Saturday, June 8, 2013

All About Bee Pollen Benefits

Nearly everyone knows about honey, but not everyone knows about bee pollen benefits. What are the benefits of bee pollen?

* Potent antioxidants

* Prevents allergies

* Heals prostate problems

* Boosts men's sex life

* Makes exercise easy 198 characters

Let all-natural bee pollen benefits enhance your health. Make bee pollen an amino acid rich addition to your family's healing tools.

What Are the Health Benefits of Bee Pollen?

Who could know the health benefits of bee pollen better than a bee? When bees help themselves to nectar so they can make honey, they coat their legs with pollen. This bee pollen is collected for the colony's principal protein food when they return to the hive.

One of the most important bee pollen facts is that it is rich in antioxidants.

The antioxidants in bee pollen are compounds chemists call flavonoids. Bee pollen packs the punch of myricetin, quercetin, rutin, and trans-cinnamic acid. You don't need to remember their names, but take a look at what they can do for you.

Myricetin helps white blood cells soak up the "bad" LDL cholesterol out of the bloodstream. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine-the right kind of pollen can be beneficial for your allergies! Rutin is best known as the remedy for varicose veins. Rutin protects veins throughout the body and may help prevent cancer as well. Your body uses trans-cinnamic acid to make its own antibiotics, and this potent nutrient also powers the detoxifying processes of the liver.

Another key bee pollen fact is that it is a source of complete nutrition. Bee pollen is richer in protein than any flesh-based food. Gram for gram, bee pollen supplements contain more amino acids than fish, beef, or eggs.

What else is in bee pollen? This nutritional supplement contains:

* Enzymes

* Coenzymes

* 18 amino acids

* DNA and RNA

* Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K

* Folic acid

* Niacin

* Pantothenic acid

* Choline

* Inositol

* Iron

* And Zinc

One of the most interesting bee pollen facts is that the whole of the pollen is greater than its nutritional parts. Insect scientists conducted an experiment in which they took away bee pollen and replaced it with a synthetic mix. This "bee chow" contained every known nutrient in their food.

First the bees first failed to thrive. Then they failed to survive. Nothing artificial can substitute for natural bee pollen.

Bees add some "unknown extra" of their own to bee pollen. This may be the reason bee pollen is so useful in treating a variety of human health conditions.

Sneeze no more!

Bee pollen products treat allergies. Doctors have prescribed pollen for over a hundred years. Bee pollen injections desensitize pollen sufferers. Allergists use "allergy shots" to stop hay fever, hives, rashes, and asthma.

Doctors developed this method at St. Mary's Hospital in London about 1903. In the original method, the nurse gives an injection of pollen and water once a week for several months. The first injection may be 1 part pollen in 100,000 parts of water. The last injection may be 1 part pollen in 10 parts of water.

These potentially painful shots teach the immune system not to respond to pollen. They reduce the immune system's power. They keep it from becoming "hypersensitive" to harmless plants.

But when bee pollen is taken as a nutritional supplement rather than as an injection, the allergies still go away. The difference is the immune system is stronger, not weaker.

Dr. Lee Conway of Denver, Colorado in the USA treats his allergy patients with bee pollen. All his patients who take bee pollen every day remain free from all allergy symptoms. They don't get new allergies when they move to new places. They stay allergy-free.

"Half the Pain, Twice the Pleasure."

That's how a German publication for physicians described bee pollen benefits for men with prostate problems. Over 20 scientific studies have found that bee pollen supports men's sexual health.

How? Chronic prostate problems result from the accumulation of free radicals of oxygen in the seminal fluid. Free radicals of oxygen cause a "burn" at the cellular level. Bee pollen puts out the fire.

The benefit of sexual activity without burning, dribbling, swollen sensation is clear. But what about bee pollen and male fertility?

The most comprehensive research in this area comes from China. Researchers first found that chronic prostate inflammation and male infertility both result from the accumulation of free radicals of oxygen. They then set about finding which product stops the production of free radicals.

Their answer? Bee pollen. The very best relief for infectious prostate inflammation was a combination of conventional medication and bee pollen. Bee pollen all by itself was 80 percent as effective as antibiotics. Bee pollen was free of side effects. It cost a lot less.

The key bee pollen benefit was to increase fertility. Sperm swam faster and lasted longer. They were more motile and viable.

How did bee pollen accomplish this? The answer is zinc. Bee pollen delivers a unique combination of zinc and antioxidants. It maximizes the effectiveness of this mineral for men's sexual health.

Bee Pollen is for Women Too

Twenty years ago American researchers discovered that bee pollen might treat women's cancers. Their government sponsors quickly covered up their findings. Doctors in Austria heard about them anyway.

Dr. Peter Hernuss and his team set out to help twenty-five women suffering from inoperable uterine cancer. They couldn't remove the cancer, so the doctors gave the women chemotherapy. Half the women also received bee pollen. Even under the worst possible medical conditions, bee pollen benefits were clear.

The fortunate women who took bee pollen with their food quickly acquired an immune system boost. Their labs showed:

* Increased antibody production

* More red blood cells

* More hemoglobin

* And a higher concentration of cancer-fighting natural killer (NK) cells.

Taking bee pollen with food lessened the terrible nausea that goes along with chemotherapy. Simply put, the complete nutrition in bee pollen prevented starvation. Bee pollen prevented the loss of muscle tissue.

Bee pollen benefits even included keeping hair loss to a minimum. Without bee pollen, there was no comparable benefit.

How Do You Use Bee Pollen?

Take two bee pollen tablets once or twice daily with meals, or as recommended by your health care professional. Scientists have found that bee pollen retains its antioxidant potency for up to three years during storage under household conditions.

Caution: Bee pollen side effects are very rare, but they are possible in sensitive individuals. There has been one case in which a person who had severe reactions to mold had a severe reaction to bee pollen This product had been improperly stored in heat and damp. It contained mold.

Bee pollen is not recommended for women who are or who may become pregnant. Discontinue and consult with your healthcare provider if you experience adverse reactions. Bee pollen reactions are unheard of in comprehensive supplements of which bee pollen is only one part.

The Dangerous Effects of Alcoholism

The dangerous effects of alcoholism are numerous and potentially fatal, not to mention destructive to the alcoholic's work, family, goals, and relationships in general. The physical side effects of alcoholism are:

Effect of Alcohol on The Brain

Alcohol acts as a depressant on the brain, most strongly affecting the area that governs inhibitions and judgment. In many cases the alcoholic is seeking just that: liberation from anxiety, shyness, rigidity of thinking, and also the euphoric feeling that accompanies the release of such emotional restrictions.

The temporary loss of judgment and inhibitions explain why some people are "happy drunks," while others become angry and hostile. The happy drunk seems to get along with everyone because he loses his ability to accurately judge others. Everyone becomes his friend, and he is the life of the party. He also loses his inhibitions - which in normal life restrict him and cause him social anxiety.

The angry drunk also loses his inhibitions, which when sober restrict him from expressing his emotions, especially, anger. His loss of inhibition translates into loss of anger management and personal self-control.

So while much study has been undertaken to try and develop a working model of the alcoholic personality, it has not been possible to do so because various personality types become alcoholics for a variety of reasons. It is certain though that alcoholism does the same physiological damage to the individual's brain, nervous system, and liver, regardless of his personality and behavior.

In spite of the initial euphoria experienced by the drinker, consumption of more alcohol leads to a more depressed state. The circulation and respiratory systems also become depressed, so that a severe consumption of alcohol can lead to stupor, coma and even death.

As the brain suffers from bouts of alcoholism, so does the nervous system.

Effect of Alcoholism on the Nervous System

One of the visible effects of alcoholism is the loss of balance and muscular coordination. As drinkers consume more and more alcohol, their speech is slurred, their movements become clumsy and awkward, and they lose their balance. This is not due to direct effect of alcohol on the muscles, but the direct effect on the brain and its impulses to the peripheral nervous system.

Effect of Alcoholism on the Liver

The liver is responsible for many vital functions in the body and suffers greatly from the effects of alcoholism. One important role of the liver is to destroy and eliminate toxic substances from the bloodstream and send them to other organs for elimination. Under stress, the liver will fail to accomplish this function properly, resulting in toxemia, poor immune function, infection, skin diseases, kidney disease, impaired circulation, tumors, and a while host of disorders.

Over 90% of the alcohol consumed by the body must be eliminated by the process of oxidation, which takes place in the liver. Oxidation is the breakdown of alcohol into carbon dioxide and water (CO2 and H2O). The rate at which the liver can perform this function is the same regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed by the person. So, the more alcohol consumed, the more the liver's work backs up because it cannot oxidize any faster to meet the higher demand.

For example, if your sanitation men can pick up only 2 bags of garbage a week, but you continuously set out 2 bags of garbage every day, then you get a huge accumulation of garbage in front of your house! And the sanit men can still pick up only two bags. It's the same way with the liver... it can only process at the same rate, regardless of the demand to process more and more alcohol.

Extended drinking binges put the liver under constant and severe strain, and that is why many alcoholics develop a disease known as cirrhosis of the liver, in which many liver cells are actually dead or non-functioning. As the alcoholic's disease progresses, the liver is less and less equipped to deal with the strain. The liver's inability to detoxify other substances in the body becomes compromised as well. It's a vicious cycle of consuming more and more toxic substances which cannot be processed or excreted. When the liver can no longer efficiently process these toxic substances, they get secreted into the fatty tissue and lymph nodes of the body, leading to cysts, growths, and tumors as they build up over time.

