The Problem With Allergies
Allergies can be triggered by many substances.
Seasonal allergies (also called hayfever) are often caused by the grass,
tree, and weed pollens that are abundant in spring and late summer.
Other types of allergies can affect your eyes year-round. Allergy symptoms include
sneezing, congestion, and red, watery, itchy eyes.
Why Allergies Occur
Your body's immune system protects you against illness by staying alert for harmful agents entering the body. If this occurs, the immune system protects you by neutralizing, removing, or destroying the harmful agent.
Allergies occur when the immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance, such as pollen or mold, as a harmful agent. The body responds by producing more of certain chemicals to neutralize the substance. These chemicals, called histamines, are what caused the itchy, redness, swelling, and irritation you experience.
Many substances can trigger an allergic reaction. Most allergens that cause eye symptoms are airborne. Plant pollen, mold, dust, and animal dander (skin particles) are the allergens that most often affect the eyes.
Allergies can lead to a condition called allergic conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eye). It may occur at about the same time each year, when the allergen is most abundant
Relief for Irritated Eyes
Short of completely avoiding the allergens that cause your symptoms, it's impossible to escape your allergies. However, you can take steps to relieve your symptoms:
1. Try over-the-counter products such as antihistamine eyedrops to reduce redness, itchiness, and other symptoms. Artificial tears can also help by flushing allergens out of the eyes these products are available at drugstores.
2. When possible, limit your exposure to allergens. Stay inside when pollen or mold counts are especially high.
3. For cleaner indoor air, use air-conditioner filters that are designed to reduce allergens in the air.
4. Ask your health-care provider about other options. For example allergy shots may reduce symptoms and the need for other medication. Prescription medications may also be available.
This article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Only your health-care professional can diagnose and treat a medical problem.
Just throwing in a little bit of a disclaimer there.
This article is just to give you a bit of an overview in regards to allergies, if you think you may have allergies than please consult your physician.
Well as always....Thanks for stopping by, hope this has been helpful to you,
And feel free to leave comments, or ask me questions.
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