection
• Random access for both routine and STAT immunoassays
• Automated sample dilution and pretreatment
• Throughput of 60 results per hour
• Unit dose test cup reagent system
• First result in ~18 minutes (ST Assays)
• Full test menu
• Third generation sensitivity
• Compact size - less than three feet of counter space

Some models come with high resolution touch screen for trouble-free interaction, automatic reflex testing with cascade options, as well as automated monitoring and maintenance. The devices also feature high on-board refrigeration capacity for reagents and supplies, on-board dilution and automatic repeat capabilities. A major advantage is that automated random-access immunoassay systems require minimal maintenance.

Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy - Is Allergy Immunotherapy a Good Option? What to Consider

55% of Americans tested, test positive to one or more allergens; allergies rank 5th in the United States among the most common chronic diseases. More and more Americans are finding lasting relief from their allergy symptoms with the use of immunotherapy.

Allergies are caused by the body's immune system misclassifying harmless substances as potentially dangerous. When the body comes in contact with the allergen either by ingesting, inhaling or touching the skin, an allergic reaction occurs producing any number of symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, wheezing and skin irritations. Allergic reactions can range from barely noticeable to life threatening.

Pollens are the most common cause for allergy symptoms followed by Animal dander. Dust mites and insect bites are the next most common and mold rounds out the top 5 most common allergy triggers in the United States.

Determining a patient's allergies is not difficult; skin tests are the most common method of testing for allergies. Skin tests involve putting very small amounts of allergens on the skin; the body will respond to the allergens the individual is allergic to. With the results of the skin test, the allergist/immunologist can discuss treatment options available for the patient.

People with mild allergies may find that over the counter allergy medications are enough to deal with the symptoms. Individuals with more annoying cases may want to try prescription allergy medication or seek a more potentially permanent solution with immunotherapy (allergy shots)

Allergy shots work in a similar fashion as other immunizations; small amounts of the allergen are introduced to the body, the body over time gets used to the allergen and stops reacting to it. Allergy shots are administered over the course of a few months (in some cases years), but it's the only treatment currently available that has the potential to provide long term relief from allergies.

Risks involved in Allergy Immunotherapy are very rare but could include anaphylaxis which could be life threatening if not handled properly. Allergy shots should only be given at a facility equipped with the necessary staff and equipment to handle such a risk, should it arise.

A typical allergy shot regimen involves shots once or twice a week at first until the target dosage is reached which can take 3 - 6 months. Once the target dose is reached, the maintenance phase begins; shots are then administered once or twice a month. The maintenance phase generally lasts 3 - 5 years at which time some patients experience lasting remission while others may begin showing symptoms once treatment is discontinued.

Is allergy immunotherapy a good option? Several things to consider when deciding:

  • The frequency and severity of the symptoms

  • The effectiveness of medication

  • The ability to avoid the allergens

  • The desire to prevent long term use of medication

  • The time commitment involved with immunotherapy

  • Cost effectiveness

For someone dealing with allergy symptoms, the best place to start is with an allergy test. Once the allergen is identified, the person may find the allergen is avoidable; others may want to consider one of the other aforementioned options available.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sinus Infection Treatment

You need to know that allergic rhinitis treatment actually consists of staying away from the specific "allergens" that is responsible for your symptoms. There is no doubt that a sinus infection can be very annoying. Thankfully, effective and safe sinus infection treatment is available to help you get some relief from sinus pain, pressure and infections. You can make use of medicines in order to control the symptoms, and in serious cases, going over to your doctor to get allergy shots (also known as "immunotherapy"). If you have a sinus infection during certain times of the season, then you will only require a sinus infection treatment during that period of time.

Because allergic rhinitis is something that does not actually have a cure, and can be quite frustrating to treat; a lot of people may use alternative allergic rhinitis treatment. However, many of the alternative allergic rhinitis treatment solutions either have not be properly researched or have not been proven to work. Some of the treatments may also be outrageously expensive, and some can actually be a health risk.

Sinus Infection Treatment

Home care can actually help to open up the sinuses and help relieve their dryness.

Encourage Drainage:

You can encourage drainage by drinking a lot of water and consuming beverages that are hydrating like hot tea.

Inhale steam 2 - 4 times each day by simply putting your face over a bowl of really hot water (the water should not be on the stove) or making use of a steam vaporizer. You should inhale the steam for a period of ten minutes. Taking a steamy hot shower can also be of great help. Mentholated preparations can be added to the hot water or vaporizer in order to help in opening up clogged up sinus.

Thin out the Mucus:

This is one sinus infection treatment that can provide a wonderful relief for sinus infection sufferers. Expectorants are medications that can help get rid of mucus from the respiratory passages and lungs. They also help to thin the mucous secretions, thus encouraging drainage from the sinuses.

Relieve Pain:

Pain and inflammation can be relived with pain medication like naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen. These drugs help to open the airways by simply helping to reduce swelling.

Nasal Saline Irrigation:

This is one well known part of sinus infection treatment. There are different ways to conduct nasal irrigation, the most common remedy is the use of the "Neti-pot" - this is a ceramic pot that looks pretty much like a cross between Aladdin's magic lamp and a small teapot.

A couple of Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) doctors highly recommend nasal irrigation with Neti-pot in order to help with clearing the crusting in the nasal passage. A lot of people that suffer from sinus infection make use of this pot in order to relieve nasal congestion, facial pressure and pain and reduce the dependence for nasal sprays and antibiotics. Consult with your doctor prior to making use of nasal saline irrigation.

Allergy Treatment - The Basic Facts

Spring, summer and fall are difficult times for allergy sufferers. If you struggle with allergies, these times can create misery with wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort. Unless, of course, you have the proper approach to allergy treatment. The normal way to treat allergies is to control an inappropriate immune response. In the more chronic situations, suppressing the entire immune function with system and topical steroids can help. Allergens are the culprit for unsuspecting allergy patients.

What is an Allergen?

An allergen is a harmless substance that calls the immune system into action. Unfortunately, most of the time the action is an inappropriate response known as an allergic reaction. The first place to start involves testing you for many allergens at the same time. An allergist will put several rows of tiny drops on your skin. Then, the allergist pricks or scratches the skin underneath each allergen drop, so the substance can get under your skin. By observing the skin week after week, the allergist knows what allergen is affecting you.

How Treatment Works

Allergy treatment aims at achieving a certain balance: avoid or minimize contact and treat symptoms with the least potent yet most effective medication. Treatment varies with the severity and type of allergy symptom. No treatment will work as well as simply avoiding the allergen in the first place. For more severe reactions, see a doctor; don't attempt to treat yourself without medical consultation. A number of energy-based treatments are effective at treating allergies. These treatments have in common the fact that they are relatively new in the medical field, and all use some aspects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) such as acupressure. Body cleansing is an extremely important part of every prevention and treatment.

What is Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy works best for allergies to pollen, mold, cat dander, insect stings and dust mites. Allergy shots are a form of this therapy. To stop the body from reacting to an allergen, the common treatment method is to give an individual small, injected amounts of a specific allergen. Gradual increases in doses can help your body can build an immunity to the allergen(s) so that the reaction is no longer triggered. A doctor schedules weekly injections to slowly raise the amount of the injected allergen. The doctor evaluates the previous week's response and adjusts the dosage. For some people, this method can make a tremendous difference in their body's sensitivity to a specific allergen. In immunotherapy, the patient is given a series of shots or vaccinations to help build immunity to the allergen.


Medical science has come a long way in allergy treatment. The most natural approach is to avoid those allergens in your environment that trigger allergic symptoms. Keep your environment under control. Establish a regular routine of thorough cleaning and control the temperature and humidity. These practices often lead to fewer symptoms and a vastly improved quality of life. If the your allergy symptoms occur all year round, or if the allergy is caused by an unavoidable allergen, you may need allergy shots as the most effective treatment.

Stop Feline Allergies With the Best Discount Pet Medications

Cat allergies usually affect the skin and coat of the animal but can also be identified through other symptoms. Identifying the allergy is often a process of elimination just as it is with many allergies that people suffer.

Common Feline Allergic Reactions

The most common allergy affecting a cat's skin may be flea allergy dermatitis which is simply a reaction to flea bites. This can often display as thin patches of fur or small bumps that can be easily felt around the feline's neck and toward the base of the tail.

Atopic allergies are reactions to something in the cat's environment. This may be pollen from grasses or weeds or can be caused by dust mites in the home. Food allergies are not frequent but may require changing your cat's diet and adding new foods and ingredients slowly to identify the cause of the problem.