In addition, prolonged alcoholism may cause weight gain because the body cannot deal with the excessive sugars consumed with alcohol, nor can it excrete toxic waste matter.

The liver of the average non-alcoholic person can oxidize one half to one ounce of whiskey, or six to twelve ounces of beer every hour. If you drink three 8-oz. glasses of beer and three shots of whiskey in one hour, you have already given your liver three hours of oxidation to perform for it to process and eliminate the alcohol byproducts.

From this formula you can figure that for every drink you take your body should have one hour to process it before you drive. If you go to a party or bar and have three drinks, wait three hours until you can safely drive home again. Better still, always have a responsible designated driver to take you home.

Effects of Alcoholism on the Skin

The skin is actually an organ of elimination weighing about 13 pounds in the average sized person. Only a small portion of alcohol is sweated out through the skin - the liver bears the major brunt of detoxifying the alcohol.

However, the skin will suffer from the effects of alcoholism in many ways:

  • Drinking alcohol causes a sudden flush effect in the face and skin, making it appear red. The presence of "gin blisters" on the noses and face of alcoholics is merely damage from the repeated sudden dilation of the small capillaries in the skin, which over time, get broken. The initial rush produces a feeling of warmth, which is why many people in cold climates take to drinking. However the repeated rush of blood to the small capillaries in the skin takes its toll over time.

  • Drinking alcohol robs the skin and body of much-needed moisture. Premature aging can be linked to lack of such moisture in the body tissues. Translation: a chronic drinker will age more quickly, develop grey hair more quickly, and develop skin wrinkles and creases more quickly. For this reason many alcoholics look much older than their chronological age. Lack of proper moisture to the skin may also cause skin discoloration, paleness of complexion, or a grayish cast to the skin.

Can anything reverse the dangerous effects of alcoholism? It depends on the length and severity of the disease. Substance abuse centers offer recovery programs for alcoholics involving emotional and spiritual counseling as well as alcohol detox. On a physical level, one may undertake a variety of detoxification programs, many of which can be done in the privacy of one's home. Alcohol detox may be done by nutritional supplementation, detox diet plans, detox baths and soaks, and by use of other detoxification products. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of choices for how one may try to offset the deadly effects of alcoholism. But self-care is often not enough once the addiction has taken hold. The best course of therapy is to seek a rehab center offering medical assistance for crisis intervention. Then, self-help detox cleansing can become a regular part of the recovering alcoholic's health regimen.

Dealing With A Cat Allergy

You are suspecting that you just might be allergic to your cat but there is no way that Fluffy is going to be moving out of your house. What to do? Dealing with a cat allergy can be accomplished with a little diligence.

Finding out you are allergic to your cat can be heart breaking. There are a variety of symptoms that can occur such as sneezing, itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sinus infection, headache, and a host of other mild to moderate symptoms that if you are determined enough you can likely find some relief from and still keep Fluffy. But there are also situations that are severe and even life threatening which means you will have to find your cat a new home. Lets assume your cat allergy is one you can live with. So what to do?

Let's first have a look at some of the other symptoms that can be related to a cat allergy. The list is long - besides the symptoms already mentions other symptoms include eye infections, redness, swelling, itching, post nasal drip, hives, rashes, itchy skin, plugged or poping ears, hoarseness, and coughing. There may also be shortness of breath, wheezing, reoccurring bronchitis which increases during tasks such as grooming or cleaning the litter box.

They may also increase when vacuuming or dusting which stirs up the dander. And often overlooked is that the allergy is actually not with the cat but with the perfumes used in cat products such as the litter. The cat allergy is caused buy allergens commonly the sebum produced by your cat. So it's not the actual cat hair that causes the allergy but rather a protein that is in the dander and the tiny particles are easily moved around.

So how do you deal with a cat allergy? There are several things you can try. HEPA filters are a great place to start. HEPA filters situated in each room of your home as well as a vacuum with a HEPA filter will certainly help reduce the allergens.

Having your cat neutered or spayed can help your cat allergy because it reduces the sebum level that is produced. Replace carpets with flooring can make a big difference because carpet traps not only cat dander but dust mites, and a host of other allergy causing things.

Bathe your cat regularly and cover your pillows and mattress with tight casings that can help. We spend half of our life sleeping so it makes sense to also keep the cat out of the bedroom. And of course you can also have the allergy shots that are designed to desensitize you.

But wait! There are some natural remedies for dealing with a cat allergy and some are very effective. Seek out the help of a naturopath or do some research online. You can find several products that might be beneficial.

First of all it is a well known fact that allergies including your cat allergy are a result of an immune system that is misfiring, so building your immune system and doing natural things to help bring your body into balance can also be very helpful.

Don't ignore the simple fixes when you are dealing with a cat allergy. Do it right and Fluffy will spend the rest of her days with you in a life of luxury!

Brittany Puppy And Dog Information

The Brittany Spaniel is basically a bird dog. She can make a good family pet and watch dog. She likes children and does well with other pets. She prefers to have plenty of space to exercise. She may be a poor choice for an apartment. A properly fenced in enclosure for exercise would be ideal. She needs weekly brushing and monthly bathing. Her breed is considered to be generally healthy.

Good With Children?

Yes, good with children with proper training. As a reminder, never leave a young child unsupervised with any puppy or dog.

Good With Other Pets?

Yes, good with other pets, especially with early socialization.


Very nice family oriented dog. She is happy, alert and eager to please.


Very trainable.

Approximate Adult Size

The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the male Brittany spaniel is 17 to 21 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 35 to 40 pounds. The female ranges from 18 to 20 inches to the withers and 30 to 40 pounds.

Special Health Considerations

Most dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Brittany Spaniel is no exception, Be on the look out for canine hip dysplasia (genetic based looseness in the hip joint that can lead to arthritis pain and lameness), allergy skin problems, glaucoma, lens luxation, epilepsy and nervousness. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

She should visit the veterinarian several times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian yearly for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your dog sweets.


The Brittany Spaniel has a silky, feathered medium length coat that sheds lightly. She should be bathed once a month or so. She should be brushed regularly. Brushing will help her maintain a clean and healthy coat, avoid mats and help you keep a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with her.

Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.

Her nails may need to be examined for growth and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. Generally a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the net.

Life Span

The Brittany Spaniel can live between 10 and 12 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.


The Brittany Spaniel hails from the Brittany province of France as a cross between the Orange and White Setter and another French dog. They were officially shown in France in 1896. They were recognized by the American Kennel Association in 1934.

Some Registries

  • American Brittany Club

  • UKC United Kennel Club

  • NKC National Kennel Club

  • CKC Continental Kennel Club

  • APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.

  • AKC American Kennel Club

  • FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale

  • NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club

  • KCGB Kennel Club of Great Britain

  • ANKC Australian National Kennel Club

  • ACR American Canine Registry

Litter Size

6 to 10 Brittany Spaniel puppies


Sporting, Gun Dog
Terms To Describe

Fearless, happy, alert, good natured, gentle, happy, alert, athletic, compact, elegant


  • Good watch dog.

  • Easy to train.

  • Very intelligent.

  • Easy to handle.

  • Eager to please.

  • Easy to care for.

  • She loves water.

  • She loves to hunt, especially birds.


  • Poor guard dog.

  • May be a one person dog.

  • Can be high strung.

  • Likes birds more than humans.

  • Needs a moderate climate.

  • They can bore easily.

  • Can be hyperactive.

Other Names Known By

Brittany Spaniel, Epagneul Breton, American Brittany

Every dog is an individual so not everything in this information may be correct for your dog. This information is meant as a good faith guideline only.

Why Do I Have Sinusitis and Postnasal Drip and Jane Doesn't

Are you the one with the honking nose that drives people to sit far far away from you? Is the cost of Kleenex hurting your bottom line?

You and Jane are almost identical. You both went to the same school, ate the same bad foods, and grew up in similar households. You both loved dogs and slept with them. You even exchanged shoes and cosmetics. Jane has seldom had a cold. She says the only time she saw a doctor was for the baby shots. Why is there such a difference?

Turns out that Jane was breast fed according to the old world way of continuing at least to when the teeth are out. Your mother probably had to work and bottle fed you very early. Also, your mother was more modern and started feeding you table foods too early; foods started too early can cause allergy. Plus, your mother had the best health insurance and, early on took you to Dr Jones, who, to be on the safe side, prescribed the latest antibiotic at almost every visit. Jane's mother was a believer in tea, lemon and honey and bed rest.

What we know today is that too much antibiotic for children can alter the normal immune response; instead of the good white cells and immune globulins, we get an allergic type of reaction- even asthma!

We found this out when, before the fall of the Berlin wall, the West German kids got antibiotics with every sniffle; the East German kids did not. The West German kids got the asthma.

But what can you do today? Your nose is raw, stuffed, runny and you can feel this thick glop going down your throat. You worry about your breath too. The answer is your nasal cilia.

In the healthy nose there are millions of tiny cilia, which act like paddles. These paddles propel bacteria, pollen and dirt out of the nose to the back of the throat. There they are swallowed and dissolved in the stomach acid. The persons who don't have chronic sinusitis have cilia that move with precision, in rhythm, to move the bacteria out. If they don't, you may get a sinus infection because the bacteria remain in place and multiply.

Once upon a time, there was a list of products that slow or impair or stop nasal cilia movement. Unfortunately many products can impair normal cilia movement including diesel exhaust and perfumed lipstick.

