Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Asthma - Causes and Cures

Asthma is the disease of the lungs that cause difficulty in breathing and other symptoms. Some symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or rapid breathing. Asthma is caused by inflammation of lungs that make the air ways shrink and in some cases to close completely. The good news is that asthma is a manageable disease and if you have followed the proper information you have nothing to worry.

What causes Asthma

Asthma can be triggered by allergies to things such as dust, pollen, pet animals. You should try to eliminate the attack as finding the cause of the attack is the first step towards controlling this condition.

What you must avoid

  • Cold air in winter months. Protect your nose and throat areas in winter months

  • Excessively dry air

  • Pollen in spring and fall season can irritate air ways leading to breathing difficulty

  • Smoke and dust of any kind

  • Pets in the house can also cause allergies

  • Flu or cold can trigger an attack

Treatments and risks for people with Asthma

Asthma can result in respiratory disorders or problems in breathing accompanied by pain and discomfort. Loss of consciousness from attacks can occur increasing health risks. The two most common treatment options are quick relief medications and long term medications. Medicine for quick relief can stop an asthma attack in minutes. Beta-agonists are largely preferred as they offer a quick remedy but you must carry your medicine all the time to help prevent an attack. Long term medications include inhaled corticosteroids which open the breathing airways and reduce swelling. These medications can also be in the form of steroid tablets or liquid form. You can also use bronchodilators. Leukotriene modifiers can also offer a remedy for mild asthma. Antihistamines are also prescribed for the treatment of asthma. In vary severe cases allergy shots are given. Don't eat foods that trigger an attack, some people are allergic to sulphites in food.

Other natural cures for Asthma

You should try breathing slowly. Drinking tea and water regularly helps in treating asthma to a certain extent. Keep bedding and pillows free of dust by washing in warm water often. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner to keep your home as clean as possible. You should get your allergy tested and see if desensitization shots can help cure the allergy. Avoid smoky places and quit smoking if you do so. Use an air filter if you have to drive or pass through polluted places. Increase your vitamin C intake. Mild exercises like walking or cycling will help improve the cardiovascular stamina. Swimming can also be a very good option in treating asthma. You should avoid sugar addiction, compulsive eating etc. Anxiety triggers asthma and should be avoided. A good emotional management plan will work better in treating anxiety ridden asthma condition. A sense of well being and living in the present are also suggested eliminating asthma.

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