For cats, parasites can be a serious concern. Tapeworm in cats can make fur appear dull and lifeless and is easily diagnosed by the tiny white specks that are visible around the anus. Most kittens require worming when young and older cats may also require medication to kill parasitic worms in their system.

A secondary problem for cats with skin irritated by allergic reactions is the increased chance of a secondary infection. Skin that is raw from scratching provides a fertile ground for bacterial and fungal infections to gain hold. Treating the initial skin reaction with itch relief treatment and removing the source of the allergen causing the reaction will keep the skin healthy and able to resist bacteria and fungi in the cat's environment.

It can be difficult to distinguish between an allergic reaction in a cat and a skin problem caused by behavioral issues. For unknown reasons, some cats will groom themselves so thoroughly and frequently they develop bald spots and possibly irritated patches of skin as a result of incessant grooming.

Treatment of Cat Allergies

If the cause of the allergy is identified, it is possible for your vet to provide allergy shots to reduce the sensitivity of your cat to the allergen. This is not an exact science and may not provide relief for all felines.

If the problem is a food allergy, your veterinarian may recommend a specific cat food designed for feline allergies. If changing the diet of your cat you will need to allow two months at least before deciding whether the change in diet has been beneficial.

Antihistamines are often used to treat cat skin allergies and drugs such as Chlorpheniramine have been proven to be effective. In extreme cases, a course of corticosteroids such as prednisone may be prescribed. This treatment will quickly relieve the itching of allergies but can have side effects if used long term and must be withdrawn slowly when the treatment is complete.

Allergic Symptoms and Treatment

If fleas are the problem, itching skin is the most noticeable symptom in cats. When food allergies are the problem the primary symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, followed by hair loss and itching. The itching tends to be concentrated on the face, neck and ears when a food allergy is the problem while flea bites or inhaled substances can cause skin irritation over the entire body of the animal.

Only one-third of cats with food allergies will display symptoms of the digestive tract. Food allergies in cats tend to appear more often in young cats and are found in all breeds and equally in male and female felines.

Atopica for cats utilizes cyclosporine which has been proven to work well in fighting skin problems caused by allergic reactions. Atopica acts by suppressing the body's immune response so should not be given to cats with infections or known immune disorders. Because Atopica can leave cats with a reduced defense against infections, it should not be used on cats with FeLV (feline leukemia) and FIV (feline AIDS). When being treated with Atopica, cats should be kept indoors to limit their exposure to infection and disease.

It may not be as important to find the source of your cat's allergy as it is to relieve the skin discomfort caused by the allergic reaction. For feline skin problems, addressing the symptoms is the first step to solving the problem.

Wildflower Honey For Allergies, Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, Congestion and Asthma

After having a major reaction from an allergy injection which resulted in the development of asthma, I started looking for alternative ways to approach my health. I am allergic to everything under the sun and have been known to sneeze all day, break blood vessels from fiercely rubbing my itchy eyes and go through a whole tissue box in one day. All of these symptoms are part of my immune system's reaction to allergens. At the suggestion of a vendor at the local farmer's market, I began taking a tablespoon of Wildflower honey everyday. It took less than two weeks for my body to start feeling the benefits.

The reason Wildflower honey works is that it gradually vaccinates the body against allergens. Like allergy shots, it desensitizes the body and increases the tolerance to allergens. Honey consists of some of the same pollen spores that allergy sufferers react to. Introducing your body to these spores by eating honey decreases the occurrence of an immune system response, such as histamine. Honey exposes your body to allergens, reducing symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion and asthma.

It is important to buy honey that is harvested within a short radius from your home. Also, it is more effective to take honey that has been made in the current season. Purchasing a fresh jar of honey at the local farmer's market is always the best option.

If you are using it to rid yourself of allergies, be sure to buy Wildflower honey. Take it alone and do not alter the temperature by mixing it in hot water or tea.

Besides using honey to help your body overcome allergy symptoms, it will give you more energy. It is great to take if you have a sore throat, as it kills the bacteria which attributes to a sore throat.

If you substitute honey for sugar when baking bread, it will stay softer for a longer time and will taste better. It stops nitrosamines, a carcinogenic, from forming in barbecue sauce when used in lieu of sugar. Tasting twice as sweet as sugar, you can use half the amount, which means using half the amount of carbohydrates.

2 Easy Ways to Get Rock Solid and Longer Lasting Erections

Erectile dysfunction can have a crippling effect on any man. Not only this, it can be truly devastating for a man to know that he is incapable of satisfying his woman sexually.

However, erectile dysfunction is not a death sentence. It can be treated and you can get powerful and longer lasting erections without even think of drugs like Viagra or impotence shots that are infamous for their side effects.

2 Easy Ways to Get Rock Solid and Longer Lasting Erections

1. Erection Pills

A good and healthy lifestyle can keep you sexually potent but at times you need more than certain foods or regular exercise to ensure improved erectile function. Natural pills are a great way to boost sexual potency in men and no wonder they have become extremely popular as well.

They combine the power of age proven herbs and other nutrients that not only increase blood flow to the penis but also enhance testosterone production in your body. Increased blood flow to the penis not only ensures rock solid erections but also helps stretch and expand the erectile tissue so that you can get bigger and thicker erections. However, this effect lasts as long as you keep taking such pills.

Besides ensuring rock solid erections, such pills also help boost your sexual stamina so that you can last longer in bed.

2. Erection Oils

Most men prefer topical applications to help them get harder erections. There are some amazing oils that blend in ingredients such as ginseng, horny goat weed, ginkgo biloba, l-arginine, pomegranate, hawthorn berry etc.,

What makes such a oil really fast acting is that it is based upon Transdermal technology which means that the ingredients are absorbed into the body through the skin straight into the bloodstream where they are needed. This ensures greater potency of the ingredients and much faster results.

Such an oil can actually make you get an erection in as little as 40 seconds. Not only this, a good quality erection oil can make you last up to 2 hours, giving you ample time to please your woman and earn the reputation of being the alpha male in between the sheets.

Top end products are clinically approved and do not have any side effects at all.

So, If You Want to Get Rock Solid Erections Instantly, Check out the Best Erection Oil that has Become a Massive Hit with Men All Over the World.

Treatment of Bronchitis For Older People

Maybe you have heard about bronchitis maybe not. But regardless, this condition is becoming almost as common as coughs and colds. While not generally dangerous or fatal, without proper medical attention bronchitis can damage your respiratory system just enough so that other, more severe respiratory ailments can set it (think asthma or pneumonia).

For older people bronchitis can be a real pain in the neck as the frequent and chronic coughing it presents can be painful. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tree which serves as the filtration system of the lungs. When the bronchial tubes are inflamed the filtering process is compromised making you more sensitive to irritants and thereby further inflammation and irritation. Bronchitis can be caused by the development of common respiratory ailments like the flu or cold, bacteria, smoking, and continuous exposure to certain chemicals whether household or industrial.

Bronchitis is further broken down into two categories namely; chronic and acute. While the treatment for acute bronchitis takes nothing more than the usual care for common respiratory illnesses which includes plenty of rest, lots of fluids, over the counter decongestants and others, chronic bronchitis on the other hand poses more of a problem. As of the moment individuals diagnosed with chronic bronchitis will find it somewhat difficult to cure their condition because there is either limited solutions or none actually exists.

Conventional medication as of the moment has no cure to offer to individuals. The only methods will be in the alleviation of the condition and prevention of further damage to the lungs. So basically this is simply saying that for those who are diagnosed with bronchitis (chronic to be exact), prevention would be the way to go. Taking simple steps like cleaning the house to prevent build-up of dust, bringing a face mask along when going out, and having your yearly flu shots can minimize the chances of worsening your condition thereby giving your natural immune system time to recover and handle the condition better in the future.

The main issue when it comes to bronchitis is with misinformation. The chances where bronchitis can be caused by bacteria is somewhere in the range of 5% or lower which simply means that antibiotics are not the solution to the problem. On the other hand, doctors are warning patients over the misuse or overuse of antibiotics to take care of bronchitis as it can make way for stronger strains of bacteria to manifest.

Remember, bronchitis can be managed and not everything will be dependent on your medication. You will need to take personal steps in order to make sure that your condition is well controlled and managed so that further damage can be prevented.