Today there is a new chemical being produced almost every day that can affect your cilia. If you are using a new product and it causes excessive sneezing and coughing, it probably is affecting your nasal function.

Unfortunately, although companies are required to test their new product for toxicity- if it will kill you- they don't test for effect on nasal and chest cilia. This is why you need to be sure your cilia are at full speed and effectiveness.

Once your cilia are impaired, your nose burns, you sneeze, your nasal airway is congested, and you lose sleep. Then you start getting thick yellow discharge and eventually there is sinus pain. These are signs of impaired cilia. The sooner you get them back to moving to remove bacteria, pollen and dust, the fewer changes will take place in your sinus cavities. Humming, tea, and pulsatile nasal/sinus irrigation are used to restore the important nasal cilia.

What exactly does pulsatile irrigation do? Pulsing saline at a frequency that maximizes cilia movement is a common approach. As the nose is irrigated with saline - in one nostril and out the other, that frequency of the pulse wave "harmonizes" and vibrates the nasal tissue to restore good movement. For example, the Hydro Pulse is "tuned" to maximize cilia movement. The pulsing action acts to physically remove bacteria and pollen too. The massage action moves out stale lymphatic products and brings in fresh blood, which is therapeutic too. For any illness, relaxation is beneficial. The pleasant pulse wave is relaxing for many persons and helps them relax for better healing. However caution is needed. The directions on the irrigators state a stream less than one inch high. But there are machines that project with extreme force; these can harm the nose. The high pressure can force infected material from the nose into the ear. The high pressure "beats the cilia" instead of gently waves them back to normal speed. Again, the stream should be adjusted so it is less than one inch high. Anything higher is too much.

Remember Jane who didn't get postnasal drip? She probably has normal intestinal good bacteria that help manufacture the immune products because she didn't take excess antibiotics. For you, taking yogurt and probiotics is important for raising your immunity.

Other factors are good sleep. Try to set your sleep clock so that you have a complex set of steps: brush hair, brush teeth, warm bath, oil the face, etc. The more steps to wind you down and look forward to sleep, the more your sleep clock is set. Go to bed with a teddy bear? Absolutely, if you travel a lot, that can help you sleep in different time zones. I prescribe this for men too!

Although your nasal problem may be due to allergy, checking the pollen calendar can tell you if your sneezing is coming due to the oak trees in bloom. Then you may want to use pulsatile irrigation to remove pollen, and the IgE in your nose that combines with the pollen to plug up your nose. In the later stages of acute allergy, your nasal cilia are impaired and need to be restored.

Remember your grandmother kept telling you to drink tea, lemon and honey, as well as chicken soup? Today's scientist have found that these both contain chemicals that can restore cilia movement and help your immunity!

I hope this discourse into you vs Jane will help. You are not alone in having sinus problems. Fortunately you can be as free of sinus and postnasal drip as Jane is.

Basic Information About Tiger Balm

Introduction To Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm is basically an ointment that was discovered in Burma and has been used for centuries in Burma and China as a pain relief medicine. This medicine was discovered by Aw Chu Kin, a chemist from Burma after receiving several requests from his neighbors to create a medicine that would be capable of relieving pain instantly without side effects. During those times, painkillers were not available and people living in the hilly regions had very few options to treat muscle pain after walking throughout the day on hilly terrain. After receiving requests from his neighbors, Aw Chu Kin started researching with several natural products that were known to relieve pain and accidentally he created a solution that could heat up muscles and act as a muscle relaxant. He named his product as Tiger Balm.

Tiger Balm Ingredients

It basically contains some natural ingredients along with salicyclic acid that has the capability to increase pain threshold and also relax muscles. The beauty of this product lies in the fact that it does not alter chemical balances inside the body to treat pain, but it basically reduces the sensation of pain by acting as a local anesthetic and also relaxes the muscles so that condition gets treated from inside. It became so popular in Burma that many companies started manufacturing it on a large scale and gradually the product entered China and through China reached the rest of the world.

Tiger Balm Varieties

There are different varieties of Tiger Balm available in the market and all of them have specific applications against specific pain conditions. Let us take a look at the different type of balms available and their uses:

  • Red type: This is the original Tiger Balm that was developed by Aw Chu Kin and can be applied over the whole body to treat all kinds of muscle pain. However, this can be used to treat chronic muscle pain and also does not have a very good effect on being associated with bone injury.

  • Liniment type: The composition of this one is exactly the same as the red type, except that it is available in the form of oil, rather than an ointment. This is useful for covering a big skin surface.

  • White type: this one is a bit different from the red one because it contains camphor and clove bud oil that produces a soothing sensation on the skin while heating up the muscles from inside. This variety of Tiger Balm is beneficial for those people who cannot stand heat on the skin or have very sensitive skin.

  • Muscle rub type: This variety of Tiger Balm contains some additional organic ingredients that have long-lasting effect and can keep an area pain free throughout the day after one-time application.

Caution: The Balm is an excellent product if you are worried only about muscle pain; but, it would fail to produce results if you have some internal injury or have pain associated with low blood flow to particular areas of the body. Almost all the ingredients are organic and not usually produce skin allergies, but if you are allergic to salicyclic acid or any of its derivatives, you should consult a doctor before using the Balm.

Friday, June 7, 2013

What Your Doctors Never Told You About Your Chronic Hives

If your like the thousands and thousands of people who suffer with Chronic Urticaria on a daily basis, you will have probably spent many hours visiting your doctor or dermatologist.

Unfortunately conventional medical professionals have few options at there disposal to treat your condition. Treatments for chronic urticaria are usually based on conventional practices such as drug therapies and on the training gained. As a result, any alternative solutions to Chronic Urticaria are usually frowned up on.

The reality is most medical professionals have very little idea of how urticaria can be successfully treated, more often than not your doctor will be unlikely to prescribe anything but the usual antihistamine or cortisone drug therapies.

This is true because most medical professionals believe that nothing exists beyond the conventional treatments, especially when it comes to the treatment of Chronic Urticaria (hives) and many other idiopathic chronic condition.

As a result of widespread ignorance, knowingly or unknowingly, doctors can actually deprive patients of a sustainable cure for their reoccurring condition. After suffering with chronic urticaria for many years I know only to well of the constant disappointment these poor treatments actually provide.

Its true the benefits of other alternatives can offer many people a real chance of successfully ridding themselves of chronic urticaria.

Lets take a look at what your doctor probably never told you about your Chronic Urticaria:

If your anything like me you will have seen your doctor more than a few times and I'm willing to bet that you were offered either Antihistamines or a cortisone jab, depending on the severity of your condition?. You probably won't be to surprised to know that these two options are considered the most effective and probably the only treatment for Chronic Urticaria by most medical professionals.

The problem is yes in the short term these drugs may help, Antihistamines for example works because it blocks the release of histamine into the derma, while this is great it is also short lived and in my experience offers only temporary relief which can lead to dependency.

Through more and more use the effectiveness of antihistamine will diminish, so unfortunately as soon as the effects of the antihistamine subsides the symptoms of urticaria will inevitably return, the same is true even if you've been taking the medication for years.

Steroids, often prescribed for chronic skin disorders may help in the short term relief of urticaria however long term use of steroids pose a risk of serious side effects which can cause irreversible damage to ones body.

Your doctor may have prescribed a Cortisone injection to relieve your urticaria symptoms? Cortisone injections are not offered to frequently in the UK, however from experience of having a full blown attack while on holiday in Greece I found that cortisone is often the first port of call, while I was grateful at the time I do think being able to receive cortisone injections so easily might be dangerous

Cortisone will suppress urticaria and works amazingly fast and effectively in not just chronic urticaria but also for other autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. Unfortunately your doctor will probably not tell you that you will need more and more cortisone just to attain the same level of relief.

Use of increasing doses of cortisone over a period of time can even make chronic urticaria more resistant to medication. And in some cases actually make the condition worse.

Symptomatic relief of your chronic urticaria may seem like a good idea at the time and if your a sufferer it's not hard to understand why, living with an ongoing idiopathic skin condition is uncomfortable, restricting and embarrassing.

Living with urticaria on a daily basis can cause your stress levels to rise, it can also open the doors to depression, both of which are also considered major triggering factors in themselves.

Very few doctors will inform you of the connection between stress and chronic urticaria. Even if they do, not many doctors will offer any suitable help apart from perhaps prescribing antidepressants.

It is very easy for anyone to comment negatively on treatments they have no training or belief in which is probably why alternative therapies get very little or no press coverage & if we're honest we all know that the major drug companies have a valid interest in keeping you dangling there taking more and more of there expensive and often damaging symptomatic drugs.

For a realistic chance of permanent relief of your chronic urticaria the only viable solution is to tackle the underlying conditions which cause your body to become hypersensitive to your environment, food and additives.

Your Guide To The Decongestant Actifed

Actifed is an over-the-counter medicine that works to relieve symptoms from allergies and colds in two ways. The antihistamine properties work to block the body's production of the biochemical, histamine, which is triggered from allergic reactions to dust, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, trees and grasses.

Actifed also contains a decongestant which works by constricting the blood vessels, while opening up the respiratory and nasal functions. This twofold property of Actifed allows for most aspects of the common cold and allergy to be controlled for several hours at a time. The active ingredients in this drug go by the pharmaceutical names, triprolidine hydrochloride (antihistamine) and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (decongestant).

