Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fat Head - A Homeopathic Perspective

Have you ever noticed that some babies have big heads like Charlie Brown and others have smaller ones? The ones with big heads are often babies who sweat on their heads and the back of their necks. They are the content babies; happy to sit and amuse themselves for hours with less need to be entertained than other children. And when these babies get sick, they are often the ones to get high fevers.

These characteristics are valuable in determining a homeopathic remedy should the fat baby get sick with a fever, for example. In homeopathy we determine which remedy will do the best work by using symptoms. In other words, we don't treat illness, we treat the person who is suffering from the illness. The symptoms are often characteristics of the person. In this case, although a large headed baby is within the range of normal, we still regard the child's appearance since it has been noted over the last 200 years of homeopathic reporting that this is a sign of certain characteristics. This is not to say that a large head is a pathology or is anything of concern, it is simply a description that aids us in predicting and then resolving forthcoming mild ills.

In homeopathy, we consider the symptoms key to the illness and an expression of what is going on in the body. But, the appearance isn't the only factor considered. We might also ask: Is this child hot or cold? Does he get colds often? Is there excessive perspiration? How about the mental state? Is he anxious, irritable or content? All of these idiosyncrasies are the expression of the child that needs to be measured. This is what makes homeopathy so unique and also effective. It views the person, not the disease. Homeopathy is a medical format that instead of covering up the symptoms, stimulates the body's ability to cure itself.

In the case of the baby described above, the remedy is likely to be Calcarea carb. This means that if this chubby-one gets sick, it is has been shown that Calcarea carb will address it in short order. In fact, these children are often the ones to get the high fevers, can be plagued with hernias and can be susceptible to allergies.

Instead of using surgery, drugs or allergy shots, it would be invaluable to contact a professional homeopath to put the little one on the right track. This method is favored for its impeccable record of safety and gentleness. Homeopathic remedies carry no risk and offer nothing but gentle resolve. Homeopathy has been the choice of mothers throughout the world for the last 200 years. It is of particular value when treating common childhood illnesses and viewing the child as a whole is key to the success of treating homeopathically. The remedy Calcarea carb is a very useful remedy for big-headed, phlegmatic, fat babies. It will put this endearing tike in good order so that when illness comes his way, he'll be strongly girded for his life ahead.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

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