Asthma - Causes and Cures

Asthma is the disease of the lungs that cause difficulty in breathing and other symptoms. Some symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or rapid breathing. Asthma is caused by inflammation of lungs that make the air ways shrink and in some cases to close completely. The good news is that asthma is a manageable disease and if you have followed the proper information you have nothing to worry.

What causes Asthma

Asthma can be triggered by allergies to things such as dust, pollen, pet animals. You should try to eliminate the attack as finding the cause of the attack is the first step towards controlling this condition.

What you must avoid

  • Cold air in winter months. Protect your nose and throat areas in winter months

  • Excessively dry air

  • Pollen in spring and fall season can irritate air ways leading to breathing difficulty

  • Smoke and dust of any kind

  • Pets in the house can also cause allergies

  • Flu or cold can trigger an attack

Treatments and risks for people with Asthma

Asthma can result in respiratory disorders or problems in breathing accompanied by pain and discomfort. Loss of consciousness from attacks can occur increasing health risks. The two most common treatment options are quick relief medications and long term medications. Medicine for quick relief can stop an asthma attack in minutes. Beta-agonists are largely preferred as they offer a quick remedy but you must carry your medicine all the time to help prevent an attack. Long term medications include inhaled corticosteroids which open the breathing airways and reduce swelling. These medications can also be in the form of steroid tablets or liquid form. You can also use bronchodilators. Leukotriene modifiers can also offer a remedy for mild asthma. Antihistamines are also prescribed for the treatment of asthma. In vary severe cases allergy shots are given. Don't eat foods that trigger an attack, some people are allergic to sulphites in food.

Other natural cures for Asthma

You should try breathing slowly. Drinking tea and water regularly helps in treating asthma to a certain extent. Keep bedding and pillows free of dust by washing in warm water often. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner to keep your home as clean as possible. You should get your allergy tested and see if desensitization shots can help cure the allergy. Avoid smoky places and quit smoking if you do so. Use an air filter if you have to drive or pass through polluted places. Increase your vitamin C intake. Mild exercises like walking or cycling will help improve the cardiovascular stamina. Swimming can also be a very good option in treating asthma. You should avoid sugar addiction, compulsive eating etc. Anxiety triggers asthma and should be avoided. A good emotional management plan will work better in treating anxiety ridden asthma condition. A sense of well being and living in the present are also suggested eliminating asthma.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Variety Of Medications Offer Allergy Relief

There are currently a variety of allergy treatment medications available to help alleviate the misery allergies can bring. The coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and itchy nose associated with allergies can make life hard to deal with.

Allergy relief can come in the form of allergy shots, prescription medications or over-the-counter treatments. Your doctor can suggest the treatment that will be best for your individual condition.

One form of allergy relief comes in the form of a series of allergy shots. In order to receive allergy shots, your doctor will take tests to determine which allergens you are allergic to. An allergen is basically a substance, such as pollen, ragweed or cat dander, that produces an allergic reaction. The shots you will be given will contain a small amount of this allergen.

The idea is that if the body is exposed to a small bit of this allergen over an extended period of time, the body will begin to produce an antibody for the allergen. After a period of six months, you should start to see some relief from your allergies.

Before you start allergy shots, however, talk to your doctor about your entire medical history. Certain health conditions you have or medicines you take may prevent you from being a candidate for allergy shots.

Allergy relief is also available in the form of both over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications. Most allergy medicines will contain one of two different classes of ingredients. One of these ingredients is a class of drugs called antihistamines.

Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, help to stop the chemical reaction in your body that result in an allergic reaction. Decongestants, such as pseudoephidrine, on the other hand, will help to relieve nasal and sinus congestion caused by allergies. Allergy medicines may also contain ingredients to help thin mucus, lower fever or ease aches and pains if you experience these symptoms also.

If you choose to see your doctor for you allergies, he might order a prescription allergy medicine for you. Prescription allergy medications are available in tablets, capsules, liquids and even eye drops. Non-sedating antihistamines are available only by prescription.

Generally prescription allergy medications are longer acting than those you can get without a prescription. These treatments also don't impair learning abilities. This is especially important for children who suffer with allergies.

There are also a variety of allergy treatments available over-the-counter if you want to treat your allergies on your own. You can purchase these medicines without a doctor's prescription; however, you might want to consult with your pharmacist about your particular symptoms to be sure you are choosing the best one for you.

Many forms of allergy relief that once required a doctor's order, such as Claritin and Nasalcrom, are now available without a prescription. While these two medicines generally don't cause drowsiness, most other over-the-counter antihistamines, such as Benadryl, will possibly make you sleepy. If you do decide to take these medicines, pay attention to the effect they have on you. You might not want to drive if you notice yourself becoming very sleepy.

Whatever extent your allergies bring misery there is allergy relief available. See your doctor to find out if your case could be helped with allergy shots or if your best bet is prescription or even over-the-counter treatments.

Canine Atopy - Treatment For Canine Atopic Dermatitis

Canine Atopy is sometimes referred to as Atopic Dermatitis or Airborne Dog Allergy. It is caused by exposure to allergens in the air that are taken in either through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract or skin. Typical sources of canine atopy are pollen, grass, mold, dust and pollution. Since many of these substances are linked to changes in the seasons, it is also sometimes referred to as Dog Seasonal Allergy or Environmental Allergy. Canine atopy is the most common form of dog allergy affecting approximately ten percent of all dogs.

Causes of Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs

Canine dermatitis is caused by hypersensitivity to environmental elements and is usually passed down genetically. However, a form of acquired atopy can occur as a result of something called In-Housing. In-Housing takes place when a dog kept indoors over long periods of time is suddenly let out into an environment for which it has lost resistance to environmental allergens due to lack of exposure.

Symptoms of Canine Dermatitis

Since environmental factors cause canine atopy, and since your dog's skin is the part of its body most exposed to the environment, skin inflammation and itching are the most common symptoms of the condition. Other typical signs that your dog is suffering from an airborne dog allergy include:

繚 Belly and paw licking,

繚 Face rubbing

繚 Ear scratching

Of course, since airborne allergies can also be inhaled, inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose can also occur, leading to a condition similar to hay fever in humans. A dog suffering from this form of canine atopy might exhibit the following symptoms:

繚 Runny nose

繚 Mild fever

繚 Sneezing

繚 Coughing

Treatment for Canine Dermatitis

National Pet Pharmacy carries a number of supplements, shampoos and medicated sprays that can aid in the treatment of airborne allergy symptoms, among them Oxy-Med Itch Relief, Sulfodene Medicated Shampoo and Vetoquinol Micro Pearl Advantage Dermal Soothe Anti-Itch Cream Rinse. In more extreme cases, your veterinarian might recommend allergy shots.

The Flu Shot

Every year we hear we need to get the flu shot or a.k.a. the Influenza shot with flu season around the corner. We see it advertised in all our pharmacies and on television commercials. Where does the flu come from, how is the vaccine made, why do we get the vaccine in the fall, are there any side effects to getting the vaccine? With so many questions in my mind, I decided to do some research into this matter. Here is what I found out about the flu and the flu shot:

  1. Scientists do not know exactly how the influenza virus first originated however they have concluded that it somehow started in migratory waterfowl like wild ducks and geese. The flu virus populates inside the cell lining of the bird's intestinal tract.

  2. The flu virus spreads from animal to animal and from animal to human. It starts with birds and pigs. The flu spreads from person to personthrough airborne droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person, i.e. coughing and sneezing. You cannot get the flu from cooked meat.

  3. The flu virus is categorized into three categories, A, B and C. A is the most common and serious and can cause large epidemics. B is less severe and will not usually cause large epidemics. C is the mildest, will not cause an epidemic and is similar to the common cold.

  4. The flu vaccine has been in existence since 1945.

  5. The flu infects the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and can lead to pneumonia.

  6. There are many different strains of the flu virus and it mutates year after year.

  7. The flu virus originates in Southeast Asia or Europe.

  8. The World Health Organization predicts which strain of the flu will occur in the winter and develop a vaccine. They take a trip to China each year to determine what strains are occurring.

  9. The vaccine takes 6 months to produce.

  10. The vaccine is made from purified and fertilized chicken eggs. The process itself is a lengthy one.

  11. The eggs used for this process are hard to come by.

  12. 100 million eggs are used in the U.S. for the flu vaccine.

  13. The vaccine contains weakened or dead strains of influenza.

  14. The viruses are grown in chicken eggs, then killed with formaldehyde, purified and packaged in vials and syringes. Live viruses are packaged for the nasal sprayer version.