Some of the symptoms which can be relieved by Actifed include runny nose, sneezing, cough, nasal drip, sinus pressure and watery eyes. This medication is safe for ages as young as 6-years old as long as they have half of the 1 tablet dosage. For children under 6, a doctor's recommendation is urged by the manufacturer. Each dose of Actifed Cold and Allergy will work from 4 to 6 hours. The makers claim that Actifed works very rapidly to relieve all symptoms of colds and allergies.

For those who are taking MAOI inhibitors, or who have taken them in the past 14 days, Actifed is not safe. Any sedative, or hypnotics can react adversely with this medication as well. People suffering from hypertension or severe coronary artery disease are also advised against this medication. Smaller doses should be used for those who are suffering from prostrate difficulties.

For nursing mothers, the pseudoephedrine and triprolidine ingredients can harm the baby because they can be excreted into breast milk. However, the FDA gives Actifed a category B rating which means that it is not thought to be harmful to pregnant women. Like most over-the-counter medications for allergy and cold relief, Actifed may cause drowsiness.

On the contrary, it may cause nervousness or excitability in children. As with most medications, Actifed also urges anyone who has a doubt about the medication's compatibility with another drug they are taking, or about a physical condition they have, should immediately consult with their doctor before using.

The white pills are a biconvex shape and include the writing, "Actifed M2A" on the scored side. The bottle comes with 100 tablets. There are also boxes of the medicine which come with 12 or 24 in each. The company Warner-Lambert Consumer Healthcare created Actifed, however, Pfizer markets the brand now. They make several liquid and gel-cap formulas for cold, allergy, and decongestants.

Do You Have a Dairy Intolerance?


An ever increasing number of people are finding that they are intolerant to foods which form a substantial part of their diet. Symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, nausea and tiredness indicate that something is wrong.

Why are so many people intolerant to dairy products?

Let's have a look at cow's milk. It's rich in protein, calcium, carbohydrate, vitamins A, D, B2, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

An ideal all round superfood?

YES it is - for a baby COW. Calves have a high rate of growth when compared to humans and they need the high levels of protein etc. in their mother's milk.

Milk is the perfect food for the growing young of the species it was intended for, the fat is essential for high energy demands, quality protein is vital to the growing mammal.

Dairy products contain the protein casein at 300 times higher levels than in human milk. Humans simply don't have the required digestive enzymes to process and absorb casein. Cows do.

Researchers have found that breast fed babies absorb more calcium from their mother's milk than from cow's milk, despite the fact that cow's milk contains four times the amount of calcium!

This is because the calcium is bound up with the protein casein, which we are unable to efficiently digest. It is actually important for expectant and breast feeding mothers to remove dairy produce from the diet, to avoid the problems that can occur with the infants indirect consumption.

These facts highlight several points. Firstly, species to species the milk is perfectly matched. However, at around 6 months of age, milk can no longer meet the nutritional needs of the growing infant. They are weaned onto "normal" food the body no longer produces the required enzymes to digest and absorb the nutrients in milk.

The growth and development of the new-born is a delicate process, requiring quality ingredients. The immature digestive system is just about able to cope with breast milk, if the mother is very cautious with her own diet. Imagine now at this sensitive time we give our infant processed milk, which nature intended for a different species!

So, to summarise:

Cows milk is superfood for calves.
Breast milk is superfood for baby humans.

As an adult, you wouldn't dream of suckling from a cow or your mother - so why do we persist in drinking cow's milk?

Much of the blame lies in the fact that we have been brainwashed into believing that milk is an essential part of the diet to provide protein and calcium. But this simply isn't true. There are better sources of calcium and proteins in other foods.

A lot of effort has gone into ensuring that milk is perceived to be the perfect balanced food, we are constantly given messages about its goodness. Even high sugar foods can be elevated to "healthy foods" by the claim "a glass and a half of milk in every half pound"!

The dairy industry caters for any taste to ensure its presence in the diet: we may choose between pasteurised, full cream, semi-skimmed, skimmed, homogenised, sterilised, UHT, evaporated, condensed, yogurt, yogurt drinks, cream etc.

We are led to believe that we should opt for low fat versions of dairy foods because they are better for us. But this argument completely ignores the fact that on the whole nature knows best.

In order to digest the calcium in milk, you need Vitamin D. That is why Mother Nature put Vitamin D into cow's milk. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so when you remove the fat from milk, you remove the Vitamin D, thus taking out the very nutrient needed to properly digest and absorb calcium.

Add to this the fact that milk is acid in our system. (Our body needs to be slightly alkaline.) Think back to your chemistry lessons at school.

In order to neutralise acid your body draws calcium, which is alkaline, out of your bones. That calcium is then eliminated from the body in your urine.

So far from helping to build strong bones, cow's milk leaches calcium from them. It's no wonder that elderly people, who have most likely been lifelong milk-drinkers are prone to fractures!

Milk is very mucous forming. It creates a sticky "lining" in your gut. This means that drinking it actually causes a barrier to absorption, and will eventually lead to poor intestinal absorption of nutrients.

It causes stomach acid to be neutralised and so the body is not fully able to digest the protein in milk. The sugar in milk may also encourage unfriendly bacteria and Candida in the bowel, again affecting absorption.

In order to meet targets for milk production cows may be milked over many months both after delivery of their calf and during a subsequent pregnancy. The various hormones produced in pregnancy, antibiotics and other shots the cow is given all leak into the milk.

A generation ago an individual cow would produce approximately 2 gallons of milk per day. Now it may yield 12 gallons per day!

You literally have no idea what is really in the milk you drink. Oestrogens and other hormones in milk have been linked to problems with fertility in humans and menopause problems.

As with many foodstuffs, milk has to be processed for commercial reasons. So although we shouldn't be drinking it in the first place, we further compromise our health by this process - namely pasteurisation.

In order to be bottled, transported, warehoused, distributed and displayed, the milk has to have an incredibly unnatural shelf life. This isn't possible with a "vital" substance, so it must be pasteurised to kill off any "life".

Pasteurisation also:

  • Kills beneficial bacteria

  • Destroys useful digesting enzymes

  • Alters the protein molecule making it less digestible

  • Destroys 50% of the vitamin C, and 25% of the B complex

  • Destroys antibodies that are important in keeping out harmful bacteria.

Perhaps many of our "diseases of affluence" are connected to misuse of dairy products.

Poor absorption of food
Leaky gut

Trials by Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1983 set out to discover whether migraine in children was linked to a food allergy. When the children were put on a restricted diet, they had a 93% success rate in curing the migraines.

Cows' milk and cheese were found to be the no.1 culprits. Interestingly the children had relief from many other ailments while eliminating dairy produce.

Some people find that they are lactose intolerant, they are unable to digest the sugar in milk because they no longer produce the digestive enzyme lactase.

The Solution

To avoid the health problems associated with the consumption of milk - cut out dairy produce altogether. Skimmed milk is still milk, vegetarian cheese is still cheese. The only exception might be live yoghurt. In limited cases goat's or sheep's milk yoghurt may be acceptable in a dairy free diet.

Following a dairy free diet requires an initial level of commitment. Dairy products will pop up in the most unexpected places as whey powder, casein etc. and you need to get clued up about what to look for and what to avoid.


When there is a sensitivity to milk and dairy products exclude the following:

  • whole milk

  • Skimmed milk

  • 2% milk

  • Buttermilk

  • Creams

  • Coffeemate

  • Some non dairy creamers

  • Dry milk powder

  • Evaporated milk

  • Condensed milk

  • Chocolate milk

  • Chocolate drinks

  • Malted milk

  • Ovaltine

  • Cocoa milk

  • Butter

  • Most margerines

  • Cheese

  • Cottage cheese curds

  • Ice cream

  • Yoghurt

  • Milk shakes

Check product labels for whey powder and casein. In particular, check the following products for these ingredients:

Dry cereals and muesli
Biscuits, cakes, muffins
Cake mixes
Creamed desserts, chocolate, puddings
Sauces and gravy
Non kosher luncheon meat
Meat loaf and patties
Soup either dried or fresh

To be honest, your best option is to cook from scratch at home. There are lots of recipe books for wheat and dairy free cooking.

Don't worry about your calcium levels. Calcium is readily available to us in other foodstuffs, which our body can digest and assimilate. Good sources of calcium are sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, figs, almonds, sea vegetables, leafy green vegetables, salmon, sardines haddock, broccoli and carrots.

It is worth noting that studies have shown that very often women who suffer from osteoporosis are not deficient in calcium, but are in fact deficient in other minerals such as magnesium and zinc.

Remember that exercise is vital to build strong, healthy bones. Just eat a varied diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and fish and exercise regularly.

You don't have to join a gym or pump iron. Brisk walking is a great form of exercise and you don't even need a dog!

Just to reassure you on the calcium issue. When I was in my fifties I had my bone density checked and it was significantly higher than expected for my age. Actually, it was above the norm for someone in their thirties.

The person doing the scan said "you must eat lots of dairy" to which I said "no, never touch the stuff, I've always hated milk".

"Well you must be on HRT then?"

"No, wouldn't touch the stuff."

My secret? Lots of exercise and a healthy balanced diet.

If you're not sure if you have a dairy or any other food intolerance, you can do a simple DIY blood test at home. The kit is called Food Detective and is available from priced around 55 at the time of writing.

Seasonal Allergies - Natural Cures

I'm currently sitting in my office with the season's last batch of sweet peas in a large bowl on my desk. For those of you who aren't familiar with sweet peas they have an intoxicating fragrance, colors ranging from pastel to vibrant purple's and burgundy, from vines that will top 6 feet. And I used to be deathly allergic to them. In fact there was a time as recently as three years ago were being within smelling distance of these, my absolute favorite flowers, would have put me into an asthmatic crisis.

