Friday, June 14, 2013

You Can Cure Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways. During an asthma attack spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi (small airways in the lungs) constrict, impeding the outward passage of stale air. Asthma provoking allergens include animal dander, chemicals, drugs, dust mites, environmental pollutants, fumes, mold and tobacco smoke. The bronchial tubes then swell and become plugged with mucus in order to isolate the offending allergen or toxins. The swelling of the bronchial tubes further irritates the airways resulting in even greater sensitivity. Symptoms:

Symptoms include difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing, feeling tightness in the chest.


  • Correcting nutritional deficiencies may significantly affect people with asthma. People with asthma may be nutrient deficient in Vitamin B6- supplementation led to significant improvement in children suffering from bronchial asthma. Allergy, 35(2), August 1975, p. 93-97, Vitamin C- Asthma symptoms in adults have been shown to decrease following vitamin C supplementation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61(17), April 23, 1983, p. 649-652, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. We suggest a high quality whole food supplement, like VITAFORCE that is complete and made from whole foods. Make sure you know what you are getting from the nutritional label.

  • Flax seed oil (essential fatty acids needed for production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins - hormone-like chemicals that are important in regulating the inflammatory response),

  • Eat a diet of foods that heal, primarily consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains, include garlic and onions (these contain quercetin and mustard oils which have been shown to inhibit an enzyme that aids in releasing inflammatory chemicals).

  • Drink 8 glasses of distilled water, not at meals, but throughout the day. This helps eliminate toxins and decreases the amount of mucous in the body.

  • Drink organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar 2-4 times a day. This helps cut down on mucous.

  • Keep your home clean using all natural cleaning products. Vacuum regularly and use a wet cloth to remove dust. Look into high quality air filters.

Things to Avoid:

  • All dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc...) as they are a major contributor of toxins and the formation of mucus in the body.

  • All meat (fish, turkey, and chicken too). Major contributors to asthma.

  • All processed and junk foods; loaded food additives and preservatives like sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, and sulfur dioxide which have caused severe attacks in asthmatics.


1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

2) P.J. Collipp, et. al., "Pyridoxine Treatment of Childhood Bronchial Asthma," Ann Allergy, 35(2), August 1975, p. 93-97

3) G.E. Hatch, "Asthma, Inhaled Oxidants, and Dietary Antioxidants," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61(17), April 23, 1983, p. 649-652

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