  15. The flu shot contains Type A and Type B influenza and this year's shot contain the H1N1 virus.

  16. The flu vaccine is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American College of Physicians (ACP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

  17. People should be vaccinated between August and September prior to the colder months when we stay inside more for longer periods. The flu occurs from April to September in the Southern Hemisphere.

  18. Vaccine is recommended for all people 6 months and older.

  19. The injectable vaccine may cause soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site which is seen in 15-20 percent of the people receiving the shot. One percent of the people will develop chills, fever and muscle aches, these flu symptoms are less severe than the flu itself.

  20. The flu vaccine has been proven to be 70% - 90% effective in people under 65 years old. The percentages vary due to matching a vaccine to the various flu viruses in any given year.

  21. The flu vaccine should not be given to children under 6 months old and to people who have a severe allergy to eggs or people with a history of Guillain-Barr矇 syndrome. The nasal spray should only be used by people 2 to 49 years old and who are not pregnant.

Now that I have learned more about the flu vaccine, I understand why there is a vaccine but I still have more questions. The vaccine reduces the number of flu cases and controls the spread and development of more serious life-threatening respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. But the flu vaccine is only 70% - 90% effective, that means 10%- 30% is ineffective. If we are taking all these medications are we destroying all the antibodies in our system that could fight a more severe mutation? Another concern of mine is what the long-term effect of these shots and sprays are? Yes, the vaccine has been around since 1945, but maybe it is contributing to other diseases, like Autism or Alzheimer's. Is there statistical data from those people who have received the shot consistently since 1945?

In my research, like the PROS that favor receiving the flu shot, there are CONS in favor of not receiving the shot. The Con group feels that the CDC promotes the flu shot for mere revenue purposes. They feel the CDC promotes false or misleading statements with claims that the flu shot will prevent respiratory ailments like pneumonia however pneumonia is a bacteria and not a virus like influenza. They also believe the CDC falsifies the number of deaths from the flu. The CDC advertises thousands die from the flu when in their reports they have only a few hundred. How many people die from pneumonia that had a flu shot? My sister, for example, had the flu shot and developed pneumonia in the same year and one of cousins had the flu shot and then developed pleurisy. Also, the predictions of what flu strains will be prevalent in a given year are not always accurate, some years they have been completely wrong. Did we all die because they were wrong or was there an increase in flu cases those years? The flu virus predication is a guessing game. People receiving vaccines may be getting it for no reason if the wrong virus is used that year. There is also controversy over the preservatives used in the flu vaccine. One preservative is Thimerosal which is used in many medications to prevent bacterial contamination. It has mercury known as ethylmercury which is different than fish mercury known as methylmercury. High levels of methylmercury can be toxic. Studies of ethylmercury say it is safe but in an effort to reduce mercury levels of all kinds, manufacturers have changed their production using less of this mercury or none at all.

Well there you have it with what the flu shot is all about. Are you totally confused on whether or not to get the shot? I am on the fence and have never had the flu vaccine. I am approaching my senior years, however, I am not dead yet from getting the flu several times. I may change my mind when I am older and my body becomes frailer or I have a near death flu experience but in the meantime while I am still strong and healthy I opt not to get it. Don't let my decisions impact you; I am just not in favor of injecting myself with medicine and have a difficult time even taking vitamins. Please let me know what you decide and why. I hope you found this information helpful. Thank you, Kathryn Alexander.

My New Office Nightmare

It was the second day, of the second month, of the second year, of the second millennium as I looked back on the first week of being in my new office. I was proud of what I had created. It was so totally me, everything about it defined who I am and what I think is beautiful. The rose walls, the Victorian botanicals, and children prints, the nearly foot thick soundproofed walls, the large office and the floral chaise beside the over-stuffed over-sized chair - all a part of my personally designed space. My husband of three years had been the instigator of my moving out on my own. He had been listening to my complaints about where I was for the entire time of our marriage and he knew that for me to be happy, I needed to be on my own.

Finally, it had happened. It took thousands of dollars on credit, hours and hours of putting together paperwork and negotiating with my new supervisor, but after five months of planning, is was here. For the first several days of the week, I had only been able to move things in from my old office, since my old employer needed me to stay through the end of January. On Friday, February 1st I saw my first clients in my lovely office, and they, as I, felt warm, comfortable and happy there.

Unfortunately, that week had also been a horrid week for me with my allergies. Environmental allergies had been the bane of my existence my whole life, earning me the nickname of "delicate Melody" growing up. As my allergist recently stated, "It's a wonder (I) am alive". Actually, I nearly died of them a few times, ending up in the hospital a five or six times with pneumonia before I was ten. By the age of 46 I had grown accustomed to them and found a way to deal with them. I was on weekly allergy shots, taking a decongestant and an antihistamine, along with a nasal spray every single day. That did not prevent runny noses or the occasional sinus headache, but I had my infections under control and seldom missed work for illness. But, this particular week had been a horrid one. Monday night I had the worst asthma attack I'd had in many years, I hardly slept. Tuesday night I was up all night sneezing so much that I could not sleep. Wednesday I got in to see my allergist and he gave me a shot of cortisone, which had always stopped such attacks in the past. Wednesday night I had a sinus headache that turned in to migraine and, once more did not sleep. By Thursday I was still miserable, and my doctor gave me a prescription for oral prednisone. By Saturday, the 2nd, I felt physically better, though still quite tired and confused about why my allergies had been so terrible that week. Oh, well, I thought, at least I am able to do something about it now. I liked that I had finally gotten help with my allergies and didn't have to just suffer with them as I had done for my entire life. The steroids would clear up this bout, and life would soon be back to normal.

The following week I continued working in my beautiful office. My former employer had sent me a lovely bouquet of assorted flowers that absolutely crowned my Victorian waiting room with elegance. (I avoided breathing in their scent) On Tuesday evening as I came in from work, I complained to my husband that my ankles itched. I pulled down my socks and noticed a sprinkle of uneven red splotches all over both feet and ankles. Mike suggested I shower and put some cortisone on them, which I did, and it helped only mildly. We tucked away into bed, embraced in each others arms and fell asleep. Just as I nodded off, a pain hit my chest, then subsided. I moved to the other side of the bed as the pains kept coming, I began gasping as they hit. Mike was stirring and I didn't want to disturb his sleep so I crawled out of bed. I couldn't wall too well, the pain was to great. I finally got it together and got myself in to the living room where I grabbed a pillow and sat on the couch. The pain kept getting worse, it came in waves, hitting one right after the other like a contraction. Mike came apologetically into the living room and asked if he could do anything, and tried to get me to describe the pain. I wasn't very good at describing it, for it took my breath away between strikes. A few minutes later he was piling me in the car and headed toward the ER.

In the ER I noticed the rash was now all over my hands, as well as my feet and ankles. They didn't give much notice to that. They immediately had me wired to EKG machines and then, gave me a whiff of nitroglycerine. The pain instantly stopped the pain. My head started to swim and my blood pressure fell to the point that I could not hold myself upright as they took x-rays of my chest. They gave me an IV of Benadryl, and the rash faded. That was a relief, the itching was driving me crazy. I don't know what else they gave me, but pain subsided some. I sent Mike home and to bed at about three AM and they decided at about seven to admit me to the hospital because they wanted me to have an "echo cardiogram" that day. Unfortunately there were no beds on the cardiac unit. So they tucked me away in a corner of the ER waiting for admission. At about noon they finally had a bed for me. I spent the next day and a half in the hospital ruling out heart problems. The cardiologist said I would probably never need a cardiologist, but he gave me his card anyway. That night, two days after my attack, I was released from the hospital and told to follow up with my internist, saying that maybe I should check my gall bladder. I went back to work and still had no idea what had caused either my pain or my rash.

On Friday afternoon I saw one of my "OCD" (Obsessive-Compulsive Disordered) clients. He had been on a tangent about the air quality in my office since before I moved. He really didn't like the idea of my moving, and had made all kind of demands regarding how I should do things to suit him. As an example, he insisted that I should have out-gased my carpet for two weeks prior to laying it down. He was most upset that I didn't plan to either make sure I had an air cleaner or spend two weeks waiting on the carpet to out gas. That day he added that, I was being really negligent because I had not done these things, insisting that perhaps my recent health problems were related to that? I was quite frustrated, but listened and assured him that it was unlikely since I had certainly never had any kinds of problems with air quality or carpet in the past.

