Friday, June 21, 2013

What Makes Seasonal Allergies So Bad Some Years?

Many people who suffer from seasonal allergies often find some years they have little or no allergy symptoms, than the next year their allergies may return with vengeance and they suffer day to day the entire allergy season. This is one reason why people often fail to prepare for allergy season, because the last year was not that uncomfortable for them they do not bother to get their shots or stock up on their medicine. The biggest impact on how a bad the allergy season will be is the weather.

A very wet and rainy spring is often the start of a terrible allergy season. The more rain, the more plant and mold growth there will be. The next ingredient is dry and naturally warm weather. Lastly mother nature blows the pollen and mold spores around, higher winds pick up the pollen and spread it around which is great for plant reproduction but not so great for allergy sufferers.

Obviously there are certain places that are worse to live for people with seasonal allergies. Many people find when they move their allergies go away. Others find that their allergies start once they move to a new place. Some people who have severe allergies will sometimes even relocate to try and escape their allergy symptoms. This years worst city for spring allergies in the United States or allergy capital is Lexington, Kentucky according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The list like the weather varies from year to year in exact ranking but many repeat offenders appear every year.

Keeping a eye on the weather can give you a indication of how bad your seasonal allergies might be but it is best to always be prepared for the worst. Stay informed and check the daily allergy and pollen levels from day to day.

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