When I was young I never suffered from allergies, as many children do today. Unfortunately, however, I grew into my allergies as an adult. When I turned twenty I began to have signs of allergies. My first clue that I had allergies was being around cats. My eyes would be red and swollen. They would itch like crazy. As time went on I seemed to have more and more trouble with allergies and itchy eyes. Once the spring and summer months arrived I was constantly sneezing and still had trouble with my eyes. This was becoming unbearable! So after discussing this with my family and the family doctor, I was tested for allergies. I had to have the allergy test where they put all the needle pricks in your arms to test for different allergies, like pollen, grass, trees, cats and many more. After this test, I was told by the allergist that I was the most allergic person they had had all week! I had environmental allergies and was allergic to basically everything. So they put me on allergy shots. I had them about every week at first and then every two weeks for as long as I can remember. The shots actually did help.
I had heard over the years that pregnancy could help with allergies. I wanted a child terribly for years. During the summer after I married, at 37 years old, I found out I was pregnant. I had been off allergy shots for quite some time, as I was planning to have a child. Well, somewhat to my surprise my allergy symptoms became negligible. During the summer of my pregnancy I had practically no allergy symptoms, which was terrific as far as I was concerned. This continued during my pregnancy and throughout the first two years of my son's life. Unfortunately, the allergies started up again. I am hoping not to have to go back on allergy shots, however due to the fact that I want to try more natural methods of healing.
I have recently learned that low magnesium and vitamin A can cause itchy eyes and allergy type symptoms. I am taking supplements daily to help rectify this, without going back on allergy shots. I am taking a supplement that has a much higher rate of absorption in the body than regular supplements, which can crystallize in the small intestine and cause other problems.
I have also made my home completely free of harmful chemicals and use safer and healthier products for my family. These include safer cleaning products as well as household items. By using safer household products this helps to reduce allergens in the home. I don't have to breathe in the fumes, which make most people choke. I have found that my allergies have subsided overall due to a healthier and more environmentally friendly home. If you would like to find out how to make your home a safer place to live please feel free to contact me at Jann3b@aol.com.
Jill Bernardi-Bromwich
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