Sunday, June 16, 2013

Air Purifier Addresses Pet and Pollen Allergies

Pet allergies

Allergies to cats and dogs can take over 2 years to develop and can occur at any time, even in those who have had pets previously with no symptoms. Pet allergy can be hereditary, but some exposure is necessary for the allergy to develop and symptoms to be seen. Symptoms of pet allergy include sneezing, itchy watering eyes, skin rashes, wheezing and breathing difficulties. These can be seen for months after exposure to the animal ends.

Pet allergies are mainly caused by skin flakes and by secretions from oil glands in the skin. These are shed naturally and will be found in all areas to which the pet has access. Skin flakes can be transported on clothes to areas where animals have never been, and if they are in soft furnishings can persist for up to six months.

Pollen allergies

Pollen allergies can be treated medically with antihistamines, nasal decongestants and corticosteroids. Nasal irrigation and steam inhalation can be helpful at-home treatments to reduce severity of symptoms. If these are inadequate, desensitization therapy (allergy shots) may provide relief. The patient is exposed to low doses of the allergen so that tolerance builds up. However, this is expensive, takes months before effects are seen, can cause reactions at the injection sites and may not work in all people. Prevention and decreased exposure to pollen is therefore extremely important.

Allergies to pets and pollen are among the most common types of allergy. Up to 15% of the population, or some 45 million Americans, are allergic to animals. The most important thing you can do, and the most effective way to eliminate the effects of pet and pollen allergies is a high quality air purifier. AIRGLE Air Purifiers are widely considered the best, and most effective, air purifiers on the market today.

An allergy occurs when the body has an immune response to a commonly encountered, and often harmless, substance. When there is contact with this substance, for example by touch, inhalation or ingestion, a cascade of reactions starts in inflammatory cells, causing symptoms including sneezing, wheezing and running of the eyes and nose. Allergy symptoms may range from mild to severe and can sometimes even be fatal. The most important thing you can do, and the most effective way to eliminate the effects of pet and pollen allergies is a high quality air purifier. AIRGLE Air Purifiers are widely considered the best, and most effective, air purifiers on the market today.

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