As I drove home I realized he was right. It made a certain kind of sense. My allergy attack that had begun the week that I had moved my things into the space, the rash, then the crisis of the chest pains. What a mess this was. What could have caused this? I logged onto the Internet and located information about chemical toxicity. It did sound like what was going on with me. The most likely culprit, like my client had suggested; the carpet or carpet padding. I also found that I was really, very fortunate, there was a center for environmental illness right here in Dallas. I made an appointment with Dr. William Rea for the following Friday. I didn't know what else to do. The bad news: I had to pay out of pocket for the costs, because they file no insurance.

I was nervous about having to go through a doctor that may or may not have the answers. Mike was not convinced it was not a physical problem, and felt that it had to be ruled out. I called my allergist and insisted that I had to have something for the rash, it was unbearable. It hurt to distraction. He gave me a prescription for Doxipin, and Nexium and I started them that day. The next day the rash was nearly gone. I cancelled my appointment with Dr. Rea. I was more comfortable, and had stopped eating, so my chest pain had eased. So I went another week, and had a upper GI scheduled for the following Monday.

That Saturday I was in the ER again after the pains ruined my day with husband. It was our first weekend alone for about six months, and we spent our first night alone in the ER. This time they ran GI tests of all kinds. I had EKG's again, chest and stomach X-rays, blood work (testing for liver and gall bladder problems) and, finally, an ultra-sound across my belly. Again, I was found to be in perfect health. They gave me a "pink lady" (a concoction for GI disturbances), prescriptions for a painkiller and phenergan. Still, there were no answers, just clues.

Physical problems ruled out, I went to the Building manager and showed her the rash, and asked her to provide me an empty office in which to work until I could resolve the problem in the office. She was very empathetic and gave me the keys for an ugly, old empty office across the hall. I pulled my pillows in there and started seeing clients in there. Monday morning I had re-scheduled with Dr. Rea for that Friday. Still not eating, but the rash was gone so I felt enough better that I thought I might make it. The materials stated that I should stop my antihistamines a couple of days ahead of testing, so I stopped my Claritin and the Doxipin. The rash came back immediately. I spent the morning in my office, even putting my hands and forearm on the carpet itself for a few moments to see if it would trigger an allergic response. I got to the appointment that afternoon, and he had to cancel. God, that meant another day of the rash.

I got in to see him the next morning and my hands and forearms were covered with rash. The carpet was most certainly the problem. Dr. Rea concluded that I had been hit with chemical toxins, and that I even had neurological signs of toxicity. He started me immediately on a routine of IV vitamins and minerals three times a week, and daily heat therapy. He wanted to start serious testing along with daily visits with him. I spent the next two and a half weeks in testing and therapy. I met with a nutritionist and the patient educator. Without the Doxipin, my rash cleared after the first week of therapy. Testing revealed only that I had Chronic Fatigue, severe Central Nervous System compromise, and failure of my immune system to respond to attack. I was found to be extraordinarily healthy, but of course, quite ill.

Of course, I had to pay out of pocket for all the expense. I spent over four-thousand dollars and have yet to discern how much insurance will pay, if any. I continued working, working my clients around my therapy and working late in the evenings. My stress level was now out of hand, along with my health. I have stopped therapy, but Mike is building me a sauna so that I can continue heat therapy at home. I still feel fatigued, have dizziness and severe congestion, but I am better. The fatigue is not so overwhelming as it was a couple of weeks ago, and the rash is gone.

Yet, I feel lucky. The stories I have heard from others make me feel grateful. Many of them suffered for years before they figured out what was wrong. I am grateful for my client, who, in this instance, was disturbingly accurate. I am grateful for living in an era of the Internet where so much information is rapidly available. I am grateful that Dr. Rea and the Environmental Health Center are here in Dallas. People come from all over the world to be treated by him, and he's in my backyard. I try to hold on to those on bad days.

Mike pulled all the padding out of my office about a month ago. He pulled the carpet out last week. We laid a small piece of residential carpet out on the floor last week, but by Thursday I had begun to react to it, too. So he rolled it up Friday. The plan is to let it air for a couple of weeks in our garage until it's had a chance to out gas, then I will try it again. It may be that I will never be able to tolerate carpet again. For now, the bare concrete looks awful, but it causes me no problems. Maybe I'll find some safe paint and just paint the floors, forgetting carpet, wood or anything.

Another component of the problem, we discovered, was (as my client insisted) the air quality. I am a body psychotherapist and my clients often produce a lot of sound. To make my new office work, I had to put up heavy duty soundproofing. We made sure that the sound was locked into the room, with no holes. We had the walls go up all the way to the roof. The room was a virtual sound box, no sound could get out. We trusted the ventilation system in the building would be adequate to manage the air. We were wrong. The air never re-circulated, but stayed in the box. All the gasses of the paint, the carpet and the padding remained in the office with me as I practiced that first week. The building manager only last week discovered that the air conditioning had not been running twenty-four seven as it was supposed to be, and kicked it in last week. That's closing the barn door after the cows got out.

According to people I have talked with at the Center, about 15% of the American population today suffer from some kind of chemical sensitivity, but by the year 2050, that number will increase to 60%. That is, millions of unsuspecting Americans will go through some of what I have experienced, or worse. Many of the people I have talked to have nearly died from some kind of chemical toxicity. The bizarre thing is that most of this does not fall under the purview of the Environmental Protection Agency; they deal only with outdoor air pollution. Basically, there is NO protection from indoor air quality problems and no consumer resources other than to sue. Of course, this is powerful and it has reduced the amount of chemicals in indoor construction remarkably over the past twenty years. But reduction to "acceptable levels" doesn't fit every circumstance or every person.

It's frustrating to note that most people (including myself prior to this experience) intuitively assume that being "chemically sensitive" is mostly a psychiatric or emotionally based somatic problem. I am a "mind over matter" person from way back. I read The Power of Positive Thinking at the age of 14 and know that my reality is impacted by how I think and feel. None of that prepared me for the chemical attack that I underwent in my lovely new office. Of course stress and emotional problems weaken us, that is certainly undeniable. Yet, even though this is true, the fact is that we all are vulnerable to this kind of attack. You never know when your particular barrel of stress, allergy and nutritional deficiency will be hit with a chemical that your body cannot fight. Have empathy for those of us that are already hit. The next time, it could be you, or your daughter. You never know.

Visine For Allergies - Does It Relieve Allergy Eye Symptoms?

Do you have an allergy?

Sometimes our eyes water as a reaction to excessive smoke in a room but once you have left the room it can clear up, if it doesn't then your eyes may be watering as the result of an allergic reaction. You can have an allergic reaction to all kinds of things, including smoke, pollen, seasonal changes and pet allergies. If you do think that you have an allergy that is affecting your eye then you might want to try Visine for allergies as many sufferers have found this to be effective.

Symptoms of an allergy

When you suffer from an allergy that affects your eyes this can often be felt in one or more of the following ways:

  • Itching at the corners of the eye and around it

  • Tearing or involuntary watering of the eye

  • Soreness - can be a direct result of the allergy or if you rub your eyes

  • Swelling and sensitivity to light - if these two things occur then you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes a cold compress can relieve itching around your eyes and may reduce and swelling that is beginning to take place. Alternatively it is well worth looking at Visine for allergies as it is especially designed to treat the sensitive eye areas - they manufacture a range of eye drops that are designed to deal with many different forms of eye allergy.

Seasonal Allergies

Are you one of the many people who suffer from seasonal allergies, i.e. allergies that only make themselves felt at certain times of the year? You may, like many others suffer from what is commonly known as hay fever - an allergy and reaction to the amount of pollen in the air. One of the problems with this type of allergy, particularly if you are susceptible to grass, is that they mix with other allergens and worsen the symptoms.

Symptoms often start with itchy eyes and can also involve sneezing; as well as tearing and swelling. Your doctor may prescribe antihistamines but you will need to take care when using these as they do not agree with everyone.

If you know when your seasonal allergies are likely to start then you should be able to take some precautions to avoid having to use antihistamines. It is well worth looking at some of the natural products that are around now - Visine for allergies is very good at reducing redness and minor swelling; although if this worsens then you should consult a practitioner.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What is a Gluten Allergy?

In wheat, barley, rye, and low level oats, there is a rubbery like protein called gluten. This substance is what helps the dough bind, which you would see with baked breads and other baked foods. Although these grains contain gluten, which can cause a gluten allergy in sensitive people, they also contain a number of other proteins that can also cause allergy symptoms.

