Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Allergy Drops and Sublingual Immunotherapy

Many people who find their allergy symptoms are starting to control their life often look to immunotherapy for a solution the their allergy problems. The problem is once they find out the length of time and the number of doctor visits required for immunotherapy, not to mention the shots they do not stick with it. Fortunately there is a alternative to immunotherapy.

Allergy drops work the same way and are known as sublingual immunotherapy. The drops are placed under the tongue and held there for a short time before swallowing. Using this method allows them to enter the blood stream very quickly. Allergy drops are popular with parents of children who suffer from allergies because they are a relatively pain free solution. Sublingual immunotherapy can also be less expensive than traditional allergy shots because they require fewer trips to the doctors office. One draw back is that the drops can sometimes take longer to work than shots but people who use drops tend to stay on schedule with them more than shots because of ease of use and the fact they are less time consuming.

Allergy drops have been used for many years successfully in Europe but are yet to be approved by the FDA. Studies are under way and approval is expected in a few years. With a proven track record most research being done is on the amount and frequency of use required. If your interested in allergy drops you might want to ask your doctor about them during your next visit. Just like immunotherapy, sublingual therapy will not work for everyone and it is not for people who suffer short term or minor allergy symptoms.

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