Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How My Body Cured Itself Of Allergies And Asthma

I will get to the real cause and what I did about it in a moment.

A story is told of a man that came upon a fast moving river. Hearing screams and seeing flailing arms he realized people were drowning as they passed by. Being a good swimmer he jumped in and pulled out as many as he could. Here was a true hero.

The moral of the story (well maybe not moral but thing to think about) is this: He never took the time to go upstream to see who was throwing them in. This e-book will take you upstream to the real cause of allergies and asthma.

Medicine Saved My Life, Herbs Helped My Body Remove Allergies and Asthma

I love modern medicine. It saved my life many times when I had asthma. So I'm not here to knock medicine. I just believe from my own experience that despite incredible breakthroughs and heroics in medicine sometimes they simply fail to look for the cause. Such was my experience on my path of curing allergies and asthma from my body.

I was amazed that my doctors had no interest in finding out, or even hearing about what I had done to get rid of asthma. And I don't believe their disinterest was because it would threaten their occupation. I just think their training and conditioning was not about looking for a cure, but only in treatment. Or maybe it was because I was only a kid, what did I know?

The Human Pin Cushion

Allergy shots and allergy treatments were a weekly affair from age 8 to age 16. Inhalers and medications were kept in every corner of my life. I remember going to the emergency room one Christmas Eve for adrenaline. My asthma was life-threatening at times. My allergist, Dr Walzer in Bridgeport Connecticut (deceased) gave it his best shot (pun unintended), but to be honest I don't know if it ever made a difference.

The Human Guinea Pig

At age 18 I gave up on the drugs and shots. I still took the drugs as needed, and used an inhaler when needed, but I quit seeing my allergist. I decided to see what Chirporactors and Nutritionists could possibly offer. This led to reading books on nutrition, and I tried the following:

Herbs, cell salts, vitamins, minerals, apple cider vinegar, raw goats milk, protomorphogens (from animal parts), and a host of other things I took. That was in the day when Health Food stores were for wierdos.

After many failed herb, vitamin, and natural experiments While I felt healthier the allergies and asthma were still a part of my life. I decided to accelerate my search.

Fate (or Maybe Luck) Intercedes

In 1977, at the age of 19 I was introduced to a Doctor in Utah by an older friend who was interested in nutrition. This man was said to be a premier Biochemist, Herbalist and Healer. Hundreds of people followed the guy around, and although he was criticized by those wanting to discredit him I spoke with many, many people who had experienced tremendous health benefits.

When I met "Doc" he told me the following:

There are three things causing your allergies:

#1 Your Liver is overproducing histamines because it has too many toxins

#2 Your thyroid is low, and that sets the rate of the liver

#3 Your adrenal glands and lungs are weak (that was no surprise to me but until then I didn't know what to do)

This made total sense because:

I knew about "anti-histamines" because I was taking them to stop allergic responses

One of my symptoms - hard to wake up in the morning - matched the low thyroid symptoms.

My inhaler at the time was epinephrine - an adrenaline-like substance

I begged him to treat me with his herbs and within 3 months of being treated with herbs he gave me to detox my liver, and herbs/nutrients to build my lungs and support my adrenal and thyroid, I was allergy and asthma free.

What was unique was how he formulated herbs to match the frequency of the organs he was treating... in other words rebuilding the lungs, adrenal and thyroid bio-energetically as well as chemically.
And how he incorporated "chelating" herbs which would detox without any side effects by binding the toxins released...

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