Taking myself back three years, my home was on a local college garden symphony tour and I got to enjoy it from the upstairs window of my office. Over 300 people came through my yard and got to enjoy gardenia, wisteria, stephanotis, sweet olive, rose, magnolia, heliotrope, and as they left the yard, my sweet pea blossoms. If you know anything about gardening; you will be immediately aware of the fact that my yard is filled with highly fragrant specimens. As for roses alone I have over 100 individual bushes. I love my yard, I love my gardens. And, there I sat window closed, watching people wandering through my yard. While they got to enjoy the fragrant gardens I was locked up in my home.

That day I made a decision, that whatever it took I was going to find a way to eliminate my seasonal allergies. I had already tried desensitization, a.k.a. allergy shots. This got me nowhere. At the time that I was locked up in my home I had been on nine full rounds of steroids in six months, was doing nebulizer breathing treatments up to four times a day, and was using two inhalers as well as a rescue inhaler and my doctor had just prescribed an oral medication to add to my daily regimen. Meanwhile my allergies were still causing urgent care and ER trips at least twice monthly.

Within 30 days of making that decision I was off all of my medication and haven't had so much as an aspirin since. Using acupuncture, EFT, hypnosis and several holistic health remedies I was able to eliminate all of my seasonal allergies. There are still a couple of items that I am sensitive to, but now I know how to take care of that as well. So here I sit with my prior crisis causing favorite flowers and absolutely no sneezing, no itchy watery eyes, no wheezing and I feel great.

So here are five holistic remedies/treatments for dealing with seasonal allergies.

繚 Vitamin D -- 2000 IU of vitamin D has been proven to have anti-inflammatory effects within the lungs (British Journal of Pharmacology September 2008).

繚 Echinacea -- one of the most effective immune enhancing supplements you can take. In study after study it has clearly demonstrated an ability to increase the production of a number of T-cells and their distribution in the blood.

繚 Turmeric -- in a number of studies this is proven to prevent the release of histamine.

繚 Stinging Nettle -- Nettle also inhibits the body's ability to produce histamine.

繚 Neti Pot -- this is my personal favorite. I started with twice a day treatments. I currently am on a regimen of once daily with the exception of days when the winds have kicked up or there's pine pollen in the air; on those days it's twice-daily. So what is a neti pot? Well, it looks like a small Aladdin's lamp. You fill it mix of kosher salt, baking soda and warm water. This is a sinus lavage. This is not the saline spray that you gingerly squeeze into your nostril. This is a full flushing of your nose and sinus cavity. By simply removing dust, dander, pollen, molds, bacteria, viruses and allergens from port of entry I have not had a cold, flu, or mildest of allergy attacks in three years. To say nothing of severe asthmatic crisis.

So next time something is in bloom that has you reaching for a bottle of medication consider a natural alternative; I highly recommend the neti pot.

Go Green With Eco-Balls

Obviously, technology has made our life very simple and what once supposed to be a laborious process is no more a headache with the invention of washing machines. Washing machine tops the list of home appliances. Nowadays, you can't see a home without this smart gadget. It has become one of the essential appliances to make the work simple and interesting rather than a lackluster process.

One has to see other factors involved in the washing process. The machine alone cannot carry out the cleaning process; the key ingredient that carries out the cleaning process is the detergent. Normally, detergents may be alkaline or acidic. Technology has not left this mechanism too. The recent introduction of Eco-Balls seems to be the perfect alternative for the chemical detergent. As the whole world is changing green and environment- friendly, these Eco-Balls appear to be the ultimate solution for an eco-friendly way in washing machines.

These Eco-balls are said to perform the cleaning work without the intervention of fabric softeners and detergents.

What are Eco-Balls?

Eco-Balls are something with a size smaller than a cricket ball. They have small pores along with multiple spikes and come in attractive colors. They basically work on the principle of ionic cleaning. They consist of some pebbles which are capable of raising the pH level of the water. This ultimately gives negative charge to the water molecules. As dirt and stain are made up of positive ions, they clog with the negatively charged water molecules. This mechanism ensures that these ions reach every part of the clothes. Conventional washing powders pollute the water as well as the environment. But, these are in no way an environmental hazard.

How to use the Eco-Balls?

There is no big intricate mechanism involved in handling these balls. Follow these simple steps.

  • Load the machine with your laundry.

  • Introduce 3 Eco-Balls on the top of the load

  • If there is any stain, use the stain remover provided along with the Eco-balls

  • Fix the desired temperature. Make sure it does not exceed 60ºC

  • Never put the Eco-balls in tumble dryer

  • After the washing cycle, remove the balls and leave out to dry.

What's special about Eco-Balls?

Eco-Balls, unlike conventional detergents, do not contain harmful chemicals. They are believed to wash the clothes without the additional need of fabric softeners and conditioners. They do not harm your clothes; they are devoid of harmful boosters and fillers. They also prevent your clothes from discoloration. They also prevent the oxidation caused by the water with chlorine. They are absolutely harmless and those who are allergic towards detergents can use these Eco-Balls without fear. The drained out water does not pollute the environment as there is no toxic chemicals or harsh detergents present in the Eco-Balls. They also act as anti-bacterial agents that have lethal effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. In addition, it can be used for all type of washing machines.

Advantages of using Eco-Balls:

  • Reusability of the balls up to1000 wash cycles.

  • Cheap washing cost - Approx £3 per wash

  • 100% allergy free

  • Safe to your clothes

  • No harmful fillers and boosters

  • No toxic chemicals

  • Have anti-bacterial effect

Eco-Balls are definitely an alternative for the conventional detergents. This will be a revolution in the near future. As every thing is going green in the present scenario, the regular and routine washing which normally pollutes the surrounding certainly needs a change. So, why not we shift to the Eco-Balls? Now Eco-Balls are hot-shots in the UK market. Many manufactures suggest Eco-Balls for a safe operation. So, it's never too late. Next time when you buy your detergent, give a try for Eco-Balls.

Managing Fall Allergies - 7 Ways To Minimize The Disruption Symptoms Can Cause

Unfortunately, nothing can prevent allergies in the fall or any other time of the year. However, following these 7 strategies has proven to drastically reduce your exposure to allergens which in turn can reduce the symptoms and the disruption they cause.

Stop Air Exchange---This means keep doors and windows closed and use air conditioning or heating to keep the inside temperature comfortable. Not being able to open the windows when the weather would otherwise allow may cost a little more, but is well worth it in terms of the allergens to which you are not exposed.

Try to park your car in a place where pollen cannot accumulate on it. And keep windows and the vent for outside air closed in the car as well.

Give Up Yard Work---This is one of the best things you can do during the time when the allergens you are sensitive to are at their peak. Mowing can send grass pollen flying, and raking leaves can send mold spores into the air. Delegate the mowing and leaf raking to someone else, and stay inside for several hours after the yard work is done to literally let the dust settle and the air clear. If you love gardening, it may be very possible to continue enjoying your work in the garden once the fall allergens are gone.

Wear A Mask---It can be difficult to resist being outside once the leaves begin to turn and the weather is gorgeous. For those times when you just have to be outside, wear a mask that can help filter the spores and other triggers that can make your life miserable.

Explore Medical Options---A good allergist is an invaluable resource. Find one. There are a number of preventative drugs that can help your body have less of a reaction. There are also allergy shots that can be given over a period of time to desensitize your body to the offending trigger(s). And you should always carry fast acting medication that you can take to prevent symptoms from escalating.

Leave Plants Outside---Get rid of or at least limit the number of house plants. They can often be a place for mold to grow particularly if the soil is kept moist.

Plan Outside Time Carefully---Dry windy days typically have the most spores in the air. Since they weigh so little, they can and do travel for miles from their place of origin. So the best plan is to plan indoor activities for those days. You can find a daily pollen count for your area online as well as air quality alerts. Tuning in to local news and TV stations in your area is an excellent way to stay in-the-know about allergens that are likely to be in the air.

Filter Indoor Air---Since the best way to manage allergies is still to avoid the trigger, filtering indoor air with an air cleaner that has a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter is an effective way to keep allergen levels low indoors.

And even though Ragweed, mildew, and mold spores may be at the top of the list, continually filtering the air in your home will also take out other allergens such as dust, dust mites, and pet dander that often work in conjunction with seasonal triggers to cause problems.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Acupressure for Allergic Rhinitis

People do lots of things to treat hay fever. They get allergy shots. They take antihistamines. They rinse their nostrils with neti pots and they go on allergy elimination diets.

All of these methods work, but the easiest way of getting control over allergic rhinitis so you can breathe comfortably again is using acupressure. And the best thing about this method is you can do it automatically with the help of the right acupressure massage device.

Acupressure is a great way to treat a runny or stuffy nose when allergy season comes around. And you don't even have to go to a therapist to do it.

Here are the three things everyone needs to know about this ancient proven healing method for stopping nasal allergies almost as soon as they start.

1. No needles are needed for massage treatment of allergies!

This form of modern therapeutic massage was based on acupuncture, the ancient system thought to redirect energy flows around the body by placing needles at specific points. Here the idea is to use pressure, rather than needles, to accomplish the same changes.

Do you have to believe in the scientific validity of "chi" to use this method? Of course not! Use massage to treat allergic conditions because it works.