The four primary proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley includes albumin, globulin, gliadin, and glutenin, better known as gluten. While the symptoms and severity of the symptoms of gluten allergy vary from one person to another, generally a person would experience hives, swelling, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, or asthma. If the person is highly sensitive to gluten allergy, the symptoms could be life-threatening.

The good news about gluten allergy is that if the person has a reaction after eating wheat or wheat product, making an early diagnosis is easy. The challenge is that so many of the foods we eat are made with wheat, making it difficult to tell where the real problem lies. Most often, a trained doctor or allergist would conduct a skin prick test or take blood to confirm that gluten allergy is the problem.

If the reaction to gluten is severe, the solution might be to eliminate wheat and wheat by-products from the diet. However, if the gluten allergy is minor, then reducing the amount of wheat consumed and/or allergy medication or shots might do the trick. If the person with gluten allergy is a young child, chances are he or she will outgrow the allergy.

Gluten Intolerance, also known as Coeliac Disease, is a hereditary disorder that affects the immune system. In this case, when gluten is consumed, the mucosa, which is the lining of the small intestine, is damaged. When this happens, important vitamins and nutrients are not absorbed properly. When a person has this type of gluten allergy, the symptoms would be different in children than they would be in adults.

For children, the gluten allergy would be seen as abdominal distension, impaired growth, abnormal stools, irritability, poor muscle tone, malabsorption, poor appetite, and wasting of muscle. If an adult has this type of gluten allergy, then diarrhea, significant weight loss, abdominal cramping and bloating, constipation, and offensive stools are common.

In both cases of gluten allergy, a doctor would need to perform blood tests to make a confirmed diagnosis. Once done, the only treatment is to have gluten completely eliminated from the diet. Because of this, it is essential that nutrient and vitamin deficiencies be addressed with things such as niacin, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, chromium, magnesium, selenium, folacin, molybdenum, and phosphorus. With proper care and diet, a person with gluten allergy can enjoy a hearty choice of foods without the irritating symptoms.

Allergies And Sinus Support - Allergies Can Also Speed Up Your Heart Rate

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reports that allergic disorders affect at least 50 million people in the US. Type 1 Allergies and symptoms include asthma, eczema, hay fever, headaches, swellings, fatigue, chills, sensitivity to light and loss of appetite. Type 2 Allergies could start in infancy or during childhood due to inherited tendencies and exposure to pollen, dust and environmental toxins, including all the chemicals we breathe and eat. It all starts with your immune system not handling whatever comes along!

Nature's Way has the popular Sambucol Immune System, which is a combination of liquid Elderberry, Echinacea, zinc, vitamin C and propolis (comes from the bee - a natural antibiotic). Elderberry was used by the Gypsies in Europe to make their wine. Many of the severe allergy symptoms are triggered by one's inhalation of certain functions of both T and B immune cells, important to all Cell-Mediated Immunity. Astra 8 Defense Builder by Health Concerns is a Chinese herbology formula, which has been designed as a response for what's happening within. It contains ( Astragalus for throat and cough), Ganoderma (Reishi) Ginseng, Codonopsis (for breathing), Schizandra (for liver) and Licorice (anti-inflammatory calming Lungs, Spleen and Kidney). Our clever Immune System is designed to differentiate between healthy compounds and harmful substances.

However, when it encounters the bad guys, it changes into an Allergic reaction. Chinese medicine calls it a pattern of imbalance and stagnation. Planetary Formulas with Mullein Lung Complex, (formerly known as Breeze Free), is an ancient botanical support for the Lungs, stuffy breathing, and other such conditions. It is a combo of Chinese Herbs (non-stimulant). Uncomfortable and unpleasant as these symptoms are, bloating and mood swings, of which any food can be allergenic, Wheat, Milk, Eggs, Corn, Soy, Yeast, and Food Additives, are some of the culprits. Type 2 is usually triggered by foods and environmental factors including hyperactivity and memory loss. Natures Herbs has an Old Fashioned Remedy CL-7 Formula with respiratory support herbs including Mullein (glands), Slippery Elm Bark (stomach), Elecampane (cough) and Hyssop.

Type 1 allergies are most commonly caused by Histamines, best known for chemicals that cause the action of an enzyme on Mast Cells. Histamines are released by specialized cells, the Mast Cells which causes small Blood Cells to become more adaptable to fluid (no wonder we get bloated!). Results are Swellings, Hives, nasal congestion and Eye Tearing. Simufix Caps and Sinumist by Natural Care are 2 helpers that will soothe Dry Irritated Nasal Passages promoting a Healthy Immune Response for Sinus and Allergy Symptoms. They contain Oregano Extract 4 to 1, Nettle, Quercetin (which strengthens the walls of the Blood Vessels), Goldenseal (a natural Antibiotic) and Grapefruit Seed Extract (also a powerful Antibiotic). The Mist is to spray in your Nasal Passages. I introduced this to some Fireman, who had worked on the mountain fires is Southern California that year.

They had been completely overwhelmed by the disastrous smoke in their lungs and it also played havoc with their Sinuses. Dr. John W Tintera, MD. found that deficient function of the Adrenal Glands accounted for various kinds of Allergies. Cited in his book "The Adrenal Syndrome", a deficiency of Adrenal response can account for many types of allergens that have their beginnings in Adrenal Gland Failures, part of your Endocrine Glands located near the Kidneys. Now Foods has Adrenal Support containing Cayenne, Ginseng (an adaptogenic herb), Astragalus, Gota Kola (Ayurvedic) and Licorice. Now Foods also has Air Defense with its Patented Extract of Paractin with Andrographis (excellent for the tummy and Immune), Elderberry, Echinacea, Astragalus and Olive Leaf (for immunity and infections). You can certainly combine this with Herb Pharm's Adrenal Support Tonic Tincture. Throw in a little Proplis Drops from Herb Pharm for Allergies, Respiratory-Big Time Fighters.

Histamine also causes a contraction of the smooth muscles and walls of the Lungs, Blood Vessels and Intestinal Tract and Bladder, itchy, Painful Ear and Stuffed Up Nasal Congestion (no fun). Clear Products has Clear Sinus And Ear, formulated by Stash Oz, (Masters In Traditional Oriental Medicine). Go to my Web Site to read all about our seminar. It has no stimulants, reduces swellings, ear Pressure and Moisture with Magnolia Flower (Xin Yi Hua), Scutellaris (Huang Quin), Perilla Leaf (Zi Su Ye) and Angelica Root (Bai Zhi). Another TCM is DR. Shen's Min Kan Wan for Dust, Pollen, and Animal Hair Allergens. Now for some Allergic Relief for those Peepers (eyes) subjected to all environmental toxins and chemicals. King Bio has Allergy/Red Eye Relief for Inflamed Watery Conjunctivitis and Swollen Shut Eyes with Granules stuck in the morning, when one awakes. Bioforce USA, the famous Dr. Vogel's Homeopathic Formulas has options for Swollen Watery Eyes and Inflamed Sinuses with Congestion. Similar to the Old Remedy Mustard Plaster, Dr. Singhas Mustard Bath opens all your portals, especially soothing for Stuffed Up Head, and doing away with toxic accumulations.

Allergies can also speed up your Heart Rate. Using a watch with a second hand, count your heartbeats for 60 seconds to find your average pulse. This is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Take this Pulse Test to find out which food you could be Allergic to. Take your Pulse 5 minutes before eating, after you have finished eating, if your Pulse varies as much as 12 to 20 beats after, a suspected food may be the answer. To give your Digestive Tract more ammunition Food Science Of Vermont has the Mega-Probiotic Nd with FOS (what's that? Fructo oligo saccharides-this promotes the good Bacteria from Veggies and helps break down Protein from undigested foods, another cause for Allergies). Another work in Progress for foods that are holding and causing dysfunction is the Planetary Formulas Three Spices Sinus Support. Hit this one with lots of Vitamin C. Now Foods has Pantothenic Acid which taken throughout the day could cater to those dreadful Sinus Headaches. You have to take enough, but it works! Or you might try .