2. The results of this kind of therapy are very fast

Traditional Chinese Medicine called what we call hay fever a "wind evil." This meant that the symptoms came in on the wind (as pollen), and that they came fast as the wind, which is really fast. Fortunately, the treatment for a "wind evil" also works quickly. That's because neither the immune reactions that trigger rhinitis nor "wind evils" affect the body as a whole. Localized symptoms allow fast allergic rhinitis treatment.

3. You can use this method "in a pinch."

And "in a pinch" is a good way to remember one pressure point that can relieve symptoms fast. Grab the webbing between either of your thumbs and your index finger. Using your other hand, gently massage this area until your nose stops running, or your sinuses open up just a little.

If you are at home, you might also take off your shoes and massage the area between your second and third toes. Massaging these points is meant to relieve tension in your jaws and to expel "toxins" in your upper respiratory tract.

And if you have a special problem with runny nose, rub the area above your heels.

The Medical Clinic - What To Expect From It

Most clinics nowadays have their own specialization; meaning, they can be classified according to the specialty of the doctor practicing his profession in it. For instance, clinics ran by clinical psychologist are called psychology clinics; clinics ran by physiotherapists are physiotherapy clinics; clinics that focus on treatments of women who want to get pregnant are called fertility clinics; clinics that provide skin care treatments are dermatological clinics; and so on and so forth. They are called specialty clinics. More often than not, however, when we speak of a medical clinic, most likely we are referring to a general practice that is run by one or several practitioners of general medicine. But what could the general public expect from a medical clinic if, unlike the specialty clinics, its area of specialization is not specified?

It is natural for people who find that they may be suffering a health condition to seek consultation. They would then proceed to a clinic to have some examinations conducted and, if necessary, treatments done. The conditions treated in a clinic range from acute minor illnesses such as back pain, headaches, allergies, sprains or broken bones, respiratory infections and minor lacerations, to chronic conditions which include asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even immunotherapy, or providing allergy injections, is performed in a medical clinic.

But medical clinics are not all about treating health problems. It also offers preventive care to patients. As more and more people become health conscious, they are often found making their way to a clinic to have their cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels screened. You can also go to these clinics if you are in need of immunization services. Flu shots, tetanus shots, HPV vaccines, and others, can now be made more accessible to patients via these clinics. Did you know that travel vaccines are also available to those who are frequently flying or traveling from one place to another?

Physicals and general check-ups need not be done in large hospitals. But a medical clinic is also fully equipped to accommodate these regular checks. Prior to a major surgery, the patient to be operated on would have to be subjected to some preoperative physical checks. These checks can be done at a medical clinic.

We mentioned specialty clinics earlier; their existence does not preclude the offering of their services in a general medical clinic. In fact, you will find many medical clinics these days that also offer services on men's and women's health. The presence of gynecology clinics does not mean gynecology exams are no longer performed in medical clinics. The same is true for fertility conditions and also issues on sexually transmitted diseases. While it is true that eating disorders often fall under a psychologist's care, people who suffer from them can also approach the practitioners in a medical clinic.

Have you ever wondered about the human resources powering a medical clinic? You will be welcomed by nursing and assistants and be taken care of by nurses and physician assistants. Of course, the ones who would mainly look into your condition and lead the treatment would be the doctors themselves. You can count on these medical professionals to provide topnotch service since they are representing the clinic they work in, just as the professionals in larger facilities or hospitals are also serious in doing their jobs.

Natural Remedies For Hives

It is very common to get hives which has the appearance of red, nasty bumps on your skin. It is usually caused by an allergic reaction to drugs or food. Your body releases chemicals that make your skin swell up in hives.

Hives usually go away on their own. However, if it turns severe, most people turn commercially available preparations, prescription medications or even allergy shots. The medications tend to contain antihistamines and cortisone, which makes them work work well for controlling hives. However, they usually have a lot of side effects with them too, such as making you drowsy. Cortisone is rather potent and potentially dangerous if taken on a regular basis. You may be one of those who are prone to getting hives on a regular basis. If so, natural remedies for hives may be something for you too look into.

Herbalists actually recommend that what you should do first is figure out what is causing you hives before you even begin to treat the condition. That way, you can eliminate your exposure to the allergen. In the meantime, for treatment, here are some natural remedies for hives:

1. Quercetin. This is a plant pigment that is found in leafy green vegetables, onions, apples, and other natural foods. Quercetin acts as a natural antihistamine, which can help reduce or even completely eliminate hives in a lot of people. You should take 500 milligrams of this twice a day. It may be the best natural remedy for controlling hives.

2. Sandalwood essential oil. This natural remedy is especially used in Native American medicine wherein it is believed that hives are a fiery condition. This essential oil is well known for its calming and cooling effects. As such, some herbalists call Sandalwood a sedative for the skin. Simply add several drops of this essential oil to a cotton ball and then apply it to the infected area every three hours.

3. Mint. Mint is a natural remedy that has a cooling effect. Mint oil can be used to soothe the irritating symptoms of hives. The best way to do this is by creating mint ice cubes that you can place directly onto your skin. Seep 2 teaspoons of freshly crushed mint leaves in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Next, strain this "tea" and pour it into an ice cube tray and place it in your freezer. When the ice cubes are formed, apply them onto your inflamed and irritated hives. You can save the remaining ice cubes into a labeled plastic freezer bag for future use.

Do You Have These Asthma Symptoms? Get The Facts On Effective Treatment For Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a chronic lung condition with narrowed and inflamed airways caused as a result of hypersensitiveness to some allergens. The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person and in any individual from time to time. Many symptoms may be subtle and are also present in other respiratory conditions thus making diagnosis difficult. The four major recognized symptoms in asthma are shortness of breath with exertion, wheezing, cough that may be chronic or may occur when exposed to cold, dry air and chest tightness.

Most asthma medications work by relaxing bronchospasm (bronchodilators) or reducing inflammation (corticosteroids). Inhaled medications are preferred as they act directly on the airway surface and airway muscles where the asthma problems initiate and absorption of inhaled medications into the rest of the body is minimal. Inhaled medications include beta-2 agonists, anticholinergics, corticosteroids, and cromolyn sodium. Beta-2 agonists are inhaled bronchodilators which are called agonists because they promote the action of the beta-2 receptor of bronchial wall muscle. This receptor acts to relax the muscular wall of the airways (bronchi), resulting in bronchodilation. The bronchodilator action of beta- 2 agonists starts within minutes after inhalation and lasts for about four hours. Albuterol, metaproterenol, terbutaline sulfate are some beta-2 agonists.

The anticholinergic agents act on a different type of nerves than the beta-2 agonists to achieve a similar relaxation and opening of the airway passages. Ipratropium bromide is a commonly used anticholinergic agent. These two groups of bronchodilator inhalers when used together can produce an enhanced bronchodilation effect.

When symptoms of asthma are difficult to control with beta-2 agonists, inhaled corticosteroids are often added. Corticosteroids can improve lung function and reduce airway obstruction over time. Examples of inhaled corticosteroids include beclomethasone dipropionate. Expectorants are also used to thin airway mucus, making it easier to clear the mucus by coughing. For patients with atopic asthma, in addition to bronchodilator medications, avoiding allergens or other irritants is very important.

In patients who cannot avoid the allergens, or in those whose symptoms cannot be controlled by medications, allergy shots are considered. In patients with severe asthma, inhaled medications are unlikely to reverse the process and a mechanical ventilator may be needed to assist the lungs and respiratory muscles. A face mask or a breathing tube is inserted in the nose or mouth for this treatment. When asthma is unresponsive to treatment with an inhaler, patients should promptly seek medical attention at the closest hospital emergency room or their asthma specialist office.



Treatment Options For Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, jelly-like overgrowths occurring in the lining of sinuses. They appear as grayish grape-like mass in the nasal cavity. Polyps in the nose and sinuses are rarely malignant. But large polyps can cause nasal blockage, making it hard to breathe. Even so, most nasal polyp problems can be helped.

Nasal polyps occur in around 1 in 200 people. Most of the time, the cause is never known. Some may be a result of swelling from a sinus infection. Other factors like asthma or aspirin sensitivity and allergies may also trigger polyps and make them grow faster. Also, the chance of re-occurrence is greater even after sinus operations.

Polyps block the nose, and in most cases there is a decrease in the sense of smell. Since much of our sense of taste is related to our sense of smell, patients with polyp may describe a loss of both taste and smell.

Nasal obstruction can also occur - the pathways where the sinuses drain into the nose can be blocked by polyp. This would cause the mucous to remain in the sinuses, causing congestion. It can also cause pressure over the forehead and face. When mucous is in the sinuses too long, there is a high risk of infection.

Although most people with nasal polyps have no symptoms and require no treatment, those who do experience symptoms have different treatment options.

If the polyps are a result of a sinus infection, they often will be treated as how sinusitis symptoms are treated. Aggressive medical treatment of sinus infection is helpful to treat polyp growths. Nose sprays are the most effective because they allow easy topical application of medication to the infected areas.

Other treatment options include:
*Surgical removal - the polyp is extracted surgically from the affected area. Removing the polyps with surgery usually allows people to breathe easier through the nose. The surgery lasts approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The surgery can be done under general or local anaesthesia, and the polyps are removed using endoscopic surgery. Recovery from this type of surgery is anywhere from one to three weeks. However, there is a risk of re-growth in 50% of patients.

*Cortisone or steroids - the polyp will shrink down temporarily and slow down polyp growth. Cortisone cannot be taken long term because of high risk of side effects.

*Sinus Rinse or Nasal Lavage - Sinus rinses with warm water mixed with a small amount of salt can be very helpful to clear sinuses. This method can also be used as a preventive measure to discourage the polyps from growing back and should be used in combination with a nasal steroid.

*Allergy desensitization injections- sometimes used in allergic patients with hay fever and polyps. While this often helps with hay fever and therefore reduces the fever's negative effects on the polyps, there is no guarantee that the injections help shrink the polyps directly.

*Although there is no real way to prevent or eliminate nasal polyps completely, therapy aimed at the cause can help.

Do You Have a Dairy Intolerance?


An ever increasing number of people are finding that they are intolerant to foods which form a substantial part of their diet. Symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, nausea and tiredness indicate that something is wrong.

Why are so many people intolerant to dairy products?

Let's have a look at cow's milk. It's rich in protein, calcium, carbohydrate, vitamins A, D, B2, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

An ideal all round superfood?

YES it is - for a baby COW. Calves have a high rate of growth when compared to humans and they need the high levels of protein etc. in their mother's milk.

Milk is the perfect food for the growing young of the species it was intended for, the fat is essential for high energy demands, quality protein is vital to the growing mammal.

Dairy products contain the protein casein at 300 times higher levels than in human milk. Humans simply don't have the required digestive enzymes to process and absorb casein. Cows do.

Researchers have found that breast fed babies absorb more calcium from their mother's milk than from cow's milk, despite the fact that cow's milk contains four times the amount of calcium!

This is because the calcium is bound up with the protein casein, which we are unable to efficiently digest. It is actually important for expectant and breast feeding mothers to remove dairy produce from the diet, to avoid the problems that can occur with the infants indirect consumption.

These facts highlight several points. Firstly, species to species the milk is perfectly matched. However, at around 6 months of age, milk can no longer meet the nutritional needs of the growing infant. They are weaned onto "normal" food the body no longer produces the required enzymes to digest and absorb the nutrients in milk.

The growth and development of the new-born is a delicate process, requiring quality ingredients. The immature digestive system is just about able to cope with breast milk, if the mother is very cautious with her own diet. Imagine now at this sensitive time we give our infant processed milk, which nature intended for a different species!

So, to summarise:

Cows milk is superfood for calves.
Breast milk is superfood for baby humans.

As an adult, you wouldn't dream of suckling from a cow or your mother - so why do we persist in drinking cow's milk?

Much of the blame lies in the fact that we have been brainwashed into believing that milk is an essential part of the diet to provide protein and calcium. But this simply isn't true. There are better sources of calcium and proteins in other foods.

A lot of effort has gone into ensuring that milk is perceived to be the perfect balanced food, we are constantly given messages about its goodness. Even high sugar foods can be elevated to "healthy foods" by the claim "a glass and a half of milk in every half pound"!

The dairy industry caters for any taste to ensure its presence in the diet: we may choose between pasteurised, full cream, semi-skimmed, skimmed, homogenised, sterilised, UHT, evaporated, condensed, yogurt, yogurt drinks, cream etc.

We are led to believe that we should opt for low fat versions of dairy foods because they are better for us. But this argument completely ignores the fact that on the whole nature knows best.

In order to digest the calcium in milk, you need Vitamin D. That is why Mother Nature put Vitamin D into cow's milk. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so when you remove the fat from milk, you remove the Vitamin D, thus taking out the very nutrient needed to properly digest and absorb calcium.

Add to this the fact that milk is acid in our system. (Our body needs to be slightly alkaline.) Think back to your chemistry lessons at school.

In order to neutralise acid your body draws calcium, which is alkaline, out of your bones. That calcium is then eliminated from the body in your urine.

So far from helping to build strong bones, cow's milk leaches calcium from them. It's no wonder that elderly people, who have most likely been lifelong milk-drinkers are prone to fractures!

Milk is very mucous forming. It creates a sticky "lining" in your gut. This means that drinking it actually causes a barrier to absorption, and will eventually lead to poor intestinal absorption of nutrients.

It causes stomach acid to be neutralised and so the body is not fully able to digest the protein in milk. The sugar in milk may also encourage unfriendly bacteria and Candida in the bowel, again affecting absorption.

In order to meet targets for milk production cows may be milked over many months both after delivery of their calf and during a subsequent pregnancy. The various hormones produced in pregnancy, antibiotics and other shots the cow is given all leak into the milk.

A generation ago an individual cow would produce approximately 2 gallons of milk per day. Now it may yield 12 gallons per day!

You literally have no idea what is really in the milk you drink. Oestrogens and other hormones in milk have been linked to problems with fertility in humans and menopause problems.

As with many foodstuffs, milk has to be processed for commercial reasons. So although we shouldn't be drinking it in the first place, we further compromise our health by this process - namely pasteurisation.

In order to be bottled, transported, warehoused, distributed and displayed, the milk has to have an incredibly unnatural shelf life. This isn't possible with a "vital" substance, so it must be pasteurised to kill off any "life".

Pasteurisation also:

  • Kills beneficial bacteria

  • Destroys useful digesting enzymes

  • Alters the protein molecule making it less digestible

  • Destroys 50% of the vitamin C, and 25% of the B complex

  • Destroys antibodies that are important in keeping out harmful bacteria.

Perhaps many of our "diseases of affluence" are connected to misuse of dairy products.

Poor absorption of food
Leaky gut

Trials by Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1983 set out to discover whether migraine in children was linked to a food allergy. When the children were put on a restricted diet, they had a 93% success rate in curing the migraines.

Cows' milk and cheese were found to be the no.1 culprits. Interestingly the children had relief from many other ailments while eliminating dairy produce.

Some people find that they are lactose intolerant, they are unable to digest the sugar in milk because they no longer produce the digestive enzyme lactase.

The Solution

To avoid the health problems associated with the consumption of milk - cut out dairy produce altogether. Skimmed milk is still milk, vegetarian cheese is still cheese. The only exception might be live yoghurt. In limited cases goat's or sheep's milk yoghurt may be acceptable in a dairy free diet.

Following a dairy free diet requires an initial level of commitment. Dairy products will pop up in the most unexpected places as whey powder, casein etc. and you need to get clued up about what to look for and what to avoid.


When there is a sensitivity to milk and dairy products exclude the following:

  • whole milk

  • Skimmed milk

  • 2% milk

  • Buttermilk

  • Creams

  • Coffeemate

  • Some non dairy creamers

  • Dry milk powder

  • Evaporated milk

  • Condensed milk

  • Chocolate milk

  • Chocolate drinks

  • Malted milk

  • Ovaltine

  • Cocoa milk

  • Butter

  • Most margerines

  • Cheese

  • Cottage cheese curds

  • Ice cream

  • Yoghurt

  • Milk shakes

Check product labels for whey powder and casein. In particular, check the following products for these ingredients:

Dry cereals and muesli
Biscuits, cakes, muffins
Cake mixes
Creamed desserts, chocolate, puddings
Sauces and gravy
Non kosher luncheon meat
Meat loaf and patties
Soup either dried or fresh

To be honest, your best option is to cook from scratch at home. There are lots of recipe books for wheat and dairy free cooking.

Don't worry about your calcium levels. Calcium is readily available to us in other foodstuffs, which our body can digest and assimilate. Good sources of calcium are sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, figs, almonds, sea vegetables, leafy green vegetables, salmon, sardines haddock, broccoli and carrots.

It is worth noting that studies have shown that very often women who suffer from osteoporosis are not deficient in calcium, but are in fact deficient in other minerals such as magnesium and zinc.

Remember that exercise is vital to build strong, healthy bones. Just eat a varied diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and fish and exercise regularly.

You don't have to join a gym or pump iron. Brisk walking is a great form of exercise and you don't even need a dog!

Just to reassure you on the calcium issue. When I was in my fifties I had my bone density checked and it was significantly higher than expected for my age. Actually, it was above the norm for someone in their thirties.

The person doing the scan said "you must eat lots of dairy" to which I said "no, never touch the stuff, I've always hated milk".

"Well you must be on HRT then?"

"No, wouldn't touch the stuff."

My secret? Lots of exercise and a healthy balanced diet.

If you're not sure if you have a dairy or any other food intolerance, you can do a simple DIY blood test at home. The kit is called Food Detective and is available from priced around 55 at the time of writing.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

When you think of a house plant, you probably think of a green plant that you water occasionally right? But did you know that those pretty green leaves can actually be beneficial to your health? Having indoor house plants can boost your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Many people thing growing indoor house plants is too much trouble so they turn to the silk variety for green foliage in their homes. But there really is a different in how your home feels when the plants are real. Did you know that living plants can actually improve the air we breathe? Green plants are known for removing carbon dioxide from the air, but they can also filter harmful toxins and pollutants as well. This will make the air in your home healthier for your family, which in turn can help to keep your family healthier as well!

In addition to helping to purify the air, having house plants in your home can actually help prevent allergies in children. If children are exposed early in life to things that typically cause allergy issues they will begin to develop a tolerance and immunity to the allergen. It works similar to custom allergy shots that people get from their allergist. The allergist does an allergy test then makes a serum of the things that the person is allergic to. The person gets weekly shots of this serum to help them build a tolerance. Exposing your family to house plants can work in the same way, by helping them build a tolerance to the plants in your home. It is important to note that if someone in your family has severe allergies you should talk to their doctor before introducing house plants into their environment.