More American Indian Herbs for clearing. Bio-Allers- Natra Bio Homeopathics has the year Round and Seasonal Relief Formulas. Great options for all ages, stimulating the body's natural defenses and inherited resistance to Allergies. For Air Borne Allergies, Tree Pollen. Mold Yeast & Dust Dairy Allergies, Grain Allergies, Animal Hair & Dander, Pet Allergies can be taken on a continuous basis. In addition, it is also good for the relief from down or clothing containing Allergens from Sheep or Wool. Conventional Medicine answers disease with powerful drugs never getting to the roots.

Over the counter Anti-histamines create undesirable side effects and toxicity. It may be true sometime we need them for the short term. Heel has the Euphorbium Nasal Sinus Relief Spray for Viral, Bacterial Rhinitis. Natra-Bio has Cold And Sinus Spray. Some of the Herbal Teas can help. Health King with Head And Throat Soother (you can image what that does!) Longjiang River Teas has some unusual herbs in the teas, but good tasting. Handy Packs for travel-just in case Nelson Homeopatics has the Sinus Packs. Food additives include antibiotics, food colorings, sulfites, MSG. All these increase Allergic Response. Stress, excessive intake of processed refined foods and nutritional deficiencies all are contributors. Allergies are now showing up in children of all ages. Hebron Naturals USA has Kids Goodypops Berry Buddies with Echinacea and Vitamin C. Allergy Shots are not always the panacea. Finding the right program that works for you, whether it be Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Chinese Herbology, it still comes down to finding the Wellness Within.

The Top 10 Allergy Treatments - How to Get Relief From Seasonal Allergies

If you are suffering from allergies, you may find comfort knowing that there are various methods of treatment that could be employed in order to address the problem. This article will tackle the 10 Best Allergy Treatments, so put on your seatbelt as we take this ride towards understanding the treatment that is best for you.

Although there is no cure for allergies, still there are a wide range of medications available-both prescription and over-the-counter drug that would assist you in getting rid of the annoying symptoms of this medical condition such as runny nose and congestion. Among the most famous medications are decongestants, antihistamines, combination medicines, corticosteroids, etc. There are also allergy shots that will increase the ability of the body to deal with allergens.

Treatment # 1: Natural Allergy Relief

Herbal supplements prove to provide a relief for allergies like the freeze-dried nettles as well as with the tonic created from goldenseal herb. Furthermore, there is also the saline (salt water) nasal spray that works by washing away pollen and getting rid of thin mucous. Aside from the herbs, doctors would also advise taking some nutrients that can help to quiet seasonal symptoms such as with the grape seed extract and some flavonoid compound known as quercetin.

Treatment # 2: Antihistamine

Antihistamines are often available in tablet, capsule, chewable tablet, and liquid forms. The amount of antihistamine medication that one should take each day would vary depending upon the person's characteristics and the kind of preparation that will be given. Since antihistamine can cause drowsiness, it is advised not to drive or do any activity that requires mental concentration after popping up the drug.

Treatment # 3: Decongestants

This particular drug lessens nasal congestion, leading to blood vessel constriction as well as reduced blood flow into the nasal passage. This medication must not be given to people who are experiencing allergic reaction towards decongestants.

Treatment # 4: Anticholinergic Nasal Allergy Spray

When this medication is sprayed into each nostril, it tends to lessen secretions from the glands which are lining the nasal passage hence reducing the symptom of runny nose. Those people who have allergies to any components of a nasal spray should never try to use this product. Mostly, the drug is sprayed 1-2 times for 2-3 times a day. Given the fact that this drug would pose on a very little side effect, it does not interfere with other drugs.

Treatment # 5: Steroid Nasal Sprays

This drug is known to lessen inflammation within the nasal passages hence the symptoms of nasal allergies are lessened. There are instances however when steroid nasal sprays may lead to nose bleed or sore throat so be alarmed.

Treatment # 6: Anti-allergy Eye Drops

Antihistamine eye drops are used in order to relieve symptoms like itchy or watery eyes. There are some drops that are created with anti-inflammatory agents that can further reduce puffiness and irritation. There are as well nonprescription eye drops that provided great relief to allergies and hay fever. This product should be employed with care though since they may cause temporary stinging after administered. In case irritation persists then it is time to call on your doctor. Furthermore, soft-contact lens wearers must wait for 10 minutes after putting on the eye drops before wearing contact lens

Treatment # 6: Leukotriene Inhibitors

Basically, leukotrienes are those chemical substances that encourage the inflammatory response observed during a contact to allergens. By hindering these chemicals from producing swelling, reduce in inflammation is observed.

Treatment # 7: Mass Cells Inhibitor

The main function of this drug is to prevent the discharge of histamine and also those with chemicals that can trigger allergic symptoms from mast cells when an individual comes in contact with allergens such as pollen. During its use, frequent dosing is very much needed since the effect may only last for about 8 hours. Mast cell inhibitors are sold in the form of nasal sprays in order to prevent runny nose or eye drops in order to address the need of itchy eyes.

Treatment # 8: Allergy Shots

Allergy shots which are also known as "immunotherapy," are given to patients with allergies in order to increase their tolerance to allergens. The shots are generally given to people who are suffering from severe allergies or those who are experiencing allergy symptoms for more than 3 months in a year. Be reminded however that allergy shots do not cure allergies since they only lessen sensitivity to certain substances. These must be given regularly and as time goes by, increasing doses must be administered. If however after taking the shot, you are experiencing shortness of breathe or tightness of the throat, this warrant the help of a doctor.

Treatment # 9: Allergy Fighting Foods

There was a study conducted that reveal the facts that eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids will help lessen allergy symptoms compared to those people who would not regularly eat foods rich in omega 3. Basically, omega 3 is also known to fight inflammation and it is mostly available among cold-water fish, in flaxseed oil, in walnuts and among those grass-fed meat and eggs. With this, it is advised that people who are suffering from allergies should try to at least consume these foods for the betterment of their conditions.

Treatment # 10: Personally Getting Rid of Allergens

Among the most practical method to deal with allergies is by trying to determine those things that can trigger attacks as to prevent allergies from taking place. For example, asthma sufferers are known to be allergic with dust hence the best thing that they can do is to actually free their house or their surrounding from the elements. If you are allergic with pungent perfumes then better get rid of these things. This is the most effective and inexpensive method that all people with allergies should at least try.

Seasonal Allergy

It's that time of year again: the days are getting longer, the flowers are blooming, and we can trade our winter coats for light jackets. Most of us consider the arrival of Spring a cause for celebration, but if you're one of the fifty million people suffering from seasonal allergies, you probably aren't jumping for joy.

One of the most frustrating things about seasonal allergies is determining the cause. Is it pollen? Is it climate, temperature, or atmospheric change? Is it gluten, which seems to be to blame for so many disorders today? Everyone wants to know why there are experiencing the watery eyes, runny nose, headaches, itchy skin, stuffiness, or congestion every Spring. These symptoms are collectively known as allergic rhinitis, or hay fever.

There are several causes for these allergies, and some of them may surprise you:



Malabsorption disorders

Hormonal deficiencies

Post Trauma

Radiation stress

Emotional event

Vaccination additives

Weak immune system

Over-exposure to allergens


Chemicals such as GMOs, food additives, and pesticides

Whatever causes an individual to become sensitive to pollen, the question remains, what can be done about it? While a pollen allergy, by itself, is usually easy to eliminate, allergic rhinitis typically encompasses allergic reactions to several environmental triggers, such as mold, trees and some foods, that may require more extensive treatment.

There are a few different ways to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever, the most common of which is to take medicines such as Claritin or Zyrtec. In the past, a physician had to prescribe these medications; however, these days they are available over-the-counter. If you are satisfied with managing your symptoms, these meds can help; however, I strongly suggest that before taking them you research their side effects.

If symptoms are severe, most allergists will recommend shots once a week for one to two years, followed by maintenance injections once a month for two to three years. This is the guideline procedure set forth by the American Academy of Family Physicians. But what, you may be wondering, are in these allergy shots? Allergy shots contain small amounts of the things that you are allergic to, or allergens. The dose of allergens starts very low and is slowly increased over the course of the treatment. If this method sounds counterintuitive to you, you're not alone. After all, if a patient were allergic to cockroaches, would you suggest injecting them with little bits cockroach?

The latest approach to environmental allergies is sublingual drops. First, a scratch test is done to establish what the person is allergic to, whether it's trees, grasses, molds, and pollens. Then he or she is given liquid drops to take daily for approximately one year. This reduces office visits, but the success rate is not clear. It is also expensive, and therefore best suited to patients with very good medical coverage.