In addition to the physical health benefits of house plants, they help with mental health as well. When someone is depressed or lonely, caring for a living thing can help give them a purpose in life. Many people live in places where pets aren't allowed, so a house plant is a good choice. The person becomes involved in watering, fertilizing and trimming the plant when needed. This is a great therapy for people with mental health issues.

Being surrounded by living things is good for the soul, so having house plants is good for your spiritual health. Caring for another living thing and being exposed to the beauty can make you feel at peace with the world or at the very least your little corner of the world.

There are so many advantages to having house plants. However, there is no health benefit in a sick or dead plant. Make sure you water your plants regularly and mix slow release fertilizer in the soil about every three months. If you care for your plants, they will give you years of beauty and the added benefit of clean air, better mental health and calming peace.

How To Shave (With A Cut Throat Razor)

So I've had my straight edge - or cut-throat - razor for over a year now and I'd like to share what I've learnt.

I bought my first straight edge razor because it seemed like a good idea. Plus I've always liked that scene in "A fistful of dollars" where Clint is getting a shave and shots all the baddies. Basically I wanted to be Clint Eastwood. Without the orang-utan.

The shaving industry is all about getting men to use over priced, multi-bladed disposable plastic items and a bewildering array of chemical sludges (read the ingredients next time you shave) for something that should be about:

Soap, Water, Sharp Thing.

This is mainly aimed at my various brothers who I've given cut throats to for birthdays.


  • Have a good, sharp razor. Make sure the blade is free of nicks and is sharp. If the blade has any nicks or rust on the edge, bin it.

  • Own a proper shaving brush and shaving cream. Do not buy anything that resembles squirty cheese in a can. Quite apart from the fact that is uses stupid amounts of non-recoverable resources to produce the chemical slime that many men seem happy to smear on their faces, it doesn't work very well. Shaving foam should be of sufficient thickness, and needs to be worked into the beard with a good brush in order to pack around the bristles to make them stand out ready for the chop! Squirty Gillette man power foam will not do it. Remember Beckham has a lackey to shave him.

  • Leather strop - and know how to use it. Before shaving the razor should be stropped.
    Pull the strop tight. Place the blade flat against the bottom of the strop and drag it diagonally up (with the blade edge trailing), without pushing down to hard. At the top of the strop, flip the blade and drag down in the same manner. Repeat about 12 times.


  • Best to shave after a shower or bath, as a good soaking softens the beard.

  • Wet face with warm water, and work in shaving soap with the brush.

  • Strop razor

Notes: Water should not be too hot, as this will dry out the shaving cream on your face to quickly. If the cream on you face starts to dry out (the last bit you shave may well do) re-apply with the brush.

Most shaving cuts occur for two reasons.

1 - wrong angle. The blade should be at about 30° to the face. To steep an angle and the blade will just go in to your face. To slight and it will not cut.

2 - Skin too slack. Your should always try to pull the skin taught just behind the passage of the blade.

  • Open the razor so that the blade is 270° to the handle. I.E. open it and keep opening it.

  • Hold the razor securely by placing the pads of your index and second fingers on the shank, your thumb under the shank and against the shoulder, the handle raised vertically between your middle and ring fingers, and your ring and little fingers resting inside the crescent-shaped tang.

  • The first stroke should be your left cheek. Start from the top and, stretching the skin taught, shave against the direction of hair growth.

  • Basically get this right and the rest will follow. My best advice is start with the easy bits - cheeks - and over the next few days expand your area of 'comfort'.
    The most difficult bit for me is my chin. I have read that it's best to shave left to right, but I tend towards shaving from under my bottom lip down towards my chin. Then tackle the difficult jaw line by pulling the skiing down so that the bit I want to shave isn't on the edge.

  • The top lip is meant to be hard - you have to increase the angle of the blade to around 50°, but I find it not so bad.

  • Finally, you can go over a second time, after applying either water or more cream, against the hair growth. I normally don't bother these days, as the first cur normally OK, plus the second pass can cause irritation.

  • Rinse your face with cold water, allow to dry naturally or dab with a towel and then apply some moisturiser.

After care:

  • Always clean and dry your razor, and store in a dry place. Any water on it will rust it (if it is steel). Rinse your brush.

  • Any cuts shouldn't bleed to much, the water will stop them. Straight edge razor cuts don't bleed as much as safety razor cuts.

And that's it. I can honestly say that, having always hated shaving, I now look forward to shaving every other day.

Yes, it takes longer; but it is such a great way to start the day - a real ritual. I especially like going camping and making a point of getting a good shave with a small mirror and a billy can.

The other huge bonus is that you will never need to buy a new razor. Disposables cost a fortune these day, whereas a quality second hand straight edge razor (mine is over 50years old) can be found on eBay for £10 - and it will last for ever.

Are You Affected by Mold?

Coming from sunny California, where the air is often dry and it rarely rains, the climate of Georgia is quite dynamic. When it's hot - it's really hot. When it rains - it really does pour. Lightening is exciting and scary - it can be extremely powerful and it feels like it will tear your home apart. The weather in Atlanta affects and influences each day, something that Californian's sometimes take for granted.

One of the first things I noticed in living in Atlanta, was I didn't see any water sprinklers. Where are the water sprinklers, I asked an Atlantan? Every front yard and garden home in LA has water sprinklers. The reply came with a loud hearty belly laugh, "We don't have water sprinklers in Atlanta." " We don't need them!" It didn't take long for me to understand why. It rains often in Georgia, as long as there isn't a draught. Not like Seattle fame, but a few times every week.

The benefit of living in a moist environment, is the beauty of the vegetation and relative cleanliness of the air. Atlanta is like living in a gigantic park. It is lovely. So what's the downside? After it rains, the air is clean, but natural occurring mold spores is the result. That is a temporary phenomena, the mold spores, but more often than not, this moldiness leads to mildew and mold growth. Mold is insidious. Sometimes you can't see it or smell it until it becomes a problem. Mold can grow and cause fungus havoc. Clothes, books, furniture, and your lungs can have detrimental affects to mold. I have treated many patients - young and old - for allergic reactions to mold. In LA, I never saw a person with mold allergies in 23 years. In Atlanta, one in every four allergy patients that I treat has some type of reaction or symptom due to mold. Atlanta Georgia has a middle name - it's Mold.

Atlanta is a great city yet mold allergies are part of life. What are the typical symptoms of mold allergy? Wheezing, cough, difficult breathing, malaise, stuffy nose, itchy watery eyes, mental dysfunction, vertigo and rashes. Mold allergies are often misdiagnosed in children as Asthma. In adults it is misdiagnosed as a cold or influenza. Mold spores proliferate the environment, making it very difficult on people with allergic tendencies. People are often affected by mold and don't know it. Medical doctors do not routinely look for mold allergies. You may ask for a blood test to determine if you an allergy to mold.

The people who complain of allergy symptoms year round are those most likely to have mold allergies, not seasonal allergies. Many trips to the medical doctor could be avoided and much suffering eliminated with a correct diagnosis. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD in his book, Mold Warriors - Fighting America's Hidden Health Threat, presents proof that mold may cause serious illness.

With holistic natural therapy a serious mold allergy can be completely and permanently eliminated without shots or medication. This also helps to prevent future illness, because you're not just treating the symptoms.

You Can Cure Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways. During an asthma attack spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi (small airways in the lungs) constrict, impeding the outward passage of stale air. Asthma provoking allergens include animal dander, chemicals, drugs, dust mites, environmental pollutants, fumes, mold and tobacco smoke. The bronchial tubes then swell and become plugged with mucus in order to isolate the offending allergen or toxins. The swelling of the bronchial tubes further irritates the airways resulting in even greater sensitivity. Symptoms:

Symptoms include difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing, feeling tightness in the chest.


  • Correcting nutritional deficiencies may significantly affect people with asthma. People with asthma may be nutrient deficient in Vitamin B6- supplementation led to significant improvement in children suffering from bronchial asthma. Allergy, 35(2), August 1975, p. 93-97, Vitamin C- Asthma symptoms in adults have been shown to decrease following vitamin C supplementation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61(17), April 23, 1983, p. 649-652, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. We suggest a high quality whole food supplement, like VITAFORCE that is complete and made from whole foods. Make sure you know what you are getting from the nutritional label.

  • Flax seed oil (essential fatty acids needed for production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins - hormone-like chemicals that are important in regulating the inflammatory response),

  • Eat a diet of foods that heal, primarily consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains, include garlic and onions (these contain quercetin and mustard oils which have been shown to inhibit an enzyme that aids in releasing inflammatory chemicals).

  • Drink 8 glasses of distilled water, not at meals, but throughout the day. This helps eliminate toxins and decreases the amount of mucous in the body.

  • Drink organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar 2-4 times a day. This helps cut down on mucous.

  • Keep your home clean using all natural cleaning products. Vacuum regularly and use a wet cloth to remove dust. Look into high quality air filters.

Things to Avoid:

  • All dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc...) as they are a major contributor of toxins and the formation of mucus in the body.

  • All meat (fish, turkey, and chicken too). Major contributors to asthma.

  • All processed and junk foods; loaded food additives and preservatives like sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, and sulfur dioxide which have caused severe attacks in asthmatics.


1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

2) P.J. Collipp, et. al., "Pyridoxine Treatment of Childhood Bronchial Asthma," Ann Allergy, 35(2), August 1975, p. 93-97

3) G.E. Hatch, "Asthma, Inhaled Oxidants, and Dietary Antioxidants," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61(17), April 23, 1983, p. 649-652