Another method-and my personal preference--is natural allergy elimination. This safe, very gentle technique reprograms the body in about four months, with no side-effects. I like it because, unlike the other treatments, it gets to the root cause, rather just managing symptoms, and it has been clinically proven to work.

In my practice, I have seen patients whose allergies are triggered by a wide range of allergens. Sometimes the hay fever is initiated by a virus; sometimes it's triggered after the patient moves to an area with a higher concentration of pollen than they are used to. Still other patients are experiencing a malfunction of their autonomic nervous system that affects their tolerance to pollen. I have been successful eliminating seasonal allergies--or hay fever--for my patients, regardless of the underlying cause. Like with any ailment, there were a few individuals who were not completely cured because I could not identify an underlying genetic component. However, I do have a 90% success rate in eliminating hay fever. One of my patients had been receiving allergy shots for twenty-five years, with little relief. Yet in just three office visits, I was able to eliminate her symptoms by treating her emotionally. Of course, everyone is different and the approach has to be individualized. I also can determine very quickly if a case is beyond my ability.

There are currently 10,000 holistic practitioners that utilize natural allergy elimination techniques. Over the past decade, they have helped several hundred thousand patients completely cure their seasonal allergies. Are you sick of dreading Spring? Find a good and experienced holistic practitioner!

Allergy Relief For Dogs

Allergies are something that effect many people. Many times symptoms of coughing, sneezing and itchy watery eyes can be too much to handle. However many times we don't realize that humans aren't the only ones affected by allergic reactions. "Man's friend", can be suffering too.

How do you know if your dog or cat has an allergy?

You will notice that your dog may be excessively scratching. This will cause painful sores and scabs around the affected area. Your pet may also get ear infections or there may be a bad odor. Types of allergies that your dog may have include food, flea or skin allergies.

Can anything be done to help your dog?

No one wants to see their dog suffer. The following are several treatment options that could help give your dog relief.

Symptomatic Therapy: Treating the dog's symptoms may include; shampoos, Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal. Be careful not to use sprays, because these may contain chemicals that could be harmful to your pet.

Allergy shots: While they are effective in people, the downside is that they may take several months to work.

Antihistamines: They can be used safely on your dogs. Many pet owner's reports success when using them. However the side effect on dogs is the same as they are with humans.

Prevention: While there is no cure for allergies, it's important to note that many times allergies can be passed down through the generations. Because of this, you should not breed a dog that has an allergy.

It's always important to consult your vet, if you think your dog might have an allergy. He or she will be able to give you the best treatment advice or if there's a special medicine that should be used. No one likes to see their pets suffer. The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to ensure your dog will be able to live a happy allergy symptom free life.

The Dangerous Effects of Alcoholism

The dangerous effects of alcoholism are numerous and potentially fatal, not to mention destructive to the alcoholic's work, family, goals, and relationships in general. The physical side effects of alcoholism are:

Effect of Alcohol on The Brain

Alcohol acts as a depressant on the brain, most strongly affecting the area that governs inhibitions and judgment. In many cases the alcoholic is seeking just that: liberation from anxiety, shyness, rigidity of thinking, and also the euphoric feeling that accompanies the release of such emotional restrictions.

The temporary loss of judgment and inhibitions explain why some people are "happy drunks," while others become angry and hostile. The happy drunk seems to get along with everyone because he loses his ability to accurately judge others. Everyone becomes his friend, and he is the life of the party. He also loses his inhibitions - which in normal life restrict him and cause him social anxiety.

The angry drunk also loses his inhibitions, which when sober restrict him from expressing his emotions, especially, anger. His loss of inhibition translates into loss of anger management and personal self-control.

So while much study has been undertaken to try and develop a working model of the alcoholic personality, it has not been possible to do so because various personality types become alcoholics for a variety of reasons. It is certain though that alcoholism does the same physiological damage to the individual's brain, nervous system, and liver, regardless of his personality and behavior.

In spite of the initial euphoria experienced by the drinker, consumption of more alcohol leads to a more depressed state. The circulation and respiratory systems also become depressed, so that a severe consumption of alcohol can lead to stupor, coma and even death.

As the brain suffers from bouts of alcoholism, so does the nervous system.

Effect of Alcoholism on the Nervous System

One of the visible effects of alcoholism is the loss of balance and muscular coordination. As drinkers consume more and more alcohol, their speech is slurred, their movements become clumsy and awkward, and they lose their balance. This is not due to direct effect of alcohol on the muscles, but the direct effect on the brain and its impulses to the peripheral nervous system.

Effect of Alcoholism on the Liver

The liver is responsible for many vital functions in the body and suffers greatly from the effects of alcoholism. One important role of the liver is to destroy and eliminate toxic substances from the bloodstream and send them to other organs for elimination. Under stress, the liver will fail to accomplish this function properly, resulting in toxemia, poor immune function, infection, skin diseases, kidney disease, impaired circulation, tumors, and a while host of disorders.

Over 90% of the alcohol consumed by the body must be eliminated by the process of oxidation, which takes place in the liver. Oxidation is the breakdown of alcohol into carbon dioxide and water (CO2 and H2O). The rate at which the liver can perform this function is the same regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed by the person. So, the more alcohol consumed, the more the liver's work backs up because it cannot oxidize any faster to meet the higher demand.

For example, if your sanitation men can pick up only 2 bags of garbage a week, but you continuously set out 2 bags of garbage every day, then you get a huge accumulation of garbage in front of your house! And the sanit men can still pick up only two bags. It's the same way with the liver... it can only process at the same rate, regardless of the demand to process more and more alcohol.

Extended drinking binges put the liver under constant and severe strain, and that is why many alcoholics develop a disease known as cirrhosis of the liver, in which many liver cells are actually dead or non-functioning. As the alcoholic's disease progresses, the liver is less and less equipped to deal with the strain. The liver's inability to detoxify other substances in the body becomes compromised as well. It's a vicious cycle of consuming more and more toxic substances which cannot be processed or excreted. When the liver can no longer efficiently process these toxic substances, they get secreted into the fatty tissue and lymph nodes of the body, leading to cysts, growths, and tumors as they build up over time.

In addition, prolonged alcoholism may cause weight gain because the body cannot deal with the excessive sugars consumed with alcohol, nor can it excrete toxic waste matter.

The liver of the average non-alcoholic person can oxidize one half to one ounce of whiskey, or six to twelve ounces of beer every hour. If you drink three 8-oz. glasses of beer and three shots of whiskey in one hour, you have already given your liver three hours of oxidation to perform for it to process and eliminate the alcohol byproducts.

From this formula you can figure that for every drink you take your body should have one hour to process it before you drive. If you go to a party or bar and have three drinks, wait three hours until you can safely drive home again. Better still, always have a responsible designated driver to take you home.

Effects of Alcoholism on the Skin

The skin is actually an organ of elimination weighing about 13 pounds in the average sized person. Only a small portion of alcohol is sweated out through the skin - the liver bears the major brunt of detoxifying the alcohol.

However, the skin will suffer from the effects of alcoholism in many ways:

  • Drinking alcohol causes a sudden flush effect in the face and skin, making it appear red. The presence of "gin blisters" on the noses and face of alcoholics is merely damage from the repeated sudden dilation of the small capillaries in the skin, which over time, get broken. The initial rush produces a feeling of warmth, which is why many people in cold climates take to drinking. However the repeated rush of blood to the small capillaries in the skin takes its toll over time.

  • Drinking alcohol robs the skin and body of much-needed moisture. Premature aging can be linked to lack of such moisture in the body tissues. Translation: a chronic drinker will age more quickly, develop grey hair more quickly, and develop skin wrinkles and creases more quickly. For this reason many alcoholics look much older than their chronological age. Lack of proper moisture to the skin may also cause skin discoloration, paleness of complexion, or a grayish cast to the skin.

Can anything reverse the dangerous effects of alcoholism? It depends on the length and severity of the disease. Substance abuse centers offer recovery programs for alcoholics involving emotional and spiritual counseling as well as alcohol detox. On a physical level, one may undertake a variety of detoxification programs, many of which can be done in the privacy of one's home. Alcohol detox may be done by nutritional supplementation, detox diet plans, detox baths and soaks, and by use of other detoxification products. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of choices for how one may try to offset the deadly effects of alcoholism. But self-care is often not enough once the addiction has taken hold. The best course of therapy is to seek a rehab center offering medical assistance for crisis intervention. Then, self-help detox cleansing can become a regular part of the recovering alcoholic